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Posts by szarlotka  

Joined: 20 Feb 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 2 Sep 2013
Threads: Total: 8 / In This Archive: 1
Posts: Total: 2205 / In This Archive: 654
From: UK
Speaks Polish?: Nie
Interests: Skiing, mountains, music, reading, taking the mickey and terrapins

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1 Mar 2010
Love / Polish Girls vs Russian Girls [813]

If I can make a suggestion - if after five years (check the start date of this thread) of claim and counterclaim nobody can answer the question let's just mark it down as one of life's imponderables and move on. I'ms sure there are more interesting topics to debate.
1 Mar 2010
Love / Polish Girls vs Russian Girls [813]

still ony 1 guy uploaded pictures of nude Russians.

Without looking I have a strong suspicion who that might have been - wasn't Greek by any chance was he?
15 Feb 2010

Seriously, haven't you strange people heard that beer is supposed to be cold? (Ice cold I might add!)

Lay off one of the few remaining cultural differences of the UK;) A nice pint of room temperature ale is luvverly - OK I like Guinness but a nice pint of Pedigree or other bitter is really good. Anyway what's the point of ice cold beer when it's minus something or other.
11 Feb 2010
News / Polar bear attack - a Polish guy survived [38]

No wonder that they managed later to grab so many jobs in England from Englishmen, who hadn't such an opportunity to practice so hard.

Please do not make light of such a serious situation. A recent survey conducted by the Daily Mail has revealed that in the food processing companies and supermarkets of the UK, over 70% of the freezer jobs have been taken by Polar Bears migrating south to escape the food shortages created by the lack of pack ice necessary for them to capture and munch on those nice cuddly seals. Already there are two protests being organised to reverse this trend. The British workers are petitioning the government to stop the Polish stealing their jobs and the Polish are petitioning the government to stop the influx of Polar Bears. The Penguins are looking on with interest.
1 Feb 2010
Love / Polish Girls vs Russian Girls [813]

mmm a woman in uniform....!

I think the one on the right has another 'uniform'. Doesn't she play second row for London Irish?
1 Feb 2010
Love / Polish Girls vs Russian Girls [813]

Jeez. It's -20 out there. They're just like Geordie girls on a night out then?
29 Jan 2010
News / Poland's supreme administrative court rules against RHD cars [57]

fast as those buggers in the BMWs or Audis (yeah you know who :

I'll have you know I'm a very responsible driver.....

<makes note to drive through the puddles close to kerb and splash SeanBM at the bus stop sometime soon>
29 Jan 2010
News / Poland's supreme administrative court rules against RHD cars [57]

To be honest I think Ireland and Britain should just change sides

Another solution would be to make every one drive a McLaren F1 roadcar then the problem of LHD or RHD goes away.

Lateral thinking at its worst
28 Jan 2010
Life / Do expats living in Poland speak Polish? [233]

what is so surprising about it. The Consulate is there firstly to assure assistance to Polish citizens living in the US.

Logical posting warning. Two more and you're banned;)
28 Jan 2010
Life / Do expats living in Poland speak Polish? [233]

Polish can't be that difficult to learn.... even educated muts do it...

The mystery of a dog who refused to respond to any commands has been solved - he only 'speaks' Polish!

Staff at an animal centre were worried that Cent the dog was deaf, until they worked out he had lived with a family from Poland.

So they learnt a few basic commands, like 'sit' and 'come here', and Cent responded straight away.

Four months later, he's now fluent in English and Polish, and is looking for a new home.

28 Jan 2010
Love / Polish Girls vs Russian Girls [813]

By the way, why do Russians look like six asterixes? I checked that's not true... :}

Can you post a ****** picture Sasha to support your case?

I love this Polish/Russian rivalry. Most entertaining. We all know that all women are Venutian anyway.... it's in that book;)
28 Jan 2010
Law / Car Insurance costs in Poland. [24]

it was simply a fact that an EU policy is automatically valid elsewhere in the EU.

Yes sorry - you are of course correct in that basic (read third part fire and theft) cover is automatic in the EU. For fully comprehensive cover your are the mercy of the insurer for the cost although they cannot legally exclude cover for an EU country.

Most of the ones I tried will only allow travel for up to 90 days,

Thta's what I found. Typically you get six months cover but no one trip longer than 90 days.
28 Jan 2010
Law / Car Insurance costs in Poland. [24]

Nowadays, one EU insurance policy is automatically valid in other EU countries

Only if the policy cover you buy allows it - unless it has changed in the last six months. My European extension policy still exludes most of Central Europe. Legally they have to provide such cover under EU law but they can still price it differently to cover their perceived risks.
28 Jan 2010
Law / Car Insurance costs in Poland. [24]

Will my British car insuarance be valid

You need to check whether your insurance company will extend European cover to include Poland. A lot of European extensions exlude some countries or charge you a hefty premium for it. Also if your are going for a longer time check the total days out of the UK they will allow.
27 Jan 2010
Law / How much is the maximum daily limit to withdraw zloty from ATM in PL. [14]

Agree with Cardno completeley on this. Phone the university and seee if they will take payment directly from your card. If you have to withdraw cash I would be surprised if the bank will make you pay for making a depoist into the university's account.
27 Jan 2010
Law / How much is the maximum daily limit to withdraw zloty from ATM in PL. [14]

I assume this is a travel card that is either from Axis or an equivalent Indian bank. In which case it is in effect a prepaid Visa debit card. Will your university not accept payments via Visa debit as that would avoid carrying large sums of cash around Waraw. If they don't and insist on funds being lodged with their account then check with the issuing bank if you can extend the limit (if any as it IS prepaid) for your daily withdrawals. If i recall correctly there is an ATM usage fee of a couple of Eurios or so per transaction so best to minimise the number of ATM withdrawals.
26 Jan 2010
Life / Horribly cold in Krakow at the moment , how do you cope with such temperatures ? [124]

Anybody know where the coldest place was this winter , which part of Polska , and what was the tempreture...?

Ewa’s/Asia’s/Aga’s/Alina’s * heart (about -87 Centigrade)

* delete or substitute as appropriate.

As an aside I thought it was an English thing to go on and on about the weather but the Polish are good at it too. Given that both nations also appear to be world class whingers I am now going to elaborate on my theory that the Normans invaded Poland in 1067 thus proving that the two nations are deeply intertwined. A potentially controversial line of thought … but no more so that the Bishop quoted on here today.
26 Jan 2010
News / Poland - Third World Country?? [300]

Here in the third world, I only have a 120mb fiber connection to my house.

Lol..... you poor underprivileged thing;)

As an aside is there a second world?
26 Jan 2010
Work / Poland is headhunting seriously in IT, Finance and HR. [41]

Common people

I think they are quite cultured really

Not so bad to live here

True. It's a nice place to be

-20C sometimes...

Good for snuggling up

but the most beautiful girls are here! :)

What? With you now you mean?

Overall it's an attractive package ..... but not attractive enough for me to to take a huge cut in earnings.
25 Jan 2010
Work / Poland is headhunting seriously in IT, Finance and HR. [41]

anyone willing to come to Poland and work on IT ????

Been there, done that, got the Lech stained t-shirt.....

Now if you can get me a nice little contract in Rio we may have a deal....
25 Jan 2010
UK, Ireland / Poles living in the UK returning home or not? [63]

In UK they saying 700000 have gone home

No. They're all to be found in my local pub.

Where is the missing part?

In the public bar.

(it's quite a big pub)
25 Jan 2010

Then I say to myself, "It is better that I drink this beer and let their dreams come true than be selfish and worry about my liver."

That's the sort of devoted, public spirited and selfless behaviour that makes <insert name of country here> so great.

On topic - Guinness rules OK
22 Jan 2010
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

So it has come to this. The Omnibus Edition is now officially renamed the ‘all you can eat’ food fest. Nice to see Aphrodisiac starting the ball rolling with a fine salad that, by the looks of the ingredients, can serve 5,000. Throw in a few loaves and fishes and we should all be able to see out the winter.

Never one to buck a trend (I said buck and trend) I am more than pleased to submit some simple recipes that are easy to prepare and will have guaranteed results.

Punch Up

Take one Harry, introduce a topic, any topic, and within seconds the catalytic reaction is sure to suck in any number of vicious responses. Really, the topic is entirely your choice.

Rev Up

Take one Wroclaw Boy, marinate overnight in red wine and simply give him the keys to a Ferrari F430. Just watch those revs rise. Note that the marinating is optional.

Bottoms Up

Take one Southern. Mix liberally with any Slavic lass and, if we can believe it, the reaction is so strong it will take your breath, and her clothes, away.

The Wildie

Take one Wildrover, sixteen cans of beans, three gallons of Prune Juice and a fistful of chilli seeds. Mix together well and get the hell out of there quickly.

And finally, the Piss Up

Nah – that would be teaching grandma to suck eggs……

Hasta la vista people. It’s the weekend.
21 Jan 2010
Polonia / Are Polish people required to have tourist visa for Thailand? [32]

it takes hours upon hours for a Polish passport holder.

True - just like waiting in a Polish Government office for any form of official document - they should be used to it;)

<Szarlotka ducks and awaits being hung, drawn and quartered for being a rabid antipolonist type>
21 Jan 2010
Polonia / Are Polish people required to have tourist visa for Thailand? [32]

See my posts above re Thailand and Cambodia agnooze. If you use your Polish passport in Thailand you will only get a 15 day toursit visa so best to use the canadian one. Cambodia requires visas for almost everyone.

I would think you are safer leaving and returning to Canada on the same passport.