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Posts by WielkiPolak  

Joined: 3 Jun 2011 / Male ♂
Warnings: 1 - A
Last Post: 14 Feb 2019
Threads: Total: 54 / In This Archive: 48
Posts: Total: 988 / In This Archive: 666
From: London
Speaks Polish?: Yes
Interests: Football/ Travelling/ Philosophy/ Religion

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22 Jun 2017
Language / Poles struggle with English vowels [42]

It's a shame to see. I never understood why when one parent is Polish in the UK, they don't make an effort to speak in Polish to their child/children. It gives them an extra language. I have even heard of cases where both parents are Polish, but because they live in the UK, they think there is no need to speak Polish to their child/children as they don't live in Poland. Now that's insane.
22 Jun 2017
Language / Poles struggle with English vowels [42]

Not really, since I speak it on a daily basis with friends and family.

Heck I reckon I can pronounce most Polish words better than you, given that, you know, I am actually Polish and you're not.
22 Jun 2017
Language / Poles struggle with English vowels [42]

Also 'th' in the word 'the' is one Polish born Polish people find tricky and pronounce it like an f or v

On the flip side, as mentioned already, 'sz' 'rz', 'ź' and other combinations are difficult for non Polish people to pronounce.
12 Jun 2017

There are presently around 20 Polish priests in Ireland who serve only native Irish congregations with no Polish members. So there's some food for thought.

It's not really of a much of a discovery you've made there but the situation in Poland is nowhere near as bad as in England, France or various 3rd world countries [amazing that the situation is as bad in England and France as it is in African countries, don't you think?].

In France for example you will often have one priest as the head of 4 or 5 different parishes [or more]. In Africa a priest will often have 20 parishes. In the UK many parishes are run by African, Irish or Polish priests.

In Poland on the other hand one parish/church will have 3/4/5 priests. Many Polish parishes in the UK have at least 2 priests running it.
11 Jun 2017

Harry you have really built yourself up in to something on the internet haven't you? I suppose it's not that difficult to do.

Funnily enough it seems to be you and your fellow expat Brits who spend the most time on these forums, and have done for the past few years - but of course it's you guys who have been all around Poland, spoken to many different people, understanding how Polish people think, why they believe what they believe, why they do the things they do and of course, you've had sex with hundreds of women too. The rest of us live in the basement and sit on the computer all day, never leaving the house, right?

Like I said, whatever helps you sleep at night.
11 Jun 2017

Your ignorance of Poland and Poles really is amusing.

I feel the same way about you. By the way, stop basing your knowledge of Poland only on Polish people in Warsaw.

That's either a confession from a peeping Tom or the fantasy of an old man stuck for decades in a sexless marriage.

Hah let him have his fun. He can claim what he wants on the internet, if it makes him feel good about himself.
11 Jun 2017

If it's not the norm in Poland then why have there always been so many visibly pregnant brides?

I'm not suggesting the majority of young Polish people don't have sex before marriage, but I believe the majority of Polish Catholics do agree with Catholic teaching, that this is the best way to go. It's not, as has been suggested above, seen as abnormal if somebody waits until marriage to have sex, like it might be in say, the UK, or other western European countries. Sure many Catholics don't keep to it, but if they do have sex and the woman gets pregnant, they do get married, as you said mafketis, because it's the proper thing to do. One night stands are not seen as something okay to do in Poland. I have spoken to many Polish and Eastern European about this, and they are not for this type of living and have little respect for those who do it. Of course things like this might be more common somewhere like Warsaw, but that doesn't mean we should paint the whole of Poland with the same brush.

Sex outside marriage is absolutely normal because the majority of people do it, and you know what ? It's fun :)
@ cms

Again, proof that most people do it. Do do you have a link to a survey? I know it's fun. Something being fun doesn't make it right. Knocking an ice cream cone in a fat kids face can be fun too.
11 Jun 2017
Feedback / Editing time too short (5 minutes currently) [60]

Really? So editing time has something to do with where the website shows up on Google?

How do they make money from hits anyway? I see no adverts here/
11 Jun 2017
Feedback / Editing time too short (5 minutes currently) [60]


Pointless Polishforums alterations

It appears that over time, various changes are being made to the forums that make life more difficult for the poster.

I would like to ask moderators of whoever is responsible for this to please stop making these pointless changes.

First, some time ago now, a rule was introduced where you can't edit your post after a certain amount of time [and it doesn't seems to be much time either, looks like 8 or 10 minutes]. Why? What if you noticed spelling mistakes or grammatical errors after a while? Why not allow people to edit their post whenever they want? When somebody does edit their post, a note can be added where it tells other users that the post was edited and when it was last edited, in case they want to change something and act like they didn't say something they did - that's all you need. Most forums do it like this.

Also, now I have noticed you can't put the whole of other people's quotes in to your post. You can't even quote a two or three sentence paragraph, as there is a word limit and apparently two lines is too much. Again why? It's stupid, just leave it as it was.
11 Jun 2017

Why do you think I have a leftist agenda just for posting an opinion about Polish girls being normal and wanting to try sex before marriage?

Because it is predominantly the left who want to destroy Christianity and Catholicism in Poland [and everywhere else they can]. Since when is wanting to have sex before marriage normal? That's just your view - please don't attempt to make your feelings the norm.

If you walked in to a Polish workplace or school then total abstinence like the OP wants would be seen almost as an extreme view

It's not total abstinence - we're not talking about Catholic priests here. It's just waiting until you are married.

The PIS government was voted for by 20 percent of the population - including plenty who have sex before marriage and even kids. I would say the main reasons for voting PIS were being tired of the old government

And you know all of this information how? Did you survey a certain amount of voters who voted PiS, asking them why they did it and whether have had sex before marriage?

Perhaps when you know more about Polish people you'll understand that more

You're arrogance knows no bounds sir. Now you are talking down to me telling me 'when I know more about Polish people.' Of course you Harry are the expert on Polish people, aren't you?

We have two experts on Polish people on the forum - cms knows why people voted for PiS and whether they have had sex before marriage, and Harry knows why young Polish people go to church. Why even debate it? They have all the answers apparently.
11 Jun 2017

Dominic don't be fooled by this nonsense. I have been to many Polish churches and I see a lot of young Polish people in them, both in churches in Poland and in the UK.

Now if you step in to an English church in the UK you are likely to find not much more than 10 or 12 elderly people and not much else. Polish churches on the other hand are a different matter. They are filled to the brim with young and old, believe me.
11 Jun 2017

I'm really not keen on these types of questions as it does generalise. People are different - why is that so hard to comprehend? Yet every so often you keep finding posts on here 'do Polish girls do this?' or 'Do Polish guys like these types of girls?' Each person has different tastes.

Yes they do exist but that would be quite unusual - I don't think more than say 5 percent of Polish girls would think like that.

This response however is nonsense. Theop11 Poland is one of the most Catholic countries in Europe. It is considered to be over 90% Catholic, although admittedly while some of that 90% might not be practising Catholics, they would say they are Catholic if you asked.

I would definitely say way more than 5% of Polish girls keep to the Catholic moral code though. Anytime you here nonsense about how only the minority in Poland are really Catholic and follow Catholic rules, it's nonsense from leftists who want to try and convince the world that Poland is no longer a Catholic country, when it is. They would like things to be this way, but fortunately they're not. Just look at the government that is in charge right now [PiS] - they are about as Catholic as you can get and very hard on anti-abortion and anti-gay laws, as well as very pro Church. How would they have been democratically voted in if only a tiny minority of the country remains Catholic? Simple - they wouldn't.
7 Jun 2017
News / Polish feminist attacks Legia fans for celebrating their team's league win [5]

Well known [sadly] Polish feminist Magdalena Sroda took to critique Polish football fans when they were celebrating their team's success in winning the league.

In a fbook post that she put up on the evening of Legia Warszawa winning the league, she criticizes the 'vulgar hooligan's' behaviour and somehow manages to mix the government and Church in to it as well, because she must spew her hatred all round.

For those who don't speak Polish, her full text [which can be seen in Polish below], translates more or less as

"It's midnight but no one sleeps in the city because the Legia fans are celebrating. It is not quite clear what they're celebrating, because the main words exclaimed nonstop are [various Polish curse words]. If a bunch of people (non-fans) fired off flairs and screamed in the middle of the square, the police would probably take them away within a few minutes. Today they do nothing. The fan is king. We have thousands of hooligans making noise, drinking, destroying things and behaving in a vulgar way and nothing. As if the supreme authority was out there celebrating. The fans can do anything. The Church gives them its blessing (they will soon be the vanguard of all its pilgrimages), the government empowers them (Kaczyński must be impressed by such screaming bulls) and they will probably soon serve the party as a wing to fight the opposition. Let the boys have their fun, those in power like the roar, the demolition makes them happy. Legia fans - these are first class Polish citizens."

6 Jun 2017
News / Reporter says she would trade 10 Polish lives if it helped thousands of immigrants [61]

It has a lot to do with Islam, there are many calls for violence and death to infidels in the Qur'an.

As there are in the bible.

Really? Give me one quote from the new testament [you know that part of the Bible that Christians tend to focus on] that incites violence or calls for the killing of infidels/non-believers.
3 Jun 2017
News / Poland - exhuming Smolensk victims [30]

In case you missed it.

Other body parts found in the president's and 11 other victim's coffins.

31 May 2017
News / Mysterious death of Magdalena Żuk on holiday in Egypt [144]

It is also interesting that our Brit gang is so 'certain' that this young lady went insane and committed suicide - but aren't even slightly suspicious that during her 14 minute video conversation with her boyfriend she hardly said a word. You'd think a mad woman who was shouting and being aggressive to Egyptian hotel and hospital staff would have a lot to say [or yell] to her boyfriend during their chat? I mean, it's almost like she was frightened of something, no? Bah, must be more conspiracy theories.
30 May 2017
News / Mysterious death of Magdalena Żuk on holiday in Egypt [144]

I wouldn't put much weight on that. Desperately poor people will say anything in front of a TV camera.

And in what way is saying that somebody is involved in a fishy businesses with women going to help these desperately poor people?

Anyway you're being prejudiced, assuming poor people lie. Perhaps they were just asked a question by reporters and told the truth?
29 May 2017
News / Polish academic - are PiS are in a pact with global Freemasonry? [5]

Funny how you wouldn't normally take anything seriously said by someone who has connections with Radio Maryja, Trwam and Nasz Dziennik, unless of course there is a chance they might say something negative or incriminating against PiS.

Also Jon, I didn't think you were the conspiracy theory believing type?
29 May 2017
News / Mysterious death of Magdalena Żuk on holiday in Egypt [144]

Ziemowit is right, it's an English trait - they like to point the finger at other 'backward civilisations' yet some of the worst and most racist atrocities in the world have been committed by the Brits.

But that's a discussion for a different time I suppose.
29 May 2017
UK, Ireland / Polish smugglers caught and jailed [10]

It's definitely getting more and more noticeable that every article you and your expat friends promote on here is either a negative one about Poland or Polish people or something positive about other cultures and how amazing they are and Poland should be accepting them in to the community.

I can't remember you ever post a link to something praising Polish culture, faith and tradition. Feel free to point me to these posts if you have.
28 May 2017
News / Mysterious death of Magdalena Żuk on holiday in Egypt [144]

I don't think Jon seems to have grasped how much crazier 'healthy young woman goes to Egypt for a holiday, goes insane for no apparent reason and throws herself out of a window' sounds than 'woman raped on holiday in Egypt.'
27 May 2017
News / Mysterious death of Magdalena Żuk on holiday in Egypt [144]

You're quite funny for a retired old English man with not much else to do these days but criticise on the internet.

So me starting a discussion on this is shameful is it? Unlike you, who claims to know what happened, I am simply saying this is suspicious and starting up a debate on the incident.

Also don't give me that bullcrap about how having on opinion on this or Maddie McCann is shameful. These are both massive pieces of news. They still bring up Maddie McCann now for crying out loud, 10 years after she disappeared, that's how big it is. You really expect no one to have any opinion on this?

Self-haters gonna self-hate.

That sounds like something the hip youngsters would say these days, not an angry old man like you Jon.
27 May 2017
News / Mysterious death of Magdalena Żuk on holiday in Egypt [144]

A respected broadsheet?

Hah, love it.

They're in the nadir of grief, and obviously very unwilling to accept the very simple fact that their daughter's death was a straightforward but tragic matter.

How do you know that it was a straight forward and tragic matter? Were you part of the investigation? Or are you just choosing to believe what some media tell you?

And you're prolonguing that grief. Shame on you.

Yeah because her family is most probably reading Polishforums. If they were, you would be the one prolonging their grief, for accusing their daughter of being a nutcase who committed suicide, not me.

You are one yourself.

I suppose part of me is, and so I know them/us very well. I don't like that 1/4 of me that is British by the way, it's my worst side.