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Posts by Meathead  

Joined: 3 Jun 2010 / Male ♂
Last Post: 10 Apr 2022
Threads: Total: 5 / In This Archive: 5
Posts: Total: 467 / In This Archive: 387
From: polonia, usa
Speaks Polish?: nada
Interests: everything

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1 Nov 2012
USA, Canada / Emigrate from the USA - the sequence of events [207]

t won't be just nice, it's a necessity for us to stop that printing money and increasing debt nonsense.

The debt is not the problem, the problem is our balance of trade. We import too much crap (40 billion/month). When you import you lose jobs that pay taxes. Get it? To cut the deficit you need revenue. Bernanke is keeping money circulating so that we don't have a 1930's style deflation which led to DEPRESSION. You cut the deficit, you cut jobs. Switzerland has pegged the Swiss franc to the Euro, to prevent the Swiss from going over the border and shopping in Europe for the same reason. When your currency becomes overvalued you lose jobs. Google, "the deficit is good".

Meathead,think inflation lol.

To have inflation you have to have demand for goods (too much money chasing too few goods). There is too much unemployment to have inflation. Aren't you unemployed?
1 Nov 2012
Love / What differences is there among Polish girls and British girls as girlfriends? [102]

Just to intervene and give you girls a male viewpoint but most women are born attractive, it's what they do to themselves that make them unattractive. Like too much makeup, dressing too old or too young, being totally out of shape. Just be yourselves, don't obsess over too much hair or not enough hair. It doesn't matter. Please yourselves.
1 Nov 2012
USA, Canada / Emigrate from the USA - the sequence of events [207]

no, I'm opposing his policy because I don't want this to happen.

If you read the article, they mentioned that by reducing the deficit during deflation you'll get a 1930's Depression. To repeat, you're attempting to solve a problem that doesn't exist.

Meathead,I don't know where you live,but food prices have steadily climbed here in Boston.I haven't seen any prices going down on anything.I have seen prices go up though.

Think Drought.
31 Oct 2012
USA, Canada / Emigrate from the USA - the sequence of events [207]

"Hyperinflation results from a rapid and continuing increase in the supply of money, which occurs when a government prints money or creates credits in bank accounts, instead of collecting taxes to fund government activities"

Where is this hyperinflation? We have deflation right now, not inflation. That's the whole point. You're trying to solve a problem that doesn't exist.
30 Oct 2012
USA, Canada / Getting a VISA to USA by a Polish person nowadays [339]

You could come with it just for my interest. Maybe I learn something from you, broaden my horizons :)

You can start by asking him how he's doing living as a Polish emigre in England.
30 Oct 2012
USA, Canada / Emigrate from the USA - the sequence of events [207]

sorry man, you're wrong. Google it out if you need help to understand how it works. Printing money in excess is never good. I realize, you're a big Obama supporter but if you knew how economy works, you wouldn't vote for him either.

Google it? You mean like this:

30 Oct 2012
USA, Canada / Emigrate from the USA - the sequence of events [207]

Take note, Meathead, one can't spend more money than one has. Spending more money in our case, means printing more money and that means devaluing our currency and that again, leads to the huge economical collapse by the end of the road. This is absolutely not a way to go!!!

All the money that America has is the result of the print shop. Whenever we need more money, we print it up. There is nothing wrong with a devalued currency. The less our currency is worth the more imports cost and the less our exports cost. DEVALUED CURRENCY = LESS IMPORTS MORE EXPORTS. Good for the economy. That's how China did it, they artificially kept their currency low vs the dollar.

WroclawBoy,I agree there really was no alternative,but why didn't he try to exercise some control as he did with the auto companies in terms of accepting the dole.Why were the banks never held accountable either.Someone asked on this thread who makes the decisions in this country;there you have it

Bush did the Bank bailout, not Obama. All the money given to the Banks has been returned with interest.
29 Oct 2012
USA, Canada / Emigrate from the USA - the sequence of events [207]

I sincerely doubt that either candidate will be able to sort out the mess.

Very true. America is doing better than Europe right now (economically) because of our large debt. We're spending our way out of recession. Europe is trying to reduce their deficits with austerity. It's making everything worse. Take note, 4eigner. The US needs to spend more, not less.
28 Oct 2012
USA, Canada / Emigrate from the USA - the sequence of events [207]

I don't disagree with your political comments but NYC isn't represented of America. It's the most Un-American of America's cities. It's more like a city-state. The Other's views are quite correct for everywhere else in the States.

I know of a case where a charity took over the bill. There are thousands of charities all around the US

Nope what usually happens is that they don't pay the bill so the hospital raises the bill on people who can pay. Thus the reason for high insurance costs.

What we have in the States is a single tier health system (i.e., it's the same care regardless of your economic plight). Europe has a two tier system, if you don't like the government healthcare you buy the private stuff. If your poor, Government healthcare for you.
27 Oct 2012
UK, Ireland / Polish women in UK caught involved in prostitution scheme [39]

could be different in other places but... i work in a jail, prostitues are not forced here in canada ... but most of them are junkies and support their habit that way

It's like this, when you take money for sex "you owe him" when there's no money exchanged "you don't owe him anything" which is a lot less complicated.
27 Oct 2012
USA, Canada / Emigrate from the USA - the sequence of events [207]

Nevermind 4eigner, just pay your insurance if that is ok with you :)

PGTX I am not a cheerleader for life in the States, but healthcare is available even if you do not have insurance. Why do you think so many people don't have health insurance? When they need healthcare they go to the Emergency rooms in the Hospitals. in the States they have to admit you regardless of your financial ability to pay. That's why your insurance is so high, because they charge people who can pay more money, to make up for those who don't. The rubber hits the road when you have a chronic illness and you need constant care. But how would be in Poland if you had a chronic illness? Like the guy with the blood clot? Go to Poland for 6 months and when you get back you're less one hand?

Interesting how this thread has gone.

I have no problem with people leaving the states to live overseas but go to Poland because you like the culture or the way of life, but if you're going for economic reasons you'll be in for a surprise. All of Europe is imploding due to austerity measures. A good article from another thread:

27 Oct 2012
News / Lech Walesa is not a democrat and this statement proves it. [24]

The concept of a "democracy" is an outrageous absurdity to begin with. It's so self-evidently ridiculous, I sometimes have trouble understanding how people see merit in this. Then I remember that they just don't. They're brainwashed/conditioned to regard it highly.

Of course there are many different versions of democracy. What kind Poland has I don't know. From the posts on this forum it appears to be dominated by a ruling elite. But what is essential to democracy is consensus. Something you don't get with other forms of government.
26 Oct 2012
USA, Canada / Emigrate from the USA - the sequence of events [207]

We are part of the dying blue collar middle class.

Interesting comments about medical costs in the US. Yes, medical care in the US is expensive but all medical care isn't created equal. Doctors in Poland make the same money as janitors. Below is a guy (from another thread) who planned on visiting his inlaws in Poland for a year. His visit was cut short, because in that time he got a blood clot and lost his hand. In the states that would be a pretty radical procedure. Medical care (like everything else) you pay for what you get. There are no free lunches.

26 Oct 2012
UK, Ireland / Polish women in UK caught involved in prostitution scheme [39]

yes im aware of that ... i said if a woman is willing there should be nothing illegal about it.
if she is not willing well it's rape then isnt it and that is already illegal. So because rape is illegal and the whole culture of sex involves people being forced to have it agaisnt their will should sex be illegal... thats pretty rediculous isnt it. As long as she or he is willing to trade sex for money ... why should it be illegal

I don't think you are aware of it. Have you watched the movies? Prostitution, more often than not, is about the strong taking advantage of the weak. That's why we have laws. Get involved in the world of prostitution and you may not be able to get out of it. Many of these women become trapped. The world isn't as simple as you think, it isn't black and white.
26 Oct 2012
UK, Ireland / Polish women in UK caught involved in prostitution scheme [39]

The culture of Prostitution isn't that simple, much of it involves human trafficking. There's a very good movie on the subject which I got through Netflix.

lilya 4 ever, taken, there are many more.

22 Oct 2012
USA, Canada / Getting a VISA to USA by a Polish person nowadays [339]

There is a DEFINITE prejudicial system in getting Visas for former East block.. I just don't know why

The Euro zone wants cheap labor for themselves. So they tell the US no visa's for East Block.
19 Oct 2012
Love / How can I make my Polish guy comfortable while in States? [12]

not true, most of them emigrate to enhance their financial situation (according to every single Pole I've talked to and I've met many Poles)

That's what they tell you (and themselves)

like anywhere else, some of us are very athletic and some are not

Generally speaking, of course.
18 Oct 2012
Love / How can I make my Polish guy comfortable while in States? [12]

But he is stubborn

All Poles are stubborn

He is eldest and only son and his family leans on him. And they are important to him.

Polish parents are very controlling and would like nothing better than for children to live forever with the parents. They're very good at "guilt tripping". I'm sure your boy knows this and why he hasn't returned (to family).

Biggest personal difference? I was a jock(ette) and he never was. He is pessimist squared 3 and I am optimist.

Culture clash. Americans are athletic, "on the surface" (what you see is what you get) and optimistic, Poles are introspective and melancholic. This won't change unless he really wants to (he may want to) afterall many Poles emigrate not because of money, but just to get away from overbearing parents and family. Maybe he'll cut the umbilical cord.
12 Oct 2012
Life / Bishops defend Polish family [105]

Your contradicting yourself. In case you don't understand your own posts, Daniel Burke is saying that the only valid interpretation of Scripture is the Pope's. If you have a classical education as you claim, you should be able to discern that. This is what a classical education is about, the ability to think not just mimic what you've read.

Matt 9:13: "...I desire mercy and not sacrifice..." But living a Christian life is not about Bible Quotes. It is not about wrong doing. It is about being charitable to your neighbor. My problem with the Catholic Church is that they are uncharitable, thus unchristian.

As for you... you can start living a Christian life by tipping the waitress the next time you're at the bar.
11 Oct 2012
Life / Bishops defend Polish family [105]

it's not the philosophers that we're talking about here, it's the Catholic Church. The religious clerics taking perpetual vows of poverty, celibacy, etc. proves my point, it's a Cynics life that they pursue and a barking dog that they become. Roman Catholicism is based on the concept that you follow the rules and rituals of the Catholic Church and you will find salvation after death (death is their salvation). Christianity is about the here and now. Be charitable to yourself, be charitable to your neighbor and show your love for God by doing the right thing.

Your counter arguments are all rhetorical, you've learned nothing from your study of the classics. You should spend some time reading the Christian Bible (New Testament), the Gospel of Matthew is particularly applicable to today's world. God speaks to all of us, not just the Pope you silly girl.
10 Oct 2012
Life / Bishops defend Polish family [105]

You want to bash Republicans and Catholics so bad you are making them into a chimera. You must be very extreme Left to be so focused and obsessed on unsubstatiated theory. you may truthfully and correctly say radical Right supporters. But the rest is whiney biased hogwash. And kinda offensive.


The Roman Catholic Church "Contemplative Life" comes from the Greek cynics. The whole concept that the material world doesn't matter. When you mix politics with that philosophy it becomes lethal as evidenced by the Roman Catholic Inquisition. This is where the Roman Church diverges from Christianity which is based on charity not Greek Cynicism.

Which commandment is it that says "thou shall not have any false gods before me"? Like putting the rituals of the Roman Catholic Church before the word of God.