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Joined: 16 Oct 2009 / Male ♂
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Last Post: 17 Apr 2021
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24 Feb 2013
Law / The Euro, is it a good idea for Poland? [66]

as a supposed right winger, you should be

I do not consider myself "right winger", while I agree with them on many points, I do not take other people's views as packages I need to adopt myself.

The bondholders want to get bailed out, simply because they can and threaten to pull out and not invest anymore. If bailed out at 100%, it represents the worst kind of capitalism today, because it only punishes the borrower, and not the creditor, who made money while things were good. Worse, many Greeks were innocent and did not benefit, and now they have to pay.

That's why Iceland did default. People pulled out and its currency depreciated like crazy, but eventually things stabilized and now the country is ok. The depreciated currency was in effect a loss for the bondholders.

Greece can't default however for two reasons: first it doesn't have a currency to depreciate (therefore all of the adjustements would take place with lower wages and a vicious debt cycle) and second European banks hold the bonds, and they have a lot of power.
24 Feb 2013
News / American SM-3 ballistic missile site in Poland by 2018 [86]

First the F-22 RAPTOR was grounded permanently, robbing USA of it's sole Stealth Capable Multi Purpose 5th Generation Fighter Jet. As of yet, a critical flaw of the F-22 that shuts off a pilots oxygen during high G maneuvers, typically used in dog fighting, has not yet been fixed.

Now, the J-35 a 4th (or 4.5th if you will) has been grounded, due to a flaw.

USA can no longer into aeronautical engineering anymore. I guess that's no longer surprising: When you cannot even build calculators anymore, you an be sure everything else in your engineering portfolio will become sh*t as well. But that's ok, China and it's under 10 year old slave laborforce will pick up the slack, just as wallstreet lefists want.

Meanwhile the sole 5th Generation Fighter Jet of the world now belongs and is operated by Russia, manufactured by the Sukhoi Federation aka the Sukhoi T-50.

Are we still expecting USA' help in the face of Russian invasion?
24 Feb 2013
Law / The Euro, is it a good idea for Poland? [66]

Normal governments simply ask their central bank to buy their bonds, and if inflation has to be controlled, the central bank sells those bonds. And when they have to borrow from abroad, they have the freedom to tell foreign creditors to stuff it when they can no longer pay. Iceland did it. Kingdom of Egypt did it. Argentina did it. They were blocked from borrowing from abroad for a few years, and then came back. NO CONSEQUENCES WHATSOEVER.

The good old cycle of borrow, print, devalue, and default works wonderfully, without having to raise crippling taxes on the population. Really, does the population work for the government, or does the government work for the population? That's why one must never join the euro zone, and one must spend freely without worries of tax revenues.
21 Feb 2013
USA, Canada / What do Polish people think of the USA [287]

You're saying America's rednecks and mountain folk live a "sensible life"? Crime is low there because few people live there and people out there don't have much to steal. Education in rural America is the worst in the country

Spoken like a true brain-washed lefty. Why don't you look up on the most rural states, then search for the ones with the lowest crime, highest educational rates and highest average IQ. For extra fun, also search for the states with the least amount of non-whites. The result just doesn't seem to corroborate with the narrative pushed by the media, but i guess you would have to be a librul to find that surprising.
20 Feb 2013
USA, Canada / What do Polish people think of the USA [287]

The reason Americans are always sneering at anything that contravenes any of the three major political viewpoints that are presented as the only legitimate ones by the media is that they are incapable of imagining anything else other than the ideas that have been vetted, sanitized and kosher approved for their protection.

They are not all bad though. Rural America, while often cynically derided by the media and TV "entertainment" in general, is where Americans still have managed to conserve a normal and sensible way of life. Crime is low, education is high, people do not mistrust each other, police brutality is an almost non-existent phenomena. Yet, this is the type of America which most lib-faggots consider to be backward and regressive. Its just too nice, too well ordered, and most importantly, too white.
10 Feb 2013
History / Memos show US hushed up Soviet crime against Poland [97]

IMO Germany get exactly the correct level of Blame for WW2, the USSR & Japan didn't get enough

Well, Pearl Harbour was perfectly justified.
No, this is not a defense of Japanese abuses in China. But that what Japan did in Pearl Harbour made perfect sense in light of Japanese-American relations.

US forced Japan to accept American Closed Door Policy but repeal Japanese Closed Door Policy completely.
The faction of pro-Anglo-Saxon and pro-peace Japanese ministers in the Japanese government were treated with asset freezes and confiscations by the Americans.
US refused to cease sanctions against the Japanese even if they withdrew from China and Indochina.

Think for a second. What would the US government do to any foreign government that repeatedly refuses to live up to a bargain? That deceitfully ensures that America can not import from abroad or sell its produce abroad? That freezes and confiscates assets of any foreign minister who demands peace with Americans? That rejects repeated American offers for peace under the most generous conditions?
10 Feb 2013
Love / Marriage with a polish woman - Heaven or Forever Hell ? [60]

Kondzior, disciplining children by father has nothing to do with male dominance in family.

Maybe, maybe not. My assertion was more on the lines that those elements were strongest during our patriarchal history, an history which we've been taught to look with shame and resentfulness (female point of view). This has led to an irrational rejection of our own cultural identity which is corroding our civilization.

The rivalry between Athens and Sparta offers a perfect and irrefutable example of my argument.

In Athens, women were essentially denied even the most basic of rights. They were discouraged from learning how to write and read, weren't allowed to partake into politics, the arts or the sciences and their role was essentially that of support and nurture.

In Sparta, women were given much greater freedom. They were taught reading and writing, they partook in many of the same activities as men (combat training and sport competitions included) and were even allowed to own private property.

Now, look at the results. Athens is the shining beacon of classical culture. Their contribution to the arts and sciences is unparalleled and their genius without peer. Sparta however was nothing more then a congregation of thugs.

Under the patriarchal model of Athens, male energy was controlled and channeled.

Under the Spartan matriarchy, male energy was lose and easily diverted into violence.

You can't get more clear cut then this.

The same process can be seen at work among African-Americans. In the first half of the 20th century, the black community existed under male dominated households. Young black males were disciplined and controlled by their fathers, which set the stage for the explosive artistic and political renaissance that followed their social liberation. After several decades of welfare policies and the resulting annihilation of the black patriarchal family model, blacks are caught in a never ending cycle of extreme violence and social regression.
10 Feb 2013
Love / Marriage with a polish woman - Heaven or Forever Hell ? [60]

Western women are the most selfish, spoiled, intolerant people on earth.

That's merely the tip of the iceberg, and it's besides the point really.

What's important is the role of the sexes within the institution of the family, which is the building block of civilization, and the family must be invariably male dominated in order to assure it's primary function.

One reason for this is that males are basically selfless within the context of a larger group. For a male, the group comes first, and his worth as an individual is measured by his sense of duty towards said group. Women on the other end are inherently selfish. The individual comes first, and what's good for the self defines everything.

The second important factor is that only male dominated families can work towards the disciplining of other males. Feminists always say that patriarchal families are a tool of female oppression, but the truth is that primary concern of a male dominated household is the rearing of male children towards a duty oriented model. Female dominated households are only concerned with what's good for the mother, which means children, particularly male children are allowed to indulge in their own impulses, which leads to unruly and defiant behavior.

Thus, why the influence of the Church as the main civilizing force in the essentially matriarchal European tribes.
9 Feb 2013
Love / Marriage with a polish woman - Heaven or Forever Hell ? [60]

The subordination of women is blessed by God? ........I'd say that's more misguidance than guidance !!

It was introduced by the Church through out the middle ages in a society which was essentially matrist (and by extention, uncivilized). Without it, i doubt western civilization would have flourished so quickly and so intensely.
9 Feb 2013
Love / Marriage with a polish woman - Heaven or Forever Hell ? [60]

Societal respect for women has been going downhill for generations now. What planet do you live in? Considering where we started (the age of chivalry) and how the conception of the 'lady' as degenerated to a point where western males have been forced to seek out companions from less developed countries because western women have made themselves completely unlovable and objects of sheer contempt, rather then respect, i'm not sure where exactly do you see this big improvement.

You went from writing poems and singing songs to jerking off in their faces, yay for societal evolution.

And speaking of history, have you ever heard of Edward Gibbon? He wrote a book about the rise and fall of the Roman empire which shares many interesting parallels with our current social and political situation. Fascinating stuff, this history...
7 Feb 2013
News / American SM-3 ballistic missile site in Poland by 2018 [86]

U.S. Navy has grown backward and fat from a lack of real competition for the last 50 years. Going to be a really expensive mistake when those carriers start sinking one day.

Look at what happened to the Battleship during World War II. It was already pretty evident, but most refused to see that the age of big battleships with humongous guns was ending. Look at what happened when the Royal Navy (a navy mostly based on battleships) fought the Imperial Japanese Navy (a navy mostly based on carriers). Royal Navy got pwned until they learned. Some years later, only a few countries still had battleships. Carriers became the all-rage in the biggest navies, except in the Soviet Navy, which was mostly submarine-based.

Another example is trench warfare. Everyone in WWI came armed with machineguns, deadly artillery guns and all-new small arms that could shoot faster than ever. They were still fighting with Civil War trench tactics, cavalry and human wave attacks. Everyone thought that the war was something that you could just send mail to your parents titled "brb soon, I'm going to Paris/Berlin for some months. Love, your son", run to the nearest recruiters and then finish the war in time to get home for christimas with ma and pa. This is why the French lost WWII, WWI was a immense shock to France. They thought the second war was going to be another round of trench warfare, and this time, they would have the Maginot Line and the Krauts would not. And then the tanks and mechanized infantry came north though the Benelux, completely bypassing The Best Fortifications Ever.
6 Feb 2013
News / American SM-3 ballistic missile site in Poland by 2018 [86]

The US carriers would probably defeat the Chinese airforce quite easily.

You have to be kidding. Seriously.

America is extremely well prepared - to fight World War II.

Unfortunately this is World War III coming up. Naval carriers are a great way to provide superb calibration targets for the enemies' cruise missiles and not much else.

I've been paid good money to prove this in simulation. It's a subject I know something about. I'm not the world's greatest authority, but if he were here he'd tell you the same thing I am telling you. I know the man and basically he goes around telling anybody who will listen the same thing for around $30,000 a presentation.

The following information is public access and does not violate any NDA I may have signed concerning any work.

Traversal rates on modern anti-missile systems are too slow to stop any missile designed before the 1970's. Identification and response rates vary from time of impact to two minutes before impact at best case, with neither figure affecting the fact that naval carrier will be bottom trawling with Jaqque Cousteau in ten minutes either way.

Conclusion, demonstrated by analysis and simulation in real time, is that all American naval carriers will be coral garden starters within 30 minutes of any start of hostilities with any modern military power. All. Naval. Carriers. You know those big impressive boats the U.S. goes everywhere in that so impress third world people and other non-relevant combatants? Well, they will all end up as homes for sea urchins and moray eels and ceased to be anything but death warrants after the early 1990's.


the US has hundreds of ICMBs in silos, on submarines, not 10 or 20 like China. ... Patriot triple protection would surely hit most of them before hiting the west coast

... and since estimates now place Chinese capacity at 120+ nuclear tipped cruise missiles a month rolling off their assembly lines, it is fair to say that total deliverable megatonnage surpassed U.S. capacity back at the turn of the century. If we further deduct from U.S. stores those stocks which have become unreliable or aged to where they are simply pending decommissioning, it is fair to say that China has a 3-to-1 missile gap over the U.S. at this time which is growing by the month. Also remember these aren't sh*tty little ICBMs with vacuum tubes and 1970's Intel/Radio shack components, rather state of the art nuclear cruise missile traveling at hypersonic speeds 20x the velocity of sound with supercomputers on board capable of millisecond windows of course correction, avoidance behaviors and extremely narrow turning radius which makes them virtually impossible to track on radar. Most radar screens the tube will just be warming up when the missile comes through the window and does a 40 kiloton on your face in tandem with 10 other similar cruise missiles synchronized to burst at the same time, creating many magnitudes of overpressure within a certain range than most conventional nuclear weapons ever could.

As for the U.S., remember we are talking about a bunch of po-faced shameful morons who couldn't even coordinate the delivery of fresh water to the Katrina survivors on their own soil a month after the event. These kids are not the men their fathers were and the weapons their fathers built for them are starting to look pretty long in the tooth.
6 Feb 2013
News / American SM-3 ballistic missile site in Poland by 2018 [86]

It's a lot easier to fight armored divisions for a modern, professional army like the US then a guerrilla warfare not knowing who the enemy is, or having them attack then hide in tunnels in high mountains. In a straight normal conflict, I don't think any nation has a chance with America.

Convenient that you never had a major war to test this since defeating the Germans. Bombing third world countries does not count. I have an hunch that if war with a real opponent were to brake out most western armies would fold like a pack of sheep, including your precious "Army Strong"
5 Feb 2013
History / Origins of Poland national differences? [41]

Look at the scared little libral, using ad-hominem and petty shaming tactics (sort of like a woman now that i think of it) because he cannot buttress his arguments in any way or form.

Sentimentalists, sentimentalists never change.
5 Feb 2013
History / Origins of Poland national differences? [41]

The history of racialism and nordicism in particular actually starts with Arthur de Gobineau. He was an old guard artistocrac who the despised the idea of a democratic mass culture, and when he first formulated his idea of race being the real building block of civilization, he couldn't help but infuse an healthy those of elitism in his thinking. Thus, he begun to separate all races based on their worth. Gobineau ancestry belonged to a Nordic elite which could be traced as far back as the viking invasion of France. Because of their position as noblemen and leaders, he believed Nordics to be among the higher races in Europe. By comparison, the people of southern France, mostly composed of a peasant underclass whom according to Gobineau resisted all efforts to educate and civilize them, belonged to a lower race who could never hope to achieve an higher status (Gobineau didn't know this but southern France is mostly Mediterranean / Alpine). To corroborate his theory, he traveled far and wide around the globe to observe the other races, and his findings spawned a large historical and philosophical work entitled An Essay on the Inequality of the Human Races, which spanned across many volumes, but alas, only the first has been made available in English, which is where he lays out his main theories, though he does not go into detail explain the differences between the various races. Gobineau was also a religious man who took the Bible very seriously, and its sort of amusing to watch his keen scientific mind and vast erudition going into conflict with his belief in the Bible as a real historical document. Curiously enough, Gobineau did not hate the Jews and barely mentions them except when he labels them among the higher races of the world. Also curious, or perhaps amusing, was his idea that the white race was already on an advanced state of racial degeneration and miscegenation, and that western civilization could no longer be saved. One important fact about Gobineau that he believe each civilization reflected the race that created it, so that the European races for instance, whom he considered superior for the type of civilization created by them, would not be superior for a civilization created by another race. This is important because it prefaces the concept of history and civilization as "destiny" developed later on by Yockey.

After Gobineau, we have Houston Stewart Chamberlain, who wrote one of the most interesting history books i ever read, The Foundations of the Nineteenth Century, a throughout examination of the historical forces that led to the 19th century as well as a complete analysis of his time. He was a racialist, but more then that, he believed that each civilization was characterized by a special soul quality inherent to that civilization at the foundations of which lied race. His understanding of the real essence of the Greeks and the Romans was nothing short of brilliant. He believed for instance the Greeks were not the heroes that they were portrayed to be in his own time. That they lacked in patriotism and virtue. They were on the other hand a race of artists, and the defining element of their civilization was genius. Not so the Romans, who posses no true artistic or creative element. The Romans were guided by two defining principles: family, and law, and it was those two principles that guarantee their success. According to Chamberlain, when the roman citizen became a subject, that is when Roman civilization begun to collapse. He then goes on to explain that the aesthetic and creative essence of the Greeks were passed on to us along side Roman family (by means of the Church which was still seeped in Roman traditions) and law. This approach to history was far more enlightening then then the simple pragmatism of modern history books. Unlike Gobineau, Chamberlain saw the Jews as a threat to European civilization, based on their inability to assimilate and their incompatible cultural values.

After Chamberlain, we have Spengler, who defined civilization in terms of a living organism, which in turn defined the philosophy of Francis Parker Yockey, who saw race as the artificer of historical "destiny". Yockey extended the analogy of culture as organism by describing outsiders as foreign entities, and he saw the Nazi and similar groups as natural antibiotic responses.

In so far as race and the quality of race, one of the most influential writers during the Nazi regime was Hans F. K. Günther. His theories led him to create a view of race as different psychosocial entities, which he then went at great lengths to describe. Of course, the Nordic race was the most endowed, which bespeaks of personal bias, but his observation regarding the psychological differences of the races of Europe are still incredibly accurate, at least based on my own experience and observations.
4 Feb 2013
History / Origins of Poland national differences? [41]

I don't think so, and furthermore, i have no idea why does it matter whether racialism would lead to negative outcomes when at the end of the day all it matters is whether it is scientifically tenable. Arguing about the potential social consequences of racialism (and by extension arguing for the suppression of such theories) is precisely the type of ideological fraud that characterizes modern science has a whole. Truth must take a backseat to being nice to people.
4 Feb 2013
History / Origins of Poland national differences? [41]

Here's a brief summary of phrenology as understood by Coon:


This site used to have a lot more examples (for instance, they took out the Phalian section), i'm not sure why they were removed.

Well, most forums dealing with the subject seems diseapeared. I used to browse classification threads in addition to reading theory, is was particularly useful in providing samples. I found it engaging not so much because it can grant some insight into history, but because I am interested in how humans perceive each other. The only one still there from my old links

Apricity anthropology section - probably the most active with regards to user classification

Here are a few articles on race classification, but it's generally simpler to look for links at the forums. In general, people are classified using a mixture of Coon and Lundman, with some Gunther and Bunak mixed in. Most of the authors held fairly strong views on race. The most neutral major ones would probably be Coon, Baker, and Bunak.

Coon's Races of Europe
- see theapricity.com/snpa/chapter-VIII6.htm for particular European types
theapricity.com/snpa/rg-main.htm - North European types according to SNPA - a mixture of theories with somewhat faulty illustrations, but clear and concise

theapricity.com/snpa/glossary.htm - A glossary of physical anthropology terms - not very precise, but extensive; covers even obscure terms
wiki.majorityrights.com/race - Majority Rights on race - a broader article on race arguing for the validity of racial division
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Historical_definitions_of_race - Wikipedia section on the history of race - see the template in the lower part for a decent collection of personalities and theories.

P.S. When arguing about nations and not individuals, it makes more sense to use population genetics. Specifically, you would be interested in
As I said, one can use it in fusion with physical anthropology. It allows one to discard the more exotic claims of the latter (e.g., brahmins are largely European) and exclude cultural bias (e.g., Slavs are Asiatic).

[vdare.com/sailer/100328_ravitch.htm] - An example of how acceptance of racial inequalities could have improved the US public education system

Or at least kept it from becoming even more supremely fu*ked. A large number of the changes made in the US public educational system in the past few decades have stemmed from trying to close the performance gap between non-Asian minorities and whites/Asians. If the educational elites had accepted what most studies have suggested--that the performance gap comes from a genetic difference in IQ--more efforts would have been directed to pushing lower-IQ students into technical jobs they could manage rather than forcing them through useless algebra II classes, because, you know, everyone can get into Harvard.
4 Feb 2013
History / Origins of Poland national differences? [41]

Not really, no. Dispute their obvious personal bias, much of the work done by German scientists was surprisingly accurate (to this day i still find Hans Guenther's psychological profile of the various European races to be spot on), and American anthropologists like Carleton Stevens Coon had impeccable academic standards. Bias is one thing, rewriting reality from the ground up in another.

Science is sometimes doing precisely that because of the amount of blind trust people put into it. It took one Franz Boas to steer the entire scientific community away from the reality of race (the facts of which are so banally obvious to be almost painful) straight into more than half a century of contorted double think and self denial, where thousands upon thousands of scientists have been peer-pressured into believing that 2+2 = 5 and that the sky is actually red. Even renowned geneticists such like James Watson didn't have the guts to stand up for the truth until he became old enough not to fear a reprisal against his career, and even then he had to eat a lot a sh*t for simply stating the obvious. The implications here are simply staggering.
4 Feb 2013
History / Origins of Poland national differences? [41]

Carleton Stevens Coon is the foremost authority on the anthropology of the various European races. Much of his work can still be found used on Amazon. This site offers a basic introduction to Coon's classifications:

Unfortunately, for an analysis of the psychological differences of the various races (which is the real interesting part of racialism), very little material ever made it into english. The only available source on the net which makes use of the most advanced racial theories is Hans F.K. Günther. Alas, his work, while accurate in a general sense, is colored by bias, not in the sense his analysis is misleading, but in how he omits certain important details (particularly when partaining to the Alpine race). Still, his psychological profiles are dead accurate, you just have to maneuver around his obvious disdain for some of the "lesser" races:


Much of the information i posses i gathered here and there through out the years, and tracing the source is an impossibility. There's a lot of people at Skadi who have access to most of the original material, all of it in german, and you can get a lot of information by asking around, assuming the right people still post there:


A lot of people today will tell you that genetics have made the work of Coon obsolete. It isn't true of course, since phenomorphic anthropology is still a valid discipline (and its still used profusely among animal breeders), its just that in their zeal to push genetics over the study of phenotypes, and in their urge to distance themselves from an old science associated with the Nazi regime, they like to think the work of Coon and others like him is a discredited field. Its a mistake of course, and genetics should be use to augment anthropological disciplines, not try to supplant them.
29 Jan 2013
Australia / Poles invaded the wrong Anglo-Saxon country [29]

Dream job available in Australia:

web.orange.co.uk/article/quirkies/Dozens_apply_for_brothel_insp ector_job

Why on Earth would they need to pay a salary that high for such a job?

Smells like some kind of gimmick. I'm pretty sure that if you wanted to recruit a hands-on brother inspector you'd normally go through private channels to avoid being spammed by applications from horny idiots.
28 Jan 2013
News / Man taken to court for abusing Poland's president [35]

Because you wouldn't be able to present a single element of homosexual culture that didn't relate to some form of degeneracy or another.

What really matters here of course it is not so much that they engage in such vile behavior, but the sheer fact that it is tolerated, both by homosexuals, who so far have failed to curtail the hill behavior of their most radical brethren, and both by the law and society at large, which indicates the level of degeneracy of our age. Imagine something like that happening and as little as fifty years ago. People would have gone ballistic. Today, it is almost considered normal. We are so far gone as a civilization we are not even bothered by decadence anymore.
28 Jan 2013
News / Man taken to court for abusing Poland's president [35]

I don't care about homosexuals, there may be some nice people among them, but I hate the whole 'force this stuff down everybody's throat' with every thing on TV having to have a token gay who's always the wittiest and funnest character or all those Gay lifestyle shows, or their neverending stream of parades, waving their dicks in their air showing to all how ******* awesome and cool and fun their sexual perversion is. Heterosexuality is becoming the 'deviant' state. If you dare to promote marriage or family all of a sudden you're derided as some crank from the dark ages!

Just leave me the f*ck alone. I don't go round f*cking in public with my wife in front of a bunch of gays just to shove my heterosexuality down their throat, so why should they be able to do it in reverse?
28 Jan 2013
News / Man taken to court for abusing Poland's president [35]

I'm not so much against homosexuals on personal level, i'm arguing against degenerate homosexual culture, which has been shoved down our collective throats, ostensibly under the rubric of spreading "tolerance" but in reality as a vindictive effort to stick it to the all the "homophobes" in the world and make them "pay" for all the abuse leveled against homosexuals. This is what liberalism is all about. Revenge against the misuses (real or imagined) of authority. The fact society is being disintegrated by their ill conceived attempts at social engineering doesn't matter to them. We need to have more "awareness", more "tolerance". Decency and common sense can go f*ck themselves in the process. And its not just homosexuality of course. Western civilization as a whole is slowly becoming the paragon of all the is vile and putrid in the world. Virtue is a concept which no longer holds any meaning, something to be derided and scorned as "old fashioned", or as "authoritarian". While everything sick and perverted is being "celebrated" as healthy and liberating.
28 Jan 2013
Australia / Poles invaded the wrong Anglo-Saxon country [29]

SYDNEY (MarketWatch) -- Australia's workplace relations tribunal Friday ruled the country's lowest-paid workers should receive a 2.9% weekly wage increase, in a decision that could fuel industry concerns about rising costs.

In its ruling the Fair Work Australia body decided on a minimum wage of 15.96 Australian dollars (US$15.50) per hour or A$606.40 per week. This constitutes an increase of A$17.10 per week or 45 Australian cents per hour.

Holy sh!t, I think *I* am going to immigrate to Australia! Those kangaroos are stuffed with gold!
27 Jan 2013
UK, Ireland / How might Britain`s withdrawal from EU affect Poles there and here? [474]

All those grotty dirty "polski skleps" that fail our hygiene regulations would go out of business

Sure, polski skleps are the worst problem of Britan, not the fact that Sharia law is already implemented in UK.


Well, they deserve to be overrun by the muslims they brought in to replace their aborted children, I'd say.

Couldn't they just put a little exception in their multiculturalism to ''Muslims''?

Some of them are already calling certain parts of UK as ''their territories'', and some of UK-muslims have threatened to destroy england, and to and to turn Buckingham palace into a mosque. Back in their Mordor, they are airing their hate speeches 24/7, and little children are already dreaming to become suicide-bombers to get rid of America, Europe etc.

When is the world going to understand their borders needs to be closed right away? You can't change them, so let them be contained.

Modernism is insanity. In France over 10% of the population is muslim and there are several neighborhood in Paris where even the police doesn't dare enter. Do you think this kind of things serves as a wakeup call? It doesn't.

Sharia courts have ruled the Muslim dominated neighborhoods of Germany for a long time:

Sorry, German. Note that the linked newspaper is German equivalent of the New York Times (i.e. the major, establishment left-liberal rag). Even they cannot fully ignore the "smashing success" of Muslim immigration anymore.

Western Europe is dead.

Centuries of struggle with fire and faith to keep the muslim hordes at bay and now the modernized, effeminate and faithless eurofags open the gates and grease their butts.
27 Jan 2013
News / Man taken to court for abusing Poland's president [35]

It is dangerous because relativity makes everything sh*t. When everything is sh*t, the chance your soul is going to get dragged into a hellish state increases greatly, in this life as well as beyond.

Claiming homosexuality is "normal" is about as useful as calling retards "differently abled", or some other such nonsense, as if by softening on the definition one is going to change the condition. Ain't gonna happen, and the same goes for homosexuality.
27 Jan 2013
News / Man taken to court for abusing Poland's president [35]

TL;DR version. The problem with the liberal stance on homosexuality is not so much that they want to right the various grievances often heaped upon homosexuals (many of which are perfectly justified) for something most homosexuals have no hope to correct, realistically speaking. The problem is that the way liberals go about doing this is by declaring that homosexuality is "correct" as well, which is not only false, but also dangerous in the long run.
27 Jan 2013
News / Man taken to court for abusing Poland's president [35]

Traditional wisdom combined with inner understanding. Everything that occurs in this universe has an analogical correspondent on a divine level. Think of God as the supreme principle from which all conceptual possibilities derive from. Basically a Form to rule all forms, in the Platonic sense of the word. Manifestation is merely an unfolding of those principles into an infinite number of possibilities. There's also an infinite number of possible manifestations, each corresponding to an original matrix which is in itself a reflection of the totality that is God into various degrees of separation from the original model, of which of course there are an infinite number, like dots in a straight line.

Basically, creation is merely an aspect of the Creator. It is an unfolding of universal principles who's attributes permeate and define all the elements of creation at every strata, but the principles are by themselves unchanged and unchangeable for all eternity. When you look at life, you see those primal principles unfolding over and over again in different patterns and different possibilities, but the underlying nature of those principles remains immutable. The universe itself is merely an unfolding of a primordial matrix (again, one among many), which acts as a theme upon which each variation hinges upon, and the original theme of the universe is nothing other then man, who basically represents God himself manifesting his own being within the parameters of the original matrix. As such, while every natural phenomena and all the lifeforms of this universe express those universal principles as passive participants, man, being God's emissary on this earth, is allowed to bridge creation with the original model in a manner which involves the direct participation of consciousness, thus elevating those universal principle to their original, transcendent dimension.

In essence, creation actually begins with man, and everything else represents a possibility inherent to this particular model. So every plant, every animal, all of those things represent an unfolding of possibilities inherent in the primary elements that constitute man. So in the end, the beginning of creation coincides with the end result. Life exists so that man can exist. Likewise, creation exists so that the Creator can exist. Perfection cannot exist without imperfection. Totality cannot exist without parts, and so on and so forth. All the lifeforms in this universe exist because all possibilities have to manifest themselves in order for a given form to exist. If man is a being who moves through space by means of extremities, then every possible variation of this system will invariably manifest itself as conceptual possibilities, all adding up to a totality which exists only as an underlying principle, the "Form" which underpins the concept of moving through space by means of physical extremities. The same goes for every element of this universe. Since God is a radiant being, then radiance will manifest itself in every element of creation in all possible manners, many of which will serve as a reminder to man who in this case acts a spectator of creation, the sun being the most obvious example (as Schuon said many times, there is a reason things appear as they do. Those who worship the sun as a symbol of divine radiance are closer to the truth then the scientist who "knows" the actual physical composition of this star, because it is not by chance that we see the sun as we do).

So what is love, exactly? Well, that question can be understood only if we accept that man has two natures, a lower one, which is firmly rooted within the limitations of the original matrix from which our universe was build upon, and the "higher" nature, which points to the perfection of the original model. One is instinctive and unconscious, the other is conscious and requires direct effort to abide. Now, at the highest possible level, God is basically a totality without parts. Thus, the first step towards manifestation is a division into a primary duality, which in the human form manifests itself in what we call "male" and "female". The nature of this duality notwithstanding, by this rending man is basically made incomplete, much like God is rendered incomplete by the first duality, and each part will seek union with the other, in an effort to restore an experience of totality which can literally be defined as "paradisaical", one shooting across a given direction as an active force, the other, by offering the abundance necessary for the possibility to unfold. So God shone a light upon the formless void, and the universe was created. So man unites with a woman, and a new life is born. This union occurs at many levels, the most basic one being the purely physical level, that is, sexual union (again, there is a reason we see and experience certain things as we do). Alas, this physical conjoining is not sufficient in itself, since man is a creature constituted by many different elements (likewise, the begetting of children is not the only thing that is created by the marrying of masculinity with femininity, but i'll leave this for some other time). So union also occurs at a psychological or emotional level, but most important of all, union has to include a transcendental element, because it is only this latter that is "objective" and "eternal" in the real sense. This transcendental union has been established as an institution and consecrated with specific rites among all existing traditional cultures. Simply put, it is at this level that homosexual love has no place, being a deviation of a universal principle (such deviations exist for the same reason evil exists. That is, they exist because manifestation cannot be perfect, or it would not be manifestation, but God. An unfolding of possibilities apart from an undifferentiated primal principle must include "bad" or "defective" possibilities as well, by definition, or they would not be "apart', but they would be the principle, which cannot be).

Thus, ultimately, homosexuality can only be "love" from the point of view of our lower selves. Since it is our inescapable imperative to elevate ourselves above our lower natures, homosexuality can only lead to degeneration, because the only thing preventing degeneration in the first place is our struggle to escape our fallen state (mind you that heterosexuality can be degenerated too), a struggle which can only point out to the original perfection, a perfection from which homosexuality is excluded from a priori. Mind you that so far i've been talking of homosexuality from a conceptual point of view. This is because it is homosexuality in itself that is degenerate, not homosexuals in particular. As fallen creatures, we are all imperfect in one way or another, and each one of us possess qualities which are in violation of a celestial law or principle, or qualities which simply make a mockery of said principles. But because our destiny lies beyond this life, those imperfections only matter in light of our upward struggle. If an individual has this burden placed above him or her, it is still his or her duty to try to correct all internal blemishes, because in the end it is only our lower selves that are imperfect, and those lower selves will be no more once we die. If this seems unduly hard on some people, it is only because we are all in transit, each "manifestation" of our lesser selves being a reflection of the state our souls find themselves. We cannot change the state of those momentary "concretizations" of our consciousness into corporeal beings once the form has been realized, but we can still work for the betterment of our being even while we are still trapped into those imperfect forms. This process is greatly hindered by any attempt at destroying the integrity of an understanding of universal principles by claiming that a deviation is "correct" too, under the rubric of safeguarding the "rights" of our individual egos, where our entire existence in the next life hinges upon the degree of success in escaping those illusory and transitory individual egos to begin with, because the further we are pulled away from the primal principle, the more we will mire our spirits to increasingly degraded forms, until our being is trapped in a veritable "hellish" state, that is, a state which has no access to any transcendent element whatsoever.