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Posts by isthatu2  

Joined: 3 Apr 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 6 May 2013
Threads: Total: 4 / In This Archive: 2
Posts: Total: 2692 / In This Archive: 1778
From: in the auld empty barn
Speaks Polish?: a little
Interests: life the universe and everything

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25 Jan 2011
Off-Topic / Some Kurdish and Polish Similarities [53]

Try a Doncaster forum or message board,there are a few Polish /Kurdish couples around here and your only down the M62 :)
25 Jan 2011
Life / Some Poles have fine houses [68]

Many "modern" houses in Poland aren't finish all the way to the top. I guess - too ambitious project for not enough of money. Is it?

Probably a Tax break/dodge....see the same in Spain etc, half built houses being lived in quite happily while not paying the taxes a fully built house would, fair play :)

BTW,love those old wooden country houses,so sweet.
I thought there was some rule that pre war proparty was protected,or is that only in towns and cities?
25 Jan 2011
Law / Vehicle imports from Germany to Poland [6]

could try just dashing across the border about 4 am ,seems to have worked in the past for german vehicles entering Poland.........:) I'll get my coat.....
25 Jan 2011
Life / Some Poles have fine houses [68]

lol,this is reminding me of my first trip to Poland a few years ago now. Looking out the window on the drive into katowice I think it was,on the way to Krakow anyway, I kept seeing all these little sheds with washing lines and furniture outside them and thought to myself"damn,these people are poorer than I thought!!!" Didnt help we'd just been cut up by one of those Polski Fiat things,with no bonnet(hood) and a missing back window after being caught behind one of those ancient (I later realised ,Ukrainina) coaches.......Ok,so now I now they are just garden sheds on Allotments,sort of mini Dachas .....live and learn lol
23 Jan 2011

I'm a married man and that changes the perspective slightly, doesn't it?
That's why I mentioned upbringing and religion

lol,sorry bout that,missunderstandings again eh? :)
It was "till death us do part" rather than "you dont come from around here boy" :)
23 Jan 2011

and a proper concept of God as the Creator of all the Creations should only bolster your belief of human's over just the skin tone.

Here here, I wasnt going to mention the hypocracy of claiming religion then also claiming one races implicit superiority over anothers down to being an unashamed basher of all organised cults. But, I cant remember anywhere having heard Jesus' sermon of the white mans supperiority over the brown man or his one where he talks about wishing for racial segregation as part of the kingdom of heaven on earth....
23 Jan 2011

just black your face up and you'll find that you get rejected by women just as quickly as you do when you're your usual colour.

Yes,but please remember only do this in safe places such as Brixton,Peckham,Baltimore,Lagos,Soweto etc,realy wouldnt want him getting hurt after all....
23 Jan 2011
News / Die Welt-Poland and Germany are the economic driving force of Europe [239]

West should be thankful to China for supporting Africa financially in last years.

Yes,and for taking most of its rare earth,Im mighty thankfull for China starting on the path to colonialism arnt you....remember,starts with small trading posts,moves on to influencing local officials(both already happening) then leads on,history shows us,to far more direct,overt influence followed by ocupation/subjegation. Yep,pleased as punch about Red China's influence in Africa...
23 Jan 2011
News / Die Welt-Poland and Germany are the economic driving force of Europe [239]

The Kingdom of Heaven!

Nah,the muslims and jews own that piece of real estate these days,dont look much fun to me....unless your not actually refering to Outremmer :)

It's time to get together and form a trade blockade.

"We" tried that in the 19th century,those pesky Chinamen just wouldnt buy our class A narcotics any more so we invaded,set up "international" trade cities ,tied up trade in that area for years had soldiers from all over the world forcing china to kowtow,but all that led,more or les directly to China adopting communism..or rather a Moaist splitter version of being communist.
23 Jan 2011
Language / Are the languages of Russian and Polish similar at all? [94]

As a native Russian speaker you're really taken aback when driving along streets in Prag...

Why,they still not taken down the barricades?;)
Kidding,thats funny re being shamed as you drive....
22 Jan 2011
UK, Ireland / What's the rule on 'the UK' but just 'GB'? [60]

So the big yellow flag with a huge Red lion Rampant is not a symbol of Scotland then? Thats a lot of flags to put in the bin then...:)
22 Jan 2011

I think they were just a regular couple that were trying to make ends meet in a bad neighborhood,

I could give so many reasons just from the photos alone but I wont out of belated respect for them,but the signs are there for drug use.
22 Jan 2011

Thats about as valid as anyones guess right now.
face it,all we really know is that two people are dead. The young woman probably died first as Police had trouble identifying her gender suggesting she had been dead rather longer than the man. And that they lived in a crappy part of a generally crappy city.

May their God bring them peace.
22 Jan 2011

it could be, but I cant imagine why he wouldnt call for help for her if this did happen

Heroin does funny things to people I suppose is the sanitised answer,and no,Im not speaking from literaly personal experience but from having known too many decent(and some utter *****s) people getting caught up with this vile drug,for all sorts of reasons,often not through lack of education ,"breading/upbringing",or any other stereotype. Nice middle class kids who after getting hooked would sell anyone or anything just to get high. Ive heard of addicts who witness close freinds even loved ones overdosing or discover them after the fact who have disapeared on 3/4 day benders getting high in bedsit land never once reporting the death....its an evil drug.

I suppose if these theories prove correct the next step will be well who supplied them.....ultimatly its Bradford so that chain only leads in one way...
21 Jan 2011

Thats why I edited WR. Sorry about initial post.
As speculation is bound to flourish on here anyway,i'll jump in first in a non judgemental,too many people I used to know are poss in similar situations....From the photos, Id speculate its likely drugs were involved(and for many months tbh) an OD followed by a guilt/grief stricken suicide.

Either way, lets not cast judgements on the 2 of them 2 relativly young people have died a long way from their families ,your right,its a shame no one was there to offer the right help.
21 Jan 2011

So sad they had nobody to help them....

"Det Supt Singh said: "We know that both Bartlomiej and Karolina had links with the Polish community in Bradford so it's very likely that the information they have could be particularly useful to our enquiries

Hope some one comes forward,though I have a horrible feeling this is going to have an all to familiar feel once more is revealed.

Ah,but this wont atract the usual animals though,by all acounts a murder- suicide/death through misadventure- suicide wasnt it? When the police got there they couldnt even tell the gender of the person on the floor and only knew the person found hung was male. Both,white,christian Poles,so,like I say,the hatefull ones will stay away.

Anyhow,a couple younger than me is dead before their time,thats sad and I hope their families find some comfort somewhere.
21 Jan 2011
Life / Some Poles have fine houses [68]

A brick is a brick.

True enough,but it only counts as to how they are put together.
21 Jan 2011
News / Die Welt-Poland and Germany are the economic driving force of Europe [239]

No,its about the banking crisis in general,being as europe and the US have interlinked econamies the US will naturally pop up as a part of the wider discusion,but your right,as usual,too much focus on having to compare the US and europe,guilty as charged(but I didnt start it.....;) )in the last page maybe,and if you complain that health care is irrelevant many would say its not,we compare euro Social health care to the US's private health care as europe is finding it hard to fund and the US are attempting to put more public funds into theirs to maybe find a middle ground that could work.
21 Jan 2011
Life / Some Poles have fine houses [68]

Well made?

Well I wasnt going to bring up those breeze block monstrosities I saw being thrown up between Krakow/Zakopane a few years back......
21 Jan 2011
Life / Some Poles have fine houses [68]

Dont worry, I was scared you'd somehow seen my house :)
Yeah,the image,I'll tell them to stop filming in all those picturesque locations ,medievil villages and stuff like that,focus more on new build estates and footballers vulgar mansions instead :)

But that's what I see on tv.

lol,dont tell me,Eastenders on BBC prime? :)
BTW, I do agree,if you mean the sort of houses you see in London,they are a joke,if my house was in London it would be "worth" easily 6 or 7 times as much ....
21 Jan 2011
Life / Some Poles have fine houses [68]

You dont think that every english person lives in a house like that do you ? :)
But lol,it does make me laugh when I see houses down south that are going for close on £1million,around here those pokey terrece houses and didy little flats would be social housing or bedsits full of immigrants and students :)
21 Jan 2011
Language / Are the languages of Russian and Polish similar at all? [94]

according to this source French is similar to English in 40%...

maybe 40% is a little high but English is full of French originating words,they have just changed from the origional over the last 8 hundred years.

well yes. But can you understand French knowing only English?

You can certainly fill in a few blanks,but I was taught french at school so I dont really know how much is educated guess and how much is from distant memory of dull lessons.

But as far as English is concerned you could say that for any western european(and many east asian/arabic) language . Over history English evolved from something very few of us could understand now into a rich language that canibalised other languages,but in most cases not enough words to help the other way round...

Ive said it before though,the fact Id learnt a bit of russian long before I ever got to Poland was an advantage if in nothing more than so many words being more or less the same,numbers etc(ok,jeden and adeen,and ench not ts at the end of 5), But I did often find that words I thought sounded more or less the same left people baffled if I happened to say them in a more russian accent. Ive said this before too,often I think Poles dont understand similar words in other slavic language due to the relative lack of local accents within Poland,compared say to the literaly hundreds if not thousands of accents an English speaker has to adjust their ears too. I have no problems understanding a Kiwi or an american from the deep south even though the way they pronounce most english words are far more different to my accent than a lot of the Polish/Russian same words.
21 Jan 2011
News / Die Welt-Poland and Germany are the economic driving force of Europe [239]

Er,GW,I sometimes think your a clever troll,honestly,come on,do I have to rip your points apart?
1, You asked marek specificaly for evidence regarding the Banking crisis,you asked for links,I got in first and gave you a link re the banking crisis.


You only back him up because you also don't like America (you know and I know I'm right here), otherwise that you'll be also screaming for links.

Rubbish,and you know it,theres lots I love about America,I just dont happen to like your health care system,go and tell the large % of americans who dont like it either that they dont like america.....I never "scream" for links,Im no old git but Im old enough to remember a time when people actually retained information and could pass it on relativly acuratly without having to consult wikipaedo.....it simply rarely occurs to me to ask for verification,if I want it I'll look myself .


To your information, Americans can get all kinds of help (also medical) from hundreds (better said, thousands) of different charities all around the country.

Wow,seriously,this is your come back when I point out MSF sets up clinics in US sports halls,to tell me that its not the only CHARITY that does this in the US !!!! Is that meant to make the situation look better??

Its still feking CHARITY!!!!What next for the sweet land of liberty,work houses for the poor ??

I choose to dismiss his posts since he often proved his very negative opinion about us.

negative or posotive,it is still someones opinion...if I chose to dismiss everything negative said about the UK on line Id end up reading about 1/16th of what I do on here.... only a fool thinks everything is rosey in their garden simply because its their garden. I have a Tory government here now,which I hate with a passion,hardly makes me anti british does it?