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Posts by nunczka  

Joined: 13 Sep 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 28 Feb 2013
Threads: Total: 8 / In This Archive: 4
Posts: Total: 457 / In This Archive: 192
From: USA
Speaks Polish?: Honky style
Interests: loafing

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6 Sep 2010
Life / Poland, maybe the world's last bastion of faith [67]

I for one find a lot of truth in what the OP posted. I lived thru the post war years. Speaking for America I can look back and see how this country has gone down hill. I see the same thing happening in Europe. France is a good example. The Muslims are taking Europe over. Blame most of it on globalization.
28 Aug 2010
USA, Canada / American Polonia. Wisconsin - the most Polish state? [112]

Ya,ll might just as well forget about keeping the Polish Culture alive in America. I am 1st generation. My parents came here in the early 1900.. I was raised in a Polish speaking household.I am well versed in Polish culture. My daughter who is 2nd generation just recognizes the dirty words. Her kids the 3rd generation are ethnicaly cleaned. The word Polish means nothing to them.

The mass migrations are over.. There are but a small amount of Poles coming to America compared the the early years. Chicago still rules. In my hometown Baltimore it is just a memory of the great days growing up in a large Polish community.

In 40 years the white people will be the minority in America.
27 Aug 2010
Genealogy / Mixed-Blood Poles in America (Do we count?) [118]

Anchor babies

Nice term. Does it mean 1st generation?[/quote]

Yeah sorta. But the law says that anybody born in America is an American citizen.. BUT!
The illigal Mexican aliens are claiming that right for their ANCHOR babies. Causing a lot of anger in America.
27 Aug 2010
Genealogy / Mixed-Blood Poles in America (Do we count?) [118]

My Mother and Father both immigrated from Poland, and became American citizens.. My Brother and I were born in America.. That makes us legal Anchor babies. AMERICANS citizens of Polish decent.
26 Jul 2010
USA, Canada / Do Poles feel America is going down the drain? [149]

I live in Florida in a deed restricted community. , So what is wrong with living in a safe and clean inviroment?
This is so telling as to the state of affairs in USA. Is THIS the benefit of 'multiculturalism'?

I will be the first to admit that life in America is not what most people think. We are a multiculteral society, that stinks. One out of four African Americans are born out of wedlock. The Mother are on drugs and are supported by the State depending on the amount of children she has. The kids are allowed to roam the streets in gangs, making the streets unsafe. Yes, It's a shame that we have to live in gated communities..

With Globilization, Europe is heading in the same direction.. it is only a matter of time
30 Jun 2010
USA, Canada / polish people in usa that wanted germany to win [34]

polskisoldier88Threads: 7
Posts: 18
Joined: Feb 21, 10
Gender: Male Jun 25, 10, 17:07 / #1
i have noticed alot of polish people in usa and not only poles but alot of people say alot sometimes i wish germany won the war has anyone heard them say that before? lol

What a bunch of BS. During WW2. Americans of all nationalities were drafted into the service.. What person would make that statement when a member of his or her family was in Europe fighting the Germans.
29 Jun 2010
USA, Canada / A Polish Americans phone call to Rush Limbaugh [15]

Listen To It! WMP | RealPlayer

Audio clips available for Rush 24/7 members only -- Join Now!


RUSH: To Clearwater, Florida, Christine, and great to have you here.

CALLER: Hello, Mr. Limbaugh. Congratulations on your new marriage.

RUSH: Thank you.

CALLER: Lots of love to you and Mrs. and good luck on your program. I hope you'll be strong enough to stay on the golden microphone for years to come.

RUSH: Don't sweat it. It's the case.

CALLER: I am recently in Florida, but originally from Illinois. I've been listening to your program for years.

RUSH: I didn't know people in Illinois had an accent like you.


RUSH: What part of Illinois are you from?

CALLER: (crosstalk)

RUSH: (laughing.)

CALLER: And I tell you something. The way the country is going, I was telling (unintelligible), but I was born and raised in Poland, been here in the United States, nobody gave me any food stamps or a credit card or an apartment or a free cell phone. We had to work for everything, and we came legally. It took years, not like today, and we didn't have any rights to demand anything. Now that we build up our little nest egg, start a business 45 years already, now Mr. Limbaugh, our business is zero. Obama had the guts to tell us, don't complain to Washington, tell your boss, because he fired you. We had 35 people -- family, kids, future. Nothing. Zero. We had to let 'em go. Where do we get the help? Not out of Washington, because little by little, inch by inch, step by step, they taken away our liberty, exactly your words, I cannot even pronounce I'm so nervous because this is my first time, I make the call and I finally got through.
25 May 2010
News / Polish Policeman shoots down a foreigner in Warsaw [300]

Well ... then your whole statement was flawed from the beginning, wasn't it? Since you said: "Since the 1970 The black population exploded". The African American population already lived in the US. They were brought there as slaves, remember?

Yes, BUT! As they started to migrate to the north, they came in droves. Displacing whole Caucasian neighborhoods. Up until that point, we the Caucasians, Jews, Poles, Greeks, Irish, Italians, Bohemians etc lived in perfect harmony. We soon found that the crime,drugs, filth and squalor that they brought was unlike anything we ever imagined.. THUS>>>>WHITE FLIGHT
25 May 2010
News / Polish Policeman shoots down a foreigner in Warsaw [300]

Sir, let me respectfully disagree with you. You should make a difference between the African immigrants (which started around 1965, by the way) and the African-Americans. Obviously you are referring to the African immigrants, so the first group.

SIR! The Africans that I am refering to are American born,and immigrated from the south. I have watched good solid neighborhoods disintegrate with white flight, as soon as they realized what trash invaded the neighborhood. American cities are dying.. Baltimore, Detroit. Philly,Richmond etc. There is talk about bull dozing these cities to rid them of abondonded crack houses.. Taxes are not paid because the women have children out of wedlock,and the state has to support them.

Tell your crap to the Europeans.. They will buy it for awhile before it happens to them.

Lodon and the low countries are already cess pools.
25 May 2010
News / Polish Policeman shoots down a foreigner in Warsaw [300]

I stayed out of this debate as long as I could. I know that I am not equal to you university educated youngsters. Nut I have an advantage over most of you. I am 85 yrs old and my parents were Polish Immigrants.. I keep seeing in here that there were statement made that poverty breeds crime. Bull Schidt! My parents along with all of the other Immigrants were dirt poor. This is true with all the other nationalities.There was no crime.People worked hard and did without.. There was no welfare.. Everybody pulled his own weight. After two World wars, America grew into a mighty nation on the backs of Immigrants. Today America is loaded with wealthy 1st and 2nd generation nationalities.. We were taught to be frugal by our parents.

Since the 1970 The black population exploded. Along with it came crime, drugs,welfare, our cities are in decay because of white flight. America is headed for a third country status.

I can see a repeat of it again in Europe.. Somebody better wake up before it's too late.

I will end my post here ,for if I add more I will be banned.. GOOD LUCK EUROPE
24 May 2010
News / Polish Policeman shoots down a foreigner in Warsaw [300]


Just thought that i should allow some of you liberal European just how oppressed the blacks are in America. This is in Baltimore. Same as most US cities. Notice the boarded up homes.. The white population fled the city. Most of these kids have no fathers.. The mothers are on drugs. And the State supports them. They dont work.. God only knows where they stole the bikes from.. Welcome to America.
24 May 2010
News / Polish Policeman shoots down a foreigner in Warsaw [300]

Darius! A good post. Very typical of our situation in America. Our justice system, is broken A black man who commits a violent crime and gets a long sentence, is released after just a few years to ply his trade again..They stay on welfare having illigitimate babies with no fathers.

They contaminate our kids with drugs and turn them inti prostitution.

I could say more, but our liberal moderators have a way of not printing my posts.
25 Apr 2010
USA, Canada / A few things Polish people can do in Florida... [10]

I am sorry to say that the above mentioned places are not the same as we remember up north. I am a first generation American Pole. Like all the other Dziadeks, we are dying off. Even Maly Wladziu is gone. He played at a lot of affairs where we old Pollacks attended here in Florida. Octoberfests draw a lot of old timers and those that are old enough to remember..Our kids have no knowledge of the Polish language anymore.Sooo! As far as the good old time Polish affair s go. I have to say that they are just about gone.
23 Apr 2010
USA, Canada / Do Poles feel America is going down the drain? [149]

I see no problem with living in a gated community. I live in Florida in a deed restricted community. , So what is wrong with living in a safe and clean inviroment? Most of us in America live in our own homes. Not like in Poland where most live in flats. Keeping our property safe and clean keeps our real estate at a high level.

As far as guns go. Almost every one that I know owns one. But we dont go around shooting every one.. It's true, we have our criminal element.. Thats why we choose gated communities.. To keep the scum out.
22 Apr 2010
USA, Canada / Do Poles feel America is going down the drain? [149]

Can't think of any of my friends or co-workers getting robbed either...

Oh come on now.. You are speaking a lot of rubbish. Miami is a hell hole away from the beach, Did you ever walk through South Chicago at night? Away from the larger cities Florida is safe (So far)
22 Apr 2010
USA, Canada / Do Poles feel America is going down the drain? [149]


A gated community?? Like ,protected by armed guards??

Try living in a big city like, Detroit, Philly,Baltimore, Richmond, Grand Rapids ETC.
22 Apr 2010
USA, Canada / Do Poles feel America is going down the drain? [149]

Here is one American that will tell you that the US is going down the drain. We are being invaded by trash from other countries. At one time we in the US could leave our doors open and never had any problems , real estate values have plummeted due to neglected neighborhoods. The Government sold homes to people who could not afford them. They were foreclosed, boarded up, and turned into crack houses. Our churches disappeared due to this blight.. The streets are no longer safe. The US is a country going through white flight.

Our politicians are crooked.Our Constitution is in peril. The sad part is that both parties share the same responsibility. But there is still hope.. The American people are beginning to fight back.
4 Apr 2010
History / Battle of Arnhem 64th Aniversay - Polish Paratroopers [10]

Apr 5, 10, 03:20 - Thread attached on merging:
The Poles talking at Market Garden about the Battle at Arnhem

Talking to a Dutch friend, the subject of the Battle at Arnhem came up. Although he was just a kid at that time, he still remembers a lot from what his Father told him.

My question to him was if he ever hear about any discord between the Poles and the British. Below is his reply to me.

Krawczyk: Yes, I have heard of that. The British command has treated the Polish forces who were the biggest group of continental Europe on the Western front badly. The Poles were prohibited to participate in the victory parade in London after the defeat of Germany.

The British and Dutch authorities treated the Polish veterans bad...
19 Feb 2010

Who needs Easter? My family eat this type of food,all year around. Call it Peasant food or what ever else, but I was raised on it and will eat it until I die.

I was fortunate. As a kid I helped my Mother cook and bake.I remember all of her goodies.
I am often asked for the recipe of a lot of foods, but there are none. Like my Mother,there is nothing written.. It's a handfull of this and a handfull of that. Looking at the finished product is the final test.
6 Feb 2010
Life / You are Polish if... [433]

When your Grand Father tells you to put a lot of horse radish on your ham sandwich , because it puts hair on your chest. It dont matter if you are a girl
27 Jan 2010
USA, Canada / My wife wants to return to Poland...but I want to stay in the US [155]

I read all of the suggestions.?? It's a sad situation.

My take>> From an older guy. Let her go. If you keep her from going, you both will be living in hell. There will never be peace between you two..With luck, she may decide that she made the wrong decision and come back.

This is sad.. I sure am glad that I was never confronted with a situation like this.
Whatever happens, I hope it works out for both of you.. GOOD LUCK
30 Oct 2009
USA, Canada / American Polonia. Wisconsin - the most Polish state? [112]

quote=PlasticPole]If half your family comes from Poland, you are a Pole, even in America. Everyone calls you one so quit with the BSing, Nunczka.[/quote]

So what does that make the other half of your family? Dont that count? PP If I had to bet, I would bet that you cant even speak Polish
30 Oct 2009
USA, Canada / American Polonia. Wisconsin - the most Polish state? [112]

Krysia hit the nail square on the head.The original immigrants are all dead. There are still a few of first generation polish Americans around. But we too are dying off. Our kids no longer speak the language much less celebrate the old customs. Poles in America are a dying breed. Chicago is the last refuge to hear the Polish language on a regular basis.