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Joined: 3 Apr 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 6 May 2013
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From: in the auld empty barn
Speaks Polish?: a little
Interests: life the universe and everything

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21 Jan 2011
News / Die Welt-Poland and Germany are the economic driving force of Europe [239]

we tend not to let poor people die as a matter of policy

Unless you have statistics to prove the US "lets people die" then all your statement does is play fast and loose with reality.

I hope your reasoning isnt some silly patriotism thing"cant let the Brit point out anything that might not make the US look like heaven on earth".

Well,we have a policy of free at the point of acess to medical care,where as in the US Medicine Sans Frontiers often sets up clinics in sports halls to enable poorer people to acess the most basic health care,they use the same equipment they have to use in the 3rd world ...so yes,sorry to say,indirectly,people die as a matter of policy in the US,routinly and often.


It's not my fault. I hear that all the time...

Well its certainly not my fault,I own my house outright and dont use a credit card or have any outstanding debts,unless you can say the same I would suggest not trying to put a personal spin on this.

No one said it was ONLY the sub prime snafu in the US that is to blame for europes own reccesion and debts(which incidently are tiny compared to your own countries) but if you want to put that silly spin on what I left out ,then,knock yourself out mate.

Speaking of states looking to default etc,can you tell me how california is doing please....
Face it mate,we are all in the brown stuff,difference being you are a far deeper than europe right now.
21 Jan 2011
News / Die Welt-Poland and Germany are the economic driving force of Europe [239]

Interesting... Every time you feel ill right? At no cost right?

Yes,but like I say,the rate of national insurence is far from "no cost"

Tell me why Cameron is looking for NHS to openly compete with private health care companies?

Because he is a right wing ,multi milionare twat who has never once ,despite his constant bleating about his son and new baby using the NHS actually been in a position where he would ever have to worry about paying any bills. Daddies millions,an Eton education and a membership of the conservative party dont exactly breed some one with the majority of the people at the heart of his concerns. "How much can be made,how many fat contracts can I get for the old boy network" and simply "how can I spite the left " would be the main motivations here,sadly,down to democracy we have to put up with this bunch of tory boys for another 4 years.

Tell me why the EU is burdened with debt with some looking to default?

I have no idea,is it because we tend not to let poor people die as a matter of policy and dont have the astronomical fees for Medical students that they have in the US therby compelling Doctors to think of the bucks then the patient?

Or is it maybe a big combination of many factors,one of them being the sub prime debacle that rippled out from the US?
21 Jan 2011
News / Die Welt-Poland and Germany are the economic driving force of Europe [239]

Yes, of course, but I don't mind paying something because nothing is for free.

Exactly, You pay ,to my eyes,a huge amount just to see a Doctor but at the time where as I pay National insurence out of my wages,we both pay but even if Ive been out of work for 6/12 months I can still visit my Doctor on the day I first feel ill and not have to worry about whether that means I or my family eats more than beans and bread for the next few months.

Its not perfect but it means everyone gets equal access to health care including the sort of treatments that US medical insurers would avoid and would put non insured people into 100s of thousands of dollars of debt. Of course when earning a good wage I can pay into private insurence and then make use of private hospitals etc the only restriction is that the NHS will often not continue funding for exactly the treatment I may have been under going privatly if I can no longer pay the private company..
20 Jan 2011
News / Die Welt-Poland and Germany are the economic driving force of Europe [239]

PP,If tommorow,god forbid,you find a lump,will you have to pay to see someone about it? You see,I wouldnt have to,so working or temporarily financialy embaresed thats one less worry,you see where Im coming from.

I dont mean I expect Doctors to work for free,of course not,neither do I expect them to earn the pitince they do in Cuba say,but to have to pay at the point of first access,or even to have to worry about how to pay after is to my mind a hideous perversion of the Hipocratic oath and basic humanity.
20 Jan 2011
News / Die Welt-Poland and Germany are the economic driving force of Europe [239]

Is the powerfull or simply wealthy section of sociaty withholding the key to life by charging for medical access (gained through knowladge and discoveries of people in the main who were non profit humanitarians for the good of all) any better than the rich with holding food or water?
20 Jan 2011

Because you are an evil,calous little internet brownshirt, honestly,I dont like saying this but you Jarnowa are for sure an UNTERMENSCH.

The same people who started using this kind of words for people they didn't like ended up building extermination camps for them. Good to know about your deepest thoughts. You can be proud of yourself!

You were clearly at the back of the queue when they handed out brains,so I shall spell it out for you; You are the one claiming entire races are below you and all "white" people you are the one recomending segregation on grounds of religion and or race,in short fella,you are the one invoking some form of rassenkrieg or at the least the absolute painting of one race as superior to another,so in simple terms,yes,you are SUBHUMAN. All black irony very clearly intended you knuckle dragger.
20 Jan 2011

but i don't see what's wrong saying things about her character and her stupid choices.

Because you are an evil,calous little internet brownshirt, honestly,I dont like saying this but you Jarnowa are for sure an UNTERMENSCH.
20 Jan 2011

Just wait until our resident bigots click that link and have a look at the photos in the article....

was just on the local TV news here in Yorkshire,and guess what,my thoughts exactly....

People with no respect for human life don't deserve to be treated alike.

No,thats why this animal ended up locked up.

Funny enough in 15yrs this bloke will be released on parole and will go ahead and kill someone else.

Erm,you can see into the future how? Do you work with Tom Cruise in the Pre Crime department?

Why we have paroles in the judicial system is beyond me.

To give people the hope that if they can demonstrate true redemption or rehabilitation then they will be released on a very strict licience and given a chane to become productive members of sociaty.

How can you justify this idiot's parole??!

Who has? Its not an issue for many years...

You live by the sword, you die by the sword - simple as!

very old testiment,as a good christain isnt Thou shalt not kill the main tenent? Two wrongs dont make a right etc.
20 Jan 2011
Law / Polish Citizenship request rejected--military service of father [18]

It would seem unlikely that a fit young man born in 1900 didnt do some form of mil service if he stayed in Poland till 1927,unless there was a good reason/formal exemption for him not to,surely if the Polish government are implying the records of this are gone in Poland(ww2 tended to do that to paper records around europe) they can not put the onus on you to provide paperwork from pre 1927?
19 Jan 2011
Life / Hollywood Lyrics, why a Polish girl? ('A Polish girl in America') [37]

I promise to let it go after this,but,sorry,cant resist it,another reason maybe why some americans shouldnt label brits as bombers or turning a blind eye to them,this has got to be up there in the bizzaro stakes;

19 Jan 2011
News / Die Welt-Poland and Germany are the economic driving force of Europe [239]

So when a patient, and elderly patient, in a universal medical care system is diagnosed with cancer and needs a PET scan the European government providing such care picks up the tab?

Simply put,yes. The elderly patient,unless they are a newcomer to this country has paid all their life into a national insurence scheme,but even those who havnt paid or as much dont get turned away .

How long does that patient have to wait for the modality?

A lot less time than an old person or young person struggling to raise the money to pay for it.
Its not perfect,but thats why we have the choice to go private here,but I still prefer it to the idea of being turned away for treatment because some buisness doesnt see me as viable.

Its got to be said I was surprised to hear that a pole suggested in the US that Doctors were the 2nd most hated proffesion,im not sure if it was after lawyers or realters(sp).certainly thats far from the case in any country where Doctors arnt in medicine to make big money but are in it to do good on the whole.
19 Jan 2011
Australia / Your new PM, A question for Aussies, and anyone living there. [20]

i do find her annoying, much like i did the smug rudd.

Hey,our last few PMs have been awfull...but,what is it with Aussie PMs being second rate look alikes of hollywood stars of the 70s? The present being,like I say,Jodie foster,and the last one had more than a passing resemblance to John (angelina Jolies dad) Voight :),you know the ones,corperate event style lookilikees rather than absolute doubles..O)
19 Jan 2011
History / If i could write European history i would unite Europe under Polish language [67]

Polish language is biggest alive language that stays in direct connection with ancient native European language.

LMFAO, I could use dozens of ancient british words to describe this idea and your reasoning(?) behind it,but theyd all get censored out with *****s .....

It's also scientifically proven our language stimulates the creative parts of the brain

not sure about that,but it certainly stimulates the saliva glands,Scheveningen indead :)([ˈsxeːvənɪŋə(n)])

but certainly it is a language that is far more rich than e.g. English.

wzdislaw Shakespearski?
19 Jan 2011
USA, Canada / Name Your Poison: How a Banned Polish Vodka Buffaloed Its Way Into the U.S. [15]

mmmmmmm,my first ever drink on Polish soil, used to be like that over here,though I dont think for legal reasons,if you found it you bought it,now my local,non polish corner shop stocks it :)

Makes me chuckle though, no blades of grass but worms are fine :)
19 Jan 2011
Life / Hollywood Lyrics, why a Polish girl? ('A Polish girl in America') [37]

To your point: A very small portion of Irish American funneled gun money to Sinn Fein / IRA..70s - 90s however it mostly outlawed now.

My point exactly Pete,you throw around stuff about "thanks for the shoe bomber", yeah,a few looney immigrants who happen to live in the UK as oppossed to say,working as a Doctor in the US Army, decided to try and murder people on trans atlantic flights,flights that were crammed with British people too and you throw that at Brits in general,so,as stupid as if I had said I accussed "all" Americans of funding terrorism,or that it was still legal to do so. I cant remember it being legal this side of the pond,either to fund terrorism or to strap bombs to your shoes or your nuts.

..It does seem that an awful lot of terrorists are escaping your people's usually exacting eyes here of late and if I was you b@stards I'd peak in on the mosques a little more often.

agreed,but we have tighter restrictions on reporting security matters over here. Where as the CIA and FBI are compelled under freedom of information our MI5 and MI6 are still far more hush hush. With britain undoubtedly being a hub point for some muslims it stands to reason that there are so many on going operations that cant be reported , I guess what Im saying is,and of course if you want to get back to us being childish again,that the ones you hear about being stopped are maybe only the tip of the ice berg of how many terrorist acts are stopped. But lets face it,for every terrorist with a british passport I can point you to one with US citizenship,Times square wasnt some brit from bradford was it.

We take the p1ss out of each other but we ,our countries and our army's are both fighting the same fanatics and ocasionally those fanatics have got through and killed in both our countries. I could give a damn about the so called 2special relationship" as little as you do for it,but when we we both share the same problems and potential enemies it does come across as petty to start pointing out what colour/color passport X Y Z muslim lunatic carried?
19 Jan 2011
Life / I got beaten and kicks in my face just cuz i dont look polish [205]

lol,how did I miss this first time???

He said all negroes, turks, immigrants and dutch people only speak one sentence in Polish that is "suck my

so an immigrant is slagging off immigrants,you see my point dont you? Ive delt with slagging of the Dutch already,but lets just say,if your mate was in the Dam chances are the he hardly met a dutchman during his stay....this would be the same country you slag off for cultural and linguistic ignorance,Ive stood in fast food joints in Holland and heard the cashiers,most of them switched easliy between 3 or 4 languages when serving non Dutch tourists.(obviously I dont mean for the same customer,they're not Parisians ;) )
19 Jan 2011
Life / I got beaten and kicks in my face just cuz i dont look polish [205]

If its ok for Mr potatoe head in a tracksuit to date a Polish girl , then everything with more brain cells than a whelk should be permitted...

lol,its the "how the fek doesnt he crush her"thought that flits through your head when you see some Fezik with a shaved head with some tiny 4 foot something doll like Polish girl lol,mind you in those cases its irespective of nationality,just looks funny,like Jaws and that little blonde in Moonraker

I think that radicalised him a bit in his view of women and non poles. No one's fault though. And there's nothing he can do about it.

Ok,maybe the examples you make were a bit slutty to say the least,but you get slutts and playboys(sorry,thats the best I can do with patriarchal language ;) ) from every country for sure. But what makes me laugh is that at its heart its just the male dilema being exposed, They want a virgin for a wife but expect her to be the best shag of their life......

dutch people only speak one sentence in Polish that is "suck my

Yeah,go to Dreil or one of the places liberated by the 2nd pp diw and then slander all Dutch people that way.
18 Jan 2011
Life / Hollywood Lyrics, why a Polish girl? ('A Polish girl in America') [37]

and probably dont send random pms telling me to get over my "anti Americanism",yeah,lol made me choke on my burger and Dr Pepper when I read that,missed a crucial bit in Law and Order coz of the coughing,havent been so breathless since when I stole 3 bases having an asthma attack during a ballgame when I was 16.

Ah well,curses to all you yankee running dog imperialists,we want our colony back,grrr!! ;)
18 Jan 2011
Life / Hollywood Lyrics, why a Polish girl? ('A Polish girl in America') [37]

it didnt really become widespread until the 50's with the beatniks:

the word being "widespread" ie,when whitey started using it more......bless your cotton socks though for trying...
But Ive noticed you dodged the issue of Americans openly funding terrorist attacks on the UK though,well done....
18 Jan 2011
Life / Hollywood Lyrics, why a Polish girl? ('A Polish girl in America') [37]

Daddy O[ is a phrase from the 50's. A little after the Bulge, etc., I'm afraid.

Nope,its a hep jazz cat phrase from the late 30s,like you say,Im the history buff ....

What for? To shake hand with the next shoe bomber you bucketheads are sending over here?

Yeah,can you put some flowers on Ted Kennedys grave for me,want to thank him for all the IRA bombers he helped fund along with the NYFD....
18 Jan 2011
Life / Hollywood Lyrics, why a Polish girl? ('A Polish girl in America') [37]

Good for you,you still havent been to the UK so I guess you just enjoy talking BS...BTW,was this when you were busy fighting the 1st SS panzer army in the Bulge daddy O?

OOh,bless,your a thin skinned little colonial arent you old bean? never mind,Septic Tank is still in common use here,as is,hick,redneck,hillbilly,inbred,dumbass etc etc.

Who said Im offended by Limey,I just pointed out how old fashioned it sounds,like I say,sounds more 19440s than 21st century ,no offense taken( i suspect unfortunately for you),just think it sounds quant,like a brit calling you or an sheep worrier a "Colonial".

BTW,re the flag burning,yes,so what,can I point you to hundreds of videos on line of flags being burned in the US,by veterans etc? And if US flags arent meant to be burnt why do the official ones all come with a match?
18 Jan 2011
Life / Hollywood Lyrics, why a Polish girl? ('A Polish girl in America') [37]

Nah,just a stereotype of a dumb yank.....sad,never actually met a yank in real life who wasnt charming ,inteligent and open minded,why are so many of the ones on line complete knobs?

Whats really funny/charming,depending on my mood is Petes constant use of the phrase "Limeys", crikey Pete,you missed the boat for the Normandy landings by about 70 years old chap. Whats your major malfuntion,do you dress up as a GI at the weekend,re fight the battle of the bulge at Fort Indiantown? The last time I think anybody used "limey" was about 1944/5,your either really old and dumb or just really young and dumb with a crazy hep kit ,hit me baby eight to the bar 1940s way of speaking......far out daddy O.

ps,to remind you of the origins of the phrase "Limey",basicaly while your Navy's sailors were dropping like flies from scurvy they spent their last dying gasps laughing at the silly english sailors for eating limes.....yeah,huge insult your throwing Pete,just reminding folks how dumb you are,but geuss what fella,most Americans no longer have a mind set circa 1812 nor a vocabulary circa 1944....one must say,whichever part of europe your mob ran from must be thanking their lucky stars your not still muddying the gene pool.
18 Jan 2011
Life / Hollywood Lyrics, why a Polish girl? ('A Polish girl in America') [37]

have you ever actually been to the UK or are you just a halfwit coward,never left his country because the big bad worlds too scary???

You might spew out stupid stuff about the British fella but why do so many of your country men come back here for vacations if its such a deadly hive of evil yank haters? Grief,get a life.
17 Jan 2011
Australia / Your new PM, A question for Aussies, and anyone living there. [20]

No,I precisly didnt want to talk about the floods,but seeing as its ended up in the austrailian section I thought Id better point out Ive been out my home because of a flood 3 years ago,Im not making light of whats been going on up north there.

it's called a critique.

No,its called making up someone else's "real but unwritten motives...." a bloomin everyday event around here,and tiresome .