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Polish classes - Does it work for students learning Polish language? [6]
I have just been learning Polish as I go along, like a child. I am very communicative however my grammar is awful. it is doesn't really matter and i am in no hurry. i'm lucky since I'm bilingual French/English and there are many French/Polish words and many English/Polish words, once you remember them they bulk out your polish vocabulary very quickly.
agrafka (agrafe, staple)
- bilet (billet, ticket)
- butelka (bouteille, bottle)
- ekran (ecran, screen)
- biuro (bureau, office)
- meble (meuble, furniture)
- kanapa (canapé, sofa)
- rekin (requin, shark)
- krawat (cravate, tie)
- konfitury (confiture, jam)
- plaza (plage, beach)
- zonkil (jonquille, daffodil)
- walizka (valise, suitcase)
- portfel (portefeuille, wallet)
- fotel (fauteuil, armchair)
- koszmar (cauchemar, nightmare)
- fabryka (fabrique, factory)
- broszka (broche, brooch)
- serwetka (serviette, towel)
- adwokat (avocat, lawyer)
- kolia (collier, necklace)
- makijaz (maquillage, makeup)
- alergia (allergie, allergy)
- kabel (cable, cable)
- banan (banane, banana)
- garaz (garage, garage)
- rezerwacja (reservation, reservation)
- uniwersytet (universite, university)
- wakacje (vacances, vacation)
- recepcja (reception, reception)
- tulipan (tulipe, tulip)
- character (caractere, character)
- seler (celeri, celery )
- kreatywny (creatif, creative )
- dentysta (dentiste, dentist )
- lampa (lampe, lamp)
- parking (parking)
- stres (stress)
- weekend (weekend)
- tenis (tennis)
- jazz (jazz)
- rock (rock)
the list goes on....