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Posts by Lodz_The_Boat  

Joined: 7 Sep 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 27 Jan 2014
Threads: Total: 32 / In This Archive: 14
Posts: Total: 1522 / In This Archive: 755
From: Lodz
Speaks Polish?: yes
Interests: chatting

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3 Apr 2011
Life / Polish patriotism, what does it mean to you? [46]

Being a true Pole is about loving Poland, standing up for it, to remember the various sacrifices for Poland by people before us ... to try and make the country a better place to live. To help those in need, to guide the youth, to welcome friends, to try and not make enemies.
3 Apr 2011
Feedback / A Personal Request to all PF members [119]

you dislike the Russians.

I've got nothing against Russians. I don't like its past, however if I have made you feel that I dislike Russians in particular, I will be working on my behavior on present day Russia (its good people).

You have a soft spot for

... people and great cultures/traditions/history. I have good friends and my experiences are nice.

Thirdly, you can’t forcedly

... I have put that as a request, and have clarified that I am not looking to lock, ban or force anyone through any movement or protest.

mocking is also a contribution

Mocking is a dumping, trashing, flaming ... its not a contribution and contributions have something positive about them.

you’re a perfect nation.

None is... the only entity 'perfect' can be God. However, we would try to be, and the most important factor would be the heart, more than anything else.

I can scarcely recall any occasion when someone got affected by a “lame” comment

The affect need not be parceled to your home. It happens surely, on various degrees. Not that you could care about it ... but my request was for those who care for Poles and Poland.

I haven't got what your thread

Doh ... so thats the story. Don't try its too big for you I guess... :D ...
3 Apr 2011
Law / Textile City/ Area in Poland [5]

textiles now imported from Turkey/India/China?

Hi, I'm from Lodz and I've worked for a firm that used to import t-shirts and other custom designed clothing from India and mainly Bangladesh.

I think the textile industry in Lodz is not exactly suffering, but when it comes to lower costs then people do move in that direction.
2 Apr 2011
Love / Korean guy wondering about girls and life in Poland [50]

eaten dogs in Korea

Not all Koreans do that ... they eat snakes in Texas ... I dont think all of them do it.

There are vegetarians in Korea, and there are those who actually protest such things and stick to chicken.

My wife is Korean so I would know ... she is the most lovely person to have blessed my life by stepping in it.

As for the Topic Poster, I wish him good luck, but his post seems to be nothing serious, and Polish girls (those who are family oriented) look for the serious ones. As for those who would go out with anything, if you are looking for them, your being korean doesn't matter, but if you can spend on them just like anywhere in the world, they will go out with anything which moves.
2 Apr 2011
Feedback / A Personal Request to all PF members [119]

Lodz can you give an example about when the image of Poland was harmed on this forum?

Do I need to? ... Its filled. You will find most of them in the relationships, business, and genealogy parts of the forums. However, its not limited there, they spill other directions too.

I am here since the forum was made (this is my second ID, I had a previous one which some friends here know ... I sometimes go away for months to years, and them come back depending on my schedule), I know well what I am talking about.

do you think I can do anything about the reputation about my country through a forum...?

Your country is Australia. An English speaking country with great economic power and immigrants coming from all over the world ... your country is not Poland. Poland and Australia are two very different kinds of country on all levels. Even the very history, the type of country ... everything ... each and everything is different. You are a land of immigrants ...

We however have limited scope to explain our country. Do you know that still some people from the west don't know where Poland is? Yep, I am not joking. We are not English speaking people, even my own vocabulary is very limited but I try to improve, and make full use of whatever words I know.

Thus, this forum becomes unique ... and so can be perceived as a rare keyhole into Poland.

I hope I could explain this point to you. I cannot word by word tell you each factor why it is different for Poland, but some you may yourself discover by your thinking and logic.

Just as what I say about Poland may be more indicative of my own cultural background than yours.

Then why not mention it at the bottom "whatever I said regarding Poland, is my limited perception of it! I am a ....(country name) "

I am not really saying you need not say your thing. I am just asking to be courteous, to be polite and kind. How can that be extraordinary oppression? ... Also Ashley, I didn't find you to be offensive or cruel to anyone/visitor/curious person as of yet! So why are you trying to make it so complicated? You are one of the polite ones in here as far as I have seen.

forum can harm the reputation of your country then I think you're a little paranoid.

No I'm not. Its an IT age ... and this forum is one of the ONLY means for a foreigner or someone deeply affected by Poland to know about it. Even if this forum won't help them, atleast it should not make them feel bad. As eventually it might make a perception which might affect an individual Pole somehow. Imagine a new family member, perhaps a mother in law or a to be spouse ... she comes here and gets burns! How will that affect the Pole? It might even for a day make his/her effort harder to make a place in the heart.

Also, there is no reason to think of a person as paranoid when he makes a polite and sincere effort to make an honest point as I did.

Because an intelligent person knows that no-one can speak for a country, let alone someone else's ultimate opinion about that country...

Most people lack this intelligence ... specially when its about a foreigner or foreign land, people "love" to feel insecure and thus they doubt.

The Serb speaks how you expect from a Serb,the Poles are like Poles there is difference between Poles and Poles-Ams,the British behave british,the Scotts are Scotts and so nothing is hidden under the sun as we say here.

I think you cannot generalize like that. This forum have some trolls you know, regular trolls ... who can know that better than you?
2 Apr 2011
Feedback / A Personal Request to all PF members [119]

Thanks Patty ...

As for the ones who have carefully analyzed my simple little request post in a way that even the great researches would be put to test ... I have this:

Its just a request as it stood in my first post. Why is this so complex I have no idea.

You people must've heard of marketing, country branding etc? Well this predominantly English speaking Polish Forums have a great potential of it. This carries the colors of Poland, and I am sure the moderator and the admin have respect for these colors and its people with their faces deeply intertwined with it, they surely don't mean any harm. Thus I thought I suggest basic courtesy to some people who might hurt/offend/project a wrong picture of my country to people who are not really into fights or arguments or complaining!

Well there are people who will not stick to an information source. When these people would come, a nice "hello" to them or a helpful suggestion without a comment which might hurt or insult or demean their purpose cannot be rocket science or so impossible/unethical or unnatural in my view.

Ofcourse you don't have to share my view... but I think this all falls in the region of basic courtesy. You have full right to open a topic on many issues, and specifically debate or discuss them. Yes, ofcourse you can open a topic to create alot of fun in them (probably offtopic is for this specific purpose), but to intrude into someone's specific request, inquiry, purpose, story (which might be very deeply influenced by Poland or its image) is not very respectable. It makes a person remember "Polish..." with a negative thing even before he/she ever knew Poland properly. I know this is a naive thing for people to do, but this is nothing unnatural.

Are all Russians marriage scammer (even though these days dating websites issues warnings from mails coming from Russia or Ukraine)? Are all Western people come to buy convenient brides? Are all people from East looking for passports? IF you have heard these stereotypes, then you can figure how naive people can be, and how propaganda takes birth.

I for one have known excellent/good Ukrainians, Western (american), and Indian or Bangladesh or Kashmir or Egyptian people. Such respectable and high character people each that they were worth learning from, and great friends! The stereotypes look so stupid and ugly, it all looks like a diabolical scheme to separate and divide people. Yes, my bad experiences are less (thanks God!) ... but I believe it has reasons because I select friends who suit my taste, and my taste have been developed by a family of such ethics and a lifestyle which I chose (and thus it affected my attitude). I don't hang around with just anyone. I am happy with that ... to each their own.

However, sad to say that some people form perceptions. It is an international problem, and maturity comes late (or for some, never!).

When you go to a trip, say in "Seychelles", and suddenly while walking on the beach, someone rushes in and snatches your bag! Immediately you are scare, but if you are a usual version of naivety, you immediately perceive that Seychelles people are needy thugs. Or, another example, you go to a dinner and suddenly a rude man comes up and complains about your foreign looks, or just tries to find faults, inconsistency with you ... tries to analyze you and expresses your "bad reputation" to him due to many "ideas/imaginations/stories/or even some of his stupid experiences with stupid people who came from your country incidentally" ... would you feel great about that party? What if everyone else either moves away in an effort to not be a part of the scene, or just join in with the rude man? (because good people often wish to be out of such embarrassing, or hurtful/painful scenario). WOULD THE GUEST FEEL EXCELLENT? ... I don't think so. WOULD THE GUEST HAVE A GOOD PERSPECTIVE OF THESE PEOPLE/NATION... I don't think so. IS THE GUEST NOT NAIVE??? - YES! .... WOULD I COMPLAIN TO THIS GUESTS NAIVETY - No!~! ... I for once won't.

All I am trying to say is that ... leave some people some nice words ... it will not cost you too much. Atleast make way for someone else to do it, and don't involve yourself in polluting someones heart or mind. This is the least you can do for people, and Poles! Specially in Polish forums ...

I am not the Dalai Lama ... but I know one thing ... that I don't need to be a Dalai Lama to share a smile with a "greeting" or a helpful action to a person who came infront of me.

My first post contained all the logic ... I shouldn't have elaborated. But I just have to, when I see people trying to make it look something so much complicated, when it is nothing but the most simple of appeals.

1 Apr 2011
Feedback / A Personal Request to all PF members [119]

a little earlier in this same post ...

Most posters are foreigners ... but as per the Admin, most "viewers" are probably not. I know some myself who talk with PM :) ... sometimes the atmosphere is too unreal, sometimes the language barrier ... many factors work hand in hand ... but all said its everyones own choice.
1 Apr 2011
Feedback / A Personal Request to all PF members [119]

There ya go..:)

It was in response to Midas who was throwing mud in Polish people across the forums. I am surprised and shocked to see you bring this into this thread. This thread is a request letter to good people. If you do not think this is your place, you may as well not have responded.
1 Apr 2011
Feedback / A Personal Request to all PF members [119]

PF can be a good tool for someone looking to come to Poland and would like to get a good look inside the country from others' perspectives. If we start posting differently because it gives Poland a bad name or hurts others' feelings, those people will be coming to Poland on false hope. I'd rather someone tell it to me straight than be bull$hitted to.

I am not saying that you "cannot" bring out the negative aspects of Poland, but to exaggerate is wrong. Also, the tone of some people is attacking, not inviting! Why??? This is not the way people communicate.

I have been here much longer than many of the posters in PF, and I know exactly what I am talking about. Informing people (genuine and concerned) about negative and positive is FINE, but going on to rant and abuse or attack or generalize those people is definitely not what they come here for. It definitely doesn't make anyone feel good when they close the PF window... eventually it definitely makes them feel heavy hearted on Poland ... because this after all is POLISH FORUMS, with the colors of Poland on its title.

Just be respectful to people is so remarkably tough for some people, that even a mention of it will make them protest! However, I have deep belief on goodness being the majority of man! The light always prevails over darkness!

And a simple "brit" might be indirectly affected by your "lame" (does anybody still really say that?) comments about them...or is that different?

Which comment did I ever make to degrade or demean Britain?

But you know what ... I very well know I didn't so please don't try to make this thread look bad. I request you, to practice patience. There is greater joy to make someone smile, than there is to make someone feel bad. Trust me on this.
1 Apr 2011
Feedback / A Personal Request to all PF members [119]

Guys please! ... I just made a friendly post to "People". I have not been trying to accuse anyone in particular (as some came protesting) and I have not been trying to give any suggestion to already capable moderators and admin to redesign the forums with "tags" on people (almost like the star on the shirt for a particular religion or nationality).

Why can't this change come from within? What is that I asked so complicated? Its just a matter of being more careful in your behavior, and a little more respectful. This forum carries the name of Poland, and as its an English forum primarily, due to this it gets a wide audience, as a result becomes a very strong promotional tool (whether one wants it or not).

HAVE FUN! ... Enjoy!!! ... But all that being a little kind and sensitive to some people who come with genuine concerns ... sometimes a simple Polish person might become somehow indirectly effected by a lame comment in here. I am sure no proper person would want it right?

If you (those who started having issues) try and read my first post more carefully, keeping Poles in your mind, things will become alot clearer ...

IT IS ALL ABOUT YOU ... not force being applied ... just a gentle request.
31 Mar 2011
Language / So why did you give up learning Polish? [105]

Poland is big enough in Europe ... we are progressing economically, and one day we will be a major player. So I think it is wise for anyone to learn Polish :)
31 Mar 2011
Feedback / A Personal Request to all PF members [119]

give you a fair chance to explain yourself.

Ahh ... a fair chance... lol. How can you not understand what I wrote when everyone else seem to have understood? Why are you so slow man?

Anyways ... I wrote clearly what I meant. People from USA, East, or other parts with genuine and serious issues come and face some real torture. Often these are just good people and don't deserve anything bad. Plus, there are Poles who often get the heat too.

Fine you wanna have a debate, but not all threads are meant for it. This forum is increasingly becoming a promotion for Poland, so I made my point to people to be more responsible.

I felt like I start such a thread ... a personal request ... and I just did that. Out of thousands of thread on various strange and imaginary issues... I feel this thread should have relevance to the atmosphere, environment and possibilities of Polish forums.

I explained my best ... thanks.
31 Mar 2011
Feedback / A Personal Request to all PF members [119]

Thanks guys :) ...

I am not really advocating bans or anything. Those are strictly admin and mods issue, and I guess they know what is best for PF when administering it. All I am doing is to make a polite request to our respected members :) ... I think this is something very harmless, nothing like an attack or a cursing ... its just a suggestion, a request :). I guess I made my points clear in my post ;).

People from west, east, south, north ... anyone with any interest in Poland do come here. Thus this place does play a promotional role! In such circumstances, it is only in the best interest of Poland to have this place a bit more helpful and kind. We the Poles are kind people, there is no doubt.

People can always have fun ... but ofcourse some threads are by very sincere, serious and sensitive people with alot at stake. Maybe we just need to know when we are doing what ... :) ... and all will be good!
31 Mar 2011
Feedback / A Personal Request to all PF members [119]

Your assumption is incorrect.

Glad to hear :)

Oh and I mentioned perhaps about the "silent readers" being Polish? ... I can figure that :) ... I know some too :). Contributing sometimes is a bit tough for some reason, maybe some kind of a psychological fear, not being able to connect to the atmosphere :(.

Also, some who contribute from Poland are not ethnically Polish ... but ofcourse they are Polish people (living and earning and owning Poland as their own). I respect them all ... just wish them to have fun a little more carefully ... nothing more than a request here :).
31 Mar 2011
Feedback / A Personal Request to all PF members [119]

Hi people,

Yeah, I know, I'm saying something most of you well follow and respect. I mean, perhaps I am just going to mention the obvious. I know many of you are very wonderful people, all my respects!

When we come here, we come from different nationalities. Yes, Poles are a minority here, but in every heart where there is a little Poland ~ I think no one here can be anyone who never thought of Poland atleast once with a bright aspect of it in mind :).

This is a forum where often some people from different countries come in (serious people) for a few posts ... curious about Poland due to their trade with it, or more often because perhaps a Polish person got married into their culture or country and now they wish to know about the person's traditions or tastes. I think these are sensitive and serious matters for a simple and honest Pole trying to manage a new life!

Also, there are some people who would come as a student, a traveler/tourist, a boy/girl in love and trying to hear one nice word! This forum does have some form of contribution to the image of Poland towards the outside world.

Now how many who come here just for some info and leave, will ever know that this forum was actually not populated by Poles as a majority? Specially those who are here, don't even contribute but sometimes just act as "silent readers".

My point is not to try and preach ... I am just a Pole who felt it was worth a try to give you all a mention of how sometimes you all affect my country's image by your words, action and treatment to some serious threads on relationships, businesses and relatives of Poles coming in to know about Poland (sometimes relatives from eastern of more sensitive cultures, who want to open up and embrace their Polish links, but are obviously little cautious). This does affect the lives of your Polish friends, doesn't it?

I think there is no problem in having fun, speculating, creating stories or generating arguments/discussions/debates on theories about Poland! Yes, if its fun you must do it!!! ... But sometimes when it spills on some very sensitive and specific threads which affects the interest of the country or a specific Polish ... please be kind :). Ofcourse please go to them, with your intellect you say something nice, a good word, your own personal good experiences :) ... a helpful and soothing gesture! :) ... you all are educated and experiences people in life to be able to do such things exceptionally well :). Or, if you find it impossible, then you can just avoid/ignore such topics and let someone else kind and considerate enough to be in the business there :).

Please contribute with respect and kindness there, because this is the least a friend can do for a friend? I am sure no one here wants to think of him/herself as the enemy of Poland or Poles! :) ...

Yes, sometimes my way of thinking might not align to yours, but I hope that on this we can agree.

Ofcourse the moderators and doing a great job! ... But I just wanted to mention this as a topic to all the wonderful people here!

With respects and friendly gesture,

30 Mar 2011
Life / Is there something like a "Polish culture" or Polish national identity? [49]

as those in the country tend to be too busy trying to make a decent living to play old songs on old instruments....

Nope ... they do play them. Its just that you don't get to see those in stage on a more "international" or "palatable" or "visible" way.

But ofcourse, I am proud of those guyz who bring it out for foreigners to see, as well as the locals in the urban places to enjoy. I remember somethings done in my university too ... its all good.

I wish things like these happen more :) ...
30 Mar 2011
Life / Is there something like a "Polish culture" or Polish national identity? [49]

Polish culture and traditions are bright and prosperous. However, it will be wrong to try and figure out our traditions by looking at the urban population. The urban have a distinct international urban culture, and traditions really don't find enough space in their busy lives.

The best would be to search in books and if possible live in some countryside with a traditionally motivated family for a year? ... Perhaps then you will know Poland in its origins.

Culture is a very interesting thing ... it consists of subcultures which are distinct and very dynamic. Hence, to study the entire culture, one needs to know the traditions first, and then look into the cultures of the various socio-economic groups as well as various groups of people living in different environmental settings.

Hope it helped.
29 Mar 2011

If the Polish actor playing this guy has no problem with it, why should you?

He doesn't represent Poland.

In any condition, I hope for peace, and I hope the misguided be guided through wisdom and reasoning... repentance must come more and more. Without it the wrong have no hope to be cured...
29 Mar 2011
Work / (IT field) moving from India to Poland -Wroclaw in May '11 [46]

Very good idea.

Also, please don't mind the stray posts here. It is an open forum and many kind of people post here, most are not even Polish. Poles are a remarkable minority (not even minority, but a few only) in here.

We are friendly people, and feel very good to have good respectable friends. You will be a happy lady with your husband and child among us!

You are welcome. :)
27 Mar 2011
Polonia / Ania from Poland looking for job vacancy in New Delhi [13]

Lodz_the_boat... so when can we meet up for masala tea in indian scenerio?...

I don't know ... are you in Lodz? I'm a Pole by the way :D ... and I'm always there to help anyone who is a Polish and have good tastes (in my view).

I don't like too much spice, but I do try it out sometimes (I can cook and I've had some experience in Indian/Bangladesh food in UK and Bangladesh itself where I went on a trip financed by my previous employer).

Are you in Poland yet or already in India? I think the Polish Embassy needs to be more helpful to its citizens.

Please guys do not take it wrong way

I don't! I wont! ... You are a Pole, a rarity here ... and wherever you are, a true Pole will always be in his Polish sister's aide. Have a very nice, safe and fulfilling trip.
27 Mar 2011
Polonia / Ania from Poland looking for job vacancy in New Delhi [13]

Although I am unable to be of any help to you ... as I am basically a Polish as you are. But will this place be of any help to you in this quest?

Don't you think you rather post your Résumé in any of the Indian Job sites? In this effort your, umm, Indian friend can be of help to you? (as far as I can remember).

However, ofcourse I don't mean the post is wrong. There are millions of WRONG posts here everyday. I find your post informative and adequate.

Here is a little effort I made to help my fellow Pole: naukri.com

:) ... the rest you must try with your friend in India :) ... this will help you find a job and find more commons or understand/ideas while moving into a new world. I hope I was helpful.
26 Mar 2011
Feedback / Why PolishForums? Give us your stories! [60]

Good idea!

Yes, I got a closely knit family ... very traditional. While sitting with a coffee, when cousins of sister comes in ... or while sitting with my wife ... or talking with my father... it is never really a bother.

Did show the forum to my sister once, she was horrified with some stuff :D ... but well it has helped me surely. Debates and stuff push you to write better and be more assertive and clear :).
26 Mar 2011
USA, Canada / Where is loyalty of Polish diaspora in America? In USA or in Poland? What is priority? [63]

yes and you definitely should click the link above for the definition because you don't seem to understand what patriotism means. there was 0 talk of loyalty in your paragraph.. ZERO

Loyalty is something not to be mentioned only, but acted upon. Nowhere did my answer project treachery. I am loyal to my land, and this is something internal. My forefathers have shed blood for the sovereignty of this land.

lol.. you do? yeah?

I try ...