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Posts by dnz  

Joined: 2 Dec 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 25 Mar 2011
Threads: Total: 17 / In This Archive: 5
Posts: Total: 710 / In This Archive: 252
From: poznan/poland
Speaks Polish?: no
Interests: cars, socialising, skiing, surfing, travelling

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29 Jan 2010
Law / Polish Cop Took My Car Registration :S [143]

In that case he probably doesn't want to get run over by a vodka swilling, blowjob getting, pot smoking, sandwich eating, lipstick applying, cellphone using driver, hidden behind darkened glass.

Have you driven past me recently? I wasn't getting a blowjob at the time I was snorting line after line of coke from the passenger seat whilst murdering a hooker who was sat in the back seat, Just so I fall in line with your stereotype of "everyone who has darkened windows is a criminal"

The fact of the matter is I have a nearly clean licence, no criminal convictions and never had an accident despite driving 30k + miles a year in a car with darkened windows (from the factory)
29 Jan 2010
News / Poland's supreme administrative court rules against RHD cars [57]

To add an influx of poles in rhd vehicles to the mix would be a bad idea.

Perhaps you have a point with the poles in rhd vehicles but what about brits? I'm certain that I drive my RHD car in a much safer manner than 99% of poles on the road in their LHD cars. I personally hate driving whilst sitting on the left hand side of the car, it just doesnt feel safe taking your right hand off the steering wheel to change gear and adjust the heating etc.
29 Jan 2010
Law / Polish Cop Took My Car Registration :S [143]

And the UK, Front window must let through 70% of the light although most cars come close to the limit standard, rear windows can be however dark you want.

You're not allowed window tint in Poland???? No way, I've never noticed but I think that's crazy. I love having my windows tinted

I love it too, I don't like people looking at me while i'm driving :)
29 Jan 2010
Law / Polish Cop Took My Car Registration :S [143]

You can see through tinted glass? Its not a solid colour you know.

If its so ridiculous why do BMW, Mercedes, Jaguar, Audi, VW, Honda, etc fit it as standard to a lot of their new vehicles?
29 Jan 2010
Life / Price of a DJ in Poland [6]

I've got a friend who does a bit of part time, I'll ask him for you. Are you thinking about getting into it over here?

This guy is quite good and might be interested, myspace.com/suntec69. He's based in the UK but might come over, hes on my facebook profile if you want to contact him.
29 Jan 2010
Life / Picking up BBC television in Poland [41]

I've used "your freedom" for bbc iplayer of years, It works with all the UK players too. You are limited to a 60 minute connection each time but with bbc iplayer you just load the programme using yourfreedom and then just watch it without the proxy as Iplayer only detects that you are outside the UK as its loading.

Mikey if you want me to show you how I use it so you can write a tutorial or something
29 Jan 2010
News / Poland's supreme administrative court rules against RHD cars [57]

I used to have a small camera installed in the passenger side wing mirror casing with a live feed to the GPS screen which made a fantastic difference when overtaking as you could just look at the screen to see what was coming, It cost about £70 all in and half a days work, It seems to be quite a good idea when driving a RHD abroad. Couldn't be bothered rigging one up again though.
29 Jan 2010
News / Poland's supreme administrative court rules against RHD cars [57]

I've driven a rhd car in Poland for nearly 3 years and 70,000 miles and never had a problem at all, When overtaking you just have to adjust your road position accordingly and its just as safe as driving a LHD.

Poland really needs to sort its act out as its just utterly ridiculous the way they simply take take take from the EU and give nothing back.

The accident rate in Poland is simply down to the incompetent idiots they let on the roads and nothing to do with which side they drive on.
29 Jan 2010
USA, Canada / Moving from Canada to Poland? I'm fluent Polish and could teach English. [24]

Do you live there dnz?

Unfortunately yes, I've been here for nearly 3 years, The first year was great but after that i've just simply got fed up with the attitude and incompetence of many people here, Namely drivers, builders and people working in govt organisations and shops and just the general lack of manners displayed by people here the terrible food and the appalling roads just rub salt into the wounds.

Its great for a short term change of scenery 6 months to a year but as a long term proposition I think i'd rather live in afganistan whilst hitting my head repeatedly with a house brick.

Wages are pretty poor too and rental prices are getting more and more expensive.
28 Jan 2010
Law / Bring your business to Poland! [56]

So, anyone wishing to come to Poland... ??????

Sorry chap i'm already here and getting ready to move to Australia :)

Are you based in Poland at the moment or still in Brazil?
28 Jan 2010
Law / Car Insurance costs in Poland. [24]

Or insure with CIS who don't have a time limit on how long you can be abroad for.

UK insurers have to by law provide the minimum required level of cover in all countries within the EU. Generally they only provide the same level of cover for a limited period 90 or 180 days depending on who you are covered by.

I would Highly recommend keeping your car on UK plates and insuring it with a UK based insurer who offers a yearly continental cover.

Stuart colins insurance to this, Norwich Union, Saga and Coop (CIS) are the only one i've found.

Whatever you do don't register your car in Poland as it will be more hassle than its really worth.
28 Jan 2010
Law / Car Insurance costs in Poland. [24]

I've been covered with UK car insurance for nearly 3 years, just keep it MOT'd and taxed. I'm with CIS insurance and they provide the same level of cover outside the UK for up to 365 days per year for an additional £30 a year and theyre prices are reasonable too. We pay £320 per year fully comp on a bmw 318is including breakdown cover. I'm 25 with 7 years no claims and 3 points.
28 Jan 2010
USA, Canada / My wife wants to return to Poland...but I want to stay in the US [155]

Honestly don't leave the US to come here, Let her come back to Poland and i'm sure once she remembers what its like she'll go back to the states, People always remember things and places to be better than they actually are. Anyway how can she expect you to move to a country where you don't speak the language etc and get a job? It seems a bit unrealistic and rather selfish.
27 Jan 2010
Law / Bring your business to Poland! [56]

What does your aviation business do? Just out of interest as one of my friends is an aircraft engineer and is thinking about starting a business in order to go freelance.
27 Jan 2010
Law / Bring your business to Poland! [56]

Try to think of the positive ones....

Thats the problem, I have for the last 3 years,

I can see that cost is an advantage here in Poland but for a small firm that cost saving is quickly outweighed by the bad points, I'm just being realistic.

Give it 10 years and I can see where you're coming from but even large companies like VW are struggling after starting production in Poland.
27 Jan 2010
Law / Bring your business to Poland! [56]

I think convex hit the nail on the head with his previous post, Skilled labour here is expensive and difficult to find due to the majority of people who are worthwhile considering to take jobs have left to work abroad. Generally as a foreigner Poles doing business can't really be trusted as they seem to have got it into their heads that everyone from outside Poland is rich and they should take advantage. (harsh but true)

If you are opening a factory and pumping out thousands of units per day then the benefits would be seen but as a small enterprise Poland is a no go. The tax is higher, You have to pay tax regardless of whether you make a profit (most businesses don't for the first year) and the bureaucracy is a minefield and managed by people who really don't like foreign investment.

Transport links here are shocking, Driving in Poland is just dangerous, The trains are slow (but very reasonably priced) and if you have to travel between cities for meetings it could take days.

Overall at the present moment Poland really isn't great for business, Maybe when the locals can start to take constructive criticism and make things easier for non Poles who want to live here then yes, it could be a great place.

Look at the Poznan "world trade centre" Everything is in Polish, which seems ironic considering its called the world trade centre, A little bit of English and German wouldn't go amiss and would maybe encourage more overseas companies and businessmen to attend expos.
27 Jan 2010
Law / Bring your business to Poland! [56]

Why would you bring your business from the UK to a country that don't like foreigners and where nothing is in English and simple tasks take weeks to do and then you don't get it done as theres always a problem or the people who are supposed to be helping you make a problem?

Also the majority of people are rude and untrustworthy and judging by the quality of the buildings they seem incapable of doing a good job of anything.

Also if you do bring your business to Poland all you will hear for the rest of eternity is "you in Poland you must speak Polish"
26 Jan 2010
UK, Ireland / Coming to England - should my friend get passport/driving licence here or in PL? [10]

Unless she has a job to come to or if she is studying, tell her not to bother someone I know was laid off before xmas


If she is planning on staying in the UK long term than she should learn to drive in the UK as she will learn the correct way of driving, She won't get a UK passport though.
26 Jan 2010
Law / Polish Cop Took My Car Registration :S [143]

Fair comment really but I have friends who have lived in Germany and Sweden and nobody has put pressure on them to learn German or Swedish , I wonder why its different in Poland?
26 Jan 2010
Law / Polish Cop Took My Car Registration :S [143]

What's wrong with expecting long term residents to learn Polish?

What do poles define as long term? I had that after a few weeks here.
26 Jan 2010
Law / Polish Cop Took My Car Registration :S [143]

Harry don't you learn? Poles can't take criticism at all, If they could they would listen to constructive advice and bring their country out of the dark ages. But they are always right and have to go on the defensive all the time blaming others for their misfortune or trying to find someone to blame when things go wrong. This occurs on a national level and on a social level and as a nation they only pretend to listen when they are being offered EU handouts of some description and then ignore all advice when it comes down to it.

Maybe if they took advice from other nations they would have a fantastic road network, Dynamic cities and it would be generally a fantastic place to be.

I personally can't wait for 2012 when they get the European cup taken away due to not having the infrastructure to support such an event It will also be interesting to see who's to blame for that :) Will it be the Germans, the French or even the Chinese? I know it certainly won't be Poland.
25 Jan 2010
Law / Polish Cop Took My Car Registration :S [143]

I agree with you on this fully, The labour government have got a lot to answer for, The same applies to signs in urdu etc the only difference being that they did demonstrate. At least Poles in the UK don't try to change our beliefs and customs to suit them.
25 Jan 2010
Law / Polish Cop Took My Car Registration :S [143]

how many British people actually speak any other language?

We have to learn a second language from the age of 12 but generally not to many as the majority of things worldwide are done in English, Also when we go abroad and try to speak to people in Spain etc they would rather speak to us in English in order to practice their English skills. When I've been to spain i tried to speak to people in Spanish in order to practice for my spanish exam and people simply spoke to me in English.

The main reason English speaking people don't speak other languages very well is because English is the international language, Look at the switches etc in your car, they are all labelled in English or with an English abbreviation, Computers are programmed in English, Nearly all products are named in English for example CD - Compact disc, The language of the internet is English as is the language of Aviation, Air traffic control worldwide are made to speak English as it is the most widely spoken language.

As a result I speak fluent Antigua and Barbuda, Australian, Bahamas Barbados Belizian Botswanan Brunein Cameroonian Canadian Dominica Ethiopian Fijiin Gambian Ghanan
Grenadan Guyanan Indian etc,

All the below are countries where English is an official language.

Marshall Islands
New Zealand
Papua New Guinea
Saint Kitts and Nevis
Saint Lucia
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Sierra Leone
Solomon Islands
South Africa
Trinidad and Tobago
United Kingdom
United States
25 Jan 2010
Law / Polish Cop Took My Car Registration :S [143]

But it doesn't apply to France, Italy, Spain, Hungary, Croatia and several more European countries...

I've never been to Croatia and Hungary but in France Spain and Italy most of the people I have encountered speak to me in English, the French do begrudgingly but they do although French is a fairly easy language to learn anyway.

I can safely say that in the above countries I've never had anyone give me hassle for being English. I wish I could say the same about Poland.

Most people here are generally warm and welcoming, well the ones which have experienced different cultures anyway.

Maybe its just the fact that Britain is too nice to people who are from outside the UK.
25 Jan 2010
Law / Polish Cop Took My Car Registration :S [143]

Driving licence is an acceptable form of ID when applying for a job, Fact!. Which agency did you try and use?

Should have been in Glasgow 10 years ago. The police had a huge crackdown on speeding and traffic violations. On one stretch of road it was possible to lose your licence by speeding for a couple of hundred metres, because there were 3 sets of cameras (3x convictions = 12 points). The police all but openly admitted it was more about making money for police coffers than a concern for road safety.]

Yes I agree with this statement in its entirety speed cameras are a way of soley making money.

On the other hand I've never had a policeman in the UK stop me for driving at the speed limit only to throw me in the back of his car and demand money from me on the spot.

D, if some Pole or Hungarian or Slovakian or German or Swede or Slovenian or Czech or (need I go on?)

Yes or supply a translator so that the person in question understands what is going on. English is spoken worldwide and polish is spoken only in Poland. I also speak Spanish which is spoken by the vast majority of the non english speaking world. Also learning Polish is a pointless exercise really as its only spoken in Poland which limits you to well Poland, Its like coming from Basque country and expecting everyone to learn your language which is spoken by 3 people.

I learnt a bit of polish which is enough to get by and also understand the majority of what is said.

The UK police have to be able to speak Polish among several other languages so why should it be any different in Poland?

You go to Germany and everyone I have met there speaks English, The same applies to Sweden (in fact they get offended when you ask them if you speak english as they assume that you know they do)

The european union really only applies to Poland when it comes to sending half your population to other countries to do menial jobs or poor quality building work, Or when it comes to getting grants to improve the infrastructure by building motorways that don't meet in the middle and train tunnels which won't fit a train through. (the rest goes on bribes making Poland one of the most expensive places to build roads in the world)