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Posts by Wedle  

Joined: 27 Sep 2011 / Male ♂
Last Post: 27 Feb 2012
Threads: Total: 15 / In This Archive: 14
Posts: Total: 490 / In This Archive: 380

Speaks Polish?: yes

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12 Dec 2011
Travel / State/Sh!t Street in Krakow - anyone know why? [8]

I've read that S8Street in Krakow is also called Slave Street and Sh!t Street - is this true?

I know some people that worked for State street in both Ireland and Poland, they were thankful for the opportunity. You will always get disgruntled ex employees who will bite the hand that fed.
12 Dec 2011
Travel / What to do in Warsaw at Christmas? [21]

The Hilton brunch is by far the best choice for Christmas day, I've been there for each of the last three Christmases.

There is only one man on this forum, who is a true advocate of the Hilton. you just can't get enough of your lobster tails,lol
12 Dec 2011
Life / Please recommend - shopping in Warsaw [30]

boutiques in Poland I feel I'm being measured up by the staff.

That is the job of all sales staff they are on Commission.

is it me or does anyone else have the same experience ?

Not really, you tell them you will call them when needed, they back off.

Secondly, I'm used to being able to return items I purchased but it seems that in Poland all sales are final

I have never had a problem returning items in Poland, although not all shops will give a 100% refund,many will give you a credit against a future purchase, if fact I bought my kids sports some shoes last summer while I was in GalMoK they did not like them I took them back to Lacoste and got a credit note and used the credit note a year later for a purchase

when I ask about returns (without cause) they look at me like I'm from mars ?

Malja, if you go into a Polish store and your first question is about returns, they most likely believe you want to use the goods that night and get your money back the following day.

You can also try KLIF shopping mall, they have special shopping evenings every couple of months between 21.00 to 24.00 hrs, it is only open by invitation and many of the outlets use these evenings to clear stock at big discounts.
9 Dec 2011
USA, Canada / I now have a USA and Polish passport - How to behave at the border? [18]

When you exit and enter the USA you are obliged to use your US passport, when you enter and exit Poland you are obliged to use your Polish Passport. There is nothing illegal about being a dual passport holder, unless they were obtained illegally. If stopped at the border controls the best policy is always tell the truth.
9 Dec 2011
Travel / Trying to plan trip to Poland for 2012 [10]

June or July

Avoid June it is the Euro 2012 cup in Poland, July is a good time but book in advance. Plenty of nice cities Gdansk, Warsaw, Torun, Krakow, Zakopane and Wroclaw.
9 Dec 2011
News / Polands new class of immigrant. [60]

Many Poles are coming back home from Ireland and Great Britain because there is no jobs for them any longer.

They are not coming back to easy times in Poland this are about to get difficult for some.

wbj.pl/article-57223-over-2-million-poles-struggling-with-d ebt.html
8 Dec 2011
News / Polands new class of immigrant. [60]

Ive seen some right states turn up at the airport but hey man whos to accuse. If they're happy so be it, you cant knock happiness.

Love is blind so they say, there is also a lot to be said for beer goggles.
8 Dec 2011
News / Polands new class of immigrant. [60]

uk is now getting harder though, 7 of my friends are now back in poland having lost their jobs....

The UK is going to get very tough over the next 12 months, I don't believe the Poles will come home as the economy here is slowing down. Aus,New Zealand and Canada have a certain allure these days.
8 Dec 2011
News / Polands new class of immigrant. [60]

I have spoken to a few youngish Ang/Pol couples recently,more often than not the reason for returning was for her to go back to studies and get better qualifications and then return to the UK, he just tagged along because there was nothing better going on and they were expecting to survive on his money from teaching English, when he gets a job.

They don't make them like they used to Wroclaw boy, the ones turning up in town now are not the thrill seeking pioneer type. If anything they are p*ssy whipped and its their first girlfriend at 28 you know the type.
8 Dec 2011
Real Estate / Banks in Poland selling fewer mortgages in 2011, down 49% [285]

without access to a bank

The old people have their pensions delivered in cash by the Postman.

I live 35 KM outside of Warszawa i have to drive 10 km in any direction through at least 5 villiages to get to an ATM machine

35 KM from the center of Warsaw or 35 KM from the border of Warsaw, most places I know of which are 35KM from the center of Warsaw would have some facility even if it was cash back in a supermarket or petrol station.

You could make a killing there

Literally, how could you sleep at night supporting such activities.
8 Dec 2011
Love / Do polish men like career women? [60]

Bear in mind I know mostly expat poles!

Can you please explain the term " Expat Poles"?

ME: Men like women with a brain and personality.#
HER: A Polish man would always pick youth and beauty over intelligence.ambition, money. career anything, they want a beautiful young girl to stay home and look after them!

The Polish saying is HE is the head - She is the neck. So my understanding is someone to support them at every turn.
8 Dec 2011
Real Estate / Banks in Poland selling fewer mortgages in 2011, down 49% [285]

If you were to believe reports from the UK that their economy is not looking good


This is a very interesting video to watch it just tell it how it is,its very likely Europe and the UK will head into recession next year.
7 Dec 2011
News / Polands new class of immigrant. [60]

How do you know about this?! I'm raking my brain trying to think :D

Davey I have read some of your previous posts, so I recall.
6 Dec 2011
News / Polands new class of immigrant. [60]

sooner or later the divorce rate of such people will show up in the statistics. although i have no idea what the rate is at the moment, i'd wager it's growing

Very good point Wroclaw, the rate I am sure is higher than the national average, it is also a clash of cultures the Brits and Irish turn up here thinking they are going to act the same as do in the uK/Ireland - down the Pub,the Polish spouse is having none of it, time to conform and be a family man,you are in Poland.


You created the Davidek you canny scotsman, unfortunately you didn't register the brand name.
6 Dec 2011
News / Polands new class of immigrant. [60]

But what shocks me is that most of them seem to have put absolutely no thought into their move. I can understand it when you've got a flat, a car, health insurance and so on paid for - but when you're just moving because there's nothing for you in the UK (or more accurately, some woman refuses to stay there any longer...) - insane.

I am of the same opinion, please don't get me wrong Poland is an awesome place to visit, although there is a very big difference from drinking beers on the Rynek and carving out a living. The best advice that could be given is learn Polish before you turn up here. Its required of the Poles in England to speak english, so what makes you the English speaker any different in Poland. Be prepared to assimilate with the locals.
6 Dec 2011
News / Polands new class of immigrant. [60]

If non Poles are moving to Poland is hard for them because they do not know the language and in many places in Poland it is hard to communicate in any other lan

Unfortunately many Ang/Pol couples are moving here with great expectations that they are going to shake the apple tree. There is very little opportunity unless you speak Polish.
6 Dec 2011
News / Polands new class of immigrant. [60]

Agreed 100%, also we must take into consideration many of the Brits/Irish/Americans et al who have been around a while in Poland have busted their balls to carve out a living, nothing comes easy in Poland especially if you have lack of disposable. I am convinced 100% it is so much easier for the Poles moving to the Uk/Ireland other nations, than other non Poles moving to Poland. Firstly most Poles salaries increase by up to 500% when working overseas, while foriegners moving to Poland must lower their expectations, with the exception of those on an expat package.
6 Dec 2011
News / Polands new class of immigrant. [60]

Wendle makes an fantasy thread.

Whats special about 1997? More significant than entry to the EU ?

I will not respond to any further posts from non members. So smart ars* there was something very important for Poland and foreign business in 1997. 2004 was important for Poles not for FDI the companies were well established by that late period.

That's when Labour got in. Those who escaped early were the lucky ones

Maybe in some parts of the Uk, I am referring more to Poland, in January 1995 Poland introduced the current PLN, the GDP growth rate started to slow down significantly after 1997 and resulted in the Polish recession of 2001 & 2002 picking up again in 2003. FDI also slowed down in 1997 and many of the foreign investors put there expansion plans on ice, which resulted in less expats arriving ad more early bird entrepreneurs leaving as Poland moved towards the lean years.
5 Dec 2011
News / Polands new class of immigrant. [60]

We have has some on here saying they work on minimum wage, sometimes you gotta do what the market dictates, you know yourself if you are outside the big cities, thee is only really teaching English or competing with the locals.

I know this is off topic, it is worthy of a read:

5 Dec 2011
News / Polands new class of immigrant. [60]

The olympic stadium market is full of asians working for 5/6 PLN an hour. Its like the united colors of benneton.
5 Dec 2011
News / Polands new class of immigrant. [60]

when did your first, second, and third waves occur, what time frame are we looking at?

Post 10

The same happens with immigrants coming to Poland. I believe that they are coming to Poland because there are looking for a better life and hope for the best.

The current wave I would agree with you, the previous waves many expats came to work for Int companies got married and stayed or used Poland as their base, while they went on contract to other countries.Now an interesting thing is the old boys who had success in Poland are starting to sell up and move to the UK or USA, its all about education for their children, the Polish International schools just can compete and the fees are the same.

And what are the third wave working for, Wedle?

Sometimes 6PLN an hour, they take what they can get.
5 Dec 2011
News / Polands new class of immigrant. [60]

Over the last 10 years the number of Polish Immigrants in America has fallen by 35,000, and currently consists of 458 254 people. It's not a very drastic decrease many of these people were simply the elderly who came after WWII and passed away

Most of the Poles I know returning from the states, do so to look after their elderly Parents, although they have been returning yearly, buying property and laying down foundations for their return. I do not consider these the same type as the ones I mentioned in the post 1 that turn up without a pot to **** in, hoping to get a job in the first week.

10k? What's wrong with 6k?

6K could be better than 10K depending on the number of hours you work.