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Posts by isthatu2  

Joined: 3 Apr 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 6 May 2013
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From: in the auld empty barn
Speaks Polish?: a little
Interests: life the universe and everything

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26 Jul 2012
History / Did British public protest against the sell out of Poland to the Soviets? [286]

Pass mate. Its head banging dealing with some people.
There is military reality and then there is the military reality of a country with a huge cavalry force just because it was a nice romantic thing to have and all the girls love a lancer.

The case could easily be made,but its not worth the effort TBH as its 70 years ago, that in a large part Poland did trigger the fall of the British Empire with its beligerent ,unrealistic attitude towards the germans in the late 30s. would a road and rail connection between germany and east prussia really have been such a tragedy for poland in the long run or would germany have simply bypassed poland on its invasion of the soviet union and probably had poland as a happy ally on the anti commie crusade. of course,chances are Russia would still have won so,what would have been different. Oh,yes, Britain, France and the US would all still have been world powers and no doubt sometime before 1989 would have decided enough was enough with those pesky reds.....

Who should be more p!ssed off is not a debate worth having though as weighing one crap against another just makes a bigger smell.
26 Jul 2012
History / Did British public protest against the sell out of Poland to the Soviets? [286]

Should one of the Contracting Parties become engaged in hostilities with a European Power in consequence of aggression by the latter against that Contracting Party, the other Contracting Party will at once give the Contracting Party engaged in hostilities all the support and assistance in its power.

Fairly clear then. Nothing about Britain having to invent 21st century military kit to enable its ground forces to somehow fly across europe......

The methods of applying the undertakings of mutual assistance provided for by the present Agreement are established between the competent naval, military and air authorities of the Contracting Parties

So,not some random ill informed polish nationalist 70 plus years later....

Should the Contracting Parties be engaged in hostilities in consequence of the application of the present Agreement, they will not conclude an armistice or treaty of peace except by mutual agreement.

hhhmmmmm Did you ask us nicely if you could surrender to the beastly germans at the end of september? Hope so or it looks like there really was only Poland and France that broke the treaty mandates..............
25 Jul 2012
History / Did British public protest against the sell out of Poland to the Soviets? [286]

As for the idle navy: which navy sailed out of the Baltic before the war even started?

Was it the Polish Navy at The River platte?

Royal Navy Objectives and Taskings 1939;
OBJECTIVE 1 - Defence of trade routes, and convoy organisation and escort, especially to and from Britain.
OBJECTIVE 2 - Detection and destruction of surface raiders and U-boats.
OBJECTIVE 3 - Maritime blockade of Germany and contraband control.
OBJECTIVE 4 - Defence of own coasts.
OBJECTIVE 5 - Escort troops to France and between Britain, the Dominions and other areas under Allied control.

Take note of Ob'4. Maybe if the Polish Navy had done the same,and not sneaked away from Polands coast and the baltic.........

In 1939 the Royal navy lost 1 Capital Ship (thats a Battleship for all you lubbers) 1 aircraft carrier,3 Destroyers and 1 Submarine in action against the German Navy.

HMS Royal Oak, 833 hands lost.
HMS Courageous . 519 hands lost, plus two full RNAS sqdrns.

Yes, smug Poles. British sailors were dying and fighting while your own Navy sat in British and french ports. so, in a word, grow up and get some respect for the dead.
25 Jul 2012
History / The Untold Battle of Britain [205]

English served in the Polish Armed Forces during WW2 prior to capitulation

You will have to expand on this if you want any answers....
Are you asking if there were any British mercenaries in Poland in 1939?
If you are asking for figures for how many BRITISH people served in the Western Polish armed forces between 1940 and 1945, Ive no idea,probably not that many considering it was the POLISH ARMED FORCES.......................lets take a look at what they were wearing,shooting,driving ,eating,drinking etc ad nauseum.

Certainly didnt spend the war wearing Polish uniforms and firing Polish (german) rifles did they.
Come back when you actually know what you are talking about boy.
25 Jul 2012
History / Did British public protest against the sell out of Poland to the Soviets? [286]

Chris R

Aint you a Yank? Youve got nothing to say on this considering you lot didnt declare war on Germany untill you found you couldnt sell them sh!t anymore...when was it, December the 11th 1941? No, wait...Germany declared war on the US.......hypocrite.

Again, the obvious implication of this unilateral British decision was the desire to have a German navy in the Baltic to serve as a check on the USSR

And,your point?
Id say 50 odd years of the Soviets occupying eastern Europe would show Britain had the right idea all along,the Soviets were a real threat.

But hey,bottom line here, Britain of course should have declared war on the Soviet Union in 1945, we should have sabre rattled Polish style until the reds decided to over run all of Europe...essentialy thats what some of you would have prefered isnt it......

Really? So you're saying that it was within the Navy's power to assist but they chose not to because it was a 'suicide mission'?

Nope, Im saying the Allies decided Britains Navy would stop the world wide German surface and U boat fleets.
With the Polish Navy slinking out of the Baltic before the war even started why should even one british sailor have risked their life for Poland if the Polish Navy was busy running away?

so even if we assume that France was to fight on land but Britain was to use her navy

You dont need to assume anything, just read the historical documents.....
24 Jul 2012
History / Did British public protest against the sell out of Poland to the Soviets? [286]

And then go and babble about -hey it not us it French! That silly children games, be an adult and say - hey we screwed you because we calculated at the time that it would be advantageous for us to leave you high and dry.(I would argue that France and Britain miscalculated that one, but never mind)Yet, nobody says so - expect for Wroclaw Boy - because that would make you makes you looks bad? So, maybe concept of honour is not so silly after all?

The two standpoints are not mutualy exclusive. Its fair to say on the one hand britian did what was right for britiain and at the same time point out the french were the ones who were supposed to actually fight the germans. britains Navy was there to stop the German fleet escaping into the Atlantic,not to go on a suicide mission into the baltic.

Britain and France didn't fulfilled their obligations. What I want? For you to stop deny it.

Neither did Poland, they assured every ally that they could hold out against germany for at least 2 months...
Polands powerfull modern army would hold the germans on the border and slowly fall back on prepared defensive lines.......hardly Britain or even Polands fault that the Polish Army effectivly crumbled within hours of the invasion is it?

I suppose its Britains fault that the soviets joined in within two weeks too?
lets face it, you guys were lost from 4 30 am on the 1st of september and there was naff all any contempory Ally could have done about it, we managed to hold out by the skin of our teeth, its history, sh!t happened.
24 Jul 2012
History / Did British public protest against the sell out of Poland to the Soviets? [286]

in public perception of today, sugar cane :)

Ok,change that public perception. Its your countries history,its upto you guys to fact check.
There were no British soldiers on germanys borders in september 1939,there were however over a million French soldiers on germanys borders at the time.
They did nothing.
By the time British ground forces had arrived on the continent ,in France,under French command,Poland had already fallen to the germans and Soviets.

n kay,suger plum? :)
24 Jul 2012
History / Did British public protest against the sell out of Poland to the Soviets? [286]

French? Who cares about French?

anyone with any understanding of actual history and not comminist propaganda.
France was the European superpower of the day. France had the large standing army based on Germanys borders. France was the senior partner in the alliance, French generals were in charge of all fo rces in france.

Pretty simple. France is to blame for there not being a land invasion of germany in 1939. They had a million men on the german border, britain had....ZERO.
24 Jul 2012
History / The Untold Battle of Britain [205]

Why are you trying to compare the conversion training from piston engines to jet engines with 1920s style bi planes and modern for the time fighter planes like the hurrican and spitfire?

You cannot let a bunch of untrained newbies loose in a highly co ordinated battle especially if they dont speak english.
RAF tactics centered on communication and getting exactly the right amount of planes in exactly the right place,not letting a bunch of cowboys go off on solo hunting trips jabbering away in a funny lingo....
24 Jul 2012
History / Did British public protest against the sell out of Poland to the Soviets? [286]

Britain never acted on behave of Poland.

Why should it? The British governments job was and is to look after the interests of Britain and the British people. Exactly the same for the Polish Government.

Grow up people,international diplomacy is an adult game not one for children into silly notions of honour.....what did *Polish Honour* achieve for Poland in the 20th century?
24 Jul 2012
Love / Best way to find a Polish husband...ideas? [120]

I never claimed "racial superority" to a hispanic

Yes you did.

I just notice that in general hispanics tend to be less well off than anglos physically, monetarily, and intellectually.

You claim it,but,clearly lack it.
24 Jul 2012
Love / Best way to find a Polish husband...ideas? [120]

You'll be surprised, Georgia is a beautiful state.

haha, I know, it looks gorgeous,even crawling with walkers ;)

I am surprised that so many people jumped in to give advice and so few commented on such a racist comment.

Kinda my point,the probable descendent of some bog trotting indentured white slave comes on here proclaiming her racial superiority to a Hispanic....like I said,all the class of KKK pre teens beauty pageant....
23 Jul 2012
Love / Best way to find a Polish husband...ideas? [120]

I have been approached by classy hispanics (no seriously don't laugh, guess they're trying to climb the race ladder)

They are already classier than you by a country mile.
Nothing says class like coming on an internet forum to find a husband.....
BTW, what is your location? Georgia in 1853?
20 Jul 2012
UK, Ireland / And you wonder why there is Anti-Polish feeling in the UK [187]

just one Polish name in that list...

Strange,there were 2 Poles on one of my Uncles squadrons during the Battle......still, 2 out of about 20 blokes at any one time, hardly the *saving our arses* sort of overwhelming support,but much appreciated anyway.
19 Jul 2012
Genealogy / Is Czarnecki Really A Polish Or Actually A Sephardic Jewish Surname? [110]

I can believe the murdering part, but I can't see officers of the Inquisition or the crusaders ferreting round for people's personal correspondence, household bills or birth, marriage, and death records in order to destroy it all. They would have been too busy doing that to actually find time to kill anyone. ;-)

Trouble is,this is a BS argument based on BS history based on.....
Ok, the claim that records would be lost because of the inquisition is utter rubbish, the inquisition kept scruplous records which are still in existence both in Spain and the Vatican.

To further muddy the waters the latest research carried out on these and other records relating to the periods of reconquesta and the alleged mass expulsion of jews pretty much points to it being more of a tiny trickle of jews leaving Spain permenantly...

As for Soto being mistaken for Rojo, of three Spanish accents I can be sure of Rojo would be pronounced * royo* or *rocho* (the ch Polish style) or * ro'o* a practicaly silent j. Soto however will always be ,plus or minus a regional lisp, Soto.....
17 Jul 2012
Genealogy / Is Czarnecki Really A Polish Or Actually A Sephardic Jewish Surname? [110]

Instituto Genealógico e Histórico Latino-Americano.

Dont dig too hard in that direction though,more and more archives are being uncovered in Spain that point to a lot of supposed Jews and Christians having actually been Arab Muslims :)

strange that the only references on line to los instituto come in questionable name meanings websites,no actual on line presence at all for the institute......

There most certainly are not dozens of places with a Polish name in Spain. Czarnecki .....bosquecillo cerca de un rio, not really sure how that works etymologicaly?
16 Jul 2012
History / In WW2 Poland who was eligible to sign the Volksliste ? [48]

The Nazis didn't care about nationality, all they were interested in was what they called "race".

sorry,ethnicity,my bad with the flexible semantics.... :)
Whatever,the OP wondered if his relative had been considered german in anyway,the answer is still,no,he was considered a Pole.
14 Jul 2012
Travel / Is Sleeping in Car in Poland (while passing) legal? [13]

Best tip, take down one half of your back seat,sleep with your legs in the boot of the car,the folded down backseat fills in the gap and adds a bit of a head rest. Apart from being more comfortable you are also low profile and any casual glance at the car and no one will know you are in it.

Thats my back up plan for Edinburgh in August as its festival time and hotels are a nightmare.
12 Jul 2012
UK, Ireland / Crying Polish truck driver on British roads is Internet hit [269]

However, this raises another concern...just how safe is it with all these confused lorry drivers on the highways?

Its hairy,Ive been cut up twice by a Polish Lorry and countless times by other european registered cars. I only drive on the motorways now when I have to go more than about a hundred miles,when I first started driving only about 12 years ago Id nip on and off them like rat runs,last few years with all the open borders and cheeper european petrol we have far far more euro drivers on our roads as its cheaper to hire a truck on the continent which will buy petrol at continentatal prices to deliver to the UK than send a UK lorry over to the continent. Money over saftey, the Traffic cops can be over zelous,but,at the end of the day I prefer that to lazy Police work :)

Oh.and as an aside Traffic cops are notorious even amongst fellow cops for not letting anyone off if the offence is serious enough,there have been a few cases over the last couple of years of Traffic cops landing very senior Police officers in court on Drunk Driving charges :)

They really need to extend the width of the emergency lane drastically.It's very foolish,hownarrow they have these lanes.

If you expand a highway in America,no offence but you might disturb a few goffer holes or whatever, if you do that in the UK you either knock someones house down,build on vital farmland or plough through a 3 thousand year old historical heritage site :)

But,they are narrow because they are not for parking on.....seriously,there is no need to make them wider,this will just confuse the issue even more. Ive seen a French registered car pulled up quite literally in the non lane in the middle of a duel carriageway with the nice smart looking middle aged couple puzzling over a map. Put simply,continentals are frigging crazy when they get on UK roads :)

It takes me about 3 days when I go over to Europe to look in the right direction every time i cross a road and Im always in Europe but people who spend all their life driving on the other side of the road just drive off a ferry straight onto a road system designed for cars with the steering on the other side........
12 Jul 2012
UK, Ireland / Crying Polish truck driver on British roads is Internet hit [269]

One explanation could be quite simple,and Im trying to see a good side to their actions, a British Lorry would have no problems pulling off the motorway into a minor road to pull over for a break,but,these European Lorries have the stearing wheel on the wrong side,I suppose they prefer to spend as little time as possible on minor roads for this reason alone.

But, they still have plenty of huge truck stops every few miles on every major road in the UK,pulling over is lazy and dangerous.

If they pull over in a traffic jam and that jam has been caused by an accident how are the EMT and Fire Trucks meant to get to the accident if the emergency lane is blocked by truckers cooking their supper?

2 last points, Polish Lorry drivers are notorious for being reckless on UK roads,one reason could be simply they have had the longest journey to get here and the shortest time to adapt to driving on the proper side of the road.

Secondly, even though the Police are not held in high regard by many people in the UK all the time,what most people agree on is that we would prefer more Traffic Police and wish they would make more use of existing Traffic laws to make the roads safer. Legal speed limit is 70 mph, most people do 85 mph,idiots go over 100 mph, bit scarier than a US highway with a 55mph speed limit when you think about it....
11 Jul 2012
UK, Ireland / Crying Polish truck driver on British roads is Internet hit [269]

PP, The Police in question are specialist Traffic Police,like your Highway Patrol, they are not there to engage in anything other than traffic situations unless an emergency comes up and they are called off the highways as back up for other coppers. So, they are doing exactly what we want them to do.

It doesnt matter how an accident is caused,if it has been noted as a cause of needless accidents isnt it a good idea to try and cut down on them?

As for rest stops, you are aware the UK is smaller than most of your States arnt you?

There are *truck stops* every 10 to 20 miles on all major routes ,and exits off the major highways every couple of miles ,non major routes dont have hard shoulders so he could have parked anywhere within 10 minutes or so driving.

Ive already stuck up for his melt down earlier so Im not going to repeat that beyond saying he was obviously very tired,if anything the cops were easy on him letting him drive off,if it had been my call Id have detained him for questioning (ie,let him have a few hours kip in the cells before *losing* the paper work and letting him on his way). :)
9 Jul 2012
UK, Ireland / Crying Polish truck driver on British roads is Internet hit [269]

They actually managed to miss with one shot (despite it being point blank range).

You know,I debated whether to add the 8th *bang*......... a bit like the lad who was killed ,the one that sparked the london riots. Two shots fired point blank at an unarmed man. One bullet killed him,the other bullet missed him and lodged in the first shooters Police radio......FFS......

Or a few months ago in the North West, a lad sat in a car,blocked in a car park,surrounded by armed officers,they throw two smoke grenades into his car then shot him dead....he was also unarmed.

Both times the first official Police statements gave the impression that the dead men were armed only to be retracted days later.
Sorry if *off topic* but I felt it balanced out the * Polish Cops are BAD, British Bobbies are nice and polite unarmed gentlemen* stuff.
9 Jul 2012
UK, Ireland / The West Highland Way - 96 miles through some of Scotland most beautiful routes. [28]

Have you done the Commando challenge yet?
Not sure what its proper name is but its a big event going on the old commando training routes up to the memorial at Spean Bridge. Might be another fundraising op' in that for you?

PS, Im coming home for a few days in August, will try to drag my carcass up Arthurs Seat before I even contemplate what you get upto ,its very,very flat around here lol