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Posts by frd  

Joined: 3 Feb 2009 / Male ♂
Last Post: 3 Jan 2022
Threads: Total: 7 / In This Archive: 6
Posts: Total: 1379 / In This Archive: 632
From: welcome to the house of fun
Speaks Polish?: can I have your liver?
Interests: no one told you when to run, you missed the starting gun

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5 Aug 2010
News / New cross war in Warsaw [530]

It's obvious that those who spend Sunday sleeping off and nursing a hangover after a big Saturday night booze-up are morally superior to those who go to Sunday mass.

The problem is many of those church goers go to the closest monopolowy for a bottle of cheap wine just after the mass.
up yours
5 Aug 2010
News / New cross war in Warsaw [530]

Quite! I wonder who's behind it all?

Dunno, they've said that police and gov didn't intervene during the cross defence because they've got scared of the "god's hand"... but I wouldn't be amazed these people had a direct backup from PIS or RM..
5 Aug 2010
News / New cross war in Warsaw [530]

People who are in that group are not just "nutty post-menopausal women", there are legions of man there too, and I've seen a girl in her twenties who was shouting "defend the cross" or something like that... damn fanatics!!!!!!!!!!
5 Aug 2010
News / New cross war in Warsaw [530]

That's the most stupid thing to say, yeah mohers are not behading anyone, so what, they are fanatics with a slightly different background, judging from their favourite insults they surely killed at least some jews during ww2.
5 Aug 2010
News / New cross war in Warsaw [530]

Right, give them some bit time, and they'll surely kill somebody, that's how PIS believers are ( yeah, not voters, believers )
4 Aug 2010
Love / How do we know that Polish guys really serious in their relationship? [16]

I'd say you can't be sure of this relationship until you meet him face to face. If you guys are serious or if he is serious you should plan a meeting for instance him coming to your country on vacation, holidays or something like that...

If you guys don't live close to each other then it's probably gonna be tough.. anyways you need to meet him and then think about a "relationship"..
4 Aug 2010
News / New cross war in Warsaw [530]

I see, democracy means - fist and violence!

Fight fire with fire.
4 Aug 2010
News / New cross war in Warsaw [530]

I heard that there (...)

Brilliant, but I doubt it'd be enough to satisfy these nutters....
4 Aug 2010
Life / Why is cheating at schools in Poland accepted?! [155]

Cheating everywhere will never cease to exist as long as there will be bad schooling systems and people of different idiosyncrasies. It's never "supposedly" accepted.
4 Aug 2010
News / New cross war in Warsaw [530]

Andd they survived Stalin by collaborating. Even now most of the people in the best flats in my block (built in '49) are former members of the party.

rubbish, that's a far fetched generalising. Most of these people were offsprings or not even alive during WW2. And you are completely delusional in the communist part. Hungry troll is hungry?

Secular fundamentalist.

theocratic fundamentalist.

I would just throw in a gas bomb or two, so the crowd disperses

Add a frag granade or two.
4 Aug 2010
News / New cross war in Warsaw [530]

They should put all of these protesters on crosses, let them go to their favourite Lech..
3 Aug 2010
News / New cross war in Warsaw [530]


Firstly it's the workplace of the president, an international and representative symbol of presidential power - it's not a place for a group of crazed old lunatics to burn candles and pray daily. If after every death of a gov official or a well known person a cross was erected and left there to be it'd be pretty hard to move around the city streets. The cross was supposed to be there just for the mourning.

Besides the cross belongs to the scouts who planned on moving it to a church nearby.
It is used as a weapon in political squables. And if it stays it would become a memorial of a passed mediocre president at best, who was declined by most of the country folk during his reigns.
3 Aug 2010
News / New cross war in Warsaw [530]

PIS voters and Radio Maryja listeners can't cope with their candidates defeat in the election hence all the booing, and I'm really not gonna be amazed when somebody finally gets beaten or even killed by those crazy people. You can see them lot popping out in the news everywhere - in the court during the case over the validity of the election and during the uprising festivities. All shouting "jews" and "masons". It's frightning that there are actually such people somewhere..
10 Jul 2010
Genealogy / Need help locating FRACKOWSKI family... [8]

Do you mean "Frąckowski"?
couldn't see anyone with a - but with a polish letter "ą" there are more surnames.
Here is a map of this surname's usage in Poland: moikrewni.pl/mapa/kompletny/fr%25C4%2585ckowski.html
10 Jul 2010
Language / The correct usage for the word "since" [5]

It should be odkąd - when you are talking about the time. fi:
Since he came so much has happaned (...)
Odkąd przyjechałem tyle się wydarzyło...

And in places where you could change it to because - it can be ponieważ.
Since you asked politely then I will tell you (...)
Ponieważ grzecznie spytałeś powiem ci...

At least that's how I see it, might be wrong though ; o
10 Jul 2010
Food / Types of CHEESE in Poland [150]

Frd, there is still cheddar in Gliwice's main Tesco.

heh it's good you left some ;) I'm still trying to get there but I'm usually nowhere near when I'm in Gliwice. I'm discovering many polish "fake" cheddar products recently though.. yeag cheddar is fat, unfortunately - it's a nasty whim when one is trying to have a protein diet and a fair bit of gym. And when I buy one I often end up eating all of it in one go ;)
9 Jul 2010
Polonia / Going to Paris for 10 days, any hints? [14]

I'll give you one piece of friendly advice; Don't wander off the beaten track too much if you're going to be on your own in Paris.

I've been in Paris once for 2 days with a polish pigrimage ;) We were residing in the cheapest hotel ( called Formula 1 ) in a really bad district - all panel buildings there had their base floor burnt and burnt car wrecks laying everywhere.. I haven't seen much of Paris then because I was small and we were mostly sitting in Churches ;) This time I've got accomodation in one of the centre zones, near all the sightseeing places so I'm focusing on the centre really...

Thanks for the advice though :)

Japanese style gardens at the UNESCO headquarters

this sounds really nice, have to add it to my map and thanks for the link.
9 Jul 2010
Study / Is ERASMUS students in Poland allowed to go to another student´s dormitories? [13]

You first of all you should contact your uni - probably the person who's the erzamus supervisor there. Beside that usually there are message boards in the uni building with information about flats for rent. Beside that - you can just try to find flat using flat/house renting sites ( independently from the uni ) - that's usually how people find flats in Poland when they are going to the uni that isn't near their home town.

Unfortunately all of these sites for instance oferty.net are in Polish so you'd probably need somebody to translate all the offers for you. Basicaly try to find the flat that is closest to the UNI you're gonna attend to.

The site I pasted earlier is just as any other flat rental site.. just in polish ;)

As for the main topic - I'm pretty sure that most dormitories will allow you to enter you just need to leave your students id card at the reception desk.
9 Jul 2010
Polonia / Going to Paris for 10 days, any hints? [14]

Hello fellow PF'ers,

I wonder if anyone who has already been to Paris could recommend any "off the beaten track" places to see and visit. I'm not talking about must see places which I will surely check out, but rather places well hidden or maybe just less known. Small pubs or restaurants and such. I'm gonna add I'm a poor Pole so it's more of a budget trip than a fully fledged 5 stars sightseeing. Yeah, but anyways I'd appreciate any ideas or hints.

7 Jul 2010
News / Will Komorowski be Poland's worst ever president? [72]

well, 50 years is pretty much never.. I'm not really amazed by the difference, I mean it's hard to imagine same wage in 2 different countries with a huge difference in wealth.
6 Jul 2010
News / Komorowski won Poland's presidency vote? [125]

The man acted like he had won days ago.

He would have had the victory in his pocket if Lech was still alive - PIS was sure Tusk's gonna be the candidate so their whole election plan was aiming against Tusk. After PIS's gov their support was on a dawnward spiral and if Lech were to be the candidate he would loose. The amount of votes they have gathered is all thanks to Lechs death, churches support and inability of Komorowski to run a proper campaign ( being a president, a marshal and a candidate at the same time )
5 Jul 2010
News / Will Komorowski be Poland's worst ever president? [72]

FRD, we survived crisis pretty much unscaved despite Tusk's best efforts.

It was Tusk's minister Rostowski who cut spendings decreasing the effects of the crisis, it was a good decision opposite to what PIS proposed that could increase the country's budget deficit..

This document was the plan of anti-crisis work created by PIS basicaly most of it is just further spending:
(only in polish)
