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Joined: 21 Nov 2009 / Male ♂
Last Post: 12 Mar 2013
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12 Jan 2011
Life / I got beaten and kicks in my face just cuz i dont look polish [205]

When you exit the door and the murzyn comes in you will see how realistic your high thoughts were.


Yes the murzyn, knowing that most Polish girls don't consider them as interesting for a long term relation always seems to play the fun card to seduce Caucasian girls.

For example, many times i've seen this happening: murzyns talk with slavic girls for a while (usually because these girls have trouble rejecting them) and then later that night, when the girls are going home, they suddenly pop up near the cloakroom or exit and almost beg these girls to come to their place "you girl like to have fun with black man?". I've never seen white guys begging girls like this.

Maybe Justysia recognizes this? Or will she say that there's absolutely no difference between white guys and coloured guys? :)
11 Jan 2011
Life / I got beaten and kicks in my face just cuz i dont look polish [205]

how the hell would you explain the tragic state of your sex life?

My personal situation has nothing to do with this.
And this Maxin got beaten up simply because he doesn't stick to his own women.
If he had walked with dark skinned girls instead, this probably wouldn't have happened.
I expected you to understand this Justysia, now i'm a bit disappointed in your intelligence! ;)

So the Arabs for example lose even their women they become agitated and take revenge through raping swedish women.

sad but true.

In 2009 they watched their women carefully while on vaccation while in 2004 they were laissez faire they just didn't care.

Too bad for Greek guys looking for fun with Polki's. ;)
10 Jan 2011
Life / I got beaten and kicks in my face just cuz i dont look polish [205]

i was walking with 2 of y friends and they are girls

Just what i thought, you are not an innocent victim of racism, you deliberately choose to play with matches by showing Caucasian guys that you f#ck their girls.

If you play with matches, don't blame society for burning your #ss.
9 Jan 2011
Life / I got beaten and kicks in my face just cuz i dont look polish [205]

about women , they hit on me first

don't make the mistake thinking you're attractive because of that.
it's only your dark skin colour that draws attention of some girls. they usually don't care if you're ugly.

why don't you answer my question about any interaction with Polish girls?
or do you prefer to suggest that they attacked you just because of your race?
9 Jan 2011
Life / I got beaten and kicks in my face just cuz i dont look polish [205]

But did you get your handbag stolen???

I've never been robbed ;) but if i were gay enough to carry a handbag i would feel more safe to walk in any Polish city at night then in a random multicultural city in Western Europe.
9 Jan 2011
Life / I got beaten and kicks in my face just cuz i dont look polish [205]

I actually very much enjoyed my stay in Rotterdam, it's one of my favourite cities.

Then you must know very few cities. Rottendam is by far the worst city in the Netherlands.
It's ugly, dirty, smelly, criminal, has many muslims and blacks and most of the remaining whites belong to the lowest classes of society. It's basically a dump place for black and white trash.

I regret having lived there.

The worst Polish city probably has more nice people than Rotten-dam, Netherlands.
9 Jan 2011
Life / I got beaten and kicks in my face just cuz i dont look polish [205]

Are you sure you're telling us the full story?
You were just walking the streets on a saturday night?

I bet you just left a bar after hitting on Polish girls.
Or you were seen approaching Polish girls on the street.

I can understand that not everyone likes that.
Unfortunately for you some will use violence to tell you the message.
8 Jan 2011
News / Today's holiday ("Three Kings") - Is everything closed in Poland? [25]

@A J

Thanks bro.
You sound like you also know what it is to be rejected. By Polish girls maybe? ;)

Only a handful? I can't say I have much problems with that! (A, B, C, D, DD, whatever!)

Well, in Netherlands you maybe get away with that, in Poland you better not try that! :D
6 Jan 2011
News / Today's holiday ("Three Kings") - Is everything closed in Poland? [25]

Thanks Stu, have fun tonight!

And AJ, you also thanks.
To be honest, it would have surprised me if everything was closed.
But i was just worried that everything will be quiet.

And for me a bar or club with only a handful of people inside is the same as a closed place; i quickly walk away! ;)
6 Jan 2011
Love / Why are Polish women so sexy ? [390]

I figured I'd mention that, before Jarnowa gets all jumpy and aggy again!

It's good to hear that it's mostly the ugly leftover women from Poland who show interest in these Jamaican dudes. It will make them think twice before trying their luck in Poland or other slavic countries. :)
6 Jan 2011
News / Today's holiday ("Three Kings") - Is everything closed in Poland? [25]

I heard today many shops are closed. But i had to work, so it's not a real holiday.
So this is a bit confusing to me.

What about bars and clubs? Will everything be closed?
Will it be more quiet?
I live far from the city center so before going i want to be sure that it won't be quiet.

I hope someone can answer me. Thanks. :)

Moved (post by Polonius3):



(Święto Trzech Króli)

This feast commemorates the visit to the Holy Family paid by wisemen or magi from the east. The Bible does not say how many were, but since it did mention their gifts -- gold, frankincense and myrrh -- the legend arose that there were three of them. One has been traditionally depicted as a Caucasian, another as a Moor (African) and the as an Oriental. Like people in Spanish-speaking countries, Poles in general tend to refer to those mysterious visitors as kings rather than wisemen. but the best-known Polish carol devoted to them is entitled 'Mędrcy świata' (Wisemen of the World).

It was only on January 6th that the figures of the Three Kings are added to the church's nativity tableau as well as the home Christmas cribs. The day starts with solemn Holy Mass (The Epiphany is a holy day of obligation in Poland!) at which chalk and items representing the gifts of the Three Magi are blessed. Upon returning home from church, the head of the family uses the blessed chalk to inscribe the initials of the Three Kings over the doorway, on the door frame or even on the door itself. This year, the typical inscription would read: K+M+B 2017. Sometimes the initials are inscribed by a priest who starts his New Year's pastoral visits on that day. The visiting priest may advise the family on its problems, update the parish records and bless the home, receiving a small gift for his effort.

This year for the 9th consecutive year Three Kings Cavlacades are again taking to the streets of more than 500 Polish cities and towns. They include the Three Kings astride camels or horses, knights, angels, devils and oteher masqueraders who process through the streets to a live Chrstimas crib to pay their respects to the Holy Family, Carols are sung and a blessing bestowed on participants.

After the communist take-over, the regime permtited only All Saints, two days of Chrsitmas, Easter Monday and Corpus Christ to remain as national holidays. After 1989, the Epiphany, May 3rd (Our Lady Queen of Poland) and Assumption Day (Aug. 15) were restored as national holidays.
1 Jan 2011
Love / Why are Polish women so sexy ? [390]

Unfortunately, these hot chicks tend to be shallow and boring.

Usually average looking slavic girls are more interesting, but i'm looking more for a soulmate than girls who don't have much more to offer than their bodies.

So i'm afraid Pennboy will call me a "girly man". :)
24 Dec 2010
Love / Foreign Men and Polish Girls for Citizenship [59]


Couldn't agree more! :)
They just don't belong in Europe.

It's good to see that Polish government is not very eager to issue Polish passports, but there's still a long way to go. The best way to tackle the immigration of sex/green card tourists from 3rd world countries would be a maximum stay of 2 weeks in Europe.
23 Dec 2010
Life / Gypies/Indian-looking women with kids beg for money in Poland [143]

There are Indians, Egyptians or Americans or even Turks with relationships here.

For 90% they are Indian men, Egyptian men, American men, Turkish men.

And remember, for every Indian, Turk etc getting lucky, a Caucasian guy will be unlucky as there is no such thing as more women than men in Poland or other European countries (that's a myth, only above 60 there's more women than men).

So please explain why are you so happy about Turks, Egyptians etc. getting lucky at the cost of Caucasian men?
23 Dec 2010
Life / Gypies/Indian-looking women with kids beg for money in Poland [143]

We have just one world. ONE WORLD ... there is no "third" world.

This concept of "one world" is only existing in the minds of socialists and wannabe Europeans.

For the latter it's very interesting if Europeans get brainwashed with this crazy communist idea that they should share everything in Europe for free with people from elsewhere.
23 Dec 2010
Love / Good looking Polish women with ugly men [416]

my observation is that turks, blacks and indians appear more ugly if they walk with a beautiful Polish woman.

i wonder if there's any normal European guy who can watch a slavic beauty walking hand in hand with some non-European without having to throw up.
23 Dec 2010
Life / Gypies/Indian-looking women with kids beg for money in Poland [143]

That's quite a relief, since their ethnic and cultural background (over a thousand years here and far more European in culture than anything else) makes them as European as anyone.

1) begging and stealing instead of working is typical for 3rd world.
2) their roots are in India.
3) they look Indian, not European.

Just because they live here doesn't make them real Europeans.
20 Dec 2010
Life / Gypies/Indian-looking women with kids beg for money in Poland [143]

Providing they're successsful, doesn't everyone?

So tell me, how succesful are they? Did i miss something? Last few times i saw them they were begging and driving expensive cars from god knows what sources, i've never seen them in 9-5 jobs.

As you know, guy, European Gypsies are European. They belong in Europe.

That's your opinion, for me and most other people European=Caucasian. I will never adapt the leftwing redefinition of "European" that completely ignores people's ethnic and cultural background.
20 Dec 2010
Love / Good looking Polish women with ugly men [416]

Today i again saw a very ugly guy (when he smiled he looked like Stephen Hawking) with a goodlooking girl, i would give her an 8. I really don't understand this. Does she really think this is the best she can get?

What's wrong just being friends with a guy like that and find someone in their league to have sex with?
20 Dec 2010
Life / Gypies/Indian-looking women with kids beg for money in Poland [143]

Gypsies don't belong in Europe, they belong in India.
If they insist on living in other people's territory, they should work for it, otherwise they should f#ck off to their own place in the world.

To beg is to annoy people, this should never be rewarded.

If they approach me, i will throw 1 grosz on the ground before them and then spit on it.
17 Dec 2010
Love / Good looking Polish women with ugly men [416]

but maybe, just maybe the guy has what that girl is looking for? Good humour, intelligence or maybe he is remarkable in bed?

She doesn't know how the guy will be in bed when she meets him, so that doesn't count.

I think every beautiful girl can easily find a guy with good humour and intelligence who is also physically in her league. There's absolutely no need to date an ugly guy to find intelligence and humour.

So hot girls who date ugly guys make a fool of themselves. They are sellout girls who are too lazy/stupid to find a better looking guy who also gives her what she wants + more satisfying sexual experiences.

What beautiful girl really wants to be sh#gged by an ugly monkey or hairy fatass guy just because he has such nice humour? :D
15 Dec 2010
News / John Godson, born in Nigeria, might become Poland Sejm's first black deputy! [313]

I'm sure many blacks will celebrate this new victory in the African colonisation of Europe.

Now finally, they have a brotha in a Slavic parliament who will make it easier for the rest to get easy access to slavic women and a higher standard of living built on white men's hard labour.
12 Dec 2010
Polonia / The Netherlands: run-down districts happy with Polish immigrants [59]

I think you need a brain.

It is not relevant why they choose for crappy housing conditions.

The only thing that's relevant is that Polish people in general are much better immigrants than others despite living in conditions that are much worse.

And just what i expected, you don't want to give an explanation.

You already agreed that rundown districts are likely to improve with Polish immigrants, you are a coward for not admitting that some non-European immigrant groups would cause these districts to detoriate even further.

For you there's no difference between Polish, Arab or black immigrants. But the facts speak for themselves. Just look at the average rundown district in Rotterdam or Amsterdam. Look at Antwerp, Brussels, Paris, London, Birmingham, Malmö. How blind and politically correct can you be?
12 Dec 2010
Polonia / The Netherlands: run-down districts happy with Polish immigrants [59]

You are a "ethnic equality" boy.

So for people like you it's very difficult to explain why some ethnic groups in Netherlands enjoy excellent living conditions and don't have to work as hard for it (if they work at all) as other groups, yet top all the bad statistics, whereas the group in the worst conditions (Poles) do pretty well.

How do you explain this?
12 Dec 2010
Polonia / The Netherlands: run-down districts happy with Polish immigrants [59]

Sorry again to be so pedantic, but your misunderstanding is linguistic, nothing else.

rozumiem. But 'producing' is only 1 meaning of "turn out". I try to say it in simple English: when Polish immigrants started to come to Netherlands, some people feared that they would behave the same as many Moroccan, Turkish and black immigrants. But Polish people proved to be different, in a positive way. Not as criminal, lazy and unwilling to adapt like many other immigrants.

I also don't see your final point.

You give people an excuse to misbehave, because they come from difficult circumstances.
But the most criminal groups in Netherlands (Morrocans, Turks and blacks from former Dutch colonies) don't have a background of war, persecution or extreme poverty. And even if they have, their new country is very hospitable and generous to them, they get everything they want for free. So even for Somali's and Iraqi's there's no excuse to do harm to anyone.

Jarnowa, you are a simple Vlaams Blok nazi.

You are the idiot, assuming that i hate anything that's not Flemish. Do you think i would stay in a country whose people i hate?

And why should i count down to Morel's death?