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26 Jun 2012
Real Estate / Poland's apartment prices continue to fall [1844]

they and their govt were doing it because they are a kind

That's right. They were also kind enough to look after the money of dictators, drug lords and Nazis with no questions asked.
26 Jun 2012
Real Estate / Poland's apartment prices continue to fall [1844]

I think the Swiss then pegged the CHF to help matters, not sure.

The SF is pegged to the Euro at 1.20. This was not to help matters but to protect Swiss tourism and exports. Anyone care to guess what will happen if the Euro disappears?
26 Jun 2012
Real Estate / Poland's apartment prices continue to fall [1844]

10's or thousands of new housing and apartment developments springing up daily it will only get worse.

What fantasy land do you live in? try 125,000 per year.

House prices are all about supply and demand.. an in Poland there are too many empty houses for the market not to burst big style.

You might like to read the report I posted before:-
The physical problems with the buildings today are numberless: poor insulation on windows and in the buildings in general, the outside scraping off, poor plumbing and heating, disputes over ownership (and responsibility) of the common areas, small size of rooms and distance from amenities. The other imposing physical problem is that they are still occupied by residents as before the changes. Poland and the entire former Warsaw Pact world facesinterminable housing shortages, especially in the major cities. Ironically, Warsaw itself actually has more blocks of flats being built on the horizon, this time by capitalist developers, than it has destruction of old ones.

Add to this the problem alot of Poles have with regards to Swiss franc mortgages!

Not surprising since Poles do not have access to SF mortgages.
26 Jun 2012
Real Estate / Poland's apartment prices continue to fall [1844]

prices are going an average of 1% throughout the country,,sure,prices are going up in places but the average is going down.

Make up your mind, are prices going up or is there a 60% fall?. You are confusing people. How am I supposed to know when the right time is to buy? I have been waiting 3 years for the 1500 PLN m2 flats to appear in Krakow and there are none that I can find at that price. You assured me this would happen and I relied on your judgement.
26 Jun 2012
Real Estate / Poland's apartment prices continue to fall [1844]

No but the prices are going up too fast compared to the Real estate situation in prosperous Germany where prices have been remaining flat for years.

You did not read the link I posted above.


Prices are not flat in Germany.
25 Jun 2012
UK, Ireland / Polish immigrants in the UK - the next generation [87]

Anyway, it's been conclusively proven that the UK has no idea exactly how many non-UK citizens are within its borders.

Delph, you are wasting your time. He has the "my dad is bigger than your dad" syndrome. If God told him in a vision he would tell God he is wrong.
25 Jun 2012
Life / Let`s compare prices of services and products in Poland [359]

E.g., is Canadian high education free, as in Poland?

No, the Canadian government has just increased student fees by 80%, that is why they have been rioting on the streets for the past three months. Its been the longest period of civil unrest in Canadian history. A few weeks ago, 700 students were arrested in one night of violence. This does not seem to get reported in the Polish Media.
25 Jun 2012
UK, Ireland / Polish immigrants in the UK - the next generation [87]

You asked me to provide an independent source, I did. Migration watch is sponsored by donations, not government or party funded. Their statistics are used by the media and to a somewhat less degree (very embarrassing), the government themselves. What possible reason would this organisation have for compiling information which shows how detrimental, immigration has been for the UK.

Whatever I said, you would disagree because that is your nature.

And, if the EU have their way, Poland will go through the same process:-

23 Jun 2012
Life / Is Poland a poor country? [578]

I can compare it to most other countries. Rich areas/Poor areas same as the UK/US etc.....but the divide I think is larger between rich & poor.

Try telling that to someone who lives on a sink estate in South Shields that they are not as poor as someone who lives in Belgravia, London. The people in South Shields do not have to keep goats and sheep, they get their rent paid and dole money provided by the taxpayer, child benefit, free school meals for the kids, clothing allowance, excused paying community charge. I would say the difference between the poor and rich in Poland is a lot different than the UK.

I live in (a village near) Tarnów, halfway between Kraków and Rzeszów and I have not seen what you are describing. There are poor families here, but everyone helps each other out.I have seen much poorer people in my home city of Bristol. There are no beggars except for the local alcoholics, nobody is starving and you do not hear of old people lying dead in their homes and not being found for 10 months. Two friends visited me last Summer, a couple from my home City who had never visited Poland before, I asked them to keep an open mind before they came over. During the visit I asked them what they thought of Poland, the wife kept asking me "where are all the poor people", it became a bit of a joke. They loved the size of the houses, the cost of food and drink and they both commented on how I had made the right decision to move here.

You take away the welfare support away from the English and there would be riots. The Polish are used to making do and helping each other.I have seen with my own eyes, the poor giving to the poor, the belief in their religion helps them to do this. They are not all Saints, there are good and bad all over the world but the avarice and general attitude of me, me, me does not exist here. I have made genuine friends here who do not give a damn about what I have or what I do. I cannot say the same for my own city, it was always the competition and jealousy which seemed to prevail, especially if you were doing well.

In the nine years I have been here, I have seen dramatic changes, people doing up their houses, new pavements, new (newer) cars, ( I hardly ever see a Maluch or a Polonez any more, the Police used to drive them but they are all driving new vauxhalls and Skoda Octavia's now, even 4 wheel drives which I never saw a few years ago. People complain about the wages but when has a wage ever been enough, who is satisfied when they think they can get more.

Put things into perspective, 5,000 children die every day in Africa, whatever money you send, whatever amount, it will only save a few, because, their governments and the dictators will steal from their own people. You cannot change the nature of man.

What would be better, to send 10 millions pounds of aid to their governments or send a Hercules transport to drop sacks of rice, grain, whatever, directly near the villages.The UK government gives it to their government because it makes them feel good but more importantly, its good for trade.

Everybody is going to have a different vision of what is poor. I think Poland is rich, not in wealth but in the spirit and attitude of its people. And, its getting richer every year.
22 Jun 2012
Work / Poland Salary Expectations - Native English Speaker CSR [14]

Hmm... 2500zl net would probably be doable,

Not according to Milky's figures Delph. One bedroom flat at today's exchange rate (dollar= 3.40 PLN) A one bedroom flat will cost 1,666.00. then you have the bills, lets say 2,100.00. that would leave 400 for food, transport, clothes etc. 3,000 would leave 900, still not a lot to live on.
22 Jun 2012
Real Estate / Poland's apartment prices continue to fall [1844]

absolutely. And nobody is arguing this- but once again- there is no bubble or crash.

They are having the same argument in Germany:-

But the real estate situation in Germany "is not comparable with the US and Spain," says Steffen Sebastian, chair of real estate finance at the University of Regensburg, in the southern German state of Bavaria.

"You can count on more turbulence in the German real estate market," says the University of Regensburg's real estate finance chair Sebastian. "We are living in uncertain times and what we are experiencing happens once a century. We have seen so much that did not seem possible five years ago."

As a note of caution for would-be investors he adds: "It's not necessarily a bubble, but under no circumstance would I still put all of my savings into real estate."


There is a possibility that the German investors might see Poland as a safe haven for their money.
22 Jun 2012
UK, Ireland / Polish immigrants in the UK - the next generation [87]

I am sure you will find all you need here.

Migration Watch UK is an independent think tank. It is chaired by Sir Andrew Green, a former Ambassador to Saudi Arabia. The Vice Chairman is Mr Alp Mehmet, MVO, a former Ambassador to Iceland. We have a distinguished Advisory Council from diverse ethnic and professional backgrounds.

21 Jun 2012
UK, Ireland / Polish immigrants in the UK - the next generation [87]

The people already know that the government figures are lies and that the amount exceeds 250,000 every year. Your statement that the government knows exactly who is in the country is not really true. Even a few weeks ago, passengers at Manchester airport, fed up with waiting, pushed (unchecked) through the barriers and left the airport due to under manning by immigration officers.

More problems could occur during the Olympics, if a few of the visitors allegedly coming for the games, decide to stay in the land of plenty.
21 Jun 2012
UK, Ireland / Polish immigrants in the UK - the next generation [87]

That's that problem. If the head of the Borders Security Agency has no idea of the numbers, how can the government?

He told MPs he did not "have the faintest idea" how many illegal immigrants there were in the UK, although he was aware of estimates suggesting the number of illegal immigrants was about 400,000.

21 Jun 2012
UK, Ireland / Polish immigrants in the UK - the next generation [87]

The national census in 2001 missed at least a million people, many of them in London. Results of the new, and possibly last, census, are due out later this year, but this time it may have missed as many as two million people.

Seems like a few forgot to fill the forms out.
21 Jun 2012
Real Estate / What do you pay in rent/mortgage in Poland? [144]

what is it then? The houses in my area are about that- some more, some less- but it is possible to find a house in the Warsaw surrounding area for this cost.

I think the word used was "average", not the exception.
20 Jun 2012
Real Estate / What do you pay in rent/mortgage in Poland? [144]

This does not make sense unless you add more information. Do you mean that they sub-let the property with informing the lender? In which case this would be fraud. Not eviction for non-payment.
20 Jun 2012
Real Estate / What do you pay in rent/mortgage in Poland? [144]

1. Cost of buying in Poland (notary fee, valuation) are at least twice higher as in the UK

I disagree. Having sold several flats here I included the notary fees in the cost. I paid this and it was norally around 400 GBP, roughly the same as in the UK. Notary's charges can vary, dependant on how many times you use them.

2. The cost of variable rates loans is much higher in Poland than in the UK: 3 months WIBOR stands over 5%, whereas 3 months GBP LIBOR is below 1%,

The rates you give for the UK mortgage are based on "tracker" mortgages which are usually "fixed" for a 2-5 years period. The banks are not offering these any

more because of the credit crises. Bank of England rate is 0.5%, yet NEW UK mortgages are around 6-7%. There are deals to be had but these involve higher payments and are for a fixed period, which, when it expires will see the mortgage payments jump up considerably unless able to re-mortgagee with all the costs involved.

The discussion was about costs, not tenant security. I think you will find that if a home owner in the UK defaults on the mortgage, it takes the bank/building society 6-12 months to obtain an eviction order, especially if there are young children in the house. the lenders will always give a certain amount of time to sort out lower payments and all avenues explored before eviction take place.
19 Jun 2012
Real Estate / Poland's apartment prices continue to fall [1844]

No point. If you want to go on about China or Dubai. I only know the market in Poland. I am not an expert on the rest of the world.
19 Jun 2012
Real Estate / Poland's apartment prices continue to fall [1844]

I just sold an apartment in the centre of Krakow which I bought five years ago, no problem.

Hi Sean,

It seems that the developers agree with you, 27% more starts than last year. They must be crazy, don't they know that there is a property bubble and the prices are going to crash by 60%, obviously not.
