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Posts by szarlotka  

Joined: 20 Feb 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 2 Sep 2013
Threads: Total: 8 / In This Archive: 1
Posts: Total: 2205 / In This Archive: 654
From: UK
Speaks Polish?: Nie
Interests: Skiing, mountains, music, reading, taking the mickey and terrapins

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29 Jul 2010
UK, Ireland / What's the rule on 'the UK' but just 'GB'? [60]

The Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, the United Kingdom, The People's Democratic Republic of South Yorkshire .... these are not plural.
23 Jul 2010
Life / Who's Leaving Poland? [138]

foreigners leaving Poland are mythical creatures like elves

I'm half elf half human. I.e worked in Poland for the best part of four years but came home 3 weekends out of 4. Now entirely out of Poland but have a slice of Poland at home anyways. Four out of the five people who worked with me out there who decided to stay are still there four years later.
21 Jul 2010
Life / What would YOU do to make life in poland better?? [72]

Hmm. Actually Poland exceeded my expectations the first time I ever went there (which was way before them damned Ruskies pulled out). In my view the postives have always outweighed the negatives. Some people just can't cope with things being different, not necessarlily worse just different. Sure there are things that could change for the better, even for Poles but the changes in twenty years have been pretty dramatic. I just hope that your real sense of identity isn't lost in the headlong rush to embrace the changes.

FIX THE PLUMBING IN OLDER APARTMENTS IN WARSAW (that's a cry from the heart from me)
21 Jul 2010
Love / Polish Girl & Me...Is She Interested? [57]

Usually, those problems are not solvable on forums.

So true... but I guess the OP has worked that out for himself having read the replies so far (my own included);)
21 Jul 2010
Love / Polish Girl & Me...Is She Interested? [57]


Congratulations. You are a sugardaddy, and if she could outlive her income before she met you you're probably not the first one.
15 Jul 2010
Life / Car Crime in Poland [28]


As a public service I should point out that flying down the M4 in Wiltshire is ill advised.... local rozzers are a little too zealous for my liking.
9 Jul 2010
Polonia / Going to Paris for 10 days, any hints? [14]

Tough call frd;) Many of the 'hidden gems' from my regular visits there years ago have been discovered and the prices have risen accordingly - I blame the internet. One nice place to visit that is often ignored are the lovely Japanese style gardens at the UNESCO headquarters. They used to be free to enter. There are still some good places to eat down the sidestreets around Montmartre. (Just take AJ as a bodyguard - joking as I've never had a real problem apart from being solicted around there).
9 Jul 2010
News / What awaits Poland after EU surrender [14]

Should people be able to claim asylum simply because they are gay?

Or are they claiming asylum because they will be persecuted in their home country? What's the difference from being killed or abused because you are gay from being killed or abused because you choose to practice another religion or come from a different tribe?
30 Jun 2010
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

isn't the use of anabole steroids forbidden on PF?

I thought that to be the case;)

Mind you if they ever ban Prozac for browsing more than three threads I think I'm going to have to leave!
30 Jun 2010
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

when WB got yet another of his jealousy rages

I shall have to investigate this further. What's he jealous about?
30 Jun 2010
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

At the rear of the classroom, M-G and Wroclaw Boy lie lifelessly beneath a pile of broken desks

Refers to post #104 in this thread.

Ah. Two years on and they're still at it I see. I think it's about time I penned another edition. I have so much time on my hands now that there is no longer footballl on every day.
27 May 2010
Love / Why do Polish women prefer foreigners for boyfriends and husbands? [418]

and also the benefit of friendship with Polish men.

Unless you are putting forward platonic only friendship Seanus I am going to have to give your contacts to Radio Maryja. Within minutes there will be demonstrators outside of your front door armed with crosses and pickaxes;)
21 May 2010
Law / May 14th -- Big Day on the markets [21]

Let the markets implode. I have liquified all my assets already. Anybody want to make me an offer for my portfolio; 3 million barrels of Guinness, 6,600 firkins of fine real ale, two distilleries and a Magners in the pear tree.
13 May 2010
Love / Met a Polish girl on the Internet, and I'm soon off to meet her... [82]

date or marry an Eastern European woman at your own risk mate

Spot on. I've been married to one for 28 years, 28 years of happiness, caring, sharing and all good things. But I know she is just biding her time before something dreadful happens to me. I know there will be cynanide in my Horlicks one day soon. Beware all Eastern European girls. Decor_ating is a wise man - not!
10 May 2010
News / The EU's 1 Trillion Dollar Rescue Package [144]

Alistair Darling seems to have a better handle on where money goes

Yes - he know exactly where every wasted pound has gone. The waste of money during the good years has been frigging disgraceful IMHO. Billions on the NHS - net result more administrators and limited clinical improvement at best. Educashun - lots more quangos, more centralised control and bugger all improvement at the front line.

I'm with PP to a certain extent. The UK economy is in a far bigger mess than has been admitted thus far (surprise that wth the election looming - or should that be having loomed). Not as bad as Greece but the belt tightening is going to be very, very painful.
5 May 2010
UK, Ireland / driving in england on a Polish license [10]

Any way you look at it insurance will be expensive for a new driver. Best of luck shopping around for a good deal;)
5 May 2010
UK, Ireland / driving in england on a Polish license [10]

I'm pretty sure you can drive in the UK for up to 3 years on your Polish license (or age 70 if sooner than that - you don't sound that old though!) Check out the DVLA site for confirmation of this.

Insurance will be the main issue. As far as the Uk are concenred you have no no claims discount. I know a few companies will transfer no claims from your home country if you have that but a lot of them won't. Worth while searching because without any no claims it will be expensive.

No problems with car ownership.
15 Apr 2010
UK, Ireland / Polish opinion of England as a country and the English nation [64]

lovely war heroes, who are such a treasure of your Island.

Veterans drinking in champagne bars? Those MOD pensions must be better then the Daily Fail claims then;)

All round to Ksysia's place for a gallon of Crystal or two. Not my shout though;)
13 Apr 2010
Travel / Stag Parties in Kraków [119]

It's still happening? Krakow was the new Prague. Surely somewhere else must be the new Krakow by now? Tunbridge Wells perhaps?
12 Mar 2010

WTF? the plumbing in my apartment in Wawa made those noises all the time. Come out of that air raid shelter now WR. It's safe - really.
12 Mar 2010
UK, Ireland / The Daily Mail - coverage of the Polish people [161]

Do you think that something has changed since then?

Not really. The Daily Fail will always seek to distort and sensationalise events to pander to their readers sense of outrage about most things.It's just a trashy newspaper with a right wing agenda that is trying to bolster it's falling sales by lurid headlines. If it's not the Polish it would be the Albanians or Muslims or one legged Nepalese Sherpas stealing 'our' job, 'our' women etc. etc.
3 Mar 2010
UK, Ireland / Are polish girls in the UK cheap (to hire?) [35]

In my opinion polish girls cost on average the price of an apartment to rent that is about 300 euro per month each.

Really? Mine can spend more than that on a pair of shoes in seconds;)

Are you operating at the bottom end of the market (so to speak)
3 Mar 2010
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

Szarlotka went on a dry spell from Guinness

No - all alcohol. It was hell.

he mumbled something about a bet and as a result

No - sponsored fund raising for the local hospice.

I'm still a lazy waster though;)

Summary Omnibus - people bickered a lot.
1 Mar 2010
Love / Polish Girls vs Russian Girls [813]

As we say down my local, that which is striking and beautiful is not always good, but that which is good is always beautiful.
1 Mar 2010
Love / Polish Girls vs Russian Girls [813]

Polish women vs. Mongolian women

Right oh. Mongolian women are better at milking Yaks for a start off. Most Polish girls think a Yak is a Russian aircraft.