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Posts by isthatu2  

Joined: 3 Apr 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 6 May 2013
Threads: Total: 4 / In This Archive: 2
Posts: Total: 2692 / In This Archive: 1778
From: in the auld empty barn
Speaks Polish?: a little
Interests: life the universe and everything

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18 May 2010
History / What are the key features of the Polish Eagle? [56]

You don't change symbols at will.

is that right?

lol, made me smile,I own 6 very differnt styles of Polish army cap eagles(i dont mean sizes,I mean styles,ie all for rogatewkas) from early to late 1930s :)
13 May 2010
News / 1945-2010 Poles will march on Red square [66]

Some Frenchies sided with Gitler so they shouldnt now be invited,conveniently forgeting Bir Hakim ,Juans French colonials negating the cassino defence line with a superb flanking movement(meaning the fall of the monestry was a military irellivence) 2nd armoureds superb drive through france in 44 etc etc.

God almighty,get over yerselves,every single european country had collaborators and soldiers who for one reason or other wore feld grau and swastikas,Polish highlanders volounteering for the SS, thousands of Polish "ethnic Germans" stationed in Normandy(ethnic germans untill they came under fire from Yanks or Brits then suddenly full Poles again....).

Countless thousands of vlasovite russian traitors yet I dont hear any suggestions that the Russian army shouldnt have marched in Red Square because a few cossaks served with the nazis?Or would that be the good old PF double standards kicking in again?

Or how about the 33 Brit/colonials who served in the BFK,should the welsh guards not have marched because of a few scumbags like Amery or Joyce.

content removed
29 Apr 2010
News / Brown's 'Bigotgate' and the debate about Poles [63]

Its funny,a few years ago Poles complained about constantly being called "Russians" when over here,now the shoes on the other foot and Russians are being called "Poles".....

However, the focus is now on the Poles who live here -

If you listen to what the old bag said she actually spoke about " Eastern europeans", not Poles,eastern europeans,its the same phrase I hear over and over being a native Brit who people presume will think like they do.....its sad,but its not some specific Polonophobic attack.
13 Oct 2009
History / Weapons of WWII (Poland and other countries) [239]

Well...I say the "wind" was sowed already during the negotiations for the Treaty of Versailles. You reaped the whirlwind (Hitler) later for that!

No,the Wind was sown when during the First world war the german airforce launched the very first terror bombing campaigns against civilians,british civilians.....
9 Oct 2009
History / Weapons of WWII (Poland and other countries) [239]

Just proves they have a long history of savagry then,god help the rest of the world in this coming century as we slide into a chi-com dominated future......
8 Oct 2009
History / Weapons of WWII (Poland and other countries) [239]

lol, I realised the Indians probably nicked the idea from the Chinese,as far as rockets go,but Im not sure the chinese used them as weapons of war.....
8 Oct 2009
Polonia / What About The Poles In The Netherlands? [102]

Amsterdam should indeed clean a bit its face, there are some areas which just causes shame, dirty, filled with souvenirs shops, dirty coffeshops and wrong tourists.

Aye,just dont feck around with the Jordaan(sp?), I likes it over there and you dont tend to find the usual sort of tosspots(ie brit stag parties and pervy old japs) wandering around.
7 Oct 2009
History / Weapons of WWII (Poland and other countries) [239]

reminds me of the katyusha rockets the Soviets had, they even sound the same, i wonder who created them first??

Well,you can trace modern rocketry to the Indian Maharajas of the 18th century,the british copied them diretly and were used with some succes during the napolionic wars,as for the ww2 aspect,pretty much all sides used MLRS from the huge ships packed full of em for landing support to a set of 6 on a german APC......yes,Im a very sad man....
8 Jan 2009
History / Polish weapons and militaria - got any? [153]

Looks like a standard WW2 era Mauser bayonet,could be from any number of counties though as they were licensed all over,Poland,Jugoslavia South America....Check the slidey out bit,there will be markings there for sure if its actualy German/nazi. (the ww1 era bayonets tended to be far longer).

Yeah,Hi dan,hows it hanging? Been a bit busy here so on and off when I can get time.
7 Jan 2009
History / Polish weapons and militaria - got any? [153]

Like many weapons of the type, it has never been fired but was dropped once.

Lol,I have a lovely french lebel from '40 just like it :)
10 Jul 2008
Love / My boyfriend is on a Polish dating site [158]

You and Fireif seem to have a lot in common.....

Funny,I said exactly the same yesterday but it appears the mods didnt agree........
1 Jul 2008
Life / Polish people and racism. [943]

us Poles

you're a yank.

Anyway, almost everyone in my family (including aunts uncles and cousins from both sides) has turned up to contain certain "racist" sentiments

chalk one up for genetics...

western brainwashing

you live in the west,tell us oh great and beady eyed one,what is your secret to countering this brainwashing?
30 Jun 2008
Life / Polish people and racism. [943]

HET Tovarish ,Merely correcting you regarding your incorrect use of the German term "herr" for the Russian speaking(though georgian) Stalin,if you are going to use the accepted terms of the day it would be Herr Hitler and Tovarish,or if you were old fashioned/white Gospodin Stalin.

If you really need lessons in Slavic language's are you sure its a good idea for you to move to Poland pan Legion?

By the way,re age old sentiments......hhhmmmm,lets see,which country had the largest non Soviet force in the Warsaw Pact....D'oh,yep, those commie dudes Rambo and Bond kicked around wernt in the London Pact were they son.....your on slippery ground there old china.

Anyhoo,back on topic.... who thinks some Poles are rascist?
Who thinks some people are just glove puppets?
30 Jun 2008
Life / Polish people and racism. [943]

now were getting down to the nit picking, why bother??

nah,this is nit picking;

herr Stalin

That would be, Tovarish Stalin,HET?
30 Jun 2008
Life / Polish people and racism. [943]


Topic: Racism.

Please,Mr nice mod' that nasty man legion is being rascist against us tea drinking empire losers,its not fair and some of us might cry.
30 Jun 2008
Life / Polish people and racism. [943]

Why did the brits stop the parade for the Kosciuszko squadron in Britain?

"they" didnt. The PAF veterns chose not to march.
( I warned you.)
30 Jun 2008
Life / Polish people and racism. [943]

nwha,this is like fish in a barrel,shame it will all go to random chat :)

legion ,name a country that can trace its foundation back to the 10th century,a country with borders facing a more powerfull enemy,a country who has faced invasion and occupation but whose people never lost their identity or pride,a country that had the first everdecleration of the rights of ALL its people,hundreds of years before the americans,a country that after hundreds of years of foreign domination and occupation that has,in your lifetime just regained its independance.

Go on,I'll give a clue if you need it
30 Jun 2008
Life / Polish people and racism. [943]

Note #26, Westerns don't understand how WWII ended. Really interesting, your caliber of intellect is great. Reading out of context must be you forte. :)

Should one of you guys tell him not to get me started on WW2 history?
30 Jun 2008
Life / Polish people and racism. [943]

like you cannot understand our humor. This is why so many invading nations could never assimilate us. PERIOD.

LMAO,the nazis failed because they didnt get the joke :)
30 Jun 2008
Life / Polish people and racism. [943]

you don't understand us and never will!

oh,bless,does nobody understand you? awh,shame,maybe if you made any rational sense instead of teenage strop ramblings you would fair better then.
20 Jun 2008
Love / Asian guy in love with Polish girl (any chance?) [125]

Her smile and eyes kill me. Is it too much to comment on that?

hhhmmm,a bit on the intense side but;

maybe tell her: You have a beautiful smile. - Masz piękny uśmiech.

oddly enough the first Polish phrase I ever learnt was "you have beautifull eyes";

but how do I pronounce that properly? Or should I just say it in English?

in "english" Mash pyinkna oshey......

Oh gosh her smile.....help!

Woah,youve been hit by what the guys over the Brooklyn bridge (and in Godfather II) call the Thunderbolt....Yay,its great isnt it :)
18 Jun 2008
Life / Is the word "Polack"rascist? [185]

c. a human population partially isolated reproductively from other populations, whose members share a greater degree of physical and genetic similarity with one another than with other humans.

Yep,sounds about right for you guys ....;)