20 May 2009
Language / Use of A/An/The ...... Articles [186]
The English definite article: an interesting idea altogether ! I once asked an Englishman to tell a name of a town used with "the". He didn't say "the Vatican", he said "le Havre". I said "the Hague" !
How would you say: "On the far side is Ujazdowski Castle" or "On the far side is the Ujazdowski Castle" ?
The English definite article: an interesting idea altogether ! I once asked an Englishman to tell a name of a town used with "the". He didn't say "the Vatican", he said "le Havre". I said "the Hague" !
How would you say: "On the far side is Ujazdowski Castle" or "On the far side is the Ujazdowski Castle" ?