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Joined: 9 Mar 2011 / Male ♂
Last Post: 15 Mar 2012
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From: Warszawa!
Speaks Polish?: tak

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14 Mar 2011
Language / Polish Language classes - what do your lessons look like? [21]

There are quite a few language schools that do Polish courses in Krakow - 'Glossa' isn't necessarily one of the better ones (though it advertises rather aggressively), and homestay is not at all a good idea. Why not have a look on the internet for a list of schools? Or try one of these, which all have a decent reputation.

Instytut Studiow Polonijnych


International School of Polish Language and Culture in Cracow

Accent School of Polish

13 Mar 2011
News / Poland needs a left wing govt. [111]

in your head you know you shouldnt stand her but find yourself liking her none the less.

Emotionally rejected by her mother and pretty well brought up by the parents of schoolfriends.
13 Mar 2011
News / Poland needs a left wing govt. [111]

crying in self pity.

She was a follower of Ayn Rand and Objectivism - believing it was actually wrong to care about anyone else unless you personally like them.
13 Mar 2011
News / Poland needs a left wing govt. [111]

Apparently she used to do it when she was a young woman, according to 'unnamed neighbours'.
13 Mar 2011
News / Poland needs a left wing govt. [111]

Thatcher destroyed communities declaring that there is no such thing as society.

Whe it looked like she might die last year, the press were already hinting about all the stuff they can't print when she was alive. Like spitting on people from upstairs windows when they were on their way to doing voluntary work. She hated the idea of people helping others without material reward.
13 Mar 2011
News / Poland needs a left wing govt. [111]

I personally plan on pissing on her grave as soon as she is in the ground.

There'll be a bloody long queue for that. Personally I think she should be given to Gunther Von Hagen for plastination.
13 Mar 2011
News / Poland needs a left wing govt. [111]

Educate yourself, invent, try different approaches, different jobs.

A 55 year old mother of six with an unemployed husband doesn't have too many options in that respect.

workers' pay and benefits.

Which Thatcher and her ilk wanted to reduce to Nineteenth Century levels.
13 Mar 2011
News / Poland needs a left wing govt. [111]

When Maggie Thatcher decided to go to war against the miners

In effect, a country declaring wars on its own people. With dreadful destructive results.

I was doing a consultancy recently in a foreign country. The other person I was with was a (very right-wing) old Etonian. I mentioned before we left the hotel (after a month's stay) about the tip for the chambermaid, and how much one ought to leave after a month, His answer was: "if people want more money they should get a better job"!
13 Mar 2011
News / Poland needs a left wing govt. [111]

personally Ive been dirt poor and Ive been in the 40% tax bracket

Likewise, and it shows that one should never take material wealth for granted or judge others by their condition in life, which is essentially a lottery. It's just that some people are good at buying the right tickets.
13 Mar 2011
News / Poland needs a left wing govt. [111]

its the " I'm alright Jacek" show vs basic morality and the essential tenent of Christianity...

It's the whole 'Randroid' thing - people believing that altruism is somehow bad, and that just because they aren't hungry they don't have to give a **** about those who are. Against the wisdom of all science, philosophy and plain common sense.

I agree that willy-waggling is pointless and I still contend I'd have you beat, two-fold. :)

I'm not so sure, but let's agree that we're both doing nicely :-)

The name calling came from you using the term "redistribution" which is both communism and name-calling in my book.

Yet even right-wing governments practise it to a certain extent.

I remember some idiot, in PL as it happened, who said that taxation could be compared to there only being two men in the world. One hard-working and one bone-idle. His point was that the hard-working guy shouldn't have to subsidise the bone-idle one. My (rather obvious) response was that this hard-working guy presumably has kids, so who's his privately educated well brought up daughter going to marry?
13 Mar 2011
News / Poland needs a left wing govt. [111]

I seriously doubt it

I don't. No offence intended, and pointless having a who's richer than whom willy-waggling contest, but my tax bill in certain years may well have exceeded your income. But I don't begrudge the money. High taxes are the entry fee to a civilised society.

Interesting that the name calling and aggression tends to come from one direction.
13 Mar 2011
News / Poland needs a left wing govt. [111]

Why don't you redistribute your a@* you leftist thief

Lefist thief. Hmm, I've probably paid more in income taxes that you could every hope to be liable for...
13 Mar 2011
News / Poland needs a left wing govt. [111]

Such logic and reason, as the world has come to expect, with baited breath and bright shiny eyes, from the right-wing.
13 Mar 2011
News / Poland needs a left wing govt. [111]

there is almost no racism or antisemitism in Poland

I'm sure we can all find a few examples. Without even having to look outside this forum.
13 Mar 2011
News / Poland needs a left wing govt. [111]

To redistribute wealth effectively, there must be several factors in place. A centrist or centre-left government and huge public commitment to the program.

The political scene in Poland has been poisoned by years of pretend communism followed by some of the nuttiest rigt-wing politicians outside (and from time-to-time inside) an assylum.
13 Mar 2011
News / Poland needs a left wing govt. [111]

but in order to have good social welfare, you first of all need wealth. And that does not come from lefti

I don't see much "good social welfare" in countries with years of right-wing misery.
13 Mar 2011
Travel / A good kebab place in Warsaw? [45]

why workers only turkish or arabs or indian and asian ,, what about polish

No shortage of Poles working in kebab shops. But are you surprised that Turks are making Turkish food, Arabs are making Arab food, Indians are making Indian food etc? If I wanted pierogi, I would go to a Pole, if I want a kebab, I'll go to a Turk.

But there's nothing to stop Poles opening kebab shops - it's just that when they do, the food tends to be bland, greasy and generally awful.
13 Mar 2011
Travel / A good kebab place in Warsaw? [45]

i will tell you about the sausage

Just go to Biedronka and find out. Better stick with kebabs!
13 Mar 2011
Travel / A good kebab place in Warsaw? [45]

the bones i the skin bread fat

Nothing wrong with that! What do you think sausages are made of?

0% lamb

This however is a problem. Better to go to the ones you can trust, like the one at Dworzec Gdański, or on ul. Hoźa.
13 Mar 2011
Genealogy / GITLER... is it Polish surname? [30]

. Indeed Russians spell Hitelr's name Gitler, but the Gitlers of Poland are most likely purely coincidenta

Exactly - you are right here. Incidentally there is also a Polish name Chytła. Nothing to do with Hitler either.

Where dio you find out that Lepper was originally Loper?

It wasn't. Lepper is a trans-national surmane, not unlike my own. If somebody called Loper changed it to Lepper, they were changing it to a surname that had existed for other families for centuries.