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Posts by isthatu2  

Joined: 3 Apr 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 6 May 2013
Threads: Total: 4 / In This Archive: 2
Posts: Total: 2692 / In This Archive: 1778
From: in the auld empty barn
Speaks Polish?: a little
Interests: life the universe and everything

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28 Dec 2010
News / Can Russia be a good partner for Poland? [42]

Seems to me that unlesss you are the obvious dominating partner your only ever going to get the fuzzy end of the loilipop. Cuddling up to the big man on the block and telling your people that theres a "true partnership" will only end with egg on the polititions face and bodies coming home in boxes......
28 Dec 2010
News / Can Russia be a good partner for Poland? [42]

There never has and never will be an equal partnership between two nations, sure tempory aliances can be forged but sooner or later one wants what the other cant or wont give and it all goes pear shaped.
28 Dec 2010
History / Former American President Adams in Poland. [54]

"yet from time to time he complained about people whom he thought were surly and overcharged for their services. "
He really did go to silesia then ;)
26 Dec 2010
History / Lwów, Wilno ... kresy - Poland have lost enormoust part of our heritage... [389]

velund,rocketry and jet engines are totally different things Im afraid,but i take your point,its the same with Radar,we got there first and used it most effectivly but plenty other countries were trying to develope similar......Im sure people in west ukraine were also working on stuff...
26 Dec 2010
History / Lwów, Wilno ... kresy - Poland have lost enormoust part of our heritage... [389]

But can you show the place in US where a single german bomb was dropped during WWII? They lost some people in that war, but overall it was profitable for America, in a long term.

I can show you a place where a single Jap' bomb fell in the US,it killed some school kids and there teacher...... What he is also not pointing out is the fact that there was full employment and medical coverage in the CCCP where as in the US even now thousands are homeless and millions go without propar health care....so a bit like todays russia really.

[mod]back on topic, or to the bin[/mod]
sorry,forgot freedom of speach is one of those american myths like bigfoot and the jersey devil :)
What was the topic????
26 Dec 2010
History / Lwów, Wilno ... kresy - Poland have lost enormoust part of our heritage... [389]


Jet engines,invented by Frank whittle,a briton,who gave the design to our wartime allies the US and USSR
a thing invented by a couple of Americans....
Sorry Velund,Im a total Russophile and get it in the neck on here for that but......

Americans didn't stay in line-ups at 4 am to get a liter of milk or a chunk of bread. They put money into a better dentist machines, field tools, tractors, cars, medicine

er,thats fine if you were a white anglo protestant american mate, would rather have been a Russian than an American black guy in the 60s(baring Jimi hedrix as he seemed to have a great old time....once he left america and came to the UK lol)
26 Dec 2010
History / Lwów, Wilno ... kresy - Poland have lost enormoust part of our heritage... [389]

I'm fed up.

aye,give up,'cos everyone knows anything of note was invented by a Scotsman anyway....;)
Nathen,why when someone gives you the honest facts of what they know,or think they know, of the ukraine,and none of them insults,do you find it so hard to see what they are saying is not an attack?

I asked earlier what you knew of the country Wales ,you clearly know nothing about it but a Welshman would not be offended by that.
26 Dec 2010
Life / Russian Language - is it offensive if I speak it to Polish people? [69]

Or if your reason for speaking Russian is not the will to practise it, but just a conviction of its similarity to Polish, then you should know that it won't work - a Pole who doesn't know Russian won't understand you at all :)

Trouble is,to us,english speakers,Russian sounds like Polish spoken with a different regioanl accent,as far as I can tell there is no such thing as accents in Polish and it does seem to baffle them if you get a word slightly wrong in a way that would never happen in English,the equivelent of "you say tomaHto I say tomaYto" would baffle people :)
26 Dec 2010
History / BBC - Center for Military Studies - Gerald Kochan [28]

well,I didnt,most of my stuff has been widely displayed but...most collectors,your right,will stash the stuff in an attic or spare room.

And if you think passing it on to a museum will get it displayed,forget it,most museums have a warehouse like the one at the end of indiana jones!

Its not that you havent got my sympathies,my own family are trying to trace some log books to RAF fighter pilots too,i hold out zero hope but hey,who knows.
26 Dec 2010
History / Lwów, Wilno ... kresy - Poland have lost enormoust part of our heritage... [389]

Nathen,in the UK,certainly around the times seunas and myself were in school the only mention Ukraine would get would be something like " In 1941 the germans invaded the soviet union,at first,in the ukraine they were greeted as liberators....."and frankly,for the last 300 years thats about all the Ukraine has been known for somewhere between russia and the west,a bit like Poland.

But hey,Nathen,tells us,without google,what you know about Wales?
26 Dec 2010
History / BBC - Center for Military Studies - Gerald Kochan [28]

Why are Poles,living in Britain selling family history to a Yank and then complaining they never see the stuff again? Isnt that a bit of a no brainer?

In short there are honourable enough collectors of mil history(i ended up leaving some of the stuff Id bought on a buying trip with a local family because it meant something to them) but its also a trade full of bandits,didnt a bunch of polish lads nick the arbiet mach frei sign?
23 Dec 2010
Language / How similar is the Italian accent to the Polish accent (when speaking English)? [34]

That could be closer to the truth,Ive often heard Dutch people speaking Dutch and thought they were speaking english with a Yorkshire accent(and vice versa,coming home to yorkshire in the way you have to adapt back to the traffic for a while I often dismiss background chatter as being Dutch when its my native language and adopted accent being spoken), so the leap isnt too hard to make,I certainly cant hear any similarity tho between Poles and Italians speaking english.......
22 Dec 2010
News / US Military: The Army of Poland is crap. [124]

Aussie Shelia,its unlikely it has anything to do with who gave out the coolest kids toys(Im sure the Poles engaged in just as much hearts and minds gift giving as anyone else) and more to do with the fact that the people in those war zones are generally pretty pragmatic,whoever the biggest man is on the scene is the one they praise, like the new lover saying no dear your far better than my ex's. And if the new lover holds the power of life and death over you and your family you will probably be pretty outspoken in both critisism and praise.
21 Dec 2010
News / US Military: The Army of Poland is crap. [124]

erm...Penn boy,there hasnt been a "British"zone in Iraq for over 2 years.....but thats not me being blindly patriotic,the British screwed up big time in Basra,thought they could play the old Empire game of proping up one local big man in return for his support and active help in "peace"keeping,shame that bigman turned out to be an Iranian backed religious nut job...(theres a leason there for the US re Kharzi)

But,can I suggest a subtle reason for the english speaking forces (US CAN' UK etcs) occasional over reactions? How would polish forces feel if the regularly heard insurgent radio chatter speaking arabic with obvious Polish accents or finding insurgent dead with FC Poznan tatoos?
20 Dec 2010
History / August Agbala - Nigerian soldier in Warsaw Uprising [23]

I thought that about the puttees too trevak and wondered if maybe the lad behind him was also just "in the photo",but to be honest the uniform supply situation in the 19/21 war was crazy,anything went so it would be hard to say, a bit of braid or cloth tape for rank insignia wouldnt be a problem though as witnessed by german uniforms in the uprising being so quickly covered in Polish rank and unit badges.

It was an interesting programe on Trafalgar too,must confess if you know anything about that period though it wasnt exactly a revelation(Im a huge Patrick O'brain"master and commander"books fan) and it was hardly a secret with the old victorian memorial cleary showing black guys,it just seems that these days there is some weird attempt to paint our forebearers as being as bigoted as some of the muppets on here when in fact rascism really wasnt a huge issue for most people when the "others" were more of a curiosity.
20 Dec 2010
History / August Agbala - Nigerian soldier in Warsaw Uprising [23]

Although the pics from the 1920 war are interesting Im not sure they offer any conclusive proof for black officers or atleast these two guys being officers. On the top photo I can see no trace of any rank insignia either on jacket or rogatewka.

The second photo,frankly,the officer looks to be,quite rightly in militery ettequette,sitting in the rear seat and infact if you look carefully,although its not clear,it looks as though the steering wheel is directly in front of the black soldier....so Driver,not Commander,in which case,shook horror,a black man driving white folks around.....

Black guys had been officers in many forces many years before say the US forces were even de segregated,a British officer in 1915 and the leader of the lincoln brigade in the spannish civil war,but these pics,while interesting just seem to show what the first picture does,an example of the fact that europe,all of it ,has for hundreds of years had a small black population and when global war ,or atleast local wars,come calling they too get caught up in them,being a tiny minority though they like all other minorities were naturaly forgotton in most countries national conciousness as more bland,all encompassing patriotism was order of the day.
20 Dec 2010
News / US Military: The Army of Poland is crap. [124]

Looks like the Poles,if we follow the artical,are acting no differntly to the US forces in the last 2/3 years of "active"involvement in Vietnam ,sticking in firebases and letting the local forces deal with any trouble.

They know they are leaving soon,f' all can be done for the country,so why die for it ?
I remember a few months ago there was a smart ass comment from a US commander taking over a British region, a few months later and dozens of USMC guys had died and much backtracking was done....
24 Aug 2010
UK, Ireland / Britain's youngest mum gave birth at 12 [70]

Yer all just jealous as usual, our girls are just so more advanced than yours.....even our microbial life forms are the toughest on or off the planet,get over it ......
5 Aug 2010
History / Maria Wittekówna and other Polish Women in The AK [25]

Sorry matey,youve fallen into the classic trap. That photo of 3 "young girls" in the AK,bottom left in the top post,is actually of 3 young boys,not girls,infact Im sure the lad at the front is(or was untill recently) still alive.
5 Aug 2010
UK, Ireland / What's the rule on 'the UK' but just 'GB'? [60]

I always wondered why we in England called our country Great britain...?

I mean , its a bit big headed really

Not really,all it means is we are "large Britain" as oppossed to "little Britain" AKA Brittany in NW France,seeemples no.

The UK of course chose that great British creature...the Lion...errr hang on

Again , thank the "french" for that one,if Im not mistaken the lion goes back at least as far as Richard the 1st.
27 Jul 2010
History / Warsaw Uprising - The Forgotten Soldiers [117]

The Germans asked for it. The Poles did not. Simple.

Considering the little boy was talking about the bombing of Dresden etc I rather think my point stands.
So,please tell me how a 3 year old german girl asked to be firebombed by the RAF/PAF/USAAF. Id really love to hear this strain of thought. Was she a future member of the BDM? Maybe a runner for the flak 88 batteries? Did she vote for Hitler in 33?