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Posts by isthatu2  

Joined: 3 Apr 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 6 May 2013
Threads: Total: 4 / In This Archive: 2
Posts: Total: 2692 / In This Archive: 1778
From: in the auld empty barn
Speaks Polish?: a little
Interests: life the universe and everything

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11 Aug 2012
History / 75th anniversary of Stalin's 1937-38 anti-Poland genocide [32]

Lols, just spotted a young Miriam Margolyes in Carry on Camping.........Jewish you know,and the voice of the sexy bunny in the Caramel adverts :)

Errrr, But,its not like being Jewish saved your neck in Stalins Russia so I dont think there is much substance to any attempt at anti jewish propaganda.

I just think its interesting that such a large percentage (compared to general population levels) of Jewish people were high ranking stalinist officials.
Was it something to do with them being better educated at the time than the average russian serf?
11 Aug 2012
Life / What's the deal with Polish Piracy? [27]

Isthatu2: yes it is 'daarn saarf', but I'm a Yorkshireman

Haha, that explains everything tobster , yes,being in Gods own county I didnt recognise the whole moral up yerselfness as a *UK* trait ;)

Many of the tunes i download i have already owned at one point or another in the form of CD's - bought and paid for.

Good point,most of us old farts (ie, over about 16 in computer terms :) ) just go round downloading stuff we have lost in house moves over the years :)

Isnt it just the modern version of making a tape of your LP(bought and paid for) so you can play it in the car or in your walkman?
11 Aug 2012
History / 75th anniversary of Stalin's 1937-38 anti-Poland genocide [32]

I wonder if you refer to other figures as Stalin's Christian henchman.

There is a case for *outing* the background of a lot of Stalins most loyal lackeys TBH Tef' ,if only for a bit of historical perspective. The trouble is,so many had false names,nom de russkie if you like...

*Funny * fact of the day,that Meercat from the adverts is called Aleksander Orlov.....

Alexander Mikhailovich Orlov (Russian: Александр Михайлович Орлов), born Lev Feldbin, 21 August 1895 – 25 March 1973), was a General in the Soviet secret police and NKVD Rezident in the Second Spanish Republic. In 1938, Orlov refused to return to the Soviet Union because he realized that he would be executed, and fled with his family to the U.S.. He is known mostly for secretly transporting the entire gold reserve of Spanish Republic to the USSR and for his book, The Secret History of Stalin's Crimes.

However, Orlov's main task in Spain remained arresting and executing Trotskyites, Anarchists, Roman Catholics supportive of Francisco Franco's forces, and other suspected foes of the Second Spanish Republic. Documents released from the NKVD archives detail a massive number of Orlov's crimes in Spain. He was responsible for fabricating the evidence which led to the arrest and summary execution of members of the Workers' Party of Marxist Unification (POUM). He also directed the kidnapping and execution of the POUM leader Andreu

Not sure if this will play in all locations but, the article quoted Niall fergusons book, War of the World.
The documentry he made for British TV was cracking.

part 1 of 4.
11 Aug 2012
Life / What's the deal with Polish Piracy? [27]

less moral-high ground seeking one-upmanship nonsense in Poland compared to the UK

Huh,what part of the UK do you live in lol? ( dont worry,I checked,darn sarf somewhere,no? ;) )

you live in firstworldia with money and comfortable life that it brings...

Yeah,urm, you do know the streets are not really paved with gold dont you?
11 Aug 2012
Life / What's the deal with Polish Piracy? [27]

Crack on, the internet wasnt designed as a money making cartel for Americans.
Who made Uncle Sam global www copper anyway? Its not even as though its an American invention.......
8 Aug 2012
Food / Cost of tobacco in Poland [17]

AFAIK most Red packed Polish smokes are about as strong and nasty on the throat as Chesterfields :)
I know the Sobieskis(?) I smoked before I discovered LM blues were similar to Luckies or Marlboros .
8 Aug 2012
UK, Ireland / First proper "Polish" School in the UK - The Next Stage of Ghettoisation [283]

Do you really mean to say that it's Kurds who sell all the ogórki and biały ser in the UK? lol

Certainly in a lot of the cases.
Oh sure, behind the till will be a Pole or lithuanian, running the business and putting in 18 hour days will be a Kurd.
Thats not me complaining, I could care less who I buy my pierogi from as long as I can keep buying it :)
7 Aug 2012
Off-Topic / "Curiosity" Lands On Mars! Huzzah! Poland's Mars Society Must Be Ecstatic. [77]

haha, I love that photo... the *proof NASA funds Time Travel* one,yes?
George Takei had it on his often hilarious FB page :)

But,not to rain on the parade,but,another robot lands on Mars....people might go somewhere vagually nearish to mars in the 2050s.......oh,puhlease.........
5 Aug 2012
Classifieds / D&D Group for Expats in Warsaw needs one more player... [69]

There is a type of Asperger's gamer that does not play-well with others that is not particularly welcome in our group of people looking to make connections and new friends. They are the well-known stereotypical, anti-social, Min-Maxed argumentative, condescending, competitive rule-slaves whom like to lord over their experience.

You mean Sheldon Cooper types :)

Would be fascinated to eavesdrop on one of your evenings,see how the people with different national myths bring a slightly different edge to their game. Norse,Greek,Roman, must have an impact on styles.

Do you find this at all? Are American players more influenced by more modern interpretations,ie,fantasy novels and movies....do Danes hark back to Vikinger styles? Can you trust that Greek if he comes with a gift? :)
5 Aug 2012
UK, Ireland / First proper "Polish" School in the UK - The Next Stage of Ghettoisation [283]


sorry mate...marcind I meant to put......d'oh.

Eventually the allies liberate Rome & it dawns on me: There were more than enough people in the town square to liberate themselves.

If you read a book on the subject you would know Rome was declared an Open City. No one fought in Rome.

But seriously, what has world war two got to do with you being a racist american? I mean, I know you savages still had segregation and treated Black US Soldiers worse than nazi POWs but.....
4 Aug 2012
UK, Ireland / First proper "Polish" School in the UK - The Next Stage of Ghettoisation [283]

Eventually your white women integrated with your brown & black immigrants.


History books still regard Polska as the freeist host in European History.

Its K Billy K and the super sounds of the 70s...............
"inter racial couples"
Oh boy,love the retro ramblings of a confused clansman.....how did you get in,did you lie about being a Slav and a Papist or summat fella?
4 Aug 2012
UK, Ireland / First proper "Polish" School in the UK - The Next Stage of Ghettoisation [283]

Does it mean one can get higher benefits if they prove themselves in the PF?

Unfortunatly ,no. To recieve the highest rate you have to prove an almost complete lack of understanding,thats when the extras kick in, the 24 hour personal interpreter,the Laptops for each child,the work place assistent and of course the years free tutition at either Oxford or Cambridge in conversational English (summer school for regional dialects optional extra).

Burn it down !:)

I would do,but having been to a couple of Blood donation sesions there Ive got to admit the facilities are marvelous . :)
The ironic thing about the choice of such an *anti science* ethos school is that it replaced my old Grammar school which had produced two Nobel prize winners in the sciences........

Isthatu, you may want to read a book called 'The gift of dyslexia'. If anyone criticises you because of dyslexia tell them to f***k off. Benjamin Zephaniah is dyslexic and yet he's one of the most amazing poets I've ever read.

Thank you Eva.
I honestly dont feel it as a curse,it just makes you adapt,see things from a slightly different perspective sometimes(would Einstein have come up with his special theory without it?),plus,it always plays to my theory that its better to let people think you are dumber than you actually are :)

Im wondering if you have come across my type of dyslexia before though Eva, I have no problems reading,always had as a child an advanced reading age standard, I can also proof read almost anything and spot the mistakes only Im *blinded* to my own spelling mistakes ......

4 Aug 2012
Travel / Poland in photo riddles [3134]

Hehehehe, If thats the Front Window....well, I give it three seconds before the two planes crash... :)
Oh, and you never have to apologise to the Air Cadet force historical and current service aircraft recognition regional champ 1989 , Im used to being right when others are wrong ;)

Well spotted on the JU 88 Nose ,er,window, blister panel,er, I can spot em,dont always know what the bits are called though :)

Who`s that guy?

Oh wah Oh wah, He's the greatest Lancer.....

sorry, 70s Disco references....mmmm, what was the Disco scene like in poland ? :)
4 Aug 2012
UK, Ireland / First proper "Polish" School in the UK - The Next Stage of Ghettoisation [283]

Do you work is education as well Isthatu?

No, Im the dyslexic Black Sheep in a very academic family most of whom work or worked in Education . Others curse their dyslexia, I thank it for keeping me out of Teaching. :)

Oh I hate religion, I work for London Academy Enterprise:)

Explains the good conditions then, plenty of money floating around for southern centric pet projects :)
No, the reason Im sceptical about Acadamies and Free Schools is ,no matter what they claim they do drain funds from State Schools and tend to be located in politicaly tactical areas rather than always in the areas where their slightly different aproach is actually needed.

Also, the local Acadamy to me is one of those loony ones teaching kids that creationism (literal bible nonsense) is on a par with Darwin .... :)

It was opened and semi state funded on the promise that it would be there to improve the chances for kids from a deprived village that fell within its catchment area.....all well and good, the acadamy then set about expelling a huge percentage of those kids on spurious grounds and bussed in kids from well out of the catchment area.

There are maybe three black and asian families living in the catchment area of the school but literaly dozens of black and asian kids in the school ( and no *jokes* about birth rates,these are not local kids :) )

Mind you,what do you expect when a couple of second hand car salesmen decide to open some schools?
4 Aug 2012
Travel / Poland in photo riddles [3134]

That is a B17G mate, its the under chin .50 mounts give it away. Flying Fortress. (but, I know the soviets copied a lot of *our* planes ,hence suggesting some sort of ilushin ...and its soviet green not US olive drab,so....)

Pretty sure thats the model/mark of B17 used by the USAAF for their single re supply mission to Warsaw,is that anything to do with it? Only, the foreground sort of reminds me of a cross between that scene in the Death Star where Luke Kills his dad,or,the final scene in Kanal.....in a sort of modern art twist.....the brick work just does not shout *aviation* to me :)

Seriously,what were the Doors references about then?
3 Aug 2012
UK, Ireland / First proper "Polish" School in the UK - The Next Stage of Ghettoisation [283]

If you want to teach in a primary/ secondary school you will need a QTS

Unless that is you want to work in Acadamy in which case dont bother bringing your paperwork with you as you will be over qualified if they get their way. The scummy profit making monsters want to employ unqualified teaching staff and the Tories are backing them.

(BTW, Eva, thats not a dig at you, you must know all about the latest madness here, soldiers straight out of the Army to teach sports, failed businessmen to teach ,well, business studies...with not one day of formal teacher training....)

No that's YOUR job :D

It was untill a Polish Theoretical Mathmatician stole it!!!!!! :)
3 Aug 2012
Travel / Poland in photo riddles [3134]

An Aeroplane Museum?
The big old aeroplane reflection kinda gives that bit away :)
(1950s/60s Ilushin? Or a B17G ?)
Ok, its a DOOR(s) of some type?
Not perception,that would be too literal ;)
3 Aug 2012
UK, Ireland / First proper "Polish" School in the UK - The Next Stage of Ghettoisation [283]

So, the greater the number of languages you speak, the better at the job you are. OK. What's the job?

"Would you like fries with that?"
"wilt u frietjes bij?"
"quieres papas fritas con eso?"
"souhaitez-vous des frites avec ça?"
"Вы хотели бы жаркое с этим?"
3 Aug 2012
UK, Ireland / First proper "Polish" School in the UK - The Next Stage of Ghettoisation [283]

P.S. I'm learning German:)

I'd work on the English first, its structuraly awfull love.
FYI, even the working class England Football manager speaks more languages than you do,so, wind yer neck in.

Provided, of course, that the benefits allow you to buy a camera.

Dont be silly. You are given a Camera,a plasma screen TV and a BMW or Audio upon entry to the UK,didnt you know that?