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Posts by szkotja2007  

Joined: 29 Dec 2006 / Male ♂
Last Post: 15 Jul 2013
Threads: Total: 27 / In This Archive: 3
Posts: Total: 1498 / In This Archive: 296
From: Scotland

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25 Sep 2009
News / Poland's fight against paedophilia [277]

Why not the whole way!

Why not ? I can't see what the argument against it would be.

By the way, they have already found a food that reduces a womans sex drive by 90%.

Its called a wedding cake.
25 Sep 2009
News / Poland's fight against paedophilia [277]

So what happens when the sex offender is a woman ? As we saw in the UK earlier this week with the teacher fiddling with a 15 year old.

Inject her tounge with Lignocaine ?
8 Sep 2009
Law / The Euro, is it a good idea for Poland? [66]

Pegging your currency to the Euro makes economic sense as it will be less vulnerable in a global market.

It is bad news for domestic retail as prices will go up just like they have done in every other country with the Euro.

Bad news for tourists too.
25 Aug 2009

I am for independant Scotland!

Well done.

Scotland, they're not a minority they're a nation

Thank you.

if they want to be free from England let 'em.

More and more people are voting for Independance - SNP got 29% of the vote,second best London Labour got 20% in the last Euro elections.
5 Aug 2009
Law / What can I do with 250000$? [33]

Buy on Monday 27th July- 42p
Sell on Wednesday 5th Aug - win

Closed today at 48.7.
So whats 6.7 as a % of 42 and times that by 250,000 ?
25 Jul 2009
Law / What can I do with 250000$? [33]

While you ponder the above suggestions with what to do with your $1/4mil, it might be worth noting that the banks that were bailed out by the taxpayer in the not too distant past are now posting profits.

FTSE: RBS announces on 7th of Aug.
Buy on Monday 27th July- 42p
Sell on Wednesday 5th Aug - win

IMHO, DYOR etc, etc


Bernie Madoff

23 Jul 2009
Life / Some People in Poland Drink Ether? [11]

If you can access research articles Adrian Zandberg has done a paper on Ether drinking in Silesia.

It was also a major problem in Ireland and Scotland in the late 1800s.
17 Jun 2009
UK, Ireland / Mercy flight for dying Polish woman living in the UK [21]

Wings medical group has agreed to fly her back for £6,400, with nurses and doctors volunteering their time. So far about £4,000 has been raised but donations are still pouring in

Well done to the generous people of Bath and Trowbridge.
14 Apr 2009
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

Can someone please tell me what are the hot topics at the moment

Justysia S's hairdo. Straight or curly ?
24 Mar 2009
Love / Scottish & Polish relationships [229]

Maybe because my middle name is Wallace

Thats a great name !

Because it will soon be the 263rd anniversary of the Battle of Culloden I have been reading a lot about the link between the Sobieskis and the Stuarts.

I forgot that Bonnie Prince Charlies middle names were Casimir and Silvester.


Charlies Mam
24 Mar 2009
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

There are 797 threads on this particular branch of the forums, please find us two antisemitic threads or shut up.

Whether you agree with Sokrates or not you have to admit thats a fair challenge.
24 Mar 2009
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

There were some interesting Nazi Collaborations in WW2 - none more so than the Stern Gang.

While the soldiers of the Scottish 51st Highland Infantry and the Polish soldiers under General Anders were busy fighting the Nazis in North Africa, the Stern Gang including Yitzhak Shamir and Menachem Begin were busy ambushing allies, and blew up the vital Haifa-Cairo railroad supply line.

They were also doing deals with the fascists in Italy just before the Polish victory at Monte Cassino.

When Yitzhak Shamir, Israel's future Prime Minister in the 1980s, was asked to explain their collaboration with the Fascists, he replied:

"The enemy of my enemy is my friend."

Also worth a Google is the Haavara Agreement.

Whilst these Jewish nazi collaborators were very much the minority, it is an interesting juxtaposition that is often overlooked.
24 Mar 2009
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

nazi collaborators.

Since we are on about Jews and Nazi collaborators....what about the guys that were supporting the Nazis against General Anders and the allies ?

What about the guys that were doing deals with the Italian fascists that the Poles would later fight at Monte Cassino ?
24 Mar 2009
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

"Did you know that the most of a people avoid using a left cerebral hemisphere (concerning logical processing) cause it's to exhausting for them?"

That's why he lectures 1st year college students ;-)

Its interesting stuff.
24 Mar 2009
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

Short article about left cerebral hemisphere:

Moot point -
The article refers to Neuromagnetic activity in response to auditory stimulation - it would appear to me this is lacking in an Internet forum ?

Edit - interesting to note that in order to "read" we have to think of the sound so some auditory processing is required. The study quoted seems to be from Japan, where the characters ( letters ) are different and so use a different part of the brain to "decode" them. This would have a bearing on the MRI of a person reading "European " text rather than "oriental " such as Japanese or Chinese.
23 Mar 2009
History / Unusual soldier (The bear - named Voytek) [71]

Hello Hazel and welcome to the forums.
Sounds like an interesting project - would like to see the outcome.
There is plenty of Polish slang on these forums but I dont know how this would transfer to the forties.

I suppose one example in English would be "woodbine". A common word for a cigarette in the forties but unheard of now. I wonder what the Polish equivalent would be ?
23 Mar 2009
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

The Ancient Mariner.

Love that - here it is in all its glory for those that have a few spare hours :-)
A Sail, a sail !

For some reason reminds me of Poes
The Raven