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Posts by isthatu2  

Joined: 3 Apr 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 6 May 2013
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From: in the auld empty barn
Speaks Polish?: a little
Interests: life the universe and everything

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11 Jan 2011
History / Polish flag over the Reichstag first? [399]

At various points a lot of them would have,its hard to go in depth here because it varies from unit to unit and what time between 43 and 45 your talking about and it was often a real mix within the same unit but,suffice to say the vast majority of the troops at Berlin would have looked distinctly Polish to the trained eye,though if your a frenchman in the SS I imagine it all looked like a scary mud brown hoard.....
10 Jan 2011
Life / Polish spy or action films? [17]

Conan Doyle's chemistry professor, if I'm not mistaken.

It was a joke,after some one claims James Bond was inspired by a Polish spy....forgeting Ian Flemming was a spook himself...and that Bond is an english public school boy ...
10 Jan 2011

and a lot of SS Galicia who were a mixture of Poles and Ukrainians settled there as well.

Aye,we got the other half in Doncaster,must have made for interesting times in the local Pubs,Pawel from the 1st Polish airborne bumping into Pawel from the w SS !!!
10 Jan 2011
History / My Great Grand father took part in the Battle of Warsaw! [90]

No underground force in history has ever expelled an invador without outside support.
Not sure if you realise that the soviets had a few other things on their plate in 1989 and were frankly sick of dodging US armed terrorists with stingers....
10 Jan 2011
History / Polish flag over the Reichstag first? [399]

Unfortunatly my copy of the origional magazine is still in storage but Im sure a good search of the net will turn something up...I did post them on a site a few years back now so will have a look see....

Id previously known about the LWPs "Polish" uniforms(ie,looking like 1939 era Polish soldiers) but the British battle dress was a surprise andthe photos were very definatly taken while the smoke was still in the air so to speak,a big group round the Brandenburg gate etc
10 Jan 2011
Life / Polish spy or action films? [17]

Rumour has it that when Ian Fleming created his fictional character James Bond he based him on the exploits of a real polish spy

Yes,and Sherlock Holmes,he was based on a Polish detective,Churchil,didnt he model himself on a Polish minister?? ;)
10 Jan 2011

Well,I live in Eds constituentsy,and that sounds like a reasonable thing for people to say to him.
Wages have been driven down since 2004 and for a couple of years it really was silly season,80% of employment agencies were run by and soley for Poles,avarage warhouse wages went from £11 +ph to minimum wage of £5.50 odd......

But,anyhoo,like I say,Im in Doncaster,and as someone above has said there is a large Polish community here post 2004,but to be honest there was a large population here post 1945 too so you will have great difficulty say if you go by a list of names, 3 of my teachers were Polish origin, the phone book always had lots of entries near the back,W Z etc, and before 1945 there was also a Polish community who had come here for the Coal mines. So thats 3 large "waves" even after the 19th century Jewish emigration that the Milipeads were involved in.
10 Jan 2011
UK, Ireland / Interest in Polish language grows in Britain [19]

Public finaced courses in Polish,are they taking the p**s? better off spending the money on usefull languages like Mandarin or Spannish. Its the only thing I agree with my towns elected mayor,stop all public financed translation and learning services.

As for this bringing community cohesion...are you kidding,that would be brought about if people who moved here didnt enclave,ghettoise themselves and learnt the local lingo instead.

Which to be fair on Polish people,most do already,so why the "need" for language courses?
10 Jan 2011
UK, Ireland / What's the rule on 'the UK' but just 'GB'? [60]

Why is this so hard for people to grasp? The english symbol is the 3 lions because richard the 1st chose it as his sheild badge, lions look harder than birds when your off slaughtering saracans....
10 Jan 2011
Life / Polish spy or action films? [17]


lol,this guy always reminds me of when i first started to learn Polish,the only time ive felt sorry for a "nazi" :)
9 Jan 2011
History / Polish flag over the Reichstag first? [399]

Of course it would not have been possible for anyone to tell they were Polish soldiers..their uniform would have been the normal Red army one...

nope,by this time completly different,the LWP were largely equipped in fully Polish style uniforms by this time,the exception being that many in Berlin were wearing british lend lease battle dress with Polish rogatewkas.

Poles , Ukrainans , Belarussians , all wore the same uniform , and used the same equipment as the Russians in the Red army...

Nope,ethnic poles in the Red Army may ,nay ,will have worn standard m35 or m43 soviet uniforms but the Poles at berlin were not in the Red Army,they were under nominal Polish (communist) command in Polish units in Polish uniform ...

I have a copy of zoilnierz Polski from june 45 that has a picture artical on the LWP in Berlin,they are very clearly NOT in soviet uniform,as stated it is a mix of the very Polish style czpka rogatewka (square topped cap) long polish overcoats or pre war style 4 pocket tunics or full british battle dress with polish caps.

IMHO this story is balderdash,what is true is that the famous pictures of the first red flag being raised are faked as the first red army soldiers there were not ethnic russians but a mix of kalmucks and siberians........

an interesting addition to this is in a victory parade of Poles through berlin(yeah,stop moaning,uncle joe let your boys parade too...) the guys with the DP machine guns(the ones that look like they have an LP on them) have large Polish eagles painted on the magazines of their machine guns.
9 Jan 2011
UK, Ireland / What's the rule on 'the UK' but just 'GB'? [60]

The UK of course chose that great British creature...

er,no,Richard I chose the 3 lions as Englands symbol,probably adapted from his father,Henri II 's single lion.
and,erm,Scotlands is the Lion rammpant ....
9 Jan 2011
History / BBC - Center for Military Studies - Gerald Kochan [28]

Sadly, it's all too common that families are left bitter and angry that a family member has chosen to give things to people other than "the person who thought they deserved it".

this could have happened with ours, a Dress sword should have gone to my grand mother as she always polished it and kept it spick and span for her father,but it ended up going to one of his sons as "family" presumed a sword should go to a male.....the Dress sword has now long since disappeared,who knows where it is,at best a collector may have it as a prize possesion....

On the other hand many veterns have no wish to tell their family anything,remember aside from the "fun" stories they occasionally tell these were the grimmest years of their lives,I only discovered my own Grandfathers huge collection of photos and empheria from his time with 2nd TAF in europe once he had end stage dementia,in our family it was a no brainer where all this stuff went,though I did insist that mu uncle(serving RAF officer) got his medels,medels my grandfather never even took out of the boxes and didnt include any you had to send off for.....
28 Dec 2010
News / Ruski a slur like Pollack? [53]

To anyone south of the mason dixon I imagine :) But I dont hear anyone bleeping out the words to "Over There" or Yankke Doodle Dandy....
28 Dec 2010
News / Polish twins have different fathers [67]

So your "friend" married a slut and so you think everyone,everywoman should now under go mandatory DNA tests during pregnancy......how very Catholic,the sin always lies in the woman....
28 Dec 2010
News / Ruski a slur like Pollack? [53]

It won,t be long before Brit is seen as an offensive word..!

It is,in context,from a Yank its fair enough,from an Irishmen it holds far deeper meanings.
Isnt Moskaly the offensive term,surely not the russian for russian?
28 Dec 2010
History / Former American President Adams in Poland. [54]

Plastic,please read again,I may not be a colonial but Im guessing Ive read atleast as much on the subject as you have,I know fine well it wasnt all about the taxes,it involved,like all revolutions,many different,dripping tap effect symptoms,enough of those and the bath soon overspills.

read again the fact I support,or would have done had i been alive,the origional principles of the american revolution(apart from the right to expand into native lands,a reason not often admitted to is that britain recognised the indians right to their own lands and activly stopped westward expansion while the colonials were ,some of them,all for massacring the redskins and nicking their land). and then "attack" my veiws again....honest,Id have been with you guys,and one of my ancestors was :)

But,then again,thats all pretty off topic regarding john Adams, a fine gentleman.
28 Dec 2010
History / Former American President Adams in Poland. [54]

plastic Pole,I like many British people at the time of the revolution am a supporter of the right to ,well,no taxation without representation. You miss my point,the initial revolution was a noble cause ,fight for the right not to pay taxes (that were never paid anyway,with no consiquences) to a government across the sea.

What you have got to remember is that in britain most people were treated as badly,infact more so,than settlers in the colonies so there was strong support for the tea party etc as it was hoped things would be put right here as well as in the colonies,and in those colonies the vast majority of people didnt want to completly cut ties with britain,just get more than the people of britain did,full representation in parliement. Good on em for trying.

Oh,and BTW,John Paul Jones is a distant ancestor so....
and if i can be bothered i'll take a pic of my staffodshire(uk) made commemorative Boston Tea Party plate made in the late 1700s.

OOps,better add, John Adams was one of the guys who was a little less extremist,didnt support the terror tactics of some in the colonial command etc and was a natural diplomat and Im not surrprised with his inquisitive mind that he found much of interest in Prussia/Poland.
28 Dec 2010
History / Former American President Adams in Poland. [54]

hhmmm,the great secret of the american revolution,one lot of landed rich elites was swiftly replaced by another its something that tends to be left out of 4th of july parades,that and the fact that even at the end of the war most americans were still"tories" or had stayed completly neutral knowing full well nothing much would change......

Nah, that's just silly.

I love your razor sharp insightfull counter points,keep them up son.
28 Dec 2010
History / Former American President Adams in Poland. [54]

Nope,sell outs to the origional revolution the lot of them,only some did the selling out with heavier hearts and a little more pragmatism.
28 Dec 2010
History / Former American President Adams in Poland. [54]

Thanks,I missed this when it was on tv here a while ago,kicked myself too as soon after I got into reading a few good books about the revolutionary wars. (only trouble is now I cant watch The Patriot without peeing my pants at the innaccuracies...)
28 Dec 2010
History / Former American President Adams in Poland. [54]

Adams,one of the famous adams family,so to speak,one of the very few founding fathers of the US who wasnt a completly hypocritical cnut,a jolly good chap by all acounts :)
28 Dec 2010
History / The Way Back ( DÅ‚ugi Marsz movie) Colin Farrell, Ed Harris [27]

Part of the reason why the film was renamed to The Way Back and there is no character named Slavomir in the film.

Oh good,at least we will be spared the sight of the escapees seeing a Yheti then......
Its hardly controversial to say that many many brave Polish men and women made perilous journeys to reach freedom and join the Polish forces under Anders etc .

But the whole Long walk is a nightmare for those torn between wanting to promote the Polish efforts in WW2 and actually wanting to know the truth.

Mind you,at least there is a nasty british journilist for some of you guys to pin all the blame on :)
28 Dec 2010
News / Can Russia be a good partner for Poland? [42]

Lol,Lord Prescot,class warrior,you shall be missed. (ive actually a lot of respect for this guy in that politically neutral way i can tip my hat to ann widdicombe and nigel farrage..)

I dont know,regarding Tusk,it must be a heck of a fine line being a leader who seems naturaly progressive in what must be the equivelent enviroment of Obama comming out and saying so what Im a socialist,live with it...

The debate about the crash is covered else where,I dont think it will ever die,its 67 years since Anthony Quale said goodbye to a certain Polish politicion and the conspiricy theories are still rife(and to be honest the water is still as musrky).
28 Dec 2010
News / Polish twins have different fathers [67]

Personally I believe a paternity test should be mandatory for each and every child born, just in case.
That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard. What good would it do, other than creating unnecessary expenses?

Well I wouldnt say it was the stupidist id "Ever" heard,but its up there,and just a bit creepy in a 1984 way. I take it sky soul mate is a man.....unfortunatly most of us of that persuasion are a little dim when it comes to things like this,thankfully though his "friend" seems more reasonable;

Being the great guy that he is he's still treating her as his own daughter despite the fact he's had to fight for time with his little girl from day one after the divorce

Which makes me wonder where this came from;

So I assume you're ok with my friend having been paying for another man's child all those years?

being as the friend obviously see's this innocent little girl as his daughter and not some alien in the litter basket..

Why the angry reply? Would a mandatory DNA testing impede on your personal life?

Yet again a bloke thinking he has the right to invade a womans privacy,infact,invade anyones privacy and I take it interfere in a married couples affairs......

Maybe,maybe,I can see an excuse,if you are going through a divorce and you have well founded suspisions that the child is not yours to then request a DNA or simple blood test but seriously,at the point of a childs birth? After 9 months of putting up with a pregnant womans crazy hormones your going to ask for proof the little bundle of joy actually was made with your muck? Come on,what then,walk out on your wife while she's still in hospital,abandon an innocent to single parent hood,for what,your pathetic male pride?