Dirk diggler
11 Jul 2017
Life / HIV/AIDS growing in Poland - more fear of pregnancy than STDs [82]
Actually blood transfusion followed by anal sex esp with a negative top and positive bottom. The risk for receptive anal was around 1% and apparently can get higher if taking into account only uncircumcised males which have a higher chance of spreading hiv for some reason. Sharing needles was actually in the middle/middle upper section of the list at around .6% There is plenty of articles online that list 'chance of contracting hiv by specific action' which percentage incidence rates. Like for example the chance of catching hiv by having anal sex would be .62% per x acts. The only one that had a high rate was blood transfusion all the other ones had a below 1% chance. It's actually rather hard to contract hiv as it dies in the air.
If you want I can find you that document. I believe it was published by the cdc (center for disease control).
Actually blood transfusion followed by anal sex esp with a negative top and positive bottom. The risk for receptive anal was around 1% and apparently can get higher if taking into account only uncircumcised males which have a higher chance of spreading hiv for some reason. Sharing needles was actually in the middle/middle upper section of the list at around .6% There is plenty of articles online that list 'chance of contracting hiv by specific action' which percentage incidence rates. Like for example the chance of catching hiv by having anal sex would be .62% per x acts. The only one that had a high rate was blood transfusion all the other ones had a below 1% chance. It's actually rather hard to contract hiv as it dies in the air.
If you want I can find you that document. I believe it was published by the cdc (center for disease control).