23 Apr 2011
Life / Did you already bless your Święconka? [31]
When I was a child, in Philadelphia, we always set the table with the foods mentioned (always a ham), but instead of lamb meat, we had butters in the shape of a lamb... And the priest came to the house to bless the food; it might have been Saturday, but could have been Wednesday or Thursday, because a lot of people/houses in the parrish...This is what I recollect...Of course, any food that would go bad was put in the ice box overnight, but not eaten 'til Sunday.
We decorated the Easter eggs and set up the table earlier in the Holy Week...Also, we always had palm leaves on the table, which we got at Church on Palm Sunday...I remember really enjoying everything about the holiday, and the priest coming to the house was a great way to keep the flock in touch with the 'little shepherds'.
When I was a child, in Philadelphia, we always set the table with the foods mentioned (always a ham), but instead of lamb meat, we had butters in the shape of a lamb... And the priest came to the house to bless the food; it might have been Saturday, but could have been Wednesday or Thursday, because a lot of people/houses in the parrish...This is what I recollect...Of course, any food that would go bad was put in the ice box overnight, but not eaten 'til Sunday.
We decorated the Easter eggs and set up the table earlier in the Holy Week...Also, we always had palm leaves on the table, which we got at Church on Palm Sunday...I remember really enjoying everything about the holiday, and the priest coming to the house was a great way to keep the flock in touch with the 'little shepherds'.