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Joined: 17 Jun 2008 / Female ♀
Last Post: 29 May 2009
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15 Aug 2008
News / What is wrong with Poland that Poles emigrate? [167]

I'll try to answer the topic question on my personal example.
I'm Polish, going to graduate at a state university in 2 years (in Poland state Universities mean higher level that private schools). Supposing I don't get the job at the university, I can either choose to stay in Poland or to go to UK.

If I stay:
-I'll probably get a crappy job far below my qualifications. I'll try to make it up by taking some odd translation jobs and giving private English lessons but anyway, I won't be able to afford moving out from my grandma's and renting a flat. But if I am, then I won't have enough money for anything more than food & accommodation. On the other hand, if I get a job for a person with my qualification, I will not be in a better financial situation. A plumber earns more money in Poland, than, e.g. a teacher or a doctor.

If I go:
-I'll probably get a crappy job far below my qualifications. But I'll be able to pay for food (even eating out often), accommodation and still, I'll be able to afford going out, buying books and CDs, clothes and I will not fear if I have enough money to survive till the next month. But if I get a job that suits my qualification - I actually know a well-educated young Pole who has one - I'll get much more money and I'll be able to afford such luxuries as a nice-looking flat, a reflex camera with good lenses, cool clothes, trips abroad, a professional synthesizer on hire purchase and other stuff.

What's more, I won't be scared to admit shameful things like 'I don't go to church' or 'I actually don't think abortion is a crime' and I'll be able to wear clothes I like to wear more than once a year because there are less intolerant bastards in the UK than in Poland and they feel less secure (please, don't name the Sophie Lancaster case as a counter-argument because we had similar things in Poland, too)

My dad works in the UK, so I've got an insight about what an immigrant life is like there. And, to be honest, Poles I met there didn't get worse jobs in England than they would get in Poland with the same qualifications. Right, a lot of Poles have no choice than washing the dishes but they are either uneducated, so they can't get better job anyway, or they are students who take holiday jobs. If you look for employment for more than 2 months, speak English well and have a university degree, you really can find something better than washing the dishes. Maybe not a dream job, but you won't get a dream job in Poland either.

So "should I stay or should I go?"
15 Aug 2008
News / What is wrong with Poland that Poles emigrate? [167]

Really, hard to say what M.A. in English Philology qualifies for formally. I can be a professional translator -unlike those who usually translate books, films or TV shows and make ridiculous errors. I can write book reviews but I'm afraid I'd be too professional for it - literary criticism in scholarly journals would be more appropriate. I can practically be a language teacher. But I'm rather thinking about one of those jobs to which the requirement is non-specified 'higher education' (I've seen a lot of job advertisements like that).

So, anything to do with language, literature and culture. Maybe something in press or publishing?

But I'd get most satisfaction from conducting English Literature classes in England ;-)
15 Aug 2008
News / What is wrong with Poland that Poles emigrate? [167]

In fact I hope I'll be able to get the job at the university and grow old as a crazy professor. But if I don't, I'll fly to my dad's and try to start a new life with some silly job, move out, look for something better... I'm sure it will be easier in the UK than in Poland.
21 Aug 2008
News / What is wrong with Poland that Poles emigrate? [167]

Advice for anyone looking for a job. Agency should be the VERY last resort.

Thank you. I'll think about it looking for a job.

Migrant workers can take all the agency jobs if they like. I wouldn't envy them.

Hmmm... I think I'll find some better way to steal jobs from poor discriminated native Brits.
25 Aug 2008
News / What is wrong with Poland that Poles emigrate? [167]

...is rubbish according to the 10 or so doctors i've met. (but perhaps the plumbers own the clinics). Perhaps you meant if doctors only work in a hospital? Doctors make pretty good money when they work privately compared to plumbers working privately.

Yes, you're right. Doctors in practice earn much more because they work in several places. But I don't think a doctor should work that much - it's hard to concentrate when one's so tired.
23 Sep 2008
Life / School system in Poland? [59]

I can tell you what they are like in liceum:
Foreign languages (usually English + one other language)
Information Technology
WOS (Knowledge about Society) - sounds like Sociology, but it's more about the political and legal system in Poland
Przysposobienie Obronne - (military training?), you learn how to put your gas mask on, some stuff about military service, and later, you learn some first aid

Przedsiębiorczość (Enterprise) - how to set up a business + basics of economy
Physical Education
Religion (i.e. Roman catholic) - a student may not attend if the parents consent

In Gimnazjum it's quite similar, but you don't have Enterprise and PO
24 Sep 2008

It should be. But the practise is different.

It is an inanimate noun ('cause it is, right?) and it doesn't end with 'a' or 'o' or 'e' or 'ę', so it's masculine.

People use this word not as an acronym but as if it was a 'normal' noun 'esemes'. If it was 'esemes' it would be inanimate masculine. And 'normal' words are more natural in use that acronyms, so in colloquial language people treat it as a 'normal' word.
6 Oct 2008
Life / Disco Polo - No No No No No! [95]

When it was in and a lot of people listened to it, I hated it. But now I have a lot of laugh over it! It's so horrible that it's hard to take it seriously. I like it at parties: this 'music' is perfect for taking the p*ss out of it and having good time.
26 Oct 2008
Life / POLISH YOUTH compared to the youth in other Western countries? [57]

Typical Polak attitude. Who pissed in your cornflakes?

Can't you really see the stupidity of your question? Let me enlighten you: the only thing that all Polish youth have in common are nationality and young age. In all other respects they present various features, they come from differents backgrounds, have different attitudes and lifestyles. Some are begging for money for drugs on train stations, others have never seen drugs in their lives. Some find a new partner in a disco and have sex with them in the loo every Saturday, and some stay virgins until marriage. In some backgrounds some of these behaviours are considered normal, in some - unacceptable. So asking about Polish youth as a whole is stupid.
2 Nov 2008
UK, Ireland / Hand washing at public toilets in the UK [75]

Gosh I wouldnt wash my hands in a public toilet anywhere if you paid me to, its very dangerous,

Yeah, it can kill you. Ever heard about this?
14 Nov 2008
Study / American Muslim girl thinking to go to Medical school in Poland... [87]

I don't think you're going to have to deal with skinhead idiots while going to med school.

But if you happen to dress too different from the crowd, people are going to accost you or shout out stupid comments about you in the streets. The best thing to do is to ignore them.

Do you wear a kerchief or any traditional clothes?
14 Nov 2008
Study / American Muslim girl thinking to go to Medical school in Poland... [87]

AFRICAN American

Yes, I wear traditional Islamic clothing (headscarf, skirts, and or long dress shirts and pants).

There might be a problem. Not at Medical Uni, where idiots have no access, but in the streets, shops etc. - it can be irritating. There aren't too many non-white people in Poland, so you're going to attract attention, anyway; and people can be very rude to people who wear clothes that are different from average. So you must be prepared to be stared at, called names etc.

I live in £ódź, so if you've got any specific questions, PM me.
15 Nov 2008
Study / American Muslim girl thinking to go to Medical school in Poland... [87]

Natural? I can't see any justification for verbal abuse or taunts just because someone looks different. It's natural to pay attention or to peep at somebody who looks interesting, but people don't limit themselves to staring.

I'd like to see more 'martians' in Polish streets. What I love about UK cities was the fact that people wear whatever they want in the streets - alternative fashion, ethnic clothing; Pakistani women with their beautiful colourful gowns, traditional African clothes, anything, Muslim women in burkahs - and nobody pays attention. In Poland it's enough to wear a hat to provoke taunts.
15 Nov 2008
Study / American Muslim girl thinking to go to Medical school in Poland... [87]

I live in £ódź and I'm a goth, so I know where and how people react to individuals who dress different. I have several years' experience in standing out in Poland; I also know other people who look different and their experiences.

I even don't dress in a shocking way (usually). I used to wear more fancy clothes, but now I've got tired of it. People sometimes get at me just because I wear a big hat or a long black coat. You don't need much to attract attention and provoke aggression.

I've never paraded in traditional Muslim clothing but I know one thing: the more you stand out, the more irritating the taunts get. It's something one can't cope with, but it might be a bit of a culture shock for someone who comes from a multicultural society. That's why I'm writing about it.
29 Nov 2008
Life / Importance of Religion in Poland [187]

There are many religious people who actually can say why they follow this or that religion. This is how you can tell someone deeply religious and conscious of their choices from someone who blindly follows some rituals and repeats phrases they don't understand.

You are expecting answers about faith from other people, but it is in vain.

Have you ever talked to a Jehovah Witness? Each of them can give you a whole lecture on why they follow this faith.

Can you define God? Can you describe God? No, you can`t.

That view is closer to agnostic than Catholic.
As far as description is concerned, most Christians describe God as merciful, almighty, just, all-knowing, full of love, wise etc.

Do you go to other forums and ask people: Why are you Buddhist?? What is Jewish faith?

There's no need - they willingly talk about it without asking.
30 Nov 2008
Life / Importance of Religion in Poland [187]

And they tell you about it? :):):) They haven`t given up yet? :):):)
They must be people of great enduring faith.

Why would they give up?
13 Dec 2008
Life / Polish and Slavic Art [48]

Oh, yeah, I spend quite a lot of time in the museum, sitting in front of the original and staring at it in amazement. Here, the size matters!

A great painting.
13 Dec 2008
Life / Polish and Slavic Art [48]

How did Krakow end up with a Leonardo Da Vinci?

more or less:

In 1800 prince Adam Jerzy Czartoryski bought the painting and gave it as a present to his mother, Izabela Czartoryska. It was on display in the Gothic House in Puławy. During the November Uprising it was taken to Paris. In the end of the 19th cent., circa 1880 it was brought to Kraków to the Czartosyski Muzeum that was founded there. In 1939 the painting was stolen by the German occupants and it served as a decoration in the Wawel residence of Hans Frank, next, it was taken to Germany, from where, in 1946, it was again brought back to Kraków.
21 Dec 2008
Language / Chodzic versus Isc. When and why? [18]

to put it simply

chodzić: to go
iść: to be going

Chodzę do fryzjera - I go to the hairdresser's.
Idę do fryzjera - I'm going to the hairdresser's.
22 Feb 2009
Genealogy / Why Polish aren't white?? [272]

It just reminded me of a cartoon in one of my school handbooks:

A black couple wearing some kind of traditional African clothes is standing in front of a clerk in a Polish office. The woman is holding a baby (as black as the parents). The clerk says (in a balloon): "Well, if you both have got Polish citizenship, it means Makumba is Polish, too".