15 Mar 2011
Language / weź/wej - Pronunciation questions [4]
What people actually say is: "weś-sobie", and it's the neighbourhood of soft s and hard s, which results in this weird "wej-sobie" sound. Similairly in phrases "coś zrobić", "coś zjeść", you hear "coź-zrobić", "coź-zjeść", the voiceless ś becomes voiced and the źz sound gets simplified during normal speech.
You can ask your girlfriend to say "nasz ogród" - people from Northern Poland pronounce it "nasz-ogrót", if she's from the South it will sound "naż-ogrót" :)
"wej sobie" rather than "weź sobie". Am I hearing wrong, or people actually say like that?
What people actually say is: "weś-sobie", and it's the neighbourhood of soft s and hard s, which results in this weird "wej-sobie" sound. Similairly in phrases "coś zrobić", "coś zjeść", you hear "coź-zrobić", "coź-zjeść", the voiceless ś becomes voiced and the źz sound gets simplified during normal speech.
You can ask your girlfriend to say "nasz ogród" - people from Northern Poland pronounce it "nasz-ogrót", if she's from the South it will sound "naż-ogrót" :)