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Posts by JonnyM  

Joined: 9 Mar 2011 / Male ♂
Last Post: 15 Mar 2012
Threads: Total: 11 / In This Archive: 9
Posts: Total: 2607 / In This Archive: 2054
From: Warszawa!
Speaks Polish?: tak

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19 Mar 2011
News / "Shale Gas Revolution" will make Poland a Leading Country in Europe! [202]

I really thought modern Europe got over such thinking...

Most people have - but governments and companies rarely get over the numbers on the balance sheet. This is what will doom the shale fracking in Poland, when the compensation claims start to outweigh the financial benefits. Though fortunately most of the shale gas in Poland will be left underground and only the easiest bits will ever be extracted.
19 Mar 2011
Work / Why does the Brytania School of English always advertise for more teachers? [4]

C'mon I am dying to know why the same posts come up again and again on tefl.com.

I don't know that school in particular, but of the CVs received by schools when they run an advert, nearly all are destined for the bin. Of those that aren't, the best teachers are often busy during peak lesson times, will only do blocks of lessons near their home or expect more money than the school wants to offer, so it's possibly worth their while to keep the advert running so as to widen their net.

It would be interesting to hear from someone who has experience of that school.

There's a few comments on Warsaw language schools in this thread here.
19 Mar 2011
News / "Shale Gas Revolution" will make Poland a Leading Country in Europe! [202]

Yes , pls I am waiting . I am gonna become a polish sheikh! I promise I will donate all those money to poor and build highways and also I am gonna drop all taxes .

Yeah right, apply the mores of a vast country with ten million citizens and less than 5% useable land to a much smaller country of 40 million which is a major food producer. Why not chop down some virgin forests while you're at it.

I am gonna drop all taxes

Except of course the future carbon tax...
19 Mar 2011
Travel / Train from Warsaw to Siedlce [27]

No. There are plenty of direct trains, at least one every hour, just after 10 past the hour. Have you tried the PKP site in English?


By the way, you don't need to go across the river to get the train - the Siedlce train does go from Dw. Wschodni, but you can buy your ticket at Dw. Srodmiescie and get on a train (every 4 minutes) heading eastwards.
19 Mar 2011
News / "Shale Gas Revolution" will make Poland a Leading Country in Europe! [202]

My job is to make sure that this work is done in an environmentally responsible way in Poland.

The bottom line is that it is done in a cost effective way. to maximise the profits of all concerned.

I assume most people on here are from the U.S. based on the lack of responses from people in Poland. Is there a similar message board with people actually from Poland?

Not in my case (or that of most people here). Don't assume anything from people's user names.
19 Mar 2011
Travel / Is Poland worth visiting? [35]

An American advert, called 'let Poland be Poland' appeared on British TV for a while. Controversial, because there hadn't been any political adverts there before (or since). I don't think it did much to affect the politics, but the images were so nice (villages in the Tatry, folk costumes etc) that it probably helped tourism a bit after 1989.
19 Mar 2011
Travel / Is Poland worth visiting? [35]

Poland looks really pretty on your video.

Does anyone here remember the 'let Poland be Poland' adverts, back in the 80s? Looked very pretty.
19 Mar 2011
News / Poland - Third World Country?? [300]

I don't believe that for a second.

That's how it's happened here. The people who vote labour or liberal tend to be hard working low-income people.
19 Mar 2011
Law / Returning items for Refund/Credit Note - Specifically IKEA [8]

Due to a brief moment of colour blindness, I bought covers for a chair which are totally inappropriate and would like to bring them back

the color did not match to my taste the other furniture in the room.

The time for that is before you buy, not after you take it home, open it and change your mind. It isn't as if you're buying unseen.

Not used is also rather simple - it means "not used", as in "new and untouched".

19 Mar 2011

WTF? Looney bin material.

100% rubbish and pure paranoia. Idiots like Wosio who not only believe this stuff but put it on the internet are a disgrace to Poland and Europe. Total osygen thieves. Fortunately the other 99% are rather more level-headed.
19 Mar 2011
News / Poland - Third World Country?? [300]

There is no benefit to society as a whole to have third generation of healthy people receiving it. It's demoralizing.

Yes. This has happened in the UK, in the northern industrial towns.
No benefit and harmful even. To those who live on the money and to society as a whole.

. Unemployment program is something you contributed to while you were working so it's not charity

Very much so.

f you can't find the job after your benefits expire, mover to another city or go back to school and get a new skills

The people who need to do that would benefit from a little help doing it. Better to concentrate welfare spending that way than just throw money at people watching daytime tv.

Liberal governments like to keep people depended because they are going to vote for them at every election.

These are the people least likely to vote, and if they do, often favour minor right-wing parties.
19 Mar 2011
News / "Shale Gas Revolution" will make Poland a Leading Country in Europe! [202]

As the bell clinks, so the fool thinks. I hope that they won't find anything.

Sadly they've found lots. There is good and bad in this.

The bad is that much of it has to extracted by artificial fracturing, which involved pumping water down. That water comes back up as gunge, very polluted. In a hot country most of it it evaporates away. In Poland it would lie in very nasty pools until something is done with it. This is a simplification - the details are even worse.

The good think is that most of this is 'reserve' gas rather than useable. Meaning it stays down there and looks good on the national balance sheet.

Not depending on Russia is a good thing. I am not exactly pessimistic, but things should be tangible to really start celebrating.

Russia has vast open spaces, land that can easily be poisoned for a few generations. Poland is different.

Watch Gasland, that'll put you off it

Yes. People in any country that is threatened with fracking (including southern England) should watch this.

There's plenty of gas elswehere in Europe that can be got by cleaner and safer means. Better to use that.
19 Mar 2011
News / Polish Jesuits created a Facebook site for non-believers. Atheists not a total waste? [70]

are a total loss to mankind

As opposed to people who believe in primitive mythology and religious fairy tales as if they had actually happened, then force their fantasies down people's throats condemning (as you often have here) people who don't share their irrational tastes. It would be pathetic if it weren't for the terrible human costs, like families in the developing world who can't either feed or clothe their children or get contraception to stop having more, or teenage rape victims denied access to an abortion.

Facebook retreat site

What is this? You mean a facebook page? Wonder if anyone will bother with it.


There you go again. Really an obsession.

what is good and what is bad

How would you know?
19 Mar 2011
News / Poland - Third World Country?? [300]

Stupid, not shocking!

Very - the shock will come later, be it the next Bhopal or Chernobyl.

Much of China's supposed boom is illusory and is coming crashing down soon. They will shock us, alright.

By remaining the workshop of the world for the next fifty years.
19 Mar 2011
News / Poland - Third World Country?? [300]


The reality is that China is changing faster that almost any other country has ever economically changed and on an unprecedented scale. China really was a 'third world' country a few decades ago - parts of it still are.

The only thing we can be sure about is that they have the capacity to surprise and shock us.
19 Mar 2011
News / Poland - Third World Country?? [300]

And China is the biggest Greenpeace supporter.

In the future it may well become just that. Things can change faster than you expect.