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Posts by Sparks11  

Joined: 31 Jan 2013 / Male ♂
Last Post: 25 Oct 2018
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Posts: Total: 333 / In This Archive: 244
From: Warsaw
Speaks Polish?: Yes

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4 Nov 2013
Life / Phone callers doing surveys asking what equipment you have in Poland [7]

Yeah, as soon as I realize that it's any kind of survey/telemarketer I hang up, sometimes I swear and hang up. I don't even engage them--they are not worth human decency. Unless they are from a company that you do business with and could possibly have some upgrade or whatever that you may be interested in, I wouldn't even waste my time.
31 Oct 2013
Love / Advice Please! Meeting my Polish boyfriend's parents!! Gifts, customs... [105]

It seems odd that her dad would object. It seems that most Polish fathers care more about their daughters marrying someone who will provide well for them and generally act like a decent person than where he comes from . Perhaps he is worried that she will never come back to live in Polska if she ends up with you. I think with courtesy and a nice bottle of boubon you can win him over.
29 Oct 2013
Love / Younger Polish girl 24 dating old man [21]

I believe that you've got your answer regarding the motivations of younger women dating older men. Maybe it's time to drop it.
25 Oct 2013
Language / Is Polish an easy language to learn and is there a way of learning it easily? [105]

Wills is spot on. It's is all in context. People whose native tongue is from the same language group as the one they are trying to learn will quite likely have an easier time learning the language. Of course, all languages have more or less complex aspects but if they are in the same group, these aspects are familiar to the learner.
19 Oct 2013
Language / Is Polish an easy language to learn and is there a way of learning it easily? [105]

I would recommend you start with the basics of vocab and grammar and then listen to as much as you can. It really takes a long time and a lot of effort to drive those declensions into your head. There is almost nothing intuitive about it for a native English speaker. If you don't live in the country it will be all the more difficult.
25 Sep 2013
Work / 3500 PLN gross - not happy with my salary (working in Warsaw for an international company) [55]

I suppose they would need a Dutch Native Speaker if, umm..., they ever need anything written in proper Dutch. Just a thought... I don't know.

Considering that I still see signs, adverts, menus etc. written in bad English, I think that all companies should employ more Native Speakers. For a small business, alright, it might not be that important, but I see these mistakes by fairly large, international businesses.

On that note, has anyone been out past Janki on the A2 recently? There is a large shelf warehouse out there which has a massive sign saying something like "We supply shelves all over the Europe" it used to bug me to no end. You make a massive sign but can't find a native speaker to check your article usage.

This bothers me in my homeland as well, not just picking on Poland.
12 Sep 2013
Genealogy / Do Polish people often have the Mongolian spot? [24]

The link doesn't even say that it is prevalent in the region of the world that Poland is in. Why would they have it? Because some Polish people have dark eyes and look only slightly asiatic? Because once a long time ago some Asians invaded Europe? Give me a break.
12 Sep 2013
USA, Canada / Would you live in California, USA? [240]

I think this is a silly question. Of course there are the social, political, personal, whatever factors to consider, but I suppose it really depends on what your situation would be there? I wouldn't rule out living anywhere if the conditions were right. I think you should ask yourself what you want and then see if Cali offers these things. Yes?
4 Sep 2013
Life / Homosexuality in Polish Culture [231]

Look at the scared little liberal, using ad-hominem and petty shaming tactics because he cannot buttress his arguments in any way or form.

I'm not going to really enter this argument, but...umm...

It seems like you are actually the one who hasn't offerered any support for his points and has resulted to name-calling and shaming. Jon at least offers an example of a politician. Can you prove that homosexuality is, in fact, destroying the fabric of society? Perhaps start by defining what a moral society is and go from there.... :)

Might be difficult to grasp, kind of like the comparison between pedophiles and homosexuals...I think you lost the connection with logic a bit. Recalibrate, recalculate and reformulate please.
2 Sep 2013
Life / Homosexuality in Polish Culture [231]

I think that there is nothing "gayer" than macho posturing. Sports, guy's nights etc. Really, if you're secure in your manliness and sexuality, why would you care what other people are doing It's the same with everything, the people who know themselves and are comfortable in their own skin do their thing and let others do the same. It's the one's who scream the loudest about "issues" that are the most insecure.
28 Aug 2013
News / 23 Shale Wells Drilled This Year Alone in Poland - 41 More to Go... [50]

I co najważniejsze: po krótkiej stymulacji gaz wypływa samodzielnie od ponad miesiąca.

Hmm... Unfortunately that "krótkiej stymulacji" is probably toxic chemicals dumped into the earth. Shale gas mining is ruining parts of my home state and making people sick. I truly hope that it is shut down in Poland and all of Europe before the same happens here. I wonder how long it will be before people start showing up at the doctors with mysterious rashes, scratchy throats and eyes etc.
25 Aug 2013
Life / Polish disco-polo music makes comeback in Poland [20]

This is news...? It's been known for years that Warszawiaks are the biggest disco polo listeners in the country. Any wasik driving a nice car will have it blasting on the stereo :)
20 Aug 2013
Food / What's your favorite Polish beer? [870]

Why are you guys naming the crappiest, big-name beers in Poland? For BEST Polish beer? Of course it's a silly question to begin with as it's all up to opinion and someone could prefer horse-p***, but Tyskie, Okocim, these are swill beers. Someone mentioned microbrews which are always the way to go, the world over. Ciechan is always good, Namyslow as well. I've noticed the changing tastes as well, I attribute it to cutting quality in order to make more money, Zywiec used to be o.k. but has become utter ***** in the past years.
14 Aug 2013
Life / Is 10500 monthly is enough for a family to live in Warsaw Poland [136]

I think you're making one big mistake, typical for foreigners in Poland - you believe what Poles tell you when it comes to salaries. Poles are utter liars in my experience when it comes to talking about money - pretending to be poor is almost a national sport here. I think almost everyone on this forum that's lived in Poland has a story or two about "poor Poles" actually earning a significant amount on the side.

I also "know" someone who works at a ministry and, while not at the very bottom, is not very far up, certainly not a dyrektor of a department or anything like that. She makes significantly more than even 2500 NETTO. But, Delph is correct in that talking about how little your job pays is quite normal. I would say that the only folks working for the gov't who might not earn significantly over 3k BRUTTO are the cleaning staff.
28 Jul 2013
News / Demolish Poland's Palace of Culture? [55]

I'm thinking of the area between Marszalkowska and the Palace, the Northside park could stay as well as the walkway and park on the Southside, It's the Eastside, or the Plac which I can't understand. It's a parking lot? A bus parking? An ugly sea of concrete and cobblestone? Really it seems to serve no purpose other than to increase the distance between the sidewalk and the East entrance. The few times year they put a stage up there or throw in some crappy beer gardens hardly justifies it. I
28 Jul 2013
News / Demolish Poland's Palace of Culture? [55]

I like the idea of doing something with Plac Defiliad. For now it's just an empty waste of space in the middle of the city. Put up a few skyscrapers in there and the skyline will start to look pretty impressive.
25 Jul 2013
Love / My Polish wife went out the other night and didnt come home till the next day [22]

The whole "silent treatment" thing when you are the one who has reason to be upset is a typical defense for Polish girls, maybe girls in general :) They simply try to stop your anger by showing anger themselves, the art of attacking first :) It sounds like she knew you would be mad and thus tried to head you off at the pass, so to speak.
19 Jul 2013
USA, Canada / Living 16+ years in the US. Is moving back to Poland a good idea? [14]

Get your teaching degree in the States and a couple of years experience teaching over there. Come back here and get a job in one of the many private schools which teach children, either EFL or normal subject material, you could even apply to the American school here, I believe that El. Ed. is always in demand. As far as teaching in regular Polish schools, don't bother, the pay is crap. As a certified U.S. teacher you will find work in Warsaw no problem, the fact that you speak Polish and, I guess have citizenship will make it even easier.
17 Jul 2013
Work / Female Juris Doctor/Native American Speaker/Jobs in Warsaw [59]

There was a fellow peddling his legal knowledge around the Unis of Poland (Lodz, Warsaw, Lublin) I believe. I won't give his name but know of him because of people who have taken his classes. He taught American Law and whatever other courses the Unis dreamed up year to year. I have no idea how he got these jobs but I don't think he was any sort of legal genius in the States, more like a guy with a law degree. You could start by contacting the unis and seeing if they need anyone to teach Am. law or any spin-offs of that. As far as the "see what pops up thing" just come here and talk to people, teach in-company courses etc. check the forums, once you get here and start meeting people, they know your quals. etc. You'll be surprised how opportunities start to arise.
17 Jul 2013
Work / Female Juris Doctor/Native American Speaker/Jobs in Warsaw [59]

It's a bit doom and gloom on here. Ajlawju, if you're in Warsaw or near you won't have much trouble finding a job teaching English. There are people here teaching with no university degrees of any kind, and nothing but some crappy, no-name tefl course to their name. Do they get the best teaching jobs? Usually not, but with your education and experience, whether it be super-fitted to the Euro market or not, you will find work. Just start looking now, get ready for Fall and you will be fine. As far as other jobs, who knows? Come and look around , things always pop up. If you take the Celta, you'll be a top-pick for many schools.
10 Jul 2013
Work / Teaching jobs for Americans in Wroclaw? [54]

This discussion about how many hours a day it is possible to teach is great but I'm wondering where that original fella went. You guys don't think it's possible that what actually happened is that he came over, got kicked in the keister and hauled it back Stateside, deciding to make up a little fable to make himself feel better? Nah. Never happens.
9 Jul 2013
Work / Teaching jobs for Americans in Wroclaw? [54]

I wouldn't say the 8 teaching hours a day is extremely difficult to do well, maybe for a newbie, probably most difficult to actually get that many hours back-to-back. I don't believe you could do it schlepping all over town. If he has a good situation with a school, say some double blocks ( 2x 90 min) in the morning and some in the afternoon/evening, that leaves decent prep. time. Not sure about the 12 hours on the weekend... 3 x 90 min. on BOTH Saturday and Sunday, not sure that 's a schedule one could keep for long. I'd also like to hear how this is possible from the OP. I teach A LOT of hours in Warsaw, but have been at if for 10 years and don't work weekends, so that gives time to catch up and live a bit.
8 Jun 2013
Love / Fresh, wholesome country lass in Poland - getting married and going back to the US [167]

I'm not suggesting that I believe in casual sex or promiscuity - I think sex should be for people in established relationships who love one another. But think this standard should be applied equally to men and women, and I think it's crazy that a man should expect physical virginity from an adult woman. It could easily lead to unhappiness for both of them.

I believe that one should do with one's body as, um, one sees fit. If someone likes casual sex (male or female) who's ANYONE to tell them that it's not the way. Of course, be aware of possible diseases and what not, but live your life in a way you feel comfortable with. People with hymen-fascinations are far more perverted and mixed up than anyone who has sex with whoever they see fit and willing.
8 May 2013
Work / Krakow: possible job offer: 6.500 PLN [20]

I agree, for a 500 zl difference stay in Krakow. I'm not sure how ambitious you are or what your field is but if you want to bump up your earnings you could consider taking on extra work, outside of your company as well. This would probably be easier in Warsaw. If you're not a workaholic, go for the Krakow offer. Also, don't worry about defending your drinking habits or preference for nightlife. Do what works for you and don't let people on internet forums tell you right from wrong on these topics--figure it out when you get here.