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Joined: 24 Sep 2012 / Male ♂
Last Post: 10 Apr 2013
Threads: Total: 54 / In This Archive: 41
Posts: Total: 420 / In This Archive: 267
From: USA Shelby Township, MI
Speaks Polish?: yes
Interests: everyhting pertianing to Poland, Polonia, Poles and things Polish

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1 Oct 2012
History / Welcome to Lemmingrad! [59]

How many of them read Rzepa? If your circle of acquaintances are limtied to the GW ghettto, then no wonder!
1 Oct 2012
History / Welcome to Lemmingrad! [59]

It has become common parlance: Andzej Sikora, Mietek Kwiatkowski, Roman Szulc, Ewa Mitra, Ala Wilk, Jan Kozłowski, Krystyna Mazur, Michalina Szewczyk, Andrzej Knot, Andrzej Szczygieł, Anna £abędzka, Kuba Bystrowski, Robert Mastalski, Adrian Knapik.... I can add more when I think oif them... Believe it or not, I did not coin the term.. If you're unfamilair with it that only means you do not fraternise with real Poles, only fringe-goup yuppies, careerists, toadies and others brown-nosing the powers that be.
1 Oct 2012
History / Welcome to Lemmingrad! [59]

So you equate with Lemmingrad?
Remember: only idiots say never! The time is drawing near when the Tuskist scammongers will be swept away by the broom of honesty, righteousness and transparency. The CBA will ride again!
1 Oct 2012
News / A new AWS (Poland Solidarity Movement)? [54]

I had big hopes for the "young SLD"...b

So your ideal party would be a cross bnetween the ex-commies and the Palikmiot crowd with Grodzka for President and Biedroń as PM? Good luck. You'll need it!
1 Oct 2012
Food / How natural is food in Poland? [25]

Thanks for that input. Teh average stiff has little choice in the matter. Unless you raise your own pigs and chickens on your own farm or działka and feedc them only the grain, maize, potatoes, etc. you yourself have raised without the benefit of pesticides and chemical fertiliser. But even farmers are tempted by the high yield promise of chemcial fertilisers.
1 Oct 2012
History / Welcome to Lemmingrad! [59]

Poles have often found ways of distressing their oppressors. During the occupation there was 'Hycler kaput' graffiti, or they would change the 's' to an 'l' in Nazi sloganms to spell out 'Deutschland liegt an allen Fronten'.

Duirng martial law it was said that Poland was going to be renamed Ubekistan... the new currency would be the Jaruzel or 30 pieces of silver, adn the new PRL man would be called Homo-Zomo.

Now people are saying that Warsaw's name has been changed to Lemmingrad.
1 Oct 2012
News / A new AWS (Poland Solidarity Movement)? [54]

Only accoriding to the leftist-liberal-libertine PC ideology to which I do not subscribe. The Poles use the term przypadłość.
But I do not quesiton your right to disagree with the Catholic position on this, This is a free country.
1 Oct 2012
Food / How natural is food in Poland? [25]

It was meant tongue-in-cheek....a translation of 'Aby wilk był syty i owca cała' (but proverbs are often untranslatable). Maybe an equivalent might be: Have your cake and eat it.
1 Oct 2012
News / A new AWS (Poland Solidarity Movement)? [54]

If JK is homosexual, than I truly feel sorry for him and hope he is coping with his disability. At leastzhe is not a declared deviant like Bierdoń who sends out a dangerous message to young people that it's OK, it's a lifestyle option, it's lots o' fun, bla-bla-bla...

Did you know that Jarosław and Lech visited Adam M. at the home of the treasonous Soviet collaborator Szechter.at one of the luxury VIP flats reserved for commie bigwigs. Dunno if Rajmund was in the PZPR, but he surely was never appointed to head the West Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic. Even your biased self can see the difference in scope and scale.
1 Oct 2012
Food / How natural is food in Poland? [25]

Of course not only the food industry, but noithing is more crucial to human existence and health than food, so potentially harmful chemical short-cuts are more dangerous than poorer quality car upholstery.

Yes and no. Adulterated can mean a cheap filler or something than is not necessarily a chemical. Schemizować (to infuse with chemicals) is more precise. I suppose one could say 'chemcially adulterated' and then the wolf would feel fed and the sheep would be whole.
1 Oct 2012
Life / Poles' atttiude towards broken Polish [9]

Some nations feel flattered and happy to hear a foreigner trying to speak their language and bend over backwards to understand them and compliment him on how well he is doing.

Others are resentful when a foreigner mangles their beautiful national tongue and may react by pretending they don't understand or ridiculing him for it.

What has been your experience with Poles in this regard?
1 Oct 2012
News / A new AWS (Poland Solidarity Movement)? [54]

I'm sure he will, but first Delph will surely want to tell you about the evil Michnik clan: dad, mum & bro and how it all rubbed of on the Jaruzelski-loving Adam.
1 Oct 2012
Food / How natural is food in Poland? [25]

Yes, but what these things actually does and how they it interacts with other preservatives, flavour enhancers, clouring agents and other additives remains unknown. In fact the infuential food lobby has successfully pressured the FDA to relax soem of its requirements.

But my basic question remains: is Poland's factory-made food of Anno Domini 2012 any less chemicalised* and therefore superior to what we have in Germany, the UK, US, etc.?

*Anyone got a better equivalent for the Polish schemizowane?
1 Oct 2012
History / Poland-Lithuania would we be better off together? [16]

I read recently that Lithuania's ethnic Lithuanian popuilation had dropped to 3 million... No wonder they feel threatened by the Russian and Polish element. We find the restrictive anti-Polish measures (spelling, education) repressive but they see them as a bid for national survival
1 Oct 2012
Food / How natural is food in Poland? [25]

I wonder if factory-made Polish food nowadays is any less chemicalised than what is sold in the West. Reading the labels on Polish products makes one's head stand on end. It may be convneiently hiddne beneath a flap of packaging material or in very tiny print, barely legible without a magnifying glass. Then you find words such as stabilizator, regulator kwasowości, emulgator, wzmacniacz smaku, aromat B239, dioforan disodowy, wodorowęglan amonu, wodortlenek sodu, substancje spulchniające, and all kinds of ethyl phenylglycidate, ferric sodium pyrophosphate, E 503, E 500 , E 40, etc. which don't ring a bell to anyone without a chemistry degree. There are also stealth descriptions such as nature-identical, NATURAL FRUIT FLAVOURS, cotnains Real Fruit Juice, or ALL NATURAL INGREDIENTS and NO PRESERVATIVES ADDED. This does not mean there are no harmful additives in the product. By using these words, the manufacturer hopes you'll think these are healthy, natural products and buy them. NEVER FORGET - THE FOOD INDUSTRY HAS ONLY ONE CONCERN: Maximum $$$$$, €€€€€, ₤₤₤₤₤, zł zł zł zł zł...

The FDA and similar instituions ion optehr countries test these ingredients individually and approves them. They do not test interaction of countless chemical additives we ingest in different foods each day that can cause cancer and other problems. Here is a useful link:

1 Oct 2012
Life / Polish vs British vs American - Clash of cultures [390]

Anybody know or can point to a link showing the No. or % of Polish schools offering English, German, French, Russian and other (Italian, Spanish, Swedish?) foreign languages to pupils?
1 Oct 2012
News / A new AWS (Poland Solidarity Movement)? [54]

The PSL can always be counted on to join the winning coalition, be it post-commies or PO. If the righist coalition (PiS 29%, SP 5%) won 34% and PSL 11%, a 45% popular vote would probably translate into a slim parliamentary majority. PO (30%), SLD (7%) and Palikot (5%) would be in the opposition. The PSL might go along if enough cabinet posts were promised.

That of coruse presuposes the cotninuation of the current poltical stage. But there are signs the PO may be breaking up - personal ambitions coming to the fore, tensions between Tusk and Schetyna as well as Gowin. One cannot rule out that the PO's conservative wing will at some point eventually go off on their own and set up a separate groupingn or even join forces with SP. An estimated 30-35% of PO are thought to be traditionalist conservatives who do not stomach anticlericalism and libertine lifestyles. In Poltiics anything can happen!
1 Oct 2012
History / Poland-Lithuania would we be better off together? [16]

It would have been even better if Poland had created a federation wtih Lithuania, Ukraine and Belarus as Piłsudski had wanted, effectiwely restoring the Rzplita Obojga Narodów. That would have most likely contained or even prevented the spread of Soviet power. A weak, impoversihed, hungtry, revolution-scarred Soviet Russia migth have even collapsed making it annexable by the Polish-led federation. In fact, the best solution to prevent future outbrust of Muscovite imperlaism could have been the partition the country with China in a kind of eternal Sino-Polish Alliance. Then the alarm-clock went off and..........
30 Sep 2012
News / A new AWS (Poland Solidarity Movement)? [54]

What about the line down the pavement? That's quite a fascinating topic innit? BTW there are constatnt blanket statements about the Cahtolic Church, Poland B, PiS, Rydzyk, etc., which you somehow don't seem to mind. You unbaised approach calls to mind a literary character. You probaly won't udnerstand this, so I'll translate. To the black savage Kali (in Sienkiewicz's 'In desert and wilderness') the difference between good and evil is this: Kali steal cow -- that good; someone steal Kali's cow -- that bad.
30 Sep 2012
Life / Czas honoru (Time of honoru) TV serial [38]

The Nazi occupation has been done to death, but early Stalinist Poland is still rather vrigin territory. Wjada's 'man' films, Bugajski's 'Interrogation' and a few others, but still much left to explore. That's what the current Czas honoru series is about.
30 Sep 2012
News / A new AWS (Poland Solidarity Movement)? [54]

People from two-bit postage-stamp-sized countries have no choice but to tack on to something bigger. BTW iIs it true that Belgium is so Euro-integraed that pavements have a line down the middle for citizens of walloon and Flemish ethnicity have to each walk on their side? Or has that been abandoned?
30 Sep 2012
Life / Czas honoru (Time of honoru) TV serial [38]

Anybody watch 'Czas honoru' -- a well-made and very interesting Polish historical serial. The first part was set in the Nazi occupation, and now each current episode highjlights the early year os the Soivet-installed puppet state (PRL). Interestingly, the same people who had been Gestapo informers now work for the UB. Once a snitch, always a snitch -- I reckon.
30 Sep 2012
News / A new AWS (Poland Solidarity Movement)? [54]

At least one thing is certrain -- nobody says: 'Po lewicy Boga Ojca!'
And as a linguist yoiu know that this concept is deeply engrained in our civilisation: in English we say something is right (good, proper, correct), a person is uprigth and righteous. In Polish: człowiek prawy, prawdziwy, prawo, prawowity and,on the other hand -- lewizna, dwie lewe ręce; and there is also the left-handed compliment and somethign crude, clumsy and improper is referred to as gauche.

BTW does your bell curve extend to PRL as well?
30 Sep 2012
News / A new AWS (Poland Solidarity Movement)? [54]

The several percent who consciously support a decadent-libertine agenda do not count in the nation's overall scope of things, but the wide voting masses they have managed to bamboozle do count. It's therefore necessary to enlighten and de-Tusk-ify the hoodwinked Polish voter.And only the uprights, decent, wholesome Polish right can do that! It's no wonder that lewizna (shady business, scams) shares the same etymology as lewica (left wing).
30 Sep 2012
History / People the Soviets planted in Poland [75]

People have to eat and feed and clothe their families... Under duress, threat or various forms of blackmail you can get ordinary people to do most anything to protect their families and survive. Is that an indictment of the victims of a coercive system or of the evil repreressive system that has brutalised the enviroment?

Anyone who never lived in a totalitarian ciountry would not know what that means.