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Posts by RubasznyRumcajs  

Joined: 29 Mar 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 28 Oct 2023
Threads: Total: 5 / In This Archive: 2
Posts: Total: 495 / In This Archive: 265
From: United Kingdom, Cumbria
Speaks Polish?: yes
Interests: computers, IT

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30 Nov 2014
News / UK to send tanks to Poland. [36]

so... what's the inflation rate in Russia? 8% :)?
and no, with exception of nukes, putin wouldn't be able to attack London.
18 Sep 2014
Law / Giving notice that you are recording someone - Do they have this in Poland? [14]

You do not need anyone permission to record a conversation- as long as you are taking a part in that conversation. So- recording your neighbours talking (not with you, just amongst themselves) would be illegal, doing that when you all gather and talk is perfectly legal.

Publicizing that conversation is a different story.
27 May 2014
News / Jaruzelski dead / his legacy in Poland [116]

nice video about him.
about the place of funeral: he should be packed in beautiful coffin and buried- in the most official ceremony- in Russia, the country that he loved and served so much.
18 Apr 2014
Language / Variations of the verb Chodzić [11]

there is also "chadzać" (like: chadzam do sklepu)- which means to go sporadically, not often, irregularly.
2 Feb 2014
Life / Should citizenship in Poland be removed for particular crimes? [7]

only if one commits a crime against the state, not the common one. And, of course, only if the citizen has dual (triple?) citizenship.
And it should be made in civilized way, by the judge in fair trial (not like they do in UK)
21 Feb 2013
News / Polish language diacritical marks at risk! [20]

Well- for the OP: Russian uses different alphabet than Polish.
And good luck if you try to send texts (sms) with Polish diactricts in- it will not only be harder (special software necessary) it will also take longer and SMSs will have an ability to contain only 80(-ish) characters (thanx to unicode). Unless, of course, you wanna the special codepage (like 8859-2) to come back- and as a user of computers and Polish native speaker, I would say- you would be mad if you wan't it.

Diacrits are dying out in informal communication? good.
25 Nov 2012
Food / How common GMO Food in Poland is? [25]

gmo is nothing but poison. it starts with the seeds that grow the grains that get fed to animals that we eat. we get a double dose from grains, meats and dairy.

what a ********
22 Nov 2012
Food / How common GMO Food in Poland is? [25]

almost all food you and I eat is a food modified genetically. remember- wheat, rye, cattle etc all of them are modified, they are all different than their ancestors.
11 Nov 2012
UK, Ireland / Domestic arguments caused by differences between Polish and English culture [109]

my (English) ex was giving me the crap for washing the plates in wrong way: instead of filling the sink/bowl with water and than wash the plates in their dirt (after all- if you wash couple of them water becomes dirty) I've washed them under the running water, in the proper way.

funny thing is, that she hated taking baths- she prefers showers (so do I)- because she saw no point of being in dirty water o.O
30 Oct 2012
Law / Acquiring Polish citizenship by naturalisation [40]

So he was an ethnic Pole

there is no thing like "ethnic Pole"

Spoken like a person who has never had their life blighted by mass immigration. Lots of people initially in favour of letting in Poles and other Eastern Europeans to the UK said some similar things. Lots have now changed their minds because they have taken out more than they have put in.

well- even now Ukrainians are "taking Polish jobs" in the low waged field work (someone has to pick apples or dig up kartofle)

and as I wrote- as long as immigrant are not committing crimes and are working, i can hardly see anything against it.
and, unlike in UK, in Poland you have to work to be able to get benefits. Good!
29 Oct 2012
History / Soviet/Russian Army leaving Poland 1992 [21]

There are still foreign forces in Poland. Are we under occupation now?

are those foreign forces here because we invited/agreed for them to come, or because they just came?
28 Oct 2012
Law / Acquiring Polish citizenship by naturalisation [40]

hah, i knew that someone would throw Polish women "marrying African /en masse/ for money" craptalk.
And yes- being a Pole or not- the most important thing is a "cultural" selfidentification, not genetic.
And I see nothing wrong with letting Africans (or others) to Poland- as long as they can contribute into society (positively), than it's nothing wrong with it.

Good luck ivnp71!
28 Oct 2012
History / Soviet/Russian Army leaving Poland 1992 [21]

Merged: 20 years ago last Soviet soldiers left Poland

have left Poland
The Soviets occupied it from 1945.
27 Jan 2012
News / Poland now soft-pedalling ACTA signing [107]

Could you explain the gist of this video? My Polish is rather poor.

basically- our "friends" from USA were showing "a bit to much" inquisitiveness about a voting about an article that doesn't support ACTA. Polish "Commission of Innovation and New Technologies" (Komisja Innowacyjności i Nowych Technologii) accepted desideratum calling Tusk to hold his acceptance for ACTA. Despite the absence of 3 senators (poseł- i have no idea how to translate it into English, if senator isn't a proper translation), commission accepted it (by 8 for yes, 3 for no, 4 hold their votes). At 11 AM, they received a call from US embassy with question about rightness of their decision.

Well. next time maybe they will just send the ambassador to sit there to make sure that their decision will be "the proper one".
24 Dec 2011
Life / You are Polish if... [433]

You are Polish if you have no idea who/what the Borg is.

we ar the borg. resistance is futile
youtube.com/watch?v=WZEJ4OJTgg8 :)
10 Oct 2011
USA, Canada / US Polonia 70% for Kaczyński [343]

I wonder: why the hack people not living in Poland, not coming back to Poland, not paying taxes in Poland- why they do have a voting rights?
8 Feb 2011
Language / Polish keyboard 214 is best [34]

Dvorak layout was designated for typing in English- using the standard one to type in Polish would be... well... not the best idea- it wouldn't be faster than qwerty- so there would be no pros of learning it.