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Posts by mephias  

Joined: 14 Nov 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 3 Jan 2012
Threads: Total: 10 / In This Archive: 5
Posts: Total: 296 / In This Archive: 181
From: Warsaw, Poland
Speaks Polish?: no

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15 Jan 2009
Law / Poland residency permit / registration questions. [23]

I have a sponsor and they applied for residence permit for me.

I didn't send them any address in Poland as I haven't been there yet, I don't really have an address. Also sponsor company know the situtation and they didn't ask for that ?

Is address a required information ? Is it possible that I live trouble because of it ?
4 Feb 2009
Love / Foreign Men and Polish Girls for Citizenship [59]

Thank God the Polish Govertment has caught on and is only issuing EU Polish Passports once they have been married for 5 years! Germany have let in millions of Turkish Scum and now are paying the price.

Many of the Turkish people who lives in Germany is immigrated to Germany in 70's because Germany was in great need to manpower and German authorities made it easier for workers who has specialized in specific professions.

It was for mutual benefit.

They are liar's and it's a simple case of them trying to flee their pathetic countries to greener pastures.

It seems you never travel abroad from Poland. I suggest you to see Istanbul. I am sure it'll change your mind.

There may be some incidents about people from some country. But if you generalize this incident this is only bad four you and It can only be called as racism.
26 Feb 2009
Feedback / The image of Poland according to PolishForums [90]

I've never been poland and still waiting for work permit to move there.

I am trying to learn as much as I can from Polishforums, the site is really helpfull on the other hand there are many racist posts which makes me worried.

Anyway on the internet people are tend to show their bad sides as it is a virtual environment so I am still hopeful about Poland. It should be better than the image Polishforums has left on me.
20 Mar 2009
News / "Poles want cut on foreign workers" - (in Poland obviously) [47]

Not really, the countries we "governed" wanted us out and were agressive in some cases in their actions, they wanted independence, they got it and most of them can't wait to leave the shitholes they so dearly wanted independence for and want to come the country they hated "governing" them which I always find quite strange.

Sucking someone's blood for a while don't give you right to suck their blood forever. If the countries colonized by you is in a bad situation now, You are also responsible for this. Also having power to conquer or colonize somewhere doesn't mean you are more civilized from them.
20 Mar 2009
News / "Poles want cut on foreign workers" - (in Poland obviously) [47]

America and Aus are fine, they were colonized by Euroepans who stayed there, the only ones that are not are the ones where the indiginous population are, how are we responsible for that? They gained independence decades ago, how long can you blame another for your shortcomings before you take responsibility for your own failings.

I didn't say you are the only responsible. I said you are also responsible. And I am sure you know I didn't mean America and Australia they are very different case (anyway if we think what europeans did to indians and aborigins it still makes sense.)

Cultures are different I agree with you there, but when in this day and age someone is still shitting in an open sewer and bathing in a river you have to ask why? I can only conclude that they are not as civilised as we are in the UK and that they are unmotivated to improve their situation, which I would call lazy and uncivilised by western standards.

These examples are really irrelevant and really has nothing to do with culture or civilization.

Ottoman Empire? Very few nations are without blood on their hands Mephias.

Not more than Brits. Anyway wrong is wrong, I don't defend or proud of this like you.
20 Mar 2009
News / "Poles want cut on foreign workers" - (in Poland obviously) [47]

Why are they irrelevant? They are facts.

Maybe our point of views on culture and civilization is different.


America and Australia is still owned by the Europeans (It's not the locals who rule the land), not like the India which is colonized once but now they are ruling their own country.
20 Mar 2009
News / "Poles want cut on foreign workers" - (in Poland obviously) [47]

Which of those countries would you prefer to live in? Which of those countries have good infrastructure? Of those countries which ones do not hand the begging bowl round when they have a disaster?

So maybe it would be better for India to be massacred by their colonizers like native americans. At least their country would have a better infrastructure by civilized europeans !.

what is your definition of a civilised country?

For me key point is respect to each other and Judging only individuals I don't care whatever people are doing unless it harms me I don't generalize or judge people according to their race.
20 Mar 2009
News / "Poles want cut on foreign workers" - (in Poland obviously) [47]

But because of the state their countries are in it is affecting europe due to mass immigration and this harms europe.

Even in this case immigrants can not be blamed. If it really have a bad effect governments should change the laws accordingly. They can make immigration difficult which they are not doing so maybe immigrants also have positive effects on Europe's economy(governments only care that)

Not at all and you know full well that I didnt mean that.

Agreed, You didn't intented to mean, but because of this difference you can not compare America with India.
2 Apr 2009
Love / Is Indian/Polish relationship possible? [370]

You know that's not, Ok I'll generalize my view. Racism can not have any logical or scientific background and People who defend any kind of racism is uneducated idiots.

I have been reading a few posts of yours, and my question to you is why is it that you need to justify to others about your abilities and your background and the country you come from is equally good to any other nation in the world. If people have closed.....

Spot On.
2 Apr 2009
Love / Is Indian/Polish relationship possible? [370]

bioling pot of multiculturalism where every body hates everybody else around them in the one country they live in..

Yes this shows your disease, Only you hate people others quite healthy.

I can quote anytime I want, I've just read that. You must memorize that post it may help you on your problem.
13 Jun 2009
Travel / First Impressions About Warsaw & A small guide [7]

I came from Warsaw, Poland nearly a month ago. It was such a tiring period but I finally have some free times. And I want to share my first impressions and opinions.



- Many people I met here quite friendly and helpful, First of all thanks to Esek from PF. He helped to find a perfect apartment with a good price and even directly from owner without any agency fees.

- More People than I expected talks and understand English, They also don't get offensive when you talk to them in English. It's also easy to find someone talking in English in Banks and Phone services.

- My flat owner is also very kind, Every time we speak He asks if I need anything.

- Many of them quite kind other than some drunk scumbags you can meet at night.


- Everytime I am out, At least one or two people ask for a cigarette. This is not a negative indeed but something strange for me (And yes unfortunately I am a heavy smoker).

- People in service business I met so far is strange, In hotel I asked for laundry service and I was ready to pay for it but they said laundry is busy for two days :).

Also in some cafes service is too slow and bad (I've been generally in crowded places and I was alone maybe they don't want one person occupy their table). Also in some restaurants I have been, they directly charged the tip (even it was not in the receipt) which is strange behavior for me. I should try to find some places in better quality maybe.

Shopping & Exchange Offices

- If you are a foreigner Don't use the exchange offices in centrum, In my first time I exchanged some money and they paid me % 10 less than normal rate. It was different than the the rate I saw on the panel. I argued but I also didn't have much time so accepted.Later I always exchanged money in Shopping Centers with exact rate.

- I frequently go to Carrefour, but especially meat and chicken never fresh there (generally very close to expiration date). Any suggestion for a better supermarket would be helpful.

Public Transport

- Public transport is very good and understandable. If you know the name of the place you want to go you can easily use busses,trams or subway without any polish knowledge.In every stop there are explanations and maps which are quite useful. I only needed taxi twice when I have heavy loads.


- Many places I've been is green and peaceful, Also my apartment is in a area like that. There are big parks in the city where you can jog. I love the city so far.

Touristic Places

- I have been to old town twice, It is a nice place and I am planning to spend more time there to see all buildings.

To sum up, Warsaw is quite beautiful, peaceful and green place. To whom who may want to see the city I recommend without any hesitation. Negative things that you can face here is something you can face everywhere in the world. I was very much worried before coming here because of negative comments I read in some PF threads but I am happy to see that negative comments has nothing to do with the truth (at least for me ). Also Polish People are very kind and helpful.
14 Jun 2009
Travel / First Impressions About Warsaw & A small guide [7]

Thank you,
And what is "szlugach" ?

And one more question, How I can pay my gas, electricity and aster bills ?

My plan was after receiving bills to pay them using my bank. But my flat owner couldn't find the post box key yet so I don't have any bills and installment number.
25 Nov 2009
History / Poland and Muslims (Tatars and others). [81]


I absolutely agree with you. Unfortunately there are some people in this forum who are trying to heal their inferiority complex by attacking everything other than they are familiar.

Luckily Polish people I've met in my daily life so far very open minded and open to understand different opinions unlike some fools in this forum.
25 Nov 2009
History / Poland and Muslims (Tatars and others). [81]

This kind of problems discussed many time in this forum. I can say most of them not went beyond the cat fight. What is your suggestion then ? What should be done to resolve the issue ?
28 Nov 2009
History / Poland and Muslims (Tatars and others). [81]

This kind of problems discussed many time in this forum. I can say most of them not went beyond the cat fight. What is your suggestion then ? What should be done to resolve the issue ?

First you answer me smart boy. You don't have any solution but you like moaning and humiliating. I can post tones of crime news which is made by westerners too. What it will proove ? I don't support uncontrolled immigration, but is blaming this people all the time the only thing that needs to be done ? What about politicians ?

But it is obvious your only aim is decrying muslim people with some nonsense without thinking about the issue.


Well said I agree with you. It could be part of the solution.
28 Nov 2009
History / Poland and Muslims (Tatars and others). [81]

King Sobieski

Some of them are integrating some of them are not.
I will explain three different scenarios there can be thousands.

Worst scenario
- Muslim family, came to a western country. Parents are not open to changes or any differentiation other than their culture. And they continue interact with people only from their culture. Also their child raise in restricted group and will not interact with other group. In this case all of family will stay intolerant and will not integrate for a very long time.

Better one (long term integration)
- Muslim family, came to a western country. Parents are not open to changes or any differentiation other than their culture. And they continue interact with people only from their culture. But the children interact with some other people from other cultures and if open and clever enough can mix the good side of all cultures in him.

Optimistic one (short term integration)
- Muslim family, came to a western country. Parents are open to changes or any differentiation other than their culture. And they continue interact with people from all cultures. Also they raise their child as a tolerant people. And they make their choices.

But other side of the mirror, I don't see any difference between a racist and fanatic muslim.

I'm not mephias but it's partly because of lack of acceptation by the locals and also that their prayer requirements don't always square with the needs of the working week. They need to pray more often than Christians do.

Food or praying only symbolic part of religion. And normally if someone educated enough (I also mean religious education). This kind of things won't cause any kind of problems for integration. I believe most important part is having friends from all the cultures and to be able to see positive sides in all of them.
28 Nov 2009
History / Poland and Muslims (Tatars and others). [81]

Well, maybe not Turkey then but all the Muslims I have known pray at least 3 times a day. This is a must for them.

Yes also in Turkey, 5 times in a day normally.

Integration is a tricky process, truth be told. I had no real problems integrating here but

Poland is not the most difficult place to integrate :). I came six month ago and I enjoy it :)
28 Nov 2009
History / Poland and Muslims (Tatars and others). [81]

Same rule applies for Kebabs and all other food which you eat in a restaurant you must be selective and careful about the hygiene in the place. In Turkey there are restaurants which has cameras in the kitchen (or has kitchen in visible area of the restaurant) and also clients can observe how the food is prepared.

I don't know if there is any in Poland, or if they have some quality certificate about it.