It seems to me that Russian textbooks contain most detailed and unbiased information on polish subject.
Splendid. Can you quote what it says about 17 September 1939?
Well, I am not that young to quote books I had studied many years ago. But I perfectly remember that even by the time I left school, I left it in 1993, all textbooks had clearly
1. Accused all three partitions
2. Accused Molotov-Ribbentrop pact
3. Praised Kostushko
4. Mentioned Katyn massacre as Stalin's misdeed
You can ask Sasha, for he is younger,post here some quotation in Russian, which may be translated with Borrka's help. I would like to be honest with you, this fact is some sort of affront to me, but unfortunately it is true. Soviet/Russian historiography, from my personal point of view, had too soft spot for Polish state.