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Joined: 27 Nov 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 9 Mar 2011
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From: Warszawa
Speaks Polish?: tak

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23 Nov 2009
History / Poland and Muslims (Tatars and others). [81]

and for falsifying his birth-certificate

And presumably for travelling in his time machine to place a birth announcement in the local newspaper in the state of Hawaii.

new world order

Some people should take a reality check.
23 Nov 2009
History / Poland and Muslims (Tatars and others). [81]

the president of the usa talks trash

The last one certainly did.

That video is a selection of carefully edited clips to make a point that isn't there.

For the first time in 8 years, the US has got a decent president. His religion is a personal matter for him, and it wouldn't matter even if he was a muslim. But he isn't.
23 Nov 2009
History / Poland and Muslims (Tatars and others). [81]

I saw that video and it's trash. On the same level as those fruitcakes who say he wasn't born in the US.

Knowing something and liking it isn't the same as being it. I know and I like Jogobella, but I'm not sitting in the chiller cabinet at Marcpol.
23 Nov 2009
News / Crucifixes to stay in Polish schools [364]

Let religious believers do their religion among themselves. And I say good luck to them, and wish them no harm.

As long as they don't try to push their ideology down other people's throats.
22 Nov 2009
News / Crucifixes to stay in Polish schools [364]

One can't indeed be atheist in one place and christian/jewish/muslim/hindu/scientologist/buddhist in another. One can however respect the principle that religion is a private matter, and the workplace is not a place for it.

The EU as an entity is neither christian or any other religion. It is secular. Its citizens are free to believe in something or not. The EU does not interfere withthat.
22 Nov 2009
News / Crucifixes to stay in Polish schools [364]

Since when EU establishment is Christian?

It isn't supposed to be religious. Just like the USA, where the separation of church and State is part of the constitution.

The EU guarantees freedom of belief, but is not, repeat, not, religious, or allied to any one religious viewpoint.
22 Nov 2009
Life / Do expats living in Poland speak Polish? [233]

does anyone insist that you do so?

No, and they would get pretty short shrift if they did.

To the original poster, who wants to forget he's British, it's worth remembering that the bad things that happened back home, and the things you don't like, you may well find here.
22 Nov 2009
Life / Do expats living in Poland speak Polish? [233]

Some of us are very assimilated but still haven't lost our British identity. I almost never speak English in my home/personal life - most people around me either don't speak it at all or don't speak it with me, here in Poland, it would be hard to isolate oneself into an expat bubble.

But there's nothing wrong with holding on to your own identity and cherishing it. The British have never expected the Poles who've settled there to change their names, not eat Polish food, not observe Polish customs - why should the British who've settled in Poland behave differently?
22 Nov 2009
Life / Do expats living in Poland speak Polish? [233]

Lmao what a fcucking idiot!


I know some Americans who speak foreign languages rather well.

I also think they shouldn't be criticised that much in that respect. Their country has snow-capped mountains, green forests, desert and beaches. So they don't have the same impetus to travel - they've got such a huge and varied country to discover at home.
21 Nov 2009
Travel / Mosques in Krakow? [131]



I live in Warsaw and I'm neither a foreign student nor a Pole.

The mosque is in Sadyba, on ul. Wiertnicza, quite near where I was living when I wrote the post. I used to see the people going ther on Friday.

Here are three links to photos I found on the web: wilanow mosque

I hope that's useful :-)
20 Nov 2009
Food / What's your favorite Polish beer? [870]

Absolutely Tyskie!

Tyskie is certainly ok. I can't easily distinguish either. Królewskie in Warsaw is a bit cheaper than Tyskie and seems about the same. But 'Ciechan', which contains only water, malt and hops, is unpateurised, and costs the same, has real character.

They do a honey-flavoured and a dark beer, but the normal one with the green label is a revelation compared to the usual bland and chemical-tasting Polish fare.
20 Nov 2009
Food / Home made fruit vodka from Poland [10]

It`s almost the same as I make with Spirytus

That works too. And sounds good.

A few people suggested making the nalewka with fruit, letting it mature for a few weeks, straining it and then diluting it down with sugar syrup before leaving it for a couple of months. I tried it that way and the results were good.

Premixed fruit syrup could work well if there aren't any artificial ingredients, or the spirytus has been diluted first - or if it'd be drunk quite quickly after. It wouldn't be a good idea to dissolve something with food additives in 90% alcohol unless the recipe is tried and tested.

Banana sounds good - I might try some this year. A few banana nalewka recipes also include vanilla.
19 Nov 2009
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

Remember that the Polish underground forces prioritzied traitors far more then anything else

And very true.

Remember also that people in occupied countries didn't exactly have a huge range of choices.
18 Nov 2009
Food / Home made fruit vodka from Poland [10]

Does anyone know how to make it.

These are a bit more Polish specific.

I made quite a lot last year. Remember that ones made with spirytus and then diluted down tend to turn out better than ones with vodka (Bimber works very well in a nalewka recipe), the fruit must be clean and dry, and do not, repeat not, use plastic bottles. That can be dangerous.

Jagoda and Wiśnia seem to work best. Coffee and (expensive) chocolate is less authentic but very good.

There are lots of recipes though and people often have their favourite.


I just saw Piorun's post, and it's very similar to one I made that really worked well, though everyone said to leave it in the dark, away from the sun. Worth trying, and I agree about the cherry stones.
28 Oct 2009
Life / Animal Rights Movements in Poland [56]

hey are not labeling it as "dog lard"... they are probably selling it as proper lard at a markeplace...

There have been a couple of cases of thet, but generally, in villages, Dog Lard is much more expensive, up to 100zł a jar.

Apparently it's prized as a folk remedy for all sorts of ailments.

I rather hope it's intended for external use only!
24 Oct 2009
History / Weapons of WWII (Poland and other countries) [239]

:-( .. Look on page 5 of this thread.

I re-read page 5 and don't see any reference to a modern-day British gov't justifying civillian deaths in Dresden.

Only a link to a wikipedia article which, inter alia, mentions the extreme unease in Britain about the bombings.

Vietnamese were not deliberately targetted.

At Mai Lai? Women and children were chased, cornered, aimed at, and shot by gunmen. That was deliberate. And not unique.
24 Oct 2009
History / Weapons of WWII (Poland and other countries) [239]

You are under the impression you didn't kill innocents in the Falklands?

I think 5, in a friendly fire accident. Pales into insignificance compared to the wiomen and children deliberately burnt to death with napalm by the Amerivcans in Vietnam. Plus the other atrocities causing them to hide from the ICC.
24 Oct 2009
News / Poland's Organized Crime [58]

Gazeta Wyborcza (sorry, I can't find a link) printed a map of which gang controls which part of Warsaw. Apart from the usual suspects mentioned above, there were also other Mazowsze ones, eg. Nowy Dwór, and gangs from Białystok and Gdańsk with territory here.

But if your luxury car's stolen, it's probably off-duty police.
22 Oct 2009
Food / Problem to find "cream" in Poland [23]

£ukasz is right. The stuff for coffee is similar to British cream, but not really cream - some sort of substitute instead.

I remember when I first ate a cream cake here, and thought the cream had gone rancid.

Sometimes you can get the right stuff by asking for 'śmietana słodka' - that shouldn't have the sour taste preferred in Eastern Europe.

But French 'creme' is a bit harder to find. I saw it once in Leclerc (the big Leclerc near the junction of al. Jerozolimskie and ul. Popularna) and I think Mini Europa have it.