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Joined: 3 Jun 2010 / Male ♂
Last Post: 10 Apr 2022
Threads: Total: 5 / In This Archive: 5
Posts: Total: 467 / In This Archive: 387
From: polonia, usa
Speaks Polish?: nada
Interests: everything

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9 Oct 2012
Life / Bishops defend Polish family [105]

Currently there are 25 Catholics in the United States Senate, 16 Democrats, 9 Republicans, and 134 (out of 435) Catholics in the United States House of Representatives, including the current House Speaker John Boehner. Joseph Biden is a Catholic, the first ever elected Vice President.

Congress has never been more dysfunctional because the Catholic Church is trying to get the Republicans to legislate morality.

He may just have top settle for a scrap of paper from the registrar, but to many in Poland that is not a 'real marriage'

With few local exceptions, until 1545, Christian marriages in Europe were by mutual consent, declaration of intention to marry and upon the subsequent physical union of the parties

The Church didn't require a priest at marriage until 1563, so for approximately 1200 years all people had to do was move in together which is what they did.

A Catholic is duty-bound to evangelise

You're the barking dog of antiquity:

There are four reasons why the Cynics are so named. First because of the indifference of their way of life, for they make a cult of indifference and, like dogs, eat and make love in public, go barefoot, and sleep in tubs and at crossroads. The second reason is that the dog is a shameless animal, and they make a cult of shamelessness, not as being beneath modesty, but as superior to it. The third reason is that the dog is a good guard, and they guard the tenets of their philosophy.


what are mortal sins? meh not gonna list it. Read St Thomas Aquinas..he spells it out nice and plain and listed. Or go to a Diocese website

Thomas Aquinas popularized the idea that if anyone disagreed with the Church teachings (no freedom of thought) they would be guilty of heresy and it wasn't good enough to excommunicate the offender, they had to be killed. But before being killed they had to be tortured (like the ancient Greek Cynics The Church believes that you find God through pain) so that they would find God and enter the gates of heaven. That's why in the Middle Ages heretics were burnt at the stake and why the Reformation was so bloody. Scripture doesn't mention mortal sin. That's something the Church cooked up.
8 Oct 2012
Life / Bishops defend Polish family [105]

Is there no end to the bile?

The American Right Wing...very often practicing and devout Roman Catholics. Irrational and unchristian.
8 Oct 2012
UK, Ireland / Learning English but after reading comments in DM I feel it's no use [59]

I agree with PGTX. Being Polish you might want to visit the States instead of England. The exchange rate may be a bit better and you won't catch any heat about being Polish. Only I would fly Warsaw to Chicago as there are many ExPat Poles there and you won't go a long time until you hear Polish spoken in the Street.

Apparently, you've forgotten to what extent the British (not only the English) are indebted to the Poles.

Surely you jest. People will work if you pay them enough. I've known a few expat English in the States and they don't sit on welfare, they're just as hard working as the natives.
4 Oct 2012
Love / Why don't Polish women treat education seriously for themselves? [130]

No - because they don't have money to pay for studies in USA (or in fact overseas, because costs of living are higher than in Poland in general). They have to EARN the money FIRST.

Just for the record, but higher education is affordable in the US. Loans, grants, scholarship monies are available. Also there are work study programs. I paid my way through college by working part time. And I've never met a Polish American woman who didn't have a college degree. Education is valued in the Polish American community.
2 Oct 2012
Love / Why don't Polish women treat education seriously for themselves? [130]

A fun fact: Most CEOs in America have an education in engineering or some other technical field.

When FIAT took over Chrysler it was said that Chrysler would get Italian small car technology, but Fiat's contribution wasn't small car technology it was Italian management. American management, outsourcing jobs to China and than wondering why the population doesn't have the money to buy anything. Brilliant!
2 Oct 2012
Love / Why don't Polish women treat education seriously for themselves? [130]

So what kind of curriculum is broad enough in you opinion?

Engineering grads are often times in management positions but lack business management and communication coursework.

Here in the US, mechanical engineering students would slap you in the face if you dared to say their curriculum is not broad enough. ;-)

Are you a physicist or engineer? There is a difference ya know. You must be one of those who believe that you can teach management but you can't teach a manager to be an engineer. This is complete nonsense as non-degree designers do lots of design work (oooh, now I'm sounding like a.k.). I have to deal with civils and they are a P.I.T.A. Go through life with blinders on and can't manage no matter how hard one tries. Peter Principal at work.

It's hard for universities to give their engineering students a great non-engineering education considering there's a lot to cover in a 4 year engineering curriculum especially since the topics are very complex and difficult.

Do they need 3 or 4 semesters of Calculus, diffy q's, linear algebra, etc.? But I know take away some of the technical coursework and one will lose one's engineering manhood.

("ooh, you're watering it down, it's too easy") No, you're making the coursework more broad, more related to what they're actually going to do. IMHO of course.
2 Oct 2012
Love / Why don't Polish women treat education seriously for themselves? [130]

Neither is true. You may fill so confident of your acquired knowledge, either way, until one day you are put to a real test of teaching the others. You will sweat bullets: for every hour of tutoring or lecturing you will take as much as five times of real time to prepare yourself to that task. The pressure becomes easier with time, and at some point you can teach in your dream with zero preparation. But it takes time before that is to happen.

Been there, done that.

Seriously though I had fluid mechanics and thermodynamics at 9.00am on a Thursday morning followed by Lab work/Practical, my friends were doing English and other such stuff and had about 4 hours per year. Humanities students don’t you just love them:):)

A broad based education is best. Engineering curriculum are often times too narrow.
1 Oct 2012
Love / Why don't Polish women treat education seriously for themselves? [130]

but in Poland in recent years a weir-named courses at Polish universities started to crop up. Probably just to attract with novel sounding titles and with the false promise of a strictly profession-oriented curriculum more students. More students = more cash for the university = more lectures = more cash for the lecturers.

The whole premise of your argument is that it is better to be ignorant (lack of knowledge). No it isn't, knowledge is power and one acquires knowledge through formal education. Acquiring knowledge by reading books as opposed to attending school is possible but not probable. The point is unless they go to school they probably won't acquire the knowledge.
30 Sep 2012
Love / Why don't Polish women treat education seriously for themselves? [130]

A university degree is not a guarantee of knowledge anymore.
Also knowledge can be wasted because after two years of not using it an average person forgets about 90% of it.

I should have phrased it differently, what i meant was: "the time spent in pursuit of knowledge is never wasted". In your parlance, the time spent going to school is not wasted.

They can always study on their own, they don't need to enroll in a university course if that doesn't make them more attractive on the job market.

You keep equating education with a job, I'm not talking about getting a job. My university education didn't have anything to do with my job (it still doesn't). My university education made me a broader (broader thinking) person. It's not just the subject matter, it's the people you meet, the classes you attend, etc. University educated cleaning women make better cleaning women. Get it?

All generalizations are unfair but there are cultural differences. English women are more domestic than Polish women. That doesn't mean that they are more or less. Polish women are as you describe, highly educated working in professional positions. More so than their English counterparts. It doesn't mean that they're better, just different.
29 Sep 2012
Love / Why don't Polish women treat education seriously for themselves? [130]

Just look around. There is so many graduatees with mickey mouse degrees, who cannot find any work.

Education isn't necessarily about getting a "job" it's about acquiring knowledge. There's no such thing as "mickey mouse" degrees. The opposite of Knowledge is ignorance and ... you're saying that people are better off being ignorant? Knowledge is never wasted.

Since when it is possible to teach thinking?

You obviously don't have an American University liberal arts education.

I'm not from a conservative family. I can't cook, I ruined several clothes by washing them together with other colours, and genrally know nothing about running a house. And certainly I don't embrace the idea of women being tied to the house chores againts their wills, sitting home and bearing children, or not being equal in wages or jobs opportunities.

Generally speaking Polish women are career women. Real workhorses. If you want a housewife marry English. They're better with the kids, they can cook and they're literate (they can hold a conversation).
28 Sep 2012
Love / Why don't Polish women treat education seriously for themselves? [130]

It doesn't, but when you spend resources on all the unwashed masses

When you left high school you should have borrowed the money and went to either NC State or UNC. They would have taught you how to think. Now it's all gibberish. It's not too late to leave home and pursue a four year degree, afterall the economy isn't doing anything right now.
28 Sep 2012
News / Poland versus Greece in economy [175]

He seems to have copy pasted from here

Washington Times, Heritage Foundation, Cato Institute are right wing institutions. Wall Street Journal is owned by the lovely Mr. Murdoch.

Why is foreign investment frowned upon here. It happens everywhere in our globalized world.

The Point she's making is none of the growth is locally based. If the foreign investment stops, Poland is screwed. You can't build a nation on cheap wages as China is finding out.
15 Sep 2012
Love / Chastity rings in Poland - bad news for 'dziwkarze' [42]

If you are Christian and read scripture you would know that morals originate from the heart and nowhere else (i.e., just because one wears a chastity ring doesn't mean they are moral). And as for you, if your ambition is to become a journalist you are going to have to become a bit more open minded if you are going to "get" the story.
9 Sep 2012
USA, Canada / Who is better informed, the expat or the Polonia crowd? [144]

Are you saying that Hollywood is promoting the role model of a decent, upright, honest, truthful and altruistic human being who avoids materialistic and hedonistic excesses in a world where most people go to bed hungry. And that it effectively puts into practice the saying of the great 19th-century humanitarian, Albert Schweitzer who said: 'Remember, you are not alone in this world -- your brother is here too!'

Hollywood tells stories through film. That's all it is. It's not a church. It is not monolithic. We're supposed to get our values from our churches. Fancy that, values from the Roman Catholic Church when their priests molest our children. The message of Jesus of Nazareth is Charity to your neighbor, it's not about sacrificing and suffering so that you can get to heaven. How self-serving.
9 Sep 2012
Travel / How quickly does the sun set in Poland? [12]

As Boletus said it depends on latitude. Look at a map of Europe, England is way up there. Sally said that closer to the Equator the faster the sunset, lack of twilight. The further North and South, longer twilight. Poland should have the same length of twilight as England as they are approximately the same latitude.
8 Sep 2012
USA, Canada / Who is better informed, the expat or the Polonia crowd? [144]

This is what is wrong with politics in the United States. The Roman Catholic Church over the past 10 years has become very politically active and is blaming everything wrong with the USA on Hollywood and "Secular Society". They have a stranglehold on the Republican Party which has gone from Conservative to Right Wing Fascist.

That's where a lot of this thinking is coming from.
7 Sep 2012
News / 1.3% birth rate = Poland's slow death [221]

bonkers, completely bonkers. Or possibly drunk.

Nay, Roman Catholic. Why do you think you had the Reformation?

Okay everybody lets do a poll: how many kids do you think Polonius3 has? My guess...none.
7 Sep 2012
USA, Canada / Who is better informed, the expat or the Polonia crowd? [144]

At one point there were over a million (1960's?) in Chicago. But they moved to the Burbs!

From Wikipedia, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poles_in_Chicago:

"...However, Polish Americans are, by far, the largest European American ethnic group in the Chicago metropolitan area, with as many as 1.5 million claiming Polish ancestry"
7 Sep 2012
USA, Canada / Who is better informed, the expat or the Polonia crowd? [144]

Well that certainly is an interesting variation on the standard excuse, i.e. "They weren't Poles! They were Ukrainian / German / Russian / Belarussian / Jews!"

Harry you misunderstand, there are lots of other ethnic groups in Chicago (Poles just happen to be the largest). The 1919 race riots were between the Irish immigrants and the blacks. Actually in the States the Poles are quite ambivalent towards race (quite unlike what's posted on here).

6 Sep 2012
USA, Canada / Who is better informed, the expat or the Polonia crowd? [144]

Interesting point. But one made somewhat moot by the events in 1919 in the city with the second largest number of Polish inhabitants in the world, i.e. Chicago

That was the Irish, not the Poles. Chicago used to have the largest Polish population in the World. It may still be the case.

and did more than theri share fighting in World War Two in the US Army. If their english was less than fluent, they caused no trouble for the US of A

I met a Canadian fellow a few years back and we had a chat about immigration between Canada and the US. His comments and I'm paraphrasing"... America did much better in integrating it's immigrants. When I was in WWII I was surprised at how well the Polish-Americans spoke English while our Ukrainian immigrants didn't know enough English to serve in the Army."

Contemplative religous orders freely choose peace,

The Inquisition wasn't peaceful. Child molestation isn't peaceful.
5 Sep 2012
USA, Canada / Who is better informed, the expat or the Polonia crowd? [144]


Good post!

i have never left my homeland -- the American Polonia. I was born a Polonian and continued to be one while in Poland I have never left or abandoned Polonia and do nto intend to. That is my homeland. And yes I am married within my own ethnic fold.

Actually, I don't think Polonia exists either. You're either American or Polish. Some Poles hang onto their Polish language and culture but over time Poland moves on and one loses touch with the Mother country. My great grandparents were all born in Poland but it would be futile for me to hang onto a culture from 100 years ago. I mean the Polish my ancestors spoke is probably not legible by modern standards (that's what they told me before they died, they said they spoke "kitchen Polish"). No, I am quite comfortable being American even if some or all of you think of us as the Great Satan. For some reason Polonius 3 is not comfortable being American. I come here for the social good time. It's fun to read all the squabbles, mostly between the British men and the Polish women.

You live in America, you left your ethnic group and the majority of Americans are not RC and abide by the "selfish 'me myself and I' times" yourself.

There is no more of a selfish philosophy than the Roman Catholic "Contemplative Life". It's all about me and me and Jesus. "I'll take these perpetual vows and suffer and sacrifice now and be rewarded later." It's all about being rewarded. Christianity is about giving your neighbor the benefit of the doubt, even if you don't agree with them.
28 Aug 2012
Life / Polish vs British vs American - Clash of cultures [390]

Okay, what bad things has the Church gotten people to do lately?

Hello? Where have you been, lately? Like molesting little kids and allowing them to do it again and again. The whole Church was involved, the priests, bishops and cardinals.

Who was the latest that got convicted in Philadelphia and has been sentenced to prison, bishop or cardinal?

The RCC was involved in the fascist movement in the 1920's and 30's Europe. When Pope Pius the XI was a priest he was kicked out of Poland in the early 1920's for political meddling. Pius the XII was the Vatican's Secretary of State in the 1930's and he was heavily involved in Germany. Opus Dei constituted Franco's Fifth Column during the Spanish Civil War. After Franco took over Catholic religious clerics forcibly took kids away from their parents if they were of the wrong political persuasion and gave them to fascists households.

To be fair, the RCC is nowhere near as bad as some of those loony churches in America.

See above, nothing is comparable with other looney churches.
27 Aug 2012
Life / Polish vs British vs American - Clash of cultures [390]

Churches are still full of believers in Poland.

That's what's wrong with it.

America has the largest church attendance in the industrialized world, and that's what causes most of our problems. Churches are a control mechanism, it's how you get good people to do bad things, especially if you're Roman Catholic.
24 Aug 2012
Love / What differences is there among Polish girls and British girls as girlfriends? [102]

I don't mean suggest that Polish women are inferior or bad people

Of course not, we're talking cultural differences here not individual differences. And there are cultural differences. Polish women aren't bad or good, same for the English. But a lot of posts on here are about how attractive Polish women are, but it's from an Englishmen's viewpoint. Apparently they find Polish women attractive, my guess due to their personalities which is opposite to an Englishwoman. In the States it's the other way around.