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Posts by Barney  

Joined: 26 May 2008 / Male ♂
Warnings: 1 - O
Last Post: 18 Oct 2024
Threads: Total: 17 / In This Archive: 8
Posts: Total: 1638 / In This Archive: 1040

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18 Jul 2008
Travel / Poland in photo riddles [3134]

What is it?

Its the baltic sea coast looking towards Finland
18 Jul 2008
Travel / Poland in photo riddles [3134]

Whose animal is this skull?

Polar Bear

Nope. Remember the picture was taken in the Aquarium
29 Nov 2008
Life / Importance of Religion in Poland [187]

I would imagine that religion in Poland is intertwined with politics I believe that what it means to be religious is extremely difficult to disentwine from nationality. With respect to Catholicism it would be interesting to explore whether the particular brand of Christianity would have done more or less to reinforce polish nationalism in the long years of occupation.

The survival of the Polish identity from salons in France to seemingly meaningless individual acts of resistance is critical in this discussion. Without them the language and perhaps much else would have been lost. This perhaps would have left a legacy of we are catholic you are not therefore we are different and better.

The political power of religion cannot be underestimated it governs wealth creation and distribution.
29 Nov 2008
Life / Importance of Religion in Poland [187]

I also have found that Spiritual people dont give a hoot about others beliefs. Thats the way I like it.
The best way to convert people is to batter them and shout it really works!!
14 Apr 2009
Work / What jobs pay 10,000 zlotych per month? and Where can i find one? :o) [101]

Teaching English is a scam, every second English speaking person claims to be an English teacher. I was always coming across people claiming to earn X amount. In reality I made more money cleaning windows and scooping crap out of peoples pools than TEFL people did.

Most schools are run by dodgy characters and most teachers cant see further than staying another nine months. Basically they are all bored out of their scones. I never saw the point of staying in another country just to stay in that country. If you can make a good life fair play, you are lucky. Think further than wanting to own your own school.
10 Jun 2009
History / The Celts in Poland. [71]

Culture moves faster and further than people.

Very true.

From the Urnfield and Bellbeaker peoples of the east to the Megalithic erectors along the Western European littoral, successful cultures have expanded through cultural dominance. Renfrew et al pointed out in their work on Neolithic Britain, coupled with Kirk's work on the behavioural environment, that it took the surplus of 50 farmers to feed one non farmer. Now think how many man hours it took to build Newgrange.

What became known as Celtic culture from the Hallstatt period through to the full blown La Tene culture and beyond radiated like ripples in a pond. Today’s Celtic fringe was a latter day Celtic backwater.

There are two interesting things in the map above firstly the Basque land is not highlighted and secondly the "Island" in Anatolia. In this latter region there are many carvings depicting high Celtic art. This came about through the use of Celtic mercenaries who latter settled. We all know of these people from St Paul's letter to the Galatians
18 Jun 2009
Life / Polish plantlife and similar flora where you live. [81]

plastic bottles

They act like mini green houses. In this case they are protecting sweetcorn mainly from wind. Wind damage is a much underestimated problem with all plants.

The climbers are doing well I've built a wire "cage" so that they can reach the house. I've had ripe grapes but they are tiny so I'm training some of the vine into the greenhouse. The Tomatoes, Peppers and Cucumbers wont be bothered.

Now is the right time to take climber cuttings. Choose a piece not too soft, not too hard and poke it into soil/compost mix and keep wet. It should root easily.

I stare into space a lot when smoking at the back door. One has to learn the art of looking at nothing and everything. It helps to get the wee wheels in your head going the right way.

From my plot: Why Strawberries are called Strawberries.

The straw is to keep the fruit off the soil, retains moisture in the soil and stops slugs/snails from eating them.

  • Strawberries.jpg
3 Jul 2009
Life / Polish plantlife and similar flora where you live. [81]

My tasty beautiful cherries are half destroyed

Yep removing the rotten ones is a good thing to do. You can apply a natural fungicide called "Bordeaux Mix" its a copper based product so natural and approved by the organic society. It comes as a powder you mix in a sprayer then apply, it may help, but removing rotten cherries by hand is the best way.

I use this on Potatoes to prevent blight. It's the only spray I use.

On a side note there is a variety of Blight resistant Potato from Hungary that it starting to take off here.

You really dont have to use insecticides, pesticides or weed killer I find that they are more of a costly problem than a benefit. Old time gardeners tend to be like Chemical Ali cos that is what they were taught. My Polish friends tell me that there is a more enlightened attitude among veg growers there.

now I admitted a crime of importing foreign plants from abroad

I did the same with an Aronia (Choke berry) bush from Poznan, it's doing very well.
17 Jul 2009
Love / How to propose to Polish women? [17]

you MUST ask her father for her hand

.....and he says....you have had everything else you can have the hand as well.
9 Oct 2009
UK, Ireland / Sad life of a Polish migrant in the UK. Ch. 5 - Racism [259]

Without getting into anything else at the moment, you plagiarised most of that from Z_darius' Post #122 (with your own twist).

As per usual, I have links galore to back up my claims

Spurious headlines cant deputise for an argument.
9 Oct 2009
UK, Ireland / Sad life of a Polish migrant in the UK. Ch. 5 - Racism [259]


To suggest that your post has no genesis in the previous post is disingenuous.


This is just a meaningless PC slogan. It has no value whatsoever. In fact a lot of people become racists when they come to know others better and decide the others, their culture, habits and values are undesirable.

Race obviously does exist, to say other wise is nonsense. Stereotypes do not suddenly appear "out of nothing." They are based on a persons experiences with other people of certain races, social classes, or whatever else. Our brains generalise based on the experiences and past encounters we have had with each group.


Some say that racism is whatever-phobia. Yes it is. One of the most powerful driving forces in biology is fear. Its function is survival. That's why we eat (we don't want to die of hunger) or withdraw out hand when it's exposed to fire (we don't want our hand to be burnt

If we ignore our stereotypes then we are ignoring our own experiences and choosing ignorance over knowledge, a recipe destined for failure. No one would expect you to put your hand back in a fire after being burned dozens of times,


And it is also true when it comes to things such as skin color, family tradition etc. The tendency has been to preserve some of the defining qualities of various groups. That's why white people have been killed by non-white natives around the world, and that's why whites killed even more non-whites.

We see the result of this brainwashing every day in the crime reports when yet another European is *victimised because they have chosen to ignore their stereotypes about certain races.

The first poster presented a structured argument, you rehashed the same Ideas (and lost the meaning). You need to understand what intellectual plagiarism is
19 Oct 2009
News / Mass immigration to Poland - article and response [479]

However I'm glad that you confirmed my logically consistent assumption that in ethnic districts racism is inevitable.

Because you type it doesnt make it logical. It is an assumption and you probably are consistent in that guess.

So, higher civilization should serve as an example.

What happens when the crazy ethnics consider their civilization "higher"?

If not the Catholic Church Europeans could not stand up from barbarity that they were trapped after collapse of Roman Empire.

You have the Irish to thank for that.....you know the Irish and their crazy ethnic names.
20 Oct 2009
News / Mass immigration to Poland - article and response [479]

You cannot deny

I do.
You have an opinion not authority still there was nothing logical in what you said however much you want to believe it.

What would be really dumb? To claim that all civilizations are equal.

It’s all relative if you take an absolutist view you end up with two sets of people shouting "Heathen" at each other. I am however glad to see you having a Eurocentric viewpoint.

As a Polish person I would have thought that you may have some insight into being at the wrong end of the microscope. I do that is why I mentioned Ireland’s role in re-evangelising Europe. Not emotion just perspective.
20 Oct 2009
News / Mass immigration to Poland - article and response [479]

Can anyone tell me the benefits of multiculturalism?

You are very confused, on the one hand you argue against "laissez faire, open economic systems” yet on the other you "want to know why the left want this mass immigration."

You seem to be blaming left and right at the same time. All that is clear is that you dont like multiculturalism.

Migration is a product of open markets so one such benefit could be the cheap computer (Not a low blow) you are typing on or commodities like Silver (Low Blow).

In the 1970's the developing world had a higher standard of living than it does today so we got more stuff and they collectively became poorer. What do you want to trade off?

This idea that multiculturism is a product of the left is laughable.
What the "Bleeding Hearts" are saying is that people deserve a level playing field.
20 Oct 2009
News / Mass immigration to Poland - article and response [479]

Might as well make a few quid out of the system before it all goes tits up.

Hypocritical response ignoring the part you play in the system you despise.

Nothing cheap about this, boy.

I can assure you that your machine was a lot less expensive than it would have been otherwise, I thought you were old enough to remember or are you too busy with your "shotgun" and the Tallaghban?

Immigrants have more than a level playing field. They are fully backed by legislation, hundreds of government bodies, quangos and agencies

The Developed world has more than a level playing field. They are fully backed by legislation, hundreds of government bodies, quangos and agencies

So, Barney, no tangible answers? Thought not. Next.

You dont seem to understand how the real world works, I suggest you do a bit more reading and a lot less shouting and maybe just maybe the idea that "they" did it to you will go away.
20 Oct 2009
News / Mass immigration to Poland - article and response [479]

Its known as covering ones hole.

I prefer the word hypocrisy.

Whats your problem with Tallaght?

I have no problem with any part of my country, can you say the same? I thought I would help you with the naming of your fantasy "Youth of Ireland shall arise" militia.

If you want to discuss fair trade and a fairer deal for the developing world, start a thread on it.

You really cant see how the two are related.

Bit rich to be calling for multiculturalism, like you have in other threads, when you do not reside in the state.

The thread is about Mass immigration to Poland, Part of the EC. If you want to live in a fantasy land where European countries have, individually, a smaller shout than collectively, dream on. Strangely I am also opposed to the Lisbon treaty and the undemocratic re- running of the referendum but I live in the real world.

"diversity", "enrichment", "vibrancy" and "colour."

Do you copy everything from the back of cereal boxes?

Look at the great cities of the world and tell me why they are great.
You and the other partitionists in Leinster house made a mistake embracing Globalisation live with it and stop crying.

Like Jonathan Woodgate, you have no other idea to get in the way of the one you have.

I’m talking about absolute poverty, while linked to birth rate, it is largely determined by other factors.
21 Oct 2009
News / Mass immigration to Poland - article and response [479]

And you are still living in the 1940s. The roles of the left and right have changed dramitically since then.

Lesser is correct in pointing out your populist hypocritical stance, neatly slotting people into pigeon holes

One doesn't exclude another. Beside of that, this is just your opinion! :)

Well spotted, note that I dont claim authority:)

I won't change my mind until somebody provide convincing argumentation.

Its always good to agree:)

By the way, why are you glad because of my Eurocentric viewpoint?

Because I believe Poland's future is in Europe, with the population you have you have a big say. The Lisbon treaty is bad for smaller nations cos it concentrates power in fewer hands.

I'm glad that you confirmed my logically consistent assumption that in ethnic districts racism is inevitable.

I still refute this statement I believe it’s for you to "prove".**

Non-Protectionisn is a big sell good luck, people wont swallow it (quoting you) "Perhaps I'm a bit cynical but at least more realistic"

Edit: Do you mean racism between locals and migrants? If so I thought you meant something else. Different people living together always have problems this is a logical view.
21 Oct 2009
News / Mass immigration to Poland - article and response [479]

Migration is largly a product of failed economic policies determined by the technology available at the time in question.

The problem I have with economic liberalism is that it leads to monopolies reducing choice and promoting disasters such as famine. I believe that certain checks and balances are necessary and a degree of socialised planning and indeed ownership is required. After all if it’s good enough for armed forces and the police its good enough for basic human needs such as water services, health etc.

I agree with a lot of what you say but I dont agree with the mechanics.
22 Oct 2009
News / Mass immigration to Poland - article and response [479]

Please explain why India's main export their male population then?

The answer is in that that you quoted.

these people are savages

You are so consistent, you never disappoint.

My problem is out sourcing to 3rd word countres

That is not your only problem.
Talk to your government if you have a problem with the economic policies that provide you with the lifestyle you have.

Im waiting!

I'm not
23 Oct 2009
Love / Are all Polish men Psychos? [111]

I also have some missing teeth

I've got all mine and they are where they should be....in a glass in the bathroom:)
24 Oct 2009
News / Mass immigration to Poland - article and response [479]


I disagree with your analysis, you assume that big corporations are inflexible. You have built a floating ad hoc clause into your argument. I.e. there is a natural size to which any organisation can grow unless sustained by outside factors. I simply don't believe this. With good management any entity can be dynamic enough to dominate and I believe we have seen this throughout history.


There was a thing Bonnie Greer said on the TV (related to the other thread the other night, once heard it seems obvious.
She correctly said that The Roman Empire was multicultural. It was quite successful.
25 Oct 2009
News / Mass immigration to Poland - article and response [479]

A multi-ethnic society is a lot different than a multi-cultural society.

You cant have your cake and eat it. You are a racist who doesnt seem to like anyone outside of Jobmount Street or whatever address you posted. You are also very dim.

Culture comes from the people, that’s what identifies a society otherwise you wouldnt have Celtic,Slavic,Mayan etc civilisations. Now if you look at the spatial distribution of any of those societies you can see that they encompassed many ethnicities* each with their own culture**.

The plethora of cultures in these societies was dependant upon local conditions (climatic, geological and geographical). That is why you have particular Roman artefacts identified as, for example, typically African, Iberian, Anatolian or whatever. The unifying thing about Rome, the thing that made it so successful, was the laws (central control) over the many cultures not one unifying culture.

Ethnicity based upon DNA, as you are fond of quoting (I call it Kennel papers)

I have a book about farming implements in Ireland and the diversity of, for example, Turf spades is amazing; One ethnic group with many diverse cultural artefacts.

So The Roman Empire was multicultural.
25 Oct 2009
News / Mass immigration to Poland - article and response [479]

To find one good manager and convince him to be loyal is a success.

All entities require managers, I think you said that you were a monarchist, surely they also need managers all be it with funny names. I cant see them being any better than Republican managers. If all managers can be corrupted your vision fails.
12 Nov 2009
Life / How Polish are you? [74]

You are 9% Polish!

You are not Polish at all or you don't deserve to be. If you are not Catholic, you have refused the truth, Jesus Christ, God and Poland. Catholicism is the national religion of Poland.If you can't speak Polish, you are definetly not Polish!

There is a second

You are 100% Polish ;)!

You are so Polish...! You should be proud and happy. Go get yourself some good Polish kielbasa, couple of friends and beer--and celebrate. Polish style. :)