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Joined: 3 Apr 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 6 May 2013
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From: in the auld empty barn
Speaks Polish?: a little
Interests: life the universe and everything

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16 Jan 2011
News / Poland has low murder rate [60]

How many wars have you seen?
A few.

I dont think he meant on TV...

And now for something I was looking at with this thread before all that:
List of countries by intentional homicide rate

How the heck is the USA so much higher up the list than Afganistan?!

Organized war waging is actually quite civilized.

lmfao.......ah,the civilised firebombing of Hamburg,the civilised battle of Verdun,the civilised german activities in namibia,the Belguins in the Congo,the civilised cannon barrel excecutions of the indian mutiny....us white folks are paragons of virtue compared to those darker skinned types arnt we?

We see this a lot from the Europe folks. Having never had to deal with blacks and all the problems they bring, they have bought into the Lib Media narrative that blacks are all just poor victims of mean ol' whitey.

Lol,is that why Ive been told by freinds not to bother visitin the part of london my family lived in in the 1930s.
We have our fair share of thugs who happen to be black,and pretty damm rascist against us "white folks" too,but we also have plenty of white thugs to balance things out a bit,Im sure no white american ever commited a gruesome murder though,gosh lord no.

Look at the size of Russia, for example, and see how few serials killers they have had in relation to a small island like Britain.

They do have rather larger forests and quite a few more young people who could suddenly not be around for any number of reasons.Oh,and not to mention rather more of a tradition of covering up embarresing crimes.

Seanus, your comment amount Poland not having a big mafia, LOL.

Maybe they have spread,I have friends in the British and Dutch Police who could tell you where some of them are for sure.
16 Jan 2011
News / Die Welt-Poland and Germany are the economic driving force of Europe [239]

"I've learned" on this forum that Germans are Slavs. (lol)

Nah,cant be true,Ive "learned" on here that the celts were slavs as well,being as Britain is largely populated by germano celtic types I cant see certain members accepting the English as Slavs can you,their argument collapses in a spluttering of lemon tea :)
15 Jan 2011
Law / GBP to PLN: Best way to get good exchange rate? [22]

And always, but always look round before you do anything. Imagine that you're being followed and act accordingly.

actually,that looks like a bloomin good way to get yourself mugged....or arrested. Just be aware of your surroundings,go there on a "dry run" if you want,ie,check the place out,maybe change a small amount too and then youve an idea of he layout of your surroundings etc and can maybe feel what would seem out of place the next time you go there,dont what ever you do go there imagining you are being followed,you just start making yourself paranoid,and looking over your shoulder every couple of seconds wont help ....
14 Jan 2011
History / My Great Grand father took part in the Battle of Warsaw! [90]

were compelled to accept Russian military base on the islands just across the strait from their capital after WWII

Ah,the fraternity of heroic workers shines once more....mind you,to be fair the Finns had sided with Satan to fight Lucifer...
14 Jan 2011
USA, Canada / Things that Polish-American should know about Poland. [168]

So the Brits and often the Polish expats who now live in the UK (are you following me?) despise the Americans first and foremost, then they look down upon the rest of Europe followed by a feeling of contempt for the "real Poles" who they believe are clueless.

lol,nice line in sweeping generalisations there mate,is this a demonstration of the welcoming attitude you seek on here?
13 Jan 2011
History / Polish flag over the Reichstag first? [399]

Fine! Ill leave you two nutjobs and I go play some Warcraft 3 -.-

lol,aparently its Plaintree helmet cover and Oak pattern smock,never worn outside wSS....but all I know personnally is,SS = spotty, WH = splodges and rain drops...
13 Jan 2011
History / Polish flag over the Reichstag first? [399]

Neither, marsh camo came in four different patterns but hey you're the big one on the uniforms you should know right?

how clever of you,youve learnt how to use google,sorry,but you still talk sh it,the guy in the origional photo is wSS,simple,any of this "marsh camo" nonsense smacks of you for some reason taking this debate so seriously you dare not admit you are wrong,bless....
13 Jan 2011
History / Polish flag over the Reichstag first? [399]

lol,your evidence is a reenactor and some repro "ss" uniform.....where the insignia is clearly not even attached to the 44 patt camo tunic,clearly a different style of jacket to the smock in the origional photo.

Note to sok,must try harder,or admit that isthatu2 is a bigger nerd when it comes to ww2 uniforms :)

As well as m43 Ostfront marsh camo which is what this is.

nope,thats one of the early patterns,worn during invasion of Poland and france,but disgarded by the invasion of greece,so never seen on the ost front....I think i actually know the guy in that colour photo mate so.........

There is a simple way to spot army or ss camo....wSS camo always had dots in it,army camo never had dots in it.
13 Jan 2011
History / Polish flag over the Reichstag first? [399]

Yes there is need for markings, the 1943 pattern uniform was worn by panzergrenadiers and SS, this guy is clearly Wechrmacht, SS always had their markings, they carried an asston of spares too.

erm,clearly not fella.what are you pratling on about? The m43 was the grey tunic and trousers worn by all heer and many wSS,not the WAFFEN SS camo smock and helmet cover clearly being worn by this WAFFEN SS man.

Being as the wSS never wore insignia on their camo,beyond in the later stages occasionally wearing lufftwaffe style rank on the sleaves,but very very rarely, Im not sure how a lack of insignia proves anything.

"They carried an asston of spares" eh? WTF,some medic(?) clearly not in the frontline(as photographers rarely get in front of soldiers in battle) ,what do you want him to be covered in. Looks to me like he's dumped his belt order in order to get to his water bottle( a real b itch to try to get off while its strapped to the bread bag).

If I really wanted to score a cheap point I could cut and paste the photo to a forum Im on and within hours have the exact pattern of wSS camo the guy is wearing,and from the tank probably also his unit......
13 Jan 2011
History / Polish flag over the Reichstag first? [399]

nope,no need for markings,he's wSS,clear by the wSS specific camo.....
Again,not really true that....The german army Tankers had always worn black panzer uniforms,in a sense,the wSS tankies copied the army style.

Some pzgr units did wear a camo smock but this was in a distinctive army camo pattern. All easily researchable Im afraid.
13 Jan 2011
UK, Ireland / Poles living in the UK returning home or not? [63]

It's not a good idea having mass immigration of culturally dissimilar people with a bad track record of integration, whatever the reason. The UK is a prime example of how it can all go horribly wrong.

How is a country with well over a thousand years of integration of peoples from all over europe,then the last couple of hundred years,all over the world a prime example of anything?

But yes,I agree,mass migration is never a "good idea" especially when this comes for purely financial reasons and within weeks the locals see shops springing up everywhere to cater for the special dietry needs of Poles obviously showing no interest in integration....
13 Jan 2011
UK, Ireland / Poles living in the UK returning home or not? [63]

This will make Polish kids look even better long-term.

How exactly do you figure this one out?

I saw Griffin the Nazi on UK telly yesterday saying that no-one wanted 20,000 Poles in the Oldham area.

This man speaks for very few people,his attitudes are quite strange to the majority of english people,in point of fact,Id say his chauvanisim is far more Polish style than traditionaly english....
13 Jan 2011
UK, Ireland / Poles living in the UK returning home or not? [63]

Go on then, how many?

lol, dont worry, true facts wont get in the way of a Polish pity party.......friggin hell,the heros of cassino must be spinning in their graves at such as bunch of soft skinned ,feeling sorry for themsleves and blaming the world bunch of p u ssies.....

When the Poles stay in Britain, it's bad, and when they get the hell out of Britain it's also bad with isthate, right?

Nope,nothing close to what I said or implied....get a life kid.

So the Poles allegedly flood "the jobs market" in Britain? When and where?

Yes,20,000 extra working age adults in one town is flooding by anyones definition.....our governments fault or the fault of dodgy employment agencies here and in Poland? Who really cares when wages have halfed?
13 Jan 2011
History / Polish flag over the Reichstag first? [399]

Jesus ... you are a simple mind! As if every German during that time was a Nazi. Only someone with no braincells at all can make statements like that.

here here,got to agree with that. Sorry sokrates but youve just decended to the level of the worst nazi scum.

The guy on the pic is not SS he's a Wechrmacht panzergrenadier.

Nope,ther man is clearly wearing SS camoflague,the Heer camo for pzgs was along army patterns,totally different,and no heer units wore wSS uniforms.

But as I read often it had been the Soviets who started the torturing to death of german POW's, hanging their corpes onto trees to mock the enemy. Like that:

BB,sorry,but look at the "soviets" in that photo again fella...there is no way those uniforms(and huge moustaches) are from ww2. Looks more like something from the civil war era.

BB,to clear up re wSS rarely taking POWs,this I believe was less idealogical than it was "practical",ie,fast moving advances etc,just like the brits charging up mount tumbledown in 82.

For decades after the war it was not often heard that allied soldiers did their Malmedies too...it was of course only the Germans who got hanged for it!

No,the more disturbing thing was that it was hardly a secret. Just look at the scene in the film The Longest Day(a scene based on fact) where the Ranger shoots the unarmed surrendering germans and turns to the GI beside him after and asks "what does bitte bitte mean" followed by a "joke" "look,i just washed my hands?".....scene coppied in Saving private ryan.

An old boy I know told me of the time he and his friend were ordered by their officer to "dispose" of the by then interogated russian pows they had in a shed.He told me he and his mate let the russians slip away before throwing in a couple of potatoe mashers. I asked him if this was normal practice for wSS,he told me,no,never in the 12 months he'd served had he known of pows being released or even passed back down the lines,he admited that although as a human he was glad he didnt murder that day the only reason they didnt was they figured the war was lost anyway by then and they would probably end up in the hands of the soviets any day now.(he and his unit made it west to surrender )
13 Jan 2011
History / Polish flag over the Reichstag first? [399]

Well the wSS generally had orders not to bother taking russian pows except as tongues,so the Russians simply reciprocated. Normal "rules" simply did not apply on the ost front.

The incidents of the w SS being shot on capture by western allies were generally in retaliation for specific crimes,such as the Malmady massacre in the opening stages of the Bulge. In the case of less official crimes by British troops against the w SS a lot of the time it dated back to two infamous massacres of British pows during the retreat to Dunkirk in 1940.

If you look say at the battle of Arnhem the w SS demonstrated the other side of ther proffesionalism where on the whole they stuck to the accepted rules of war even including captured Poles in this despite this being at the height of the warsaw uprising.

Also,after the camps were liberated many American commanders issued orders for all SS to be shot on sight.
Lets face it,the winners are always innocent post war.....
13 Jan 2011
UK, Ireland / Poles living in the UK returning home or not? [63]

The Polish should leave the sinking boat of Britain - the Titanic, as the Weekending Mrs T. bluntly put it some 30 years ago... and go back home!

isnt that what rats do?. Im guessing the irony of contributing to the sinking by flooding the jobs market is lost on a brain size such as you demonstrate?
13 Jan 2011
History / Polish flag over the Reichstag first? [399]

Depends on the unit. No,there were never any official orders (as under Americans) or mass shootins as under most troops from occupied nations,but no, I certainly didnt mean no British soldier ever shot a pow, one of the D Day VC winners openly boasted of having shot unarmed germans.....the recce group at Arnhem routinly killed every german as they couldnt take them captive. But those are far different to the widespread,mass participation murders of pows some of our allies took part in.
12 Jan 2011
History / My Great Grand father took part in the Battle of Warsaw! [90]

Give it back to who? I don't think the Poles will be too impressed at being told to give up some of their land.

No,Im being reasonable,give the city and its imediate environs back to the Germans,the place needs a good clean up,the rest of it the countries that actualy border the "oblast" can share it,sorry Russia,no bits for you then.

And lol to Poland not having a history of using terror tactics against occupiers...tell that to the various underground groups in ww2(and just after for that matter),tell it to the dead germans in the various bars and cinemas blown up,or the germans or Polish colaberators shot in the street or their homes.....but wait,the afgans often use kids and fight while positioned amongst local civilians,that could never happen in Poland....Warsaw 44 grey ranks etc etc.

If the chips are down any nationality can get down and nasty if thats whats felt to be needed.
12 Jan 2011
History / My Great Grand father took part in the Battle of Warsaw! [90]

Ok,i'll call it what it was till russia stole it,murdered or drove out the natives,Prussian.
The soviets only stole it for better acess to the Baltic ,you have no fleet now so why not do the right thing and give it back?
11 Jan 2011
Australia / Your new PM, A question for Aussies, and anyone living there. [20]

First off,this is no disrespect to Australia,this "pom" has plenty of ties to Oz for that to be slandering huge chunks of my family...

Your new PM,really,that voice,OMG,is it just to untrained ears or is that voice as anoyingly whingy and whiney to you guys aswell? Every time I see the woman I think" God,Jodie Fosters let herself go" but when I hear her all I can think of is the grotesques in Kath and Kim..."Look at me,look at me.." :) But thats not too funny when its in the middle of the news reports about the terrible floods.
11 Jan 2011
History / My Great Grand father took part in the Battle of Warsaw! [90]

There was a young fella called Kostya
to the Pole he said "I accost ya"
The Pole at this larfed,
so much that he barfed
all over the Russkies sapogii

So young Kostya took off his ushanka
bit still looked a bit of a wanka
he brushed down his gymn'
with a packet of vim
and ran home to the suburbs of Moscva
11 Jan 2011
History / My Great Grand father took part in the Battle of Warsaw! [90]

There was a young lady from Pinsk
who went on a bus ride to Minsk,
The bus driver fella
took a left for Oddessa
and neither have been seen since..

See,genuine english poetry about the area.....must be fact.
11 Jan 2011
History / Polish flag over the Reichstag first? [399]

Sounds like a Parisian,funny,but youd want to slap them :)
Yes,there were times when it was officially sanctioned to American units,by their HQs that they had to shoot all captured wSS men,which was a bit of a twaty thing to do because by then most were conscripts who happened to be a couple of inches taller than avarage and foundout that made them Aryan enough!!:(

Mind you the french(and to some extent the Poles too) didnt bother too much with little distinctions like whether someone was in the SS or the german postal service,countless men were shot while "trying to escape"....saying that though,Im sure had more of britain been occupied than just the channel islands Im sure "our" boys could have been just as hot headed..
11 Jan 2011
Life / Polish spy or action films? [17]

more of a reason for the rumour to be true :)

On the larger balance of probabilities I agree 100% there probably was a dash of this Polish chap in the mix,but it was definatly a mix of people. Its funny these days as more MI6 files are being slightly declassified that some of the more absurd bond storylines are being shown to have a basis in fact; the wartime SOE operative who came ashore at the seaside resort part of the Hague,stripped off his dry suit and was wearing a white tuxedo,he got past the germans by pretending to be a drunk coming back from the cassino :)