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Posts by Lodz_The_Boat  

Joined: 7 Sep 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 27 Jan 2014
Threads: Total: 32 / In This Archive: 14
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From: Lodz
Speaks Polish?: yes
Interests: chatting

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13 May 2011
News / Don't let Poland become like my country, France. [630]

So, you don't care if immigrants do not integrate/assimilate and raise their children as proud muslims instead of Poles....

What on heavens made you think that? I don't understand why you try to drag things out of plain and simple words which is there for you to read. I didn't say anything like you did, infact the contrary.

They can be muslims, in a Europeanized manner ... and then ... the genes would integrate. I can tell you for the Eastern, Egyptian or Greek genes ... they are recessive and it shows more Pole than them. I don't know black/pole couples well - and its not my fault that I don't ... its just as it is.

and there is a reason behind that choice.

good luck with your conspiracy theory. But that good luck is that it should stop once, and it will be stopped. Anarchy is not going to be Europe's future anymore. Sorry.

Reg link: such links are ones which create problem (and problem is from both side)

How polish!

There are nuns who wear alot of such stuff too.

To tell you the truth ... I don't support extremism both ends. I live moderation ... not too much exposure (commercialization/commoditization of people) and not abnormal robes and gowns and hijab and all those stuff. But then I wish that a free and fare Europe be supported ... not a medieval one which forces people on one group's ideology.
13 May 2011
News / Don't let Poland become like my country, France. [630]

what is it Lodz?

What is it? ...

I don't think headscarf can be a problem. Some scarfs look nice even. I have seen my Finnish friend wear a cute headscarf for fun ... she even removed it later. She wore it when she went Kashmir ones with her her husband.

What I want to say is that its not a sign of rebellion. Its just a personal choice. You can wear a helmet, its your life. Where is freedom that Europeans want to uphold and enjoy in their lives?

To integrate, we also must lend a hand (and it is not lend only when they come in). A friendship is two ways. Plus, our systems (schooling) need to be revamped.

First of all ... single students are much better. However, for those who are already in with children ... those children must be in a ratio at classrooms such, that they spend more time with the native. Make friends there. The messages of life, and their personality construction must start from school ... not some negative-brainwasher scum. Its a broad discussion on its own rights ... wonder if you get it.

PS, the Muslim graves from your article desecrated with a swastika seems a bit ironic

I didn't write that article. So its not mine ... I just posted it.

As for that swastika, perhaps some hooligan put it. They respect their graves those muslims, and not all are mad.

I don't know the irony ... for me that person who put it must be jailed as he/she (probably he) is a danger to public safety.
13 May 2011
News / Don't let Poland become like my country, France. [630]

more about the terrorist cells

These must be deactivated by use of force. They are formed by brain washed people, and the brain washer is usually a useless immigrant who was not supposed to be one in the first place.

This is why I am pro Students and pro investors/skilled people. I have a list of check ups in mind which I actually suggested in a seminar with attendees from India, Bangladesh, Japan, Korea and Chinese and Egyptian, Turkish, Greek and other nationality people. But surely I respect and love people (good ones) to make our countries more diverse and rich.

Poland has no such issue

In this world which is increasingly becoming a global village, such things might happen. It is naive to think it can be completely resisted. Better is to work actively with proper law and order maintenance and enforcers etc ... working with pro Poles among the new members of the Polish family. Become more aware, and creating an atmosphere which support equality and ethics.

We must be aware that we want (as a nation) to integrate into this world too. Cannot be shut down.

So you would support muslim headscarfs for immigrants in Poland?

Neither do I support or oppose. I just said that if someone wishes, they cannot be pulled down the street and their scarf be ripped apart from them. This is just as hideous as the Taliban.

If you read that article, only a few people wear it. Even some old women in parts of Europe wear it. Let that be a personal choice ... its not harming anyone.

I don't think £ódź knows too much about the Balkans experiment

Dont just think. Thinking is a free things which is wasted when all the elements and variables for its proper route can be gathered.

I am for peace, love, proper strategy, prosperity, jobs, progress, law and order, equality, justice and opportunity. Why should be let myself be inspired by crime and influenced by hatred or inflicted by doubt? They were never things that would benefit anyone when you let them enter your mind or heart.

There is always a more constructed, effective and genuinely coherent, intensive and ethical way of dealing with matters.
13 May 2011
Life / Positive things which make a Pole stand out positively in the World! [30]

I think anarchy is good.

I don't accept my good countryman enkidu's idea of "traces" of anarchism in us. Rather, I would say we are great critiques, and we love to analyze the situation. We are not satisfied with what we achieved or have, which is a sign of our relentless pursuit of making ourselves better than what we are and what we have achieved.

By this I don't mean to say I support or deny government. I only mean to say that things can be "better" doesnt mean that I am in support of breaking everything that exists.


A great positive thing among Poles are their capability to think beyond the confinements which are provided to them. They have a big heart, and a heart which loves to see beyond ... and a mind which travels further. Poles love to see wider and are a curious nation.
13 May 2011
News / Don't let Poland become like my country, France. [630]

A racist thread preaching hatred, intolerance and mass generalization ... targeting and forcing people (as the French does for as simple as headscarf, which should be a personal choice for all).

This is the French version of women freedom: [

Sick and repulsive.

By "French" I do not mean the people of that wonderful nation. The topic poster represents people of his kind and such people can be find in any country.

There are wonderful Irish, French and English people ... I have some very nice Greek friends. I know some outstanding USA people ... all I can say is that the world is larger than this thread, and so are its thoughts.

Very proud of knowing people who represent todays world and its prosperity ... and who play an active role is shaping a positive and prosperous future for it.

As a Pole I am pro immigration of Genuine Students and Highly skilled workers who wish to integrate into the country and raise their children as Poles. Mostly they start their entire process of being Polonized with getting Poland in their genes. This is an important thing.

There is no reason to become paranoid ... only a reasonable measure to ensure quality new members of the country. Proper (strict) health check, police record, STUDENTS (priority), Highly Skilled people, Investors ... and still mostly students (preferably single/unmarried). Such kinds tend to integrate faster, and end up getting mixed with the native gene pool.

We cannot be pushed back to a Facist, Nationalist, Extremist and Dark Medieval Europe. NOT POLAND.

I fear that terrorist attacks will take place on their soil in the not too distant future. Poland doesn't need that nonsense.

You mean the ones similar to IRA attacks?


Or ... perhaps the Nazi take over of Germany?

Or perhaps many similar things ...?

Criminals, be they of any race/religion/color or language ... must be put to a proper trial and face Justice. For this, the most naive thing would be to target and brand a particular set of people are a problem (and then go ahead seeking "Final Solution" kind of things).

People who are European, regardless of background ... must be dealt by our courts and laws (which are quite capable).
12 May 2011
Life / Positive things which make a Pole stand out positively in the World! [30]

Lodz how can one describe such things if each person is different.

Yes, each person is different... but there are some things which are common due to a shared identity. I meant that ... not those intrinsic personalities which differentiate us. But our common aggregate way which unite us into a nation ... and thus constitute some form of a common trait which can be positive or negative. However, I am looking for the positive here.

I already mentioned that all nations of the world have their own positive trait ... and it is no secret that I consider every human as one family, and not at all into races etc. It is just like we, as member of this family, have somethings special in us to offer ... just to see those special components that we have and to be cheerful about it.

To call Polish women most beautiful and the men most gentle is not my idea of our trait. It is also not quite firm in its standing. There are beautiful women everywhere, and gentlemen too. However, our heart, the smile (and I think the Polish smile is particular in its exciting feature ... just like the sweet Korean smile, and the soothing Thai smile).
12 May 2011
Life / Positive things which make a Pole stand out positively in the World! [30]

OK, this is not about Poland the country, but it is about POLES - the people :).

People from all over the world have something uniquely special in them to contribute to the beauty of this beautiful Blue Gem laying on this most awe-inspiring beautiful Starry Universe. For every society/nation, there is something that adds to the beauty and prosperity of this planet. The same is with Poland, and with Poles who do add something from their part to the prosperity and progress of this planet and human civilization in it.

Apart from the obvious that Poles have the warmest heart among all its neighbors, I have recently realized that there are so much more in Poles that make them contribute positively to the beauty of this planet!

Please describe those positive things in Poles which makes them stand out ... in our own words, all those things you can think of :) ...
12 May 2011
News / Row over status of Poles in Germany sours relations [176]

This is called "self-serving"

Its not a restaurant I am talking about... its life!

Look, you are trying to stare at me with your own POV, which will never tell you the true story. The fact is that I only commented on making ourselves stronger and more self sufficient to be able to help others, and not ask for basic help from others. In this way we would be contributing to the positive growth of the world, and even be able to solve some of its problems.

Again, protectionist!

Again, you see it all with a programmed mind. But its your life ...

they may deficate on your doorstep because its their culture.

Its the culture of the reckless, the remorseless and the ignorant. There are Brits (the white ones) who would do it aswell after getting all drunk or with a raging heart full of hatred against someone (perhaps even a Pole immigrant) on their doorstep. Its not the culture of the civilized and properly educated (morally and technically/academically) who can come from any color/religion/linguistic background or origin.

You global lovley world doesnt work...look at other parts of Europe and open your eyes!

It does work, the world is increasingly becoming a global village and the night is darkest before the morning comes. I believe in this and will always believe in it. The innate goodness of mankind is much stronger than the temporary darkness which some people wish to be obsessed with.

There are successful people of all origins in UK and USA and other parts of the developed world. In such a scenario, it is better to look at the good things in life rather than dwell in the stuff which we know should not have been there. It all needs a united effort from every decent individual for an aggregate good life on Earth. For this purpose, we all can begin from our homes and then to the community and thus eventually make our contribution to the society and the world ... all of those are common to all of us - a global family.

I am always in favor of good, educated and decent people ... including immigrants who would prefer to own a country for themselves and serve it better. When I speak in favor, mostly it is the genuine students who are more prone towards integration (but we must allow the integration too by bring friends and creating a positive atmosphere).

The labors or the workers are never my goal. Highly skilled workers are welcome though.

I'm also always critical on thorough medical checkups become letting someone in. Infact I attended a seminar on this issue, and we were all in favor of good people to share lives with us! Not against ... and there were friends from countries like Egypt, India, China, USA and some South American nations attending that seminar.

Its just that thinking in an extreme way is not the only answer ... there are points of balance in between.

but surely not the Germans or other non-Slavs...

I pray the germans should prosper...

I am married to a non-Slav.
11 May 2011
News / Row over status of Poles in Germany sours relations [176]

award goes to.

You dont need to go ahead with your award ...

I do still believe that the world is one, but you cannot comprehend a deeper structure in that. It is like this: The city you live in is yours, but also your home is yours. If you keep your home clean and functional, you can go ahead and contribute to the development of your city and its residents. In your home can come new members, but still this home should function properly, grow and cater to new needs. It is important to be self sufficient.

I have never been an anarchist. You just need to come down from the "extreme" view point of anything, and avoid coming to conclusions.

It’s in everyones interest?

A modern, self sufficient and prosperous Poland would be in everyones interest.

Blimey you make the Yanks (no offence) sound rather unpatriotic with that speech...

I don't understand what you mean here. To say that "we should be self sufficient and progress towards a stronger economy" cannot be something prejudiced or fascist.
11 May 2011
News / Row over status of Poles in Germany sours relations [176]

We Poles must make our country strong enough to not only find work here, but also allow others to find work and make a living.

Good luck to Germany ... but for Poland, for Poles, it is our country which can always make the final deliverance to all our interests!

The Horizon of Poles is no longer confined in a region or a continent, but to the entire globe ... we need to be more competitive, and HEAR YOU WELL than we are totally equipped to make it big ... or atleast be more self sufficient, only we have to have the right strategies, and a strong sense of national unity.
10 May 2011
Australia / Austrlian married to polish man wishes to reside in Poland [9]


Thank you for your reply - yes We would be coming to Poland together - we were there last year and I loved it. Poland is very progressive and we want to travel between the two countries (Polish winter in Australia)

It seems you are an intellectual person, and you will find it easy in Poland.

Welcome again.
10 May 2011
Australia / Austrlian married to polish man wishes to reside in Poland [9]

Are you moving to Poland with him? ... Your information is a little vague.

Anyways, I would count the former...

Hence, I welcome you to come to Poland and feel at home. Ofcourse, be careful while buying properties, hire proper and reputed agents. He should help you in this matter.

Poland have a very good future, and it will improve alot economically. I think the day is near when we will be a very significant force in the map of Europe and perhaps someday the world too :).
9 May 2011
USA, Canada / I'm seriously considering moving from the US to Poland because... (I'm young) [4]

Aren't there any American women?

Its one thing to find a Polish girl in life, and quite another to totally confine yourself to one. Seek a good girl, with whom you can spend a lifetime, or beyond if your believe in the beyond. It will benefit you more. These kinds of requirements don't last longer than a year after consummation ... it boils down to mental and spiritual bonding, which is beyond the tangible part of any relationship.
7 May 2011
News / 2011 Netherlands discuss Polish deportation plan [118]

That's the essence of discrimination. You cannot punish a whole group for the folly of a few individuals.

Exactly ... and if this was resolved in this world there would not be pain.

This case is a living proof that people can be good and bad in any nation ... however, one cannot declare or label an entire nation, or a person they do not know, as a guilty - unless proven.
7 May 2011
Love / Poland wow wife [52]

This is what happens when people comment against others without bothering to realize that they do not know that person.

People love to declare anyone "guilty" ... they feel a pleasure because for a moment they blind themselves of all the errors they have within their own selves.
6 May 2011
Love / What are my chances of finding a decent Polish lady? [24]

Good luck, but I really think that getting married shouldn't be about the nationality, but about the person. A dating site is the last place to look into... join some kind of a class of institute, look around you and perhaps you will get to meet the right person.

If it must be a Polish, then come Poland, join some course, or start some course. Make sure you meet more people, something good can happen.

But here, where people don't really know you, it is not possible that you meet a great advice.
6 May 2011
Love / Poland wow wife [52]

I'm being just about as much racist as he is, if you wanna put it that way.

You always take interest in these kinds of topics. Atleast 70% of the times, while I also do - but not in this frequency. I enjoy commenting on all race people, perhaps you do too ... but a little more intense and certainly in the opposite direction.

A person can love his/her native country and still prefer to live somewhere else. Do you have Poland? Then why do you prefer to live in UK? I have my friend from childhood who lives in the United States and have disastrous opinion about Americans (specially the women) etc, he is not a saint himself - a very wrong path he chose to earn money, however now he is in a better track.

He was (still is) an American passport expert. Gave his services to some immigrants, and often in heartbreaking ways (for me, it breaks my heart, for many its not even worth blinking).

I try to be fare ... I love my country and love to defend it spiritedly, but then, not unfairly.

These stuff, immigration/passport etc are applicable to some but not all. People are there who would still like to immigrate but not at the cost of their basic principles and values ... but others can do just anything, and that is regardless of race-religion or gender.

We have had some really lovable and old members of Polish forums who used to have a happy life and got curiosity about Poland due to nostalgia and a Polish partner ... and I know some very known names in here who got hurt badly due to "knowing whats on the other side of the veil".

However, the unfair and illiterate targetting of a certain society is wrong. It is always better to comment or think positively or negatively about people after knowing them well. Knowing their educational background, what they actually feel about their new country, and how much they value their principles ... before going ahead and declaring someone criminal.

Until the crime is proven, everyone are entitled to be seen as innocent.

It is a full lie that a careful (not paranoid) and sincere/patient look into anyone can reveal their true self. More importantly, if a person looks at another person free of all prejudices, color or creed or language or any other dividing issue ... in a very fare manner ... then it benefits knowing another person wholly on personality/character and reliability. Because then one is safe from saying outright "GUILTY" or "NOT GUILTY" to anyone, just because of what they see or what to believe about them.

Anyways, we all have our own right, our own choices ... and it is verily just a public forum.

I do understand if someone from Ireland felt later that Ireland was not their place, and came to another country - say Poland! Didn't return to their ethnic place, thinking that it is not a place for him ... even though perhaps he would wish those people well in life. Happens ... why to find a crime in it? Why have an eye filled with fire?
6 May 2011
Life / $3,000-$4,000 a month - would we have enough money to live in Poland? [273]

I am sorry for your wife and your family, but also pleased that she made it in time to see him through.

It must be of great delight to her father to see his daughter married and with a good child and husband, doing well in her life.

It is really wonderful of you to keep us informed. I love such stories. You are a good man from a far off country who have really been supportive to your wife! Respects.

If you ever hear any bad for any racist or any evil statement due to your foreign origins, please remember that a thousand voices are in favor of you against that one voice.

I have friends from USA, India, Bangladesh, Kashmir, Mexico, East Asian (Korea and Japan mainly) and also Belgium and Greece. They are all wonderful people, and with your account I believe that wonderful people often usually just don't go out screaming about their good lives. Only, they are at peace with themselves, and painful people scream and disorient other people. However, as a matter of coincidence, sometimes good souls post inquiries like yours through which we know a little about your good life and values.

Thank you again, and ofcourse, my condolences, he will surely be in Heaven...RIP
3 May 2011
Love / Polish relationships (race and religion) [140]

Every other country does it, why don't we?

Are you crazy or something? Everyone in Poland does it, just some think differently, just like everyone else in the world. We are not confined to petty thoughts or those who have confined and put themselves down as petty primitives.

It is just a course of evolution, and as a citizen of a country which is free and honorable, every respectable and committed couple are to be cheered. The purpose is just to confirm that love and marriages are above everything else, and only true commitment and honest approach matters.

Be it American, Asian, Australian and any -ian or -an! ... true people have the right to be with each other, and they deserve praises, they deserve celebration.

is your wife having problem adjusting there ?

Initially everything was new to her. My mother and my eldest sister have been remarkably helpful to her, and she has found friends among my cousins. This is a very good thing once can get from families.

Right now she is much more comfortable. Her comfort was always my highest priority, however, she understands my obligations aswell. I am very fortunate, and wish this to continue by God's will.

Infact is there any other Asian (im not talking about India, Pakistani Asian) girls in this forum who have polish boyfriend?...

I believe you are East Asian? Are you? Or are you Polish interested in them?

Anyways, whoever you are, there are East Asians in Poland, but not too many from Korea. There are people who frequent Poland for business purposes from South Korea. My own father in law have business interests developing in Poland.

Poland is slowly but surely becoming a more popular destination. It is just not there yet, but it is about there.

I mainly had (and still do) friends from those two communities you mentioned, and also some Iranian and Kashmiri, also knew Egyptians. But among East Asians I have known Japanese and Koreans most closely, ofcourse among the latter I now have relatives :).

All pleasant people ... each of them who I call friend. It is your character and personality to which you remain content, which then shapes your attitude and behavior, which proceeds to shape your choices in such ways that you confront and befriend only those people who align to those standards. Then you have a different set of experiences, and learn how to view the world with a humane eye.

I really do regard every human heart to be a mine filled with rich gems ... only some need to be excavated, some often buried deep with sands and dusts of ignorance of various nature. But ofcourse, the revival is for each to work on individually. We all must look into ourselves.
2 May 2011
Travel / Do I need an invitation to enter Poland as a tourist? [53]

Go contact your local polish embassy. All those posting here look like crap to me, without any basic educational background ... these are questions which do not need any intelligent and serious man to be looking into forums. There are enough more better and easier sources to gather them. Thats why I think students (genuine) are always the better ones to allow to come in your country, as they tend to be representing the better of their countrymen and women.
30 Apr 2011
Life / Expats, are you happy with your life in Poland? [43]

You don't seem to like Ukrainians and Blacks.

Ukrainians I don't like? I have a distant family member who is Ukrainian through marriage to a distant cousin of mine. All I know is that she is a good lady.

Blacks? ... I don't know many. It is not because I hate them ... I just haven't socialized with any that much. Yes, met, but didn't really befriend ... was not in my circle.

I have had Greek friends (still have, and one of them is in relationship with a Polish girl) who were not like you in their mind ... so I guess I am not ready to generalize any people on a specimen.


And this is here ... but this is growing too.

Freedom to live, to choose, to enjoy and to be free! But adherence to human rights and law ... all come and shape my country well.

Poland, a new land brimming with opportunity ... with an ancient history brimming with pride!
29 Apr 2011
Law / Applying for Polish citizenship through marriage. [116]

Welcome to my country! You are now a Polish :) ... your children will be Polish too :) ... I believe you will contribute to the prosperity of Poland uniquely!

I have some friends from other nations who also became Polish and are now living wonderful lives with their new country and a very new way of living :) ...

People from west, east, south and north ... it don't matter now, now you are Polish :) ...
28 Apr 2011
Feedback / Why are there so many on here, who do not like Poland [150]


People who are rude are not Polish ... they belong to a band of people who are in every country and of every race ... but they have "racism" "hatred" "fault finding" "violence" "sadism" in common. Perhaps a Black hates a White (or vice versa) is in everyway the same thing ... in everyway they are brothers in soul ... just doing their jobs in different sides ... making the world a more difficult place to be happy in.

Those who hate Poland, or do no appreciate its beauty ... are among those "haters" which I mentioned above. They dwell in sadism ... their souls are different.