Love /
Foreign Men and Polish Girls for Citizenship [59]
I'm sorry if this is too realistic for some of you, but I really think that the same can be said about some of the Polish fellows out there, who are probably too insecure to approach a girl, or just don't know what to say to a girl. What do you expect from the girls when you're not chasing them? That she'll stop and think to herself: But what about those lonely Polish guys? Come on! Smell the coffee!
Say anything. You don't have to be Einstein, and it's okay to say stupid sh¡t sometimes. (Some girls will actually feel flattered, no matter how much you're stuttering.) If she behaves like a total b¡tch the first time you address her, you should shrug it off and maybe try again under different circumstances. (If she wasn't too extreme or cruel for you!) Unless she thought you were being creepy, there's a fat chance she'll act a bit different. Some girls actually like guys who don't allow themselves to be discouraged too easily. (Which is exactly why some girls actually give you some lip, because they like to see you try.) Of course it also helps to take good care of yourself. It doesn't always matter if you have a bit of acne, have a receding hairline, or other flaws. You'll never be as pretty as a girl. Okay? Girls have their own flaws too, but they usually hide them underneath a thick layer of make up. Trust me, they know, and they're usually ten times as insecure than you've ever been, so don't let that beauty queen attitude discourage you.
Dare to be different. Open up. Being creative with your language to a certain extent usually works, but hey, don't overdo anything. (It doesn't hurt to try though!) But first and foremost: Stop being a sobbing slob who complains about his foreign competition. Nothing is more unnattractive than a guy who gives up. Find your fighting spirit. Work out. Believe in it. You don't have to be filthy rich to score a date, and you don't actually have to be ultra-handsome or super-intelligent either. Don't let anyone convince you of that, because your competition actually hopes you'll be that dumbass who will fall for these old chestnuts. Some chicks are gold-diggers alright, but most girls out there just want attention from a man. Any man. Find some determination. Find some ambition. Discover your passion. Stop being lazy. Pick something which interests you, or pick something you really enjoy doing, or think you will enjoy doing, and try to excell at whatever your choice will be. Screw it, take a few dancing lessons for example, and you'll see you'll be able to meet plenty of girls! (Not necessarily single, but you have to start somewhere!) Oh, and whatever you choose to do, don't do that for them, but do that for yourself. Enjoy yourself. Loosen up. Lighten up. Okay? Cool.
Copy and paste this post whenever you feel down. Dumbass. It's not the foreign men who are your problem. It's you yourself who's your biggest problem. Acknowledge that, and start doing something about that! Look, there will always be girls who fall for exotic men, just like there will always be exotic girls who fall for you. The simple truth is that the majority of the girls won't hesitate to accept a date closer to home.
You aren't the most handsome guy in town? Well.. Stop comparing yourself to the ''ideal'', because photoshop doesn't apply to reality! I know plenty of girls who aren't the prettiest in town either! (Get it now?) Do you have any idea how many girls and women are single and feeling lonely these days? Boy, I sincerly hope you feel stupid after reading this post, because it's never too late to change. Oh, and if you feel like you're a big fat loser, I suggest you forget about chasing the ladies for a while, and actually do something for yourself first!
Poland is pretty much a homogenous society, with about 96% of the population being 100% Polish, so just please cut the crap and stop blaming the foreigners or the girls for your own insecurity already! Yes. Ouch. Now you know what to do. Try. Find out. Do it your way. You don't need any seduction courses or pay for advice from a Casanova. It's actually easier than some of you seem to think, trust me. Good luck bro!
Yes, long post, because I'm tired of all the whining here, and I actually prefer to see happy people.