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Will eight million Polish people flock to the UK now that we are going for a hard Brexit? [38]
When you say without USA support, do you mean military support Crow or economic?? Or both?
Every. USA needs to focus on China and because of that needs at least minimal Russian understanding, even Russian mediation between USA-China. Plus, USA needs Russia due to turmoils in Islamic world. That all automatically means that all western European schemes that threatening Russian interests becoming `dead weight` to USA. So, USA cleanse the situation. That`s why USA magnates allowed Trump to win (but you won`t read about it in mass media). Sure, UK earlier already got signal (about incoming changes in USA stance) and deflect and retreat from EU (rest of western Europe), even abandoning it, washing hands from conflict with Russia. UK tries to avoid direct conflict with Russia via `back door`, via USA. More and more Germany becoming isolated, main profiteer from anti-Russian actions by EU.
Why do you think that being an "ordinary" country is a bad thing?
ordinary is ordinary. Simple.
Being "normal" (whatever that means) is good, or do you want both countries to have global ambitions again?
normal is normal. Yes, it is positive, good.
Despite, Germany and the U.K. are both economic powerhouses (#4 and 5 in the world), and Britain is also a nuclear power. Russia wouldn't dare to touch them.
Russia, if want, can ruin UK in a few days. Without even using army. But, before that happens, if new USA administration (USA magnates) conclude that UK have leadership which tend to conflict with Russia, USA would stop UK. As the matter of fact, its exactly what`s happening.
The French
France would open itself to Russia maximally. In Anglo dominated world, they also needs Russians. Desperately.
In a world that globalize and transforming into multi-polar, players already tries to preserve its position as one of global centers- centers of civilizations.