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Posts by nunczka  

Joined: 13 Sep 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 28 Feb 2013
Threads: Total: 8 / In This Archive: 4
Posts: Total: 457 / In This Archive: 192
From: USA
Speaks Polish?: Honky style
Interests: loafing

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28 Dec 2008
Language / Old Polish Vs New Polish [29]

I was born and raised in the US. I have no trouble with Polish speaking Americans. But I sure get lost on this forum.. I see words on here that I never heard before.
28 Dec 2008
Language / Old Polish Vs New Polish [29]

HA,HA, Yep, thats it.. Polish American Honky talk.

Some more Honky goodies.

Automobile>>>> Cara or machina
Orange>>>>> Anczka

And on and on.. LOL! But it worked for us.. STILL DOES
31 Mar 2009
Love / What are Polish Women like? Just started to date one. [256]

Agacia, You made my day. It is a pleasure to meet a decent woman again. Don'T take any crap from these QUEENS. I suspect they are part of the over the hill group. They are reflecting on day's gone by. HAVE FUN
6 Apr 2009
History / Why will Poland always be the puppet of America? [159]

Poland and the UK both will always be Americas puppets. You guys can ***** all you want. But nothing will change. You use America to save your own skin.

Obama tells a joke, Gordon brown laughs for minutes.
Gordon Brown is insulted in Washington, but no complaint
Both the UK, and Poland sent troops in to fight Americas illegitimate wars

26 Apr 2009
History / POLISH MEMORIES OF CHERNOBYL...April 26th 1986 [32]

What would have eventually happened if Russia did not contain this site in concrete? Does anybody really know? I heard something about the China Syndrome.

What does that actually mean.
26 Apr 2009
History / POLISH MEMORIES OF CHERNOBYL...April 26th 1986 [32]

Scary But if the earths core is melted lava, I have my doubts if anybody really knows. I just hope that we never find out. France seems to be doing a good job with their atomic plants.

Awhile back we had a scare here in the US in PA. a place called three mile island. They eventually contained it, but it scared the hell out of a lot of people
14 Jun 2009
Love / Polish guys who have never had girlfriends [71]

I wouldn't know. I never had that experience. From what I read on this forum, there are not too many girls that I would want to shag on here. Gone are the days when girls were girls and men were men.
13 Aug 2009
Love / Polish Girls negative or positive personality trait? [267]

I saw today a black man obviously of UK origin with a beautiful polish girl and I felt sick

This is very common place in America today. And getting worse all the time. But there are still many white girls wha want no parts of them. Drugs have a lot to do with it.
24 Oct 2009
USA, Canada / Why are there so many Poles in America? [6]

In the early 1900 before WW1 and WW2 there was a great migration of Poles and other Europeans that came to came to America to seek a better life, WHY??

I regret not asking my Father for more details. The things that I do recall hearing were conversations with his Brothers and Sisters about the strife they left behind. Although they talked a lot about Poland, no one had the desire to go back. The same was true on my Mothers side. They loved America. Although life was hard here, there were also opportunities. There was no hunger. Every one had a home, families were raised, and life jusat got better with time. I once asked my Father if he would like to return to Poland. Ha said, Never, I am an American. There are over 20,000,000 Polish descendants in America.

Over a period of time, I noticed a lot of anti American sentiment on this forum. I wonder why our forefathers never saw that?
30 Oct 2009
USA, Canada / American Polonia. Wisconsin - the most Polish state? [112]

Krysia hit the nail square on the head.The original immigrants are all dead. There are still a few of first generation polish Americans around. But we too are dying off. Our kids no longer speak the language much less celebrate the old customs. Poles in America are a dying breed. Chicago is the last refuge to hear the Polish language on a regular basis.
30 Oct 2009
USA, Canada / American Polonia. Wisconsin - the most Polish state? [112]

quote=PlasticPole]If half your family comes from Poland, you are a Pole, even in America. Everyone calls you one so quit with the BSing, Nunczka.[/quote]

So what does that make the other half of your family? Dont that count? PP If I had to bet, I would bet that you cant even speak Polish
27 Jan 2010
USA, Canada / My wife wants to return to Poland...but I want to stay in the US [155]

I read all of the suggestions.?? It's a sad situation.

My take>> From an older guy. Let her go. If you keep her from going, you both will be living in hell. There will never be peace between you two..With luck, she may decide that she made the wrong decision and come back.

This is sad.. I sure am glad that I was never confronted with a situation like this.
Whatever happens, I hope it works out for both of you.. GOOD LUCK
6 Feb 2010
Life / You are Polish if... [433]

When your Grand Father tells you to put a lot of horse radish on your ham sandwich , because it puts hair on your chest. It dont matter if you are a girl
19 Feb 2010

Who needs Easter? My family eat this type of food,all year around. Call it Peasant food or what ever else, but I was raised on it and will eat it until I die.

I was fortunate. As a kid I helped my Mother cook and bake.I remember all of her goodies.
I am often asked for the recipe of a lot of foods, but there are none. Like my Mother,there is nothing written.. It's a handfull of this and a handfull of that. Looking at the finished product is the final test.
4 Apr 2010
History / Battle of Arnhem 64th Aniversay - Polish Paratroopers [10]

Apr 5, 10, 03:20 - Thread attached on merging:
The Poles talking at Market Garden about the Battle at Arnhem

Talking to a Dutch friend, the subject of the Battle at Arnhem came up. Although he was just a kid at that time, he still remembers a lot from what his Father told him.

My question to him was if he ever hear about any discord between the Poles and the British. Below is his reply to me.

Krawczyk: Yes, I have heard of that. The British command has treated the Polish forces who were the biggest group of continental Europe on the Western front badly. The Poles were prohibited to participate in the victory parade in London after the defeat of Germany.

The British and Dutch authorities treated the Polish veterans bad...
22 Apr 2010
USA, Canada / Do Poles feel America is going down the drain? [149]

Here is one American that will tell you that the US is going down the drain. We are being invaded by trash from other countries. At one time we in the US could leave our doors open and never had any problems , real estate values have plummeted due to neglected neighborhoods. The Government sold homes to people who could not afford them. They were foreclosed, boarded up, and turned into crack houses. Our churches disappeared due to this blight.. The streets are no longer safe. The US is a country going through white flight.

Our politicians are crooked.Our Constitution is in peril. The sad part is that both parties share the same responsibility. But there is still hope.. The American people are beginning to fight back.
22 Apr 2010
USA, Canada / Do Poles feel America is going down the drain? [149]


A gated community?? Like ,protected by armed guards??

Try living in a big city like, Detroit, Philly,Baltimore, Richmond, Grand Rapids ETC.
22 Apr 2010
USA, Canada / Do Poles feel America is going down the drain? [149]

Can't think of any of my friends or co-workers getting robbed either...

Oh come on now.. You are speaking a lot of rubbish. Miami is a hell hole away from the beach, Did you ever walk through South Chicago at night? Away from the larger cities Florida is safe (So far)
23 Apr 2010
USA, Canada / Do Poles feel America is going down the drain? [149]

I see no problem with living in a gated community. I live in Florida in a deed restricted community. , So what is wrong with living in a safe and clean inviroment? Most of us in America live in our own homes. Not like in Poland where most live in flats. Keeping our property safe and clean keeps our real estate at a high level.

As far as guns go. Almost every one that I know owns one. But we dont go around shooting every one.. It's true, we have our criminal element.. Thats why we choose gated communities.. To keep the scum out.
25 Apr 2010
USA, Canada / A few things Polish people can do in Florida... [10]

I am sorry to say that the above mentioned places are not the same as we remember up north. I am a first generation American Pole. Like all the other Dziadeks, we are dying off. Even Maly Wladziu is gone. He played at a lot of affairs where we old Pollacks attended here in Florida. Octoberfests draw a lot of old timers and those that are old enough to remember..Our kids have no knowledge of the Polish language anymore.Sooo! As far as the good old time Polish affair s go. I have to say that they are just about gone.