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Joined: 4 May 2011 / Male ♂
Last Post: 19 Aug 2011
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15 May 2011
Language / Adjective endings and masculine-personal in the Polish language [22]

I thought about the issue and came to the following conclusion:
Chcieć goes with dopełniacz if you could swap any of the following words and the meaning would remain unchanged: pragnąć/żądać/życzyć sobie etc. (basically what the rule above states)

However, there might some phrases that are implied, but are not actually spoken/written and if the implied phrases go with biernik, then going with biernik is also correct.

I'll take your above example. I'll insert implied phrases in square brackets [ ]
Pani chce czysty sklep. <- It might imply that she wants to possess a clean shop:
Pani chce [kupić] czysty sklep.
Pani chce [mieć] czysty sklep. etc.

Pani chce czystego sklepu. <- this grammar construction might imply that she already possesses a shop and wants it to be clean. It'd be equivalent to:

Pani życzy sobie postrzątania sklepu.

Other examples:
Czy chcesz [więcej] tortu? [genitive/dopełniacz]
Dziewczynka chce [zjeść] czekoladę. [accusative/biernik]
Czy chciałaby pani [napić się] herbaty? [genitive/dopełniacz]
Chciałabym [napić się] soku pomarańczowego. [genitive/dopełniacz]

I hope this helps a little bit. :)
14 May 2011
News / EU tribunal overrules Polish name contest in Lithuania [150]

French invasion on Germany? I thought you were somewhat serious, but now I see you're more of a joke character here. No one would call a single provocative strike an invasion. On September 12 1939 both UK and France decided not to invade Germany that year and to wait instead. And no, I won't play an armchair strategist and make detailed plans of the allies' invasion, it was possible for them to gather sufficient forces to overwhelm Germans in the west and stop the war right in its tracks.

Poland might still have ceased to exist, but that's another matter.

next off topic post earns a timeout
14 May 2011
News / EU tribunal overrules Polish name contest in Lithuania [150]

Almost all German resources were tied up in Poland. It's a huge distance from western Poland to western Germany, by the time they'd regroup they'd lose a lot of strategic points, German war machine wasn't in full throttle yet in 1939, they wouldn't be able to sustain both fronts then - keep in mind that the Ruhr region (the biggest industrial region) would be instantly in allied hands, they weren't receiving oil and gas from Norway etc. Germany wasn't prepared to fight on both fronts, luckil;y for them, they didn't have to.
14 May 2011
News / EU tribunal overrules Polish name contest in Lithuania [150]

Poland is the most yellow on that map = we are the purest race in the world LOL

I never threw personal insults towards you or anybody else here. Stop making **** up. You have clear anti-Polish bias though, seeing how you spin absolutely everything concerning Poland in a negative way.

UK could have done a lot more than they have. First of all, they could have encouranged France to actually fullfil their obligation and launch invasion on Germany. Western Germany was pretty much undefended, Berlin would have been reached in 2 weeks most likely. Then, support France with logistically (food, fuel) and military (send those few divisions they had, concentrate navy on around bigger German ports etc.). You won't tell me these things could not have been done and in retrospective that a lot of people, time and resources wouldn't be saved. The war would be over in 1939, but what happened cannot be undone.
14 May 2011
Language / Adjective endings and masculine-personal in the Polish language [22]

I won't discuss your code, but I'm pretty sure this result is not correct.

Pani chce czysty sklep.

Chcieć goes with dopełniacz (kogo? czego?) and the correct sentence would be:
Pani chce czystego sklepu.
Otherise everything seems fine. Nice sentence generator :)

Scratch that I'm not sure anymore. I think chcieć can go both with dopełniacz and biernik, nie chcieć goes with dopełniacz only though.
14 May 2011
News / EU tribunal overrules Polish name contest in Lithuania [150]

I guess this Poland didn't like and used its usual low-blow tactics.

It was a Soviet-Lithuanian treaty. Soviets captured Polish territory, gave it to Lithuanians. Soviets lose the war, Poland naturally wants to regain all its territories prior to the war. Lithuania, as an ally to the side that lost the war, should give back the territory. It's that simple. You can't appear on a war theater, capture a territory and claim to be neutral in that war.

So you mean that Poland deliberately lied when signing a treaty. Cool, kindly never again complain about Britain and Poland in relation to WWII, even if Britain betrayed Poland (which she did not), it was just a machiavellian scheme, that's all there is to it. And what is OK for Poland is OK for the UK.

Better to lie and minimize bloodshed than to have a full blown war.
And yes, UK betrayed Poland. Article one of the Polish-UK agreement:
"Should one of the Contracting Parties become engaged in hostilities with a European Power in consequence of aggression by the latter against that Contracting Party, the other Contracting Party will at once give the Contracting Party engaged in hostilities all the support and assistance in its power."

Is dropping leaflets over German cities all UK could muster at the time? I don't think so.
France neglected their obligations even further at they were supposed to launch offensive on German territory within two weeks of German aggression on Poland.
14 May 2011
News / EU tribunal overrules Polish name contest in Lithuania [150]

The agreement was that Wilno would temporarily be under Lithuanian administration. Well, temporarily. :)
In all seriousness, the truce was signed to catch Lithuanians off guard. A machiavellian scheme, that's all there is to it. However, it's the Lithuanians that allied themselves with Bolsheviks, there'd be no incident over Wilno had they not done that.
14 May 2011
News / EU tribunal overrules Polish name contest in Lithuania [150]

Well, for starters, Poland wasn't an independent state after 1945. The fact that you see Solidarność as an act against Soviet empire shows that best.

Second, since Lithuanians captured Polish territory and became allies with Soviets, they effectively put themselves at war with Poland. Poland only reclaimed their territory in October 1920, the local population rejoiced, the matter was over.
14 May 2011
News / EU tribunal overrules Polish name contest in Lithuania [150]

It had already been invaded and occupied for two decades by Polish troops, they were in no position to defend it when the Polish troops ran to Romania, sorry, I mean, retreaded to the Romanian bridgehead.
Exactly how many days in September 1939 did you defend it? More or fewer than seven?

Dude, why are you changing subject to 1939. I was clearly talking about the 1920 war.
Let me remind you about the events of the 1918-1920 events.
November 1918 - Germany signs capitulation to the Entente. Nations of Germany- and Austria- occupied territories are given green light to create their own state entities. Wilno is occupied by a newly formed Belarus (not Lithuania!). Let's assume at this point it should be Lithuanian - why didn't Lithuanians fight for it?

December 1918 - Soviets launch offensive on Belarus and capture Wilno. Lithuanian population of Wilno and surroundings is evacuated to Lithuania, Lithuania did not bother trying to fend off Soviets from that territory

January 1919 - Poles in Wilno revolt against Soviets, after 4 days the rebellion is defeated
April 1919 - Poland launches an offensive against Soviets, captures Wilno. What did Lithuania do to regain "their" Wilno from Polish hands? Nothing.
June 1920 - Soviets launch an offensive against Poland, Polish troops retreat en masse.
August 1920 - Soviet troops are annihilated in Battle of Warsaw. Retreating from Wilno, they hand it over to Lithuania, which now happily captures the territory as it's basically a free item for them at that point.

September 1920 - Polish government tries to convince Lithuanian government hand Wilno over to our hands or let Wilno's population decide which country they want to belong to. Lithuania disagrees to both propositions

October 1920 - Polish troops enter Wilno

I don't know how one can possible paint the Polish government as villains at that time. If Wilno was rightfully Lithuanian (let's ignore the fact that there we were little to none Lithuanians there), why didn't Lithuania try to capture and defend it, not even once? If Poland lost with Soviets, how long would it take for Lithuania to fall prey to Soviets, too? 1 week? Poland effectively defended Lithuania and in return Lithuania occupied Polish Wilno.
13 May 2011
Language / What I learned so far about the Polish language. [30]

beats a post on polishforums

indeed, all words have to be used with care, but the position on the list doesn't mean the word's usage is an exception to a rule

Keep in mind I didn't check SJP until after I connected your word "official" with SJP. I was in fact very surprised that my two definitions almost exactly match those in SJP. Either way, it's still important not to confuse Polish "studiować" with English "to study".
13 May 2011
News / EU tribunal overrules Polish name contest in Lithuania [150]

I don't think Lithuania had agreed on Warszawa or Kraków belonging to Poland, yet there they were. If Lithuania considered Wileńszczyzna their territory, then surely they would have defended it against Soviet invaders?

Fact of the matter is, Lithuania was effectively defended by Poland against Soviets and grabbed Polish territory in the process. Lithuanians weren't willing to give it back, so Poland used a trick to recapture their territory and minimize losses. Deal with it, calling it an "inconvenient bit of history" shows your strong antipathies, not your "objectivity".
13 May 2011
Language / What I learned so far about the Polish language. [30]

Koala, sorry, I do not agree:

Starannie przestudiował papiery.
He perused documents.

I'm not really sure why you put equality sign between studiować and przestudiować. I mean, you might say "Studiuję papiery" or "Studiowałem papiery" and be understood, but it sounds really off, at least to me. I never hear it used in such way.


It is one of the official definitions of the word studiować, not flagged as an exception.

While "Słownik języka polskiego" from PWN is generally well esteemed, it's not official and definitions there are arbitrary. In any case, Antek's definition really is the third definition given there, but I think it should beapplied carefully.

lyzko - Poles are not proud enough orFrench are too proud? :P
13 May 2011
Language / What I learned so far about the Polish language. [30]

A minor point, but whereas English makes a distinction between "to study something" (studiować) vs. "to learn [how to do..]" (uczyć się), one can study a language on one's own.

I think you misunderstand the Polish meanings of these words. :) "Studiować" means "to be a university student" or (less often) do a research in one specific area. The equivalent of English "to study" is uczyć się (to spend time trying to obtain new knowledge/skills etc.), while "to learn" is nauczyć się (to acquire knowledge or a skill by studying).

Die deutsche Grammatik ist ja zaehneknirrschend praezise, das stimmt. Doch die polnische auch, oder?

It's sometimes ambiguous, eg. yes/no questions have the same structure as normal statements, so if someone puts stress incorrectly, you are not sure if he's asking or stating something. :) And Polish grammar is very flexible.

The Poles seem though to exhibit more pride in their language than many Germans.

Not as much as French though :)
13 May 2011
News / EU tribunal overrules Polish name contest in Lithuania [150]

Whatever buddy. The fact is, Lithuania occupied Polish territory (as they received it from Soviets who were at war with Poland and only captured Wilno temporarily) didn't want to leave the area, didn't agree to make the poll, the only way wasto capture it the same way Lithuanians de facto did - by force.

only officially Koala - let's not promote myths

I'm only doing the same thing Harry is.
13 May 2011
News / EU tribunal overrules Polish name contest in Lithuania [150]

Also worth pointing out that it was a Lithuanian city after WW1, only for Poland to seize it by force.

LOL, no it wasn't. Directly after WWI Vilnus belonged to Poland. Soviets temporarily captured it, when forced to retreat they transferred the territory to Lithuanian government, deliberately to stir up a conflict between Poland and Lithuania (and they succeeded).
13 May 2011
News / EU tribunal overrules Polish name contest in Lithuania [150]

Didn't the 2 countries join together their armies to stop invaders? And in turn beat off the Germans?

Poland and Lithuania were in union since late XIVth until late XVIIIth century, since late XVIth century they were basically one country. Poland being the stronger part of that union - demographically, economically etc. led to gradual polonization of Lithuanian nobility and elites, in the capital of Lithuania and its surroundings there were more Poles, Jews and Belarusans than Lithuanians (Lithuanians comprised only 7% of population of that region prior to WWII).

So Poles didn't appear in those territories out of nowhere.
13 May 2011
News / EU tribunal overrules Polish name contest in Lithuania [150]

They have lived there for hundreds of years. Current capital of Lithuania, Wilno/Vilnus, was ethnically Polish prior to World War 2 and it only changed after commies took over, so relatively recently.
13 May 2011
News / Official language of EU (is not Polish) [119]

There is a big fat "90" in the old borders....re-unification and accession overlapped abit.

Yes, but it's a new territory of BRD, not a new member country.
13 May 2011
News / Official language of EU (is not Polish) [119]

And these are the working languages of the EU

This map still has DDR as a separate country LOL (even if you could make a case it's logical to put it that way)
