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Posts by Meathead  

Joined: 3 Jun 2010 / Male ♂
Last Post: 10 Apr 2022
Threads: Total: 5 / In This Archive: 5
Posts: Total: 467 / In This Archive: 387
From: polonia, usa
Speaks Polish?: nada
Interests: everything

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23 Aug 2012
UK, Ireland / First proper "Polish" School in the UK - The Next Stage of Ghettoisation [283]

Funky Samoan,True,but they were no more immigrants than the rest of Americans at the time,So it wasn't like moving them out because they were immigrants.That sentiment against Brits died long ago.You'd be hard pressed to find a lot of British immigrants in Boston now'days anyway.Has there been a big flux of immigrants in Poland?What is the overall sentiment towards immigration in Poland?

There's a lot more English than you realize but you don't notice as they integrate almost immediately.
23 Aug 2012
Language / Give me some reasons to learn Polish [126]

Don't therefore expect Poles or others to speak it well if we ourselves have such an abysmal command of it:-)

I have to agree with most of your comments about culture and language and stuff but if you're implying that Americans do not have a handle on the English language...well you're dead wrong. I'm on a number of forums and websites and one thing I've noticed is that Americans, regardless of economic background are able to express themselves in writing the English language very well. You rarely see misspelled words, run on sentences or poor grammar. Actually I find it quite surprising as I'm constantly peppered with comments about how bad our educational system is.
22 Aug 2012
UK, Ireland / First proper "Polish" School in the UK - The Next Stage of Ghettoisation [283]

The English in the States are integrated and invisible.

Unfair comparison, how many Czechs in the Uk? Actually come to think of it, the Poles are pretty well traveled. You'll find them everywhere, whereas the

Czechs, far and few between. I don't think Czech's like to travel, too comfortable in the home country I guess.
22 Aug 2012
Love / What differences is there among Polish girls and British girls as girlfriends? [102]

Why do some people think Polish are better?

Opposites attract.

What is the pros and cons of an average stereotyped Polish girl as a partner.

Depends what you're looking for. Polish women are more driven, hard working and intelligent. English women are more feminine, literate and have a sense of humor. Never met a Polish woman who could cook, never met an English woman who couldn't.
21 Aug 2012
UK, Ireland / Fertile Polish Women in the UK [87]

you don't understand how poor they live in Poland!!

Tell Cameron to ship the Poles to the US, but keep the Indians and Pakistans where they're at. Poles are American Immigrants, Pakistans and Indians are British.
18 Aug 2012
Off-Topic / I am a Pariah: My Horror Story [44]

No, I've never been under the name of Amanda. What do you mean I've had other handles?

Hello Allison!
17 Aug 2012
Off-Topic / I am a Pariah: My Horror Story [44]

Aren't you Amanda? You also have had other handles, as you post on here occasionally. Being a novelist might be what you should do as your posts are quite entertaining.
8 Aug 2012
Language / Using the correct grammar is stopping me from progressing with Polish language [35]

I can't seem to get by the feeling stupid thing and going blank.....I know I have to but............

Okay, it's like this (I majored in Speech at the Uni as I intended to become a trial lawyer) but they used to tell us not to think about how we're saying it, but concentrate on what we're saying. I think you should learn conversational Polish first. Here's a website that I think teaches conversational Polish:
7 Aug 2012
Language / Using the correct grammar is stopping me from progressing with Polish language [35]

I find that my Polish friends talk to me in Polish and I reply in English for fear of getting it wrong!!! how stupid and I now it is stupid. What I need is someone really bossy who won't let me speak in English to them :)

Being English you're super critical. A good start is not to be so hard on yourself.
28 Jul 2012
Real Estate / Car Living in Krakow (instead of renting a flat?) [12]

Just do it like you would in the states. When they ask you to move, move. I'm sure you can dodge the authorities for a year. Don't ask for permission, you'll never get it.
24 Jul 2012
Love / Best way to find a Polish husband...ideas? [120]

Most men are not "mature, responsible, ready to settle down adults" until they meet a right woman and fall in love.
You're not going to find a perfect man, often we have to polish one ourselves. No pun intended.

Complete nonsense, women do not change men. Big myth. Also reason for conflict in marriage. If you think you gotta change 'em, don't get married.
22 Jul 2012
Love / Best way to find a Polish husband...ideas? [120]

Some guys practically won't even have a good conversation with you until they know something is in it for them

You're not going to have a good conversation with someone if you don't know them or don't attempt to get to know them.

If a guy is attracted to you and he thinks that you are attracted to him he won't go elsewhere.

Premarital sex, what the hell is that? Marriage and sex are two different things. Using myself as an example, in college I used to meet a girl for lunch virtually everyday and we used to talk about all kinds of stuff and than one day we just ended up in bed together. i still don't know how that happened, but it did.

Fstop's statement about increasing your circle of friends is good advice.
22 Jul 2012
Love / Best way to find a Polish husband...ideas? [120]

Honestly I think a good Polish-American would be right up my ally. We would mostly likely have similar ways of doing things and stuff we expect from the other person. We would both sensitive and affectionate and serious about love. That is out of the question though because of my location.

Sensitive and affectionate guy? That's an oxymoron. Generally speaking men aren't sensitive.

Guys in med school do that

Guys in med school are BUSY, it's 8 AM to 12 AM 10 months out of the year. And for the most part they're nerds, so you're not going to get the attention which you want because their mind is somewhere else.

This is why you have to go to the churches, Polkatagalong.

Guys who hang out in churches are closet queens, Ted Haggerty comes to mind. Church going is a women's thingy.

Sex ain't about I give I get. It's something you and your significant other want to do together. Hold off on the sex for awhile and get to know some guys as friends, don't be so scrupulous about their looks or what ever. Learn to develop some casual platonic relationships with guys and when you get married, marry your best friend. It's that simple, have fun.

Oh, one last thing, men don't have the advantage over women. Those so called good looking guys aren't anymore successful than you are, so feel free to date 'em. Just don't jump into bed so quickly. Get to know 'em and let him get to know you.
19 Jul 2012
USA, Canada / Moving to Poland from USA with my retired husband [10]

What about employment for americans?

Unless you speak Polish fluently or want to teach English theres virtually nothing.

If you're not going to learn the language you're wasting your time.
18 Jul 2012
Language / Learn Polish or Russian [86]

So it is not surprising that knowledge of and resources to learn Polish withered away in America.

It withered away because the Poles who came to America wanted to become American. Why PERMANENTLY move to another country and don't assimilate? Hello? If people wanted to stay Polish they never would have left Poland.
12 Jul 2012
Life / Individualism in Polish culture...Is it almost Nonexistant? [170]

It is enough to look on the traffic in Poland, to know we are among the most individualistic people in the world.

A good post on the reasons why Poland was foreign dominated for approximately 300 years and why foreign armies had their way in Poland, tough to raise an army with thinking like this. At some point you have to go along to get along. Heresy to a Pole, of course. As Ben Franklin said, "Stick together or hang separately", the Poles chose to hang separately.
11 Jul 2012
Life / Individualism in Polish culture...Is it almost Nonexistant? [170]

Very funny.

My government never invaded my home

Busted for drugs?

It is hard to say how much we, Poles, are individualistic in the absolute terms

Americans are pragmatic and are governable, Poles are not and that's why they've been subjected to foreign political dominance.

The tight knit nature of the Polish family is one of the best things about their culture.

Polish parents are extremely controlling. It's the worst thing about Polish culture. Truly suffocating.

This is true, it is a global phenomenon which affects pretty much everyone in the world relative to their cultures and customs.

People who believe this don't know much about history. It wasn't uncommon for women to die in childbirth or for a father to get fatally injured on the job or traveling and for those who survived it was pretty common for men to have mistresses with out of wedlock babies. None of these instances are family friendly. Blended families have always been more the rule and less the exception.
11 Jul 2012
News / 23 Shale Wells Drilled This Year Alone in Poland - 41 More to Go... [50]

It depends how deep the wells are drilled and the geology.

Anything that weans the Poles off the teat of Mother Russia, and makes German pipeline prices more competitive sounds good to me in theory


But once these lands are annexed, and milked for all their worth, they're gone forever.

By that time they'll find other resources for energy. Just recently they have a method for converting coal into ethanol, something Poland should pursue.
6 Jul 2012
USA, Canada / Getting a VISA to USA by a Polish person nowadays [339]

This has been posted before but I don't know of any reason why the US should discriminate against the Poles. The Government of Poland doesn't want their citizens to have free access to America, probably because too many would leave and not come back. It's in the hands of the Polish Government.
6 Jul 2012
Food / Which type of sausage in Poland is closest to an American kielbasa? [23]

No you don't buy polish sausage in a supermarket, always purchased at a Polish Deli. And PGTX don't let those Chicago Polish Deli's get wind of your opinion of their suasage, they wouldn't sell you any! I was raised on the stuff, every Saturday evening, with leftovers during the week, served cold on Augusta rye bread. Sheesh! Man you guys have never lived.