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Posts by RubasznyRumcajs  

Joined: 29 Mar 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 28 Oct 2023
Threads: Total: 5 / In This Archive: 2
Posts: Total: 495 / In This Archive: 265
From: United Kingdom, Cumbria
Speaks Polish?: yes
Interests: computers, IT

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22 Dec 2009
News / Freezing weather in Poland, 42 people dead in winter freeze... and no-one cares? [140]

poland hasnt lived the true socialism. it was a fake socialism, russian nationalist socialism.. but, still better than capitalism which hurts ordinary folks without thinking a second. you will learn. actually, you know as you lived pre-1900, but, you forgot. weak human memory.

#define 'true socialism'

and nope- socialism also hurts people, even more than capitalism (how many people left that 'harmful capitalism' and moved into socialistic paradises? and how many people escaped from those 'paradise'?)
22 Dec 2009
Language / Why in the world there are three ways to write simple U ?!?! [54]

yes - 'u' (like in Australia or Author) sounds very similar to ł - even for native folks they sound similar - but non of them (of those who finished primary school) would write 'ałtor' 'Ałstralia' :)

same with 'rz' after 'p' (like in 'przepraszam')- it sounds really similar to 'sz' - but most people will write it down correctly

ch and h - they use to sound differently, but they sound in the same way now (i never spot the difference :o)

rz and ż - they sound the same- but it is really useful to know the difference (in writing system- in declination 'ż' and 'rz' are changing into different consonants)

hey guys

hi girl

that's only for fanatics of grammar, or for regular people also?

thats for everyone who wants to speak polish correctly

regular people cannot care less if there is any difference between the history of ó and u,
that 500 years ago it was a way or another...

that it true. most people don't care about the historical reasons for it- but it doesn't matter that we should not see (and use) it.

how you WRITE something it should be always easy to read,
and when you read smth it should be ALWAYS easy to write it.

1. easyness is not always the best key-word
2. easy- for whom?

In polish it is a pure hell to read and write things

try english- it is a nightmare!

each rule has thousands of exceptions

its not such bad

numerals are not normal

why, instead of writing 'are not normal' you simple haven't wrote 'are different than in <put_your_mother_tongue_here>'?

genders are crazy


when will this old unadapted language will ever evolve ?

polish isn't too old. and yes- it is changing alot, its adaption abilities are quite good.

Przepraszam you read sz and rz the same... the first sign that something is REALLY WRONG with polish language!

as i wrote earlier- compare it to english. and no, 'sz' and 'rz' are not the same- they sound really similar, but not in the same way.
16 Dec 2009
News / What Poland can't do right [113]

20 years after end of communism still the same people are in power
and after every election people still complain that 'politacal parties lied to us' etc etc
12 Nov 2009
Life / How Polish are you? [74]

You are slightly Polish but not enough. If you are not Catholic, you have refused the truth, Jesus Christ, God and Poland. Catholicism is the national religion of Poland.If you can't speak Polish, you are definetly not Polish!

its a ********
11 Nov 2009
Travel / What should I wear in winter in Poland? [29]

use layer system:
1. t-shirt: avoid cotton as long as you can! use 'thermoactive' t-shirts (i suggest: coolmax)- it wont warm you, but it will absorb sweat of your body

2. midlayer- use thin fleece (substance /? pol. gramatura/) of 100 or less- it will absorb sweat transported by tshirt
3. than thick fleece- like 200 or 300- it will warm your body
4. in case of heavy snowing/rain/windy weather- jacket

in case of socks- in cold weather i'd also recommend double layer: coolmax (thin, wont warm you) than woolen one (i recommend merino wool, it can be used also in tshirts or middlayer)
5 Nov 2009
USA, Canada / Windows xp in USA in Polish? [13]

Lemme guess, you are a Linux or Mac man?

sort of 'linux man'

Win7 can easily measure itself with any other OS around. Difference, for example between SnowLeopard and Win7 is that Apple just has to write for one specific configuration, while MS has to write Windows for 1000's of configurations - tends to be a bit more work and tends to make the OS a bit bigger, eh?

it's still hard to justify 16gb of occupied space (11 in case of 32bit version)- and it's for system alone, not including many usefull stuff, also usage of 1gb ram by system only is hard to explain. prefetch and indexing are turned off.

about configurations- win7 still needs an external application (installed in update) to handle keyboard produced by MS (MS ergonomic keyboard 4000, great keyboard btw).
also- 'default' drivers work strangly- after i unplugged headphones, i had to install drivers for sound card, otherwise system couldn't see my headphones. (surprise- both headphones and keyboard works fine, out-of-the-box in most linux distributions)

and i'd prefer not to mention applications that doesn't really work fine, even when launched in 'compability mode' (Call of duty 2)
and of course, do i have to mention that so basic stuff like mounting NTFS partition into directory on other disk is a pain in the arse :?

But of course, it's an MS product, so it's bad from the start, isn't it?


If you are a Mac man and lyrical about Snowleopard - you haven't heard of that superbug found in Snowleopard? That when you log in as a guest, after you created your own profile, everything will be deleted because SL treats every account like a guest account? That means that you will lose everything if you don't have a backup. This bug alone is heavier than all the bugs in WinXP combined.

yeah, i heard about that :)
5 Nov 2009
USA, Canada / Windows xp in USA in Polish? [13]

speak english, please :)
but ad meritum: you can buy Ultimate edition, in that version you can download polish translation for it- so all information will be in polish. of course, as cheehaw wrote, you can use standard version and change language settings- i.e. keyboard, timezone etc.

and btw, windows7 is much overrated. to heavy and bloated for me (took 16gb of space after fresh installation :O)
31 May 2009
Language / Free and accurate Online Polish-English / English-Polish translator? [49]

well... i'm not a linguist, but ling.pl doesn't seem to me as a 'best' solution... i used it from time to time.

in my opinion: there is no 'the best' dictionary - the best option is to check word in few dictionaries, and than use it.
12 Apr 2009
Food / What's your favorite Polish beer? [870]

forgive me, if that link occured earlier, but look on it


and, btw, Zubr is my favorite beer (followed by Kujawiak) :)
20 Feb 2009
Genealogy / Why Polish aren't white?? [272]

I foung out Poland was under Austrian & Hungarians rules for so many years like 900 hundred years till 1930"s In Warsaw there were French peoples, Russian people, Sweden poeple, and some of others were building Warsaw.

900 hundreds years= 90 000 years.. ;)
but ad rem: poland wasnt ruled by A&H for long time... only 123 years (1795- 1918)
7 Dec 2008
USA, Canada / Windows xp in USA in Polish? [13]

an adjective from 'polska' is 'polski' (in masculine form)
anyway, look on this site


you can also google for phrase "windows po polsku" ;p
7 Dec 2008
USA, Canada / Windows xp in USA in Polish? [13]

there are, afaik, 3 ways (or, ekhm, 4) to do that:
- buy an international version of XP (if you will be able to find one) - sorry, but i dont remember what was the codename of it

- buy a polish version of XP and install it
- ekhm, download polish version and install it (but i dont recommend it)
or just install any other system, that has internationalisation by default

/////////// edited
i found it- its called language pack. google for it :>
5 Nov 2008
Language / Word order; simple & continuous tenses; definite/indefinite articles [13]

1. i didn't understand question :/ (or, more truly- i don't imagine situation like that in polish)
I walk to the shops - chadzam do sklepów (or chadzam po sklepach- more common form)
I am walking to the shops - idę do sklepów

chodzić - its official version for verb 'to walk'
chadzać - used in means of frequent action

also (for example)
czytać - czytywać
siedzieć - przesiadywać

3. well, if you *really* need to use an equivalent of "a, an" you can use: (sing) jakieś (masc, neutr), jakaś (fem); (pluralis) jakieś (m, f, n)

hope it was helpful :>
30 Aug 2008
Language / Polish keyboard 214 is best [34]

the difference between QWERTY and QWERTZ (polska maszynistki) is bigger than only Z - Y.
now, you can find qwertz keyboard only in some places like train-stations and in some other goverment ruled offices/places. but even them the most popular keyboard is qwerty (god thanks!)
22 Jun 2008
Language / The Plural of Zloty? [46]

in polish :
1 (jeden) złoty
2 (dwa) złote
5 (pięć) złotych
128 (sto-dwadzieścia-osiem) złotych
18 Jun 2008
UK, Ireland / A collection of noimmigration's threads or "STAY AWAY from BRITAIN" [978]

could you paste direct links into those videos? (unfortunatelly, flashplugin sucks on x64bits :<)

// editied
ok, i saw a source of page

1. its about modern Russian Federation
2. its in Bulgarian, i think (but i'm not sure for 100%)

next time, search better (and, during searching, use brain- believe me, its helpful and it isnt painful)