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Posts by frd  

Joined: 3 Feb 2009 / Male ♂
Last Post: 3 Jan 2022
Threads: Total: 7 / In This Archive: 6
Posts: Total: 1379 / In This Archive: 632
From: welcome to the house of fun
Speaks Polish?: can I have your liver?
Interests: no one told you when to run, you missed the starting gun

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5 Jul 2010
News / Will Komorowski be Poland's worst ever president? [72]

Tusk do whatever he's bloody will and it is going to hurt us economically

right taking into consideration that Tusk with his ministers saved us from the crisis along with the swine vaccines scam.. sure
5 Jul 2010
News / Will Komorowski be Poland's worst ever president? [72]

Fakt belongs to AxelSpringer(dojczlant) and it dictates pretty much what the dumb masses will vote.
Newsweek belongs to .... AxelSpringer and it dictates pretty much what the dumb wannabe bourgeoisie will vote.
80% of the people with money will vote K. coz they want more money.

who exactly are you talking about? dumb masses voted on Kaczynski, and "K." is a pretty vague abrev when 2 candidates surnames begin that latter..
5 Jul 2010
News / Komorowski won Poland's presidency vote? [125]

Sorry Seanus, my bad - you were talking about the relationship between M and P, and I though mistakingly that you are refering to the Smolensk catastrophy, supposed Russian meddling in it and in the polish election. I jumped to conclusions before digesting your post. Sorry.

I personally think that Putin is the real driver of the country and Medvedev is but a decoy, a face that is a bit more human..
5 Jul 2010
News / Komorowski won Poland's presidency vote? [125]

All right I guess I can't say anything against conspiracy theories can I? But Kaczynscy had their own communist affiliation - lets remember Magdalenka for all the conspiracy fans.
5 Jul 2010
News / Komorowski won Poland's presidency vote? [125]

Same as it was during Lech presidency - Jarosław was pulling all the strings, and that's how it usually is in countries where both prime minister and president are from the same parties and prime minister holds most of the power. Bleeting about it won't change the fact that every gov does it. Congrats for masters of the obvious.
5 Jul 2010
News / Will Komorowski be Poland's worst ever president? [72]

ull media support

Very bad points Polityka
Wrong public TV belonged and still belongs to PIS...
beside they had a strong support from catholic Church..

Komorowski won't be a great president but he won't be bad.
4 Jul 2010
News / Komorowski won Poland's presidency vote? [125]

Not yet, last time exit polls favoured LKs opponent as well.

exactly, why the hell are everyone so sure it's over.. they haven't even released the first vote counting numbers

Actually, people who don't want PiS to regain power, should have voted Kaczynski today.
After two years during which Civic Platform will have total political power - Prime Minister
and President, people will blame Civic Platform for everything bad in their lives. Silly as it

That is how politics works, of course this only applies to people easily influenced by populistic slogans and those who do not understand how economy works and so on..

I voted Marek Jurek in the first round and stayed home today, as I can't possibly imagine
voting for either of the candidates.

I'm baffled, I was pretty sure all Marek Jurek voters will surely vote for Kaczyński..
2 Jul 2010
News / Komorowski - Russian stooge, traitor background [42]

100% power for PO without any control from the opposition

Well.. exactly same situation was when PiS was in power, it was awful so let's check the other option now.
1 Jul 2010
Life / Does anybody care about the elections in Poland? [26]

i care.

iCare by Apple now in stores.

Yesterday was the big debate on TV - I read today about it in the papers -. I wonder who watched it to be honest. BBQ time I think it was for half the country.

People read/watch it later, I haven't seen a single one live.. just read about them later on.. I have to agree that people rarely talk about the upcoming voting..

but I'd say it is more like a silance before storm
1 Jul 2010
Life / Does anybody care about the elections in Poland? [26]

Take sth that could be interesting and dull it down, then you have Polish politics

what do you mean? not enough affairs ; o? How "more interesting" should Polish politics be?
1 Jul 2010
Life / Does anybody care about the elections in Poland? [26]

I have a suspicion that J K will win. No facts or info just gut feeling.

Same here, I kind of see a similar situation to the previous presidential election when polls where showing clear victory of POs candidate in the end LK won.. and I do care about the election, Sunday's gonna be a rough day ;o
1 Jul 2010
History / Battle of Warsaw movie in production [24]

I have to say I'm also happy that this is not something novel based, finally some big war movie by Hoffman that's not connected to Sienkiewicz :)
1 Jul 2010
History / Battle of Warsaw movie in production [24]

Haven't heard about this movie but I'm much more interested in watching the one Tomasz Bagiński is working on.. anyways it's nice to see something's brewing, I hate to admit but most of polish cinematography nowadays is about midiocre comedies..
30 Jun 2010
Love / I'm a black African man and can't cope with my Polish mother in law [34]

I'd kill her and bury the body in the garden. There are control freaks everywhere not only in Poland disguised as moters-in-law. You should have a serious talk with your wife about it and it's strange if you haven't had talked about it with her yet...
29 Jun 2010
History / The Untold Battle of Britain [205]

Please don't trot out the old lies again: 303 pilots were invited to the London Victory Parade. And they were also all given jobs and homes for themselves and their families, far more than Poland ever gave it's defeated allies.

stop moaning about the victory parade which this thread is clearly not about. Back to the topic - many pilots of all the countries claimed more shoot downs than they actually did. Basically pilots took hits for granted if they have noticed smoke or fire and the plane disappearing at the corners of their eyes. I've read "Poles in defense of GB" by Polish authors and they wrote that on numerous occasions polish pilots have misreported shot down planes that later turned out to come back to the german base safely. A pretty interesting book consists mainly of reports by english german and polish pilots (so is a bit boring if somebody doesn't like reading) It says a lot about some of the heroic flights by Poles but in the same moment it's not sugar icing. There's a lot of critic of polish pilots having hard time getting used to the steering and general handling of British planes (which they destroyed frequently and were sent back to training, some even over and over again) or multiple cases of friendly fire by Polish pilots. Despite massive failing instances I personally think they did a good job there. Case closed. ;o

g if somebody doesn't like reading

damn I must be really tired ;) "doesn't like reading tables with lots of numbers and similar data" ;)
29 Jun 2010
Language / Polish regional accents? [141]

I haven't mentioned any peasant jargons - but accents are same for educated and non-educated people. Hence I can't see the need to degrade some poor babcias ;) Actually countryside - if that's what you mean by mentioning "peasants" - is the natural habitat for sustaining different accents and dialects...
29 Jun 2010
Language / Polish regional accents? [141]

There were at least 2 threads about accents and how accents are not dialects and slang and I can see another dispute regarding that brewing already ;) I'm a born and brew Silesian but I don't have an accent (at least that's what some girls in Warsaw said)... I think it'd be hard for anyone to guess what part of Poland I'm from.

Showing exact pronunciation on the forum, impossible task anyways,
wiela mosz godzin na blacie?
29 Jun 2010

I heard "dzięks" plenty of times long time ago ( like 10 years ), used by people who never met any expats and had low language skills. Thought of it as another "pozdro" or "nara"...
27 Jun 2010
News / Komorowski for complex-ridden Poles? [94]

Up til now, it has been nothing but a circus show so let's have some substance.

Are you talking PO and PiS parties substance or those candidates? They pretty much stand for their parties goals there's no much more to it..