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Posts by SigSauer  

Joined: 2 Oct 2017 / Male ♂
Warnings: 1 - T
Last Post: 13 Apr 2018
Threads: Total: 4 / In This Archive: 4
Posts: Total: 378 / In This Archive: 224

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12 Nov 2017
Work / Native English looking for a teaching job in Poland [135]


I see......I guess my perception is based on the ESL teachers I've met at various expat events, and to be quite honest, they either struck me as 20 something backpackers (which is totally cool and legit), or middle aged LBH's (losers back home) in Europe looking to perv on young girls and negate being old, fat, ugly as sin, and broke, with their American/British/Australian passports alone. I even spoke with one guy at an expat event who was hiding out from friggin child support. I guess there is a lack of professional standards in the entire industry, because those people I met, as opposed to a few teachers from the international schools there who remain to this day some of my best friends in the world, were extremely well educated professionals, earning western salaries and benefits.
12 Nov 2017
Life / Why are Muslims seen as a deterrent to Poland? [565]


I suppose if you want to parse words and definitions about what constitutes the radical left be my guest. We are referring to the proven failure of forced multiculturalism, policing speech to appease minority groups, and a generally disregard and neglect for the interests of the German citizenry. I find that argument funny, you guys like to mention UN mandates when it suits you, but when it interferes with your SJW goals, suddenly UN conventions mean sod all. Watching the British expats on here squirm trying to reconcile their left wing neo-liberalism nonsense with the conservative policies and attitudes of Poland is amusing, but bordering on the pathetic and absurd. Yes, I want to emigrate to Poland precisely because of their stance on these issues, I agree with them, I don't seek to change them or come into Poland with my holier than thou attitude believing I need to show the silly little Polish people my virtue and teach them the error of their ways for wanting to preserve the culture that they fought so hard for, enduring destruction and years of pillage and oppression at the hands of their western and eastern neighbors. How utterly offensive that must be, and then to have limousine liberals like Merkel and the rest of the MEPs in EU parliament who have never held a proper job in their life, who roam around with armed security details and live in gated communities, extol the virtues of 'tolerance' and living amongst barbarians that they themselves will never have to experience.


Understandable, but not acceptable.
12 Nov 2017
Life / Why are Muslims seen as a deterrent to Poland? [565]


You don't see the distinction between agreeing with a country's position, and wanting to emigrate to that country because of said position? Versus not agreeing with a country's position, emigrating there, and then condescending to the populace of that host nation about why they are wrong for their positions and campaigning to change it (2nd amendment)? One is respectful, and one is not.

If you can't see the distinction, it's not because there isn't one, it's because your social justice ideology is overriding rational thought and discourse.
12 Nov 2017
Life / Why are Muslims seen as a deterrent to Poland? [565]


Yea, not at all CMS. While I pointed out the push back and rise of right as a result of radical left policies in Europe, I am not trying to dictate what those policies should be. The Polish position is very very clear on this issue, I merely happen to be in agreement with it. If emigrate to Poland, I do so knowing what their position is, and not trying to change it, but emigrating there BECAUSE of their policy. That is in stark contrast to emigrating to a place I know has a gun culture, and then campaigning against it at every opportunity and telling the host nation how stupid they are for their culture. Can't see the distinction?
12 Nov 2017
News / Referendum in Poland about so called refugees. [56]

I'll one up you with the savage mating call in the middle of HAMBURG!



If I wasn't engaged, I would spend the rest of my days trying to find the girl at 2:54...what a real woman that stands up for European values and faith.
12 Nov 2017
Work / Native English looking for a teaching job in Poland [135]


Other than using one of those native speakers for their accent and pronunciation, what would be the point of using an American, who is not nearly as proficient in grammar rules and cases as a European?
11 Nov 2017
Life / Why are Muslims seen as a deterrent to Poland? [565]


No one would have a problem with the current wave if they did this. However, the people marching down the signs with "Sharia For England," really turn a lot of people off. I mean for me it's a red line, when I hear it, I'm not even going to engage in debate, at that point the only answer is to use violence against them.


I meant to add a post script. If you are such a big proponent of the warm fuzzy multiculti stuff, AND you hate guns, why didn't you just stay in Australia? We have a way of doing things here in our country, and it is not the place of a foreigner to come in and tell us how we ought to do things. I would NEVER seek to gain citizenship in another country, and then start dictating to those people what their laws ought to be. I don't care if you pay taxes, or even if you're a naturalized citizen, you're not an American, you do not have a right to an opinion on our domestic matters, **** off.
11 Nov 2017
Love / THE POLISH DISEASE, wanna marry a Polish girl ? read on... [197]

@Syed Asim

Syed...I think the ones you're meeting are a very bad representation. The ones who will leave Poland to go to a place like Dubai do that for a reason, they are not the norm to be sure. They are modern, empowered women, so the ones who are willing to go to a place like the UAE, where women are put in prison for being raped, or most recently a British citizen was imprisoned for spilling a drink on someone and touching their hip, the ones with dignity and self-respect won't go there. You'd have to go to Poland and meet real Polish women to get a better idea of what they're like. Of course the ones who goto a place as decadent as Dubai or Abu Dhabi will be materialistic.
11 Nov 2017
Life / Why are Muslims seen as a deterrent to Poland? [565]


Ok lets dissect the b/s arguments you just advanced.

1. I don't keep up on Virginia politics. However, Chris Christie can hardly be considered a real conservative, he has some hints of being Republican, but if you know NJ politics, a real conservative will never be elected in New Jersey. Nothing changed in NJ under Christie, property taxes remain some of the highest in the nation, and NJ continues to imprison their own citizens for forgetting to empty 1 round from a magazine with a 3 year minimum mandatory. Chris Christie signed medical marijuana into law for christs sake! But he's a conservative? (I think all drugs should be decriminalized for the record, I'm a Ron Paul Republican).

2. Um, actually, I emphatically said throughout all of my previous posts that multiculturalism is NOT about race or religion, as the frigging NAME implies! Please dispense with the logical fallacies, America's multicultural efforts were ORGANIC, and they formed what is today a uniquely American culture (worthy of respect I might add, I don't find it socially acceptable to denigrate American culture, while proclaiming I need to celebrate the greatness of the religion of peace).

I think we've made it clear we are against the project of FORCED multiculturalism (the opposite of organic). While America did have mass migration in the past, it worked out because the cultures who came here were either culturally similar or compatible, or they were for instance, Asian immigrant groups who yearned for cultural assimilation. That stands in stark contrast to North African and Middle Eastern migrants that not only are opposed to integration and assimilation, but then DEMAND the host nation adapt to THEM! (Holiday tree instead of Christmas tree, if you come to America knowing we celebrate Christmas, you can **** off if you think we're going to change our language to accommodate your delicate sensibilities.) The aforementioned migrant groups were culturally compatible, the present migrant groups have proven through their deeds and their words, that they are culturally incompatible with our western civilization and western LIBERAL values. I care about LGBQT rights, and I care about womens rights, and I want them to achieve EQUITY, and these migrant groups think that death is the acceptable punishment for being homosexual, and that womens testimony in court is worth 1/2 of a mans. For this reason alone, the LGBQT community in Germany is flocking to the far-right AfD in droves! That is the lefts fault, and no one elses. They are not IslamoPHOBES, because that word means the 'irrational fear' of something, and their fears are NOT irrational, and for you to diminish their voice and opinion because you want to white-knight for 7th century barbarians is utterly offensive and affront to the liberal values you people espouse.

We say nothing of Japan, Korea, Samoa, India, Saudi, or DR Congo to have cultural homogeneity, but we think it is ok to demand that the cultural fabric of America and Europe be changed to accommodate unskilled military-aged male migrants. This is rank hypocrisy, its offensive, and you can keep burying your head in the sand of the impending political crisis that will be further exacerbated but unabated migration, or you can decide to LISTEN to the constituencies and STOP talking down to them and telling them they're bigots for wanting to have a homeland with their own culture. You have at least SOME argument to insist that America take large migrant groups because of our history, and you can at least claim some measure of guilt against Britain, France, and Spain who had empires; but you have absolutely no leg to stand on to insist that Eastern European countries who didn't participate in colonialism take these people. France is the ancestral homeland for FRENCH people, a people of relative homogeneity, and what I see from the arguments put forth thus far, is that we have no problem for India to keep their ancestral homeland relatively homogenized, but Europeans don't have that right (and since leftists are so fixated on the social construct of race, one might venture to say that the white devil can't have an ancestral homeland, but others can).

We have to hear terms from you people like "White fragility," as you dismiss the idea that white people can ever be persecuted, and advance false narratives not based in reality (and in Webster's, no less) that white people can't experience racism because they are the power structure, which is literally NOT the textbook definition of racism in Webster's, as it makes NO mention of power structures. That you continue to advance these false narratives, and DISMISS the concerns of 'white' people, you will continue to push them into the arms of the right, because when they say they feel they are under attack, its probably because.................THEY ARE UNDER ATTACK. That is not hysteria, that is pretty much born out in the evidence if we analyze the things said by left wing politicians, news organizations, and editorial and opinion pieces. White privilege, white guilt, white fragility. Yes, you will most certainly gain allies when you tell people that their accomplishments really are not the product of hard work, they only gained their success because of the color of their skin.
10 Nov 2017
Work / Native English looking for a teaching job in Poland [135]

I knew people in Ukraine who made about...... I guess $1,200/month, and the cost of living is probably 1/3 that of Poland. You could also try Belorussia, since they liberalized their visa regime, you can at least go there and check it out. You'd not be able to go to Russia without an invitation and a visa.
10 Nov 2017
Life / Why are Muslims seen as a deterrent to Poland? [565]

@johnny reb

When you are so heavily invested in a worldview that is crumbling before your very eyes, you have two choices 1)admit you're wrong and chart a different course, or 2.) double down on stupid.

After Brexit I thought the EU might wise up, they've decided to double down on stupid. The Democrats suffered one of the biggest political upsets in American history, and the party has the lowest approval ratings in the last 25 years, they also for the time being, have decided to double down on stupid.

When you espouse things for instance, like Harry said the other day, that Poland was really accepting of other races and ideologies until 'people like me' started 'lying' about them. Yes of course, leftists bare no responsibility for pushing all of those fence leaning centrists to the right, and the right leaners, to the far-right. When people believe (whether real or imagined) that they are under assault, their way of life, their heritage, they will push back. It really doesn't matter if your argument is correct, or if multiculturalism is a good or bad thing (it's a proven failure now, it is decisively bad, as Al Gore would say 'the debate is over), those people will act to protect their interests. Shaming people for being white, shaming people for being Christian, shaming people for being successful, if you really think that is the way to build bridges, to condescend, to white-knight for special interests, to fight for 82 genders, police peoples speech, and to overdose the world on political correctness; if you think that will build bridges, you are sorely mistaken, but don't take my word for it, just keep on losing elections until you learn.
10 Nov 2017
USA, Canada / Any Polish-USA Dual Citizens Returning to Poland and Plan to Renounce USA Citizenship Due to FATCA? [5]

Renouncing your citizenship because of FATCA is a bit like using a nuclear weapon on a fly. I live abroad and make 6 figures, but filing my taxes takes all of 10 minutes, you just pay the difference on your income once you exceed $101,800. Renouncing your citizenship to avoid FATCA is for people who are in the 7 figure per year range, in my opinion. You have to understand the immense risk you're taking, and the huge benefits of having a United States passport. I think if you are renouncing, and you also hold a British or German passport, it makes a bit more sense. However, if you for instance held a Polish passport, that would be a pretty stupid move, since Poland is not on the American Visa Waiver Program.
8 Nov 2017
Life / I constantly think about sex all day walking in Warsaw [5]

In the event you're not trolling and being dead serious, you are a danger to the public(US or Polish), and based on your posts you are not fit to live among civilized people. The sooner that you are incarcerated for the remainder of your natural life the better.
7 Nov 2017
Life / Why are Muslims seen as a deterrent to Poland? [565]

@johnny reb

Those stupid Poles, they were really accepting of minorities and people from different cultures, until 2013 and then they just all decided to have a hive mind and completely shift the paradigm of their politics to the right, all due to people who lie and spew bigoted, racist, ideology based on a false narrative and using false facts and scare mongering tactics. They literally changed their political viewpoints based on the influence of some right-wing blowhards. Those of us on the left bare absolutely no responsibility in our policies for Poles waking up on the wrong side of the bed in 2013 and deciding to abandon the idea of multiculturalism that they showed such a promise of embracing 1 year prior.

27 Oct 2017
UK, Ireland / Polish career criminal gets six years for rape [43]

However I think the rights of humans not to be murdered, maimed, raped and violated, especially children, should take precedence over the rights of sex offenders.

And here is the crux of it. While it might make people feel like super-humanitarians to offer counseling, CBT, and other forms of behavior modification to these people, someone who forcibly rapes another human being is not fit to live among decent people in society. They are a threat, an existential danger, and their thinking is so far removed from normal citizens, I don't think that society should be asked to take the RISK of allowing them back into our society. Of course, I understand why we don't have the death penalty or life sentences for rapists, as some studies indicate doing so would leave little incentive for a sex offender to leave the victim alive afterwards. We know penalties do not deter people who are willing to commit such a horrendous act of violence and depravity, so I'm not sure where the line is for punishment, but certainly upward of 20 years is warranted in every single case. It is a cruel joke of the American justice system in particular that someone can be given 55 years for a plant, or for ingesting a substance into their OWN bodies, yet someone who commits a forcible felony can get a 3-10 year indeterminate sentence, often out in under 6.
27 Oct 2017
News / How will BREXIT affect the immigrants in UK and Poland. [1114]


But, but, but....my feelings! I don't care about facts only my feelings!

This is a dangerous way to run government, based on emotional knee jerks.

When Japan gets told they need 'cultural enrichment,' and they need to participate in the failed experiment of forced multiculturalism, then I'll see an argument for a country like Poland which never participated in African or Middle East colonialism to be told they should 'bare a burden.' As it stands now, the double standards are completely glaring, as it's ok for these nations to have homogeneous societies, but not for countries like Poland, Austria, Hungary, France, Germany, etc. Appalling and glaring double standard. Further to the point, I have nothing to feel guilty about, because some people 100 years ago that look sort of kinda like me did some stuff, does not mean that my own country has to be culturally and demographically destroyed just to make some left wing radical politicians feel better about themselves at night, while living behind their gated communities and armed security bubbles.

In fact you will find in most other countries, it is almost impossible to become a citizen. The current middle eastern country I'm working in right now, it is impossible to become a citizen even through marriage! But go on and tell me some more about the insensitive and brutal western countries.
27 Oct 2017
News / How will BREXIT affect the immigrants in UK and Poland. [1114]


And under international law, refugees are to take refuge in the first safe country they reach. Furthermore, all nationals who are not genuine refugees under international law, and who are migrating for economic purposes must and should be repatriated to their country of register at the earliest possible time.
27 Oct 2017
Love / The age of consent in Poland is only 15 [147]


From the way he writes, he sounds developmentally disabled and socially&mentally regressed. I am disturbed that this guy is out among society and not permanently institutionalized, it sounds like only a matter of if and not when he seriously hurts an innocent person in society.
27 Oct 2017
Love / The age of consent in Poland is only 15 [147]


So a few things...

1) What is your background? You're Polish who lived in America?

2) What were you imprisoned for?

3) Why would you not just want a girlfriend, period? What is the obsession with someone between 15-18? She is suddenly not appealing if she's 19? I don't get it, but I'd like to hear your rationale here.

I'm interested to hear your answers. I have to say from what you've written so far, you sound like a danger to society. You sound mentally unstable, and I'd urge you to seek some help in order to help yourself, and to keep society safe. I am sure, as you seem to have acknowledged, you know that you're a danger to the public good, and you should probably sort that out before you see yourself incarcerated for life.
26 Oct 2017
News / How will BREXIT affect the immigrants in UK and Poland. [1114]

You guys are letting this liberal groupthink echo chamber take over your arguments. I haven't heard one of you challenge the fact that Merkel unilaterally made this decision for the Eurozone, and then expected member states to 'bare the burden' once she realized how monumentally she F'd up. Regardless of whether you address it or not, all of this postulating means sod all because the FACTS ON THE GROUND are, Poland is NOT taking these people, no matter how much bellyaching the EU does. Full stop.

Now you can go all Ban Ki-Moon on this thread, and hold a binding god damn resolution, if it makes you feel better and gets you your virtue signal points for the day. Poka poka!
26 Oct 2017
News / How will BREXIT affect the immigrants in UK and Poland. [1114]


As if the points in an argument somehow change if they're being delivered to someone who is not a US citizen. I find this to be the same sort of argument meant to shutdown discourse or facts that you don't agree with, when someone speaks about certain points on race relations, and then tells the person they can't comment because they're white and doesn't know what its like. The substance of the argument is the same regardless of who delivers it. So unless you are willing to address the points that were made, trying to obfuscate the argument in your favor by bringing up erroneous facts about the person delivering the message is quite telling.
26 Oct 2017
News / How will BREXIT affect the immigrants in UK and Poland. [1114]


Yea CMS fair point. I need to get out of this desert because it is generally making me angry and bitter. But are you saying I shouldn't have an opinion on EU politics? I contributed to the discussions at hand, so all I'm really getting from what you said is that I'm new, and am looking for a job in Poland, so....I shouldn't contribute? Or rather its the content of my opinions, and I shouldn't contribute?
26 Oct 2017
News / How will BREXIT affect the immigrants in UK and Poland. [1114]


PiS via their elected representatives, of the people. Logic would conclude that at least a sizable portion of Poles agree with their policy, lest they be voted out. That is a pretty standard conclusion in most representative democracies.

I didn't make a leap to say WHY they didn't want refugees, just that they don't, as evidenced by policy decisions. I would love to hear any evidence to the contrary about how Poles have made their decisions based on fear mongering and scare tactics. I'll be waiting for that evidence, apparently Atch can read minds and is insinuating that Poles are all stupid low information voters who don't know whats good for them, but no worries, unelected Ministers of European Parliament do, so everything will be ok.
26 Oct 2017
UK, Ireland / Polish career criminal gets six years for rape [43]


I did caveat my statement by saying I am not entirely familiar with domestic UK policy. I'd like to know more, and of course am cheering them on to cut legal immigration in half, and stop allowing 3rd world savages to bring their entire family of barbarians to reside in the UK. Hopefully my country will follow suit, as I heard we plan to cut legal immigration in half, and end the endless train of illegal criminals flooding across our borders at rate of 1,500 per month.
26 Oct 2017
News / How will BREXIT affect the immigrants in UK and Poland. [1114]

Right, they are doing what countries do, looking out for their own interests first, before the interests of any supranational organization they are a member in. Hence why the EU as a political union is a failure, as a common economic market I think it's a great idea. International relations is predicated upon chaos, nations do what they can get away with, and they weight the benefits versus the consequences, so we will see.

Second point. What evidence do you have that Poles are making their decisions based on fear mongering and scare tactics? It sounds like you are making conclusions based on anecdotes or what you see on TV or perceive. Have you done a nationwide poll of Poles to determine how they are making their decisions? No, of course you haven't. In fact, saying that Poles are making their decisions based on fear mongering and scare tactics, is a very simple way to condescend to the Poles and basically tell them they don't know what they are talking about, but your enlightened friends on the left do. It is a tired argument, and it is honestly so offensive to an electorate to marginalize their opinions and self-determination. Don't miss an opportunity to virtue signal I suppose.

Please again. Where is your EVIDENCE they are making decisions based on fear mongering and scare tactics? EVIDENCE. You made the point, now you better support it with facts. We will all be waiting.