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Posts by Stu  

Joined: 31 Mar 2010 / Male ♂
Last Post: 21 Jan 2012
Threads: Total: 12 / In This Archive: 11
Posts: Total: 515 / In This Archive: 416
From: Wroclaw
Speaks Polish?: no

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16 Mar 2011
Life / What is the reason for POLISH jokes ? [486]

So, if you don't like it where you live, why don't you go back to Poland (well, technically you can't go back, cause you've never lived in Poland, but you know what I mean)? If I would be living in a country where I can't stand the people, then it would be rather stupid of me to stay there. I'd do anything I could do move. But hey, I guess you have just a big mouth and no guts.

On the other hand ... do all the good Poles a favour and stay where you are. It really would be a shame for that great country to have someone like you amongst its population.
16 Mar 2011
Life / What is the reason for POLISH jokes ? [486]

Yeah yeah ... keep on vomitting, little trol. You've lost all credibility with your cussing and cursing and then telling us you've been to Poland ONCE - you don't know ANYTHING at all about the country. My God, you are pathetic.
16 Mar 2011
Life / What is the reason for POLISH jokes ? [486]


That is the joke of the century ... all this cussing and cursing and feeling superior Polish and all that and he's been in Poland ONCE ... I repeat: ONCE. Jee ... I have been there more often!

What a joker! What was it again about living in a glass house and throwing stones?

If all Polish people were to say we are not Polish we are Austrian,German or Russian we would have gone extinct.

Fortunately there are still quite some Polish people who DO live in Poland ... well, at least the last time I checked.
14 Mar 2011
Language / Polish nationality insults in Polish? [67]


Okay ... you didn't say gin was a bad thing.

But it becomes "painfully" obvious there are about as many English "insults" towards the Dutch as there are German "insults" towards the Polish. ;)

So therefore we can conclude: insults travel east ... .

I will start thinking about Dutch insults towards the Germans now ...

14 Mar 2011
Language / Polish nationality insults in Polish? [67]

You can still unify in hating the german football Mannschaft together!

When I get my grandmother's bike back, I will stop hating die Mannschaft ... :P.

Come to think of it ... maybe my German grandmother got my Dutch grandmother's bike ... Hmm ... too late to ask I am afraid.
14 Mar 2011
Language / Polish nationality insults in Polish? [67]

What does it mean?

"Then Poland is open". Some say it seems originated in 1981 when the communists declared the state of emergency in Poland and Russian and East German tanks took up positions at the Polish border.

Others say it goes back to the situation of the Polish partitions in the 18th century. Poland "disappeared", so it was vulnerable to attacks from abroad.

"Dann ist Polen offen" could be translated in English as "then it gets out of control". Like if that is the case, anything can happen.

Hey, I'm just Dutch (albeit with a German history), so maybe BB has a better answer



The English' hate of the Dutch is getting worse and worse -S

*** hides shamefully under the carpet ***
14 Mar 2011
Language / Polish nationality insults in Polish? [67]

Also Dutch courage (artifical courage from alcohol)
& Dutch uncle (a term describing someone who provides "tough love" type of advice, harsh but well meaning criticism etc)

Isn't it amazing that these wars have found their way into the English language?! I mean, when were these wars? 17th century yet you can still find traces!

I can't think of anything that entered the Dutch language because of the Anglo-Dutch wars.

I haven't heard any proverbs in Holland connected with Poles yet.

Come to think of it, the Dutch also use the expression "Poolse landdag", similar to the German "Polnischer Reichstag" and the Swedish "en polsk Riksdag".

But all in all, I don't think they should be called "insults" as such. I don't feel particularly offended if Teffle accuses me of talking double dutch ... ;) It's well-known anyway, isn't it ... ;)?
14 Mar 2011
Language / Polish nationality insults in Polish? [67]

Well ... in the English language you have:

1. Going Dutch: paying seperately when going to a party
2. Talking double Dutch: talking gibberish

Because of our war with England, the Dutch weren't very well loved and it still shows in the English language.

In German you have the expression "wie im Polnischer Reichstag" (like in Swedish), which means every gathering in which the mood is "stormy" and in which no decision is made
13 Mar 2011

about jewish politicians and journalists

You are talking out of your ass as per usual. No wonder all women run away from you. You are a pathetic little primordial dwarf. I guess you have had enough finger-exercises for one day now. Go back under your stone and let normal people have serious discussions again.
13 Mar 2011

Thank God, these idiots are just a minority. But if someone accidentally finds this thread, they must think Poles stopped developing after homo georgicus ... :S

Referring to WWII

favourable treatment of millions of 3rd world immigrants

Third World immigrants referring to WWII - My God, you have seriously lost it, haven't you? But please ... continue being the village idiot of PF.
12 Mar 2011
News / Victory in 'anti-Polish camps' campaign in US [170]

There was no such law.

Who cares whether there was an actual law when the outcome was the same? You're a sad person, 1jola.

I guess the partners of the site tweedewereldoorlog.nl/partners/_pid/bottom/_rp_bottom_elem entId/1_920 must all be lying.

Austrian (!!!) Nazi officer

12 Mar 2011
News / Victory in 'anti-Polish camps' campaign in US [170]


"De vervolging vond plaats op basis van de nationaalsocialistische rassenleer: iedereen die niet Arisch was, werd uitgesloten van de maatschappij en opgejaagd. Deze mensen werden geïsoleerd, opgepakt en in vernietigingskampen vermoord. Hetzelfde gebeurde met degenen die hen probeerden te helpen."

The persecution (of the Jews) took place on the basis of national-socialist racial dogmas: everyone who was not Arian, was shut out from society and hunted down. These people were isolated, arrested en killed in extermination camps. The same fate awaited those who tried to help them.
7 Mar 2011
Feedback / How many hours a day do you dedicate for PF and how often? [21]

How many hours a day do you dedicate for PF and how often?

Sometimes a couple of hours, sometimes not at all.

Last weekend, I had no time cause we celebrated carneval in Oeteldonk, or 's Hertogenbosch as it is usually known; Oeteldonk is the name the city uses during carneval. Still suffering from a hangover :(

While at work, barring meetings, trainings and exercises, I have PF on in the background and I hit the refresh-button every so often. Today more than usual, cause I have to write a new Training and Support Package ... not the most inspiring job :(
2 Mar 2011
History / "I was more afraid of fellow Poles than Nazi German Officers", says Bartoszewski [130]

in reality he is just a big gob and an old fool, who just happened to survived the war

Ironside, I appreciate the fact that you don't agree with his points of view ... that's your perogative. But dragging someone as distinguised as him down (although I have to agree he shouts quite a lot when you hear him on tele), is a little cheap. He's had more awards and honours than all of us who ever was on PF combined (times 10). He lived through the Warsaw uprising and, when I read the things he's done, has meant quite a lot for Poland.

yes,but only after going on strike and risking their lives surely?

Hmm ... I wish I could say that. The Dutch railwayworkers refused to take part in the April/May-strike of 1943. They striked from September 1944 until the liberation, when of course, "the damage had already been done"

What counts is intention of questioner, and an obvious intention of that German newspaper was indirect slander of Poles in general, not human nature or individual in particular.

I don't think the journalist had the intention to slander Poles. I read both interviews (and my German is pretty good, since I was born in Germany, raised (also) in German and lived there for several years) and I can't detect andy hidden agenda.

but it was never as bad
as to force people to eat clothes, tableware and furniture.

"Fortunately" the Dutch (even back then) grew tulip bulbs ... :-S
2 Mar 2011
History / "I was more afraid of fellow Poles than Nazi German Officers", says Bartoszewski [130]


It is quite unfortunate, but the same goes for the Netherlands. Philips (the electronics giant), the postal services and DAF (the truck manufacturer) all collaborated. Most notably, the Dutch Railways (Nederlandse Spoorwegen) collaborated as well, without which the extermination of Jews in the Netherlands would not have been possible. Hence their apology in 2005 for their role. In 1937 a law was adopted which ordered all civil servants to collaborate with "an occupying power", so in a way they collaborated as well.

After the war -as it goes- only the small fish were tried and convicted and not their superiors, much to the dismay of the Dutch resistance.

Many survived the war

But not so many survived Auschwitz.
2 Mar 2011
History / "I was more afraid of fellow Poles than Nazi German Officers", says Bartoszewski [130]

In an interview with the German newspaper "Die Welt", former FM Bartoszewski, who is (as I understand) widely seen as an authority with regard to what happened in Poland in WWII, said he was more afraid of fellow Poles than of Nazi German Officers.

He says: In 1944, when Warsaw was empty and my house was burned down, you could only enter the city with a special pass, otherwise you got shot. And who looted the city? Not only those who organised transports to Germany. People, farmers from surrounding villages came with horse and carriage, escorted by German NCO's, who probably took part in it. These people told the Germans, they wanted to collect their possessionss. Then they took clothes and furniture. Who got robbed here? Poles! And who robbed them? Poles! This enrichment had no racist background. It was simply greed."

In another interview he says: "I lived in a house full of intelligentsia, in the Mickiewicz Street nr 37, second floor. But when someone was afraid, then not of the Germans. When an officer saw me on the street and didn't have the order to arrest me, then I had nothing to fear. But I had to fear the Polish neighbour, who noticed I bought more bread than usual."

Do you think he crossed a boundary by saying this, or do you think he has a point?

I am not trying to bash Poles here. Every country has its fair share of events which it likes to sweep under the carpet, mine included. I am just interested in your points of view on this matter.
2 Mar 2011
USA, Canada / Dual citizenship - US doesn't care if you don't give up Polish passport [103]

No intelligent person does take some oath seriously

Sorry PennBoy, but I think that, when you say it this way, intelligence has less to do with it than trustworthyness.

It's like saying "whatever I say or promise, don't count on it".

Dubious statement, I'm sorry to say.
1 Mar 2011
USA, Canada / Dual citizenship - US doesn't care if you don't give up Polish passport [103]

Just on a side note ...

Quite a lot of people (here) have some sympathy for Geert Wilders. The subject of a double nationality has created heated debates in the Netherlands, not least from the side of Geert Wilders. He argues that people with a double nationality also have a double loyalty and that they don't want to integrate into Dutch society. Therefore he says a double nationality should be banned.

He feels vert strongly about ministers and under-secretaries with a double nationality. He says they should give up their second passport when being voted into office, because other countries/governments will gain undue influence in the Dutch government. If a foreign government wants to influence Dutch politics, they only have to contact the minister of under secretary with the double nationality to get things done. Until now, he has filed motions against ministers with a Maroccan, Turkish and Swedish passport.

Many people in the Netherlands feel that a double nationality should be outlawed, mainly because they feel that it stands in the way of integration into Dutch society.
28 Feb 2011
Life / "Letter from Poland" - very important movie to watch [51]

Give me your mail address and I will send you an e-mail from my work, where I am now.

Or ask a mod to give you details from where I am sending these messages.

Didn't count on that, now, did you?!
28 Feb 2011
Life / "Letter from Poland" - very important movie to watch [51]

Nice try, Ziemowit ... . But you know as well as I do, that Harry meant to say that this guy had so much to drink that he wouldn't even be allowed behind the wheel of a car, let alone in the cockpit of an aircraft. I added back then (#49) that it was a scandal he'd been drinking while on the job and I told you what would happen to me when my Colonel catches me drinking while at work.

And it now seems that our general and the pilot had a slight altercation at the airport before departing.

Combining all these factors together, I think Blasik behaved very unprofessionally indeed and he wasn't

one of the best in NATO

and I am extremely glad I don't see the likes of him in Brussels, Casteau, Geilenkirchen, Uedem, Ramstein or any other NATO-Base, thank you.
28 Feb 2011
Love / Arabs: "Polish women are easy and stupid" [132]

Everyone knows that going to Egipt as a single woman is just going for sex

Really ... ? Everyone ... ? My God, you are a simple-mind, aren't you? If you keep on spouting these "wisdoms", you shouldn't be surprised if your brain files for divorce ... :S.
28 Feb 2011
Life / "Letter from Poland" - very important movie to watch [51]

Brits legally driving with 0.6

When will you ever stop comparing drink driving limits to being drunk on the job early in the morning?! These two can in no way be compared!!

And since he was drunk, the claim that he was

one of the best in NATO

is also utter crap. He wouldn't have been able to last a day in Brussels or anywhere else outside of his own base, Ministry or whatever. We don't like drunken officers ... they tend to make very bad decisions indeed.
21 Feb 2011
UK, Ireland / Poles do a U turn: England to Poland and then back to England again. [23]

Merged: Some Good News About Poles in England ... ?


"Was the hero who tackled an armed robber a Polish migrant? Brave mystery man sought by police".

The guy tackled a robber with a gun, who had previously robbed a jewellery store. But after that he was nowhere to be found. Now people wonder who he is.

You have to hand it to the guy ... he wasn't afraid when the robber pointed a gun at him. Pretty gutsy ... .
16 Feb 2011
Life / Winter in Poland? [160]

Right now in Krakow it's around -6 I think.

It's +1 ;) ... but the wind chill (4Bft from the SE) makes it feel like -5,8.
14 Feb 2011
Life / Winter 2010/2011 in Poland, is it going to be bad? [114]

I could always leave it in a poor area and im sure the criminals will undo it somehow.

Or they leave the wheels and take the rest ... :D.

No tyre centres in your neck of the woods? I'm sure they can help out.
14 Feb 2011
Life / Winter 2010/2011 in Poland, is it going to be bad? [114]

Spoke to soon

It does look bad, yes ... weerplaza.nl/wereldweer/Europa/Polen/Wroclaw/20346#
(scroll down to "14-daagse weersverwachting" - 14-day weather forecast). I'd keep the winter tires on my car if I were you.