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Posts by Meathead  

Joined: 3 Jun 2010 / Male ♂
Last Post: 10 Apr 2022
Threads: Total: 5 / In This Archive: 5
Posts: Total: 467 / In This Archive: 387
From: polonia, usa
Speaks Polish?: nada
Interests: everything

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28 Mar 2013
Law / Zloty climbs as ratings agency upgrades Poland [34]

That's my whole point, the US doesn't manufacture anymore because of the overvalued dollar. Why do you think China pegs it's huan to the dollar? and Switzerland's franc to the Euro? This isn't rocket science. All a strong currency does is encourage imports at expense of local jobs.
22 Mar 2013
History / For what the Germans owe Poland one trillion U.S. dollars? [299]

What can we do about it? Disassociate yourselves from Germany and Russia.

Get out of Euro; charge import dutes and use money to pay off German loans; develop Poland's resources and rebuild your infrastructure with unemployed Poles. Cultivate relations with Switzerland, Scandinavian countries, England, countries outside the Eurozone. Poland should show some leadership and quit being Germany's poodle.
21 Mar 2013
History / For what the Germans owe Poland one trillion U.S. dollars? [299]

Poland still had armies during the 1940's after Katyn. After the war it wasn't just Pole vs Russian, it was also Pole vs Pole. That's why many polish army and air force personnel never returned to Poland, they feared a knife in the back from their countrymen as illustrated with the link about "Inka". Not all Polish people acquiesced to communism, probably not the majority but enough to prevent a Polish uprising. That's my whole point, Poles were not of one mind.
21 Mar 2013
History / For what the Germans owe Poland one trillion U.S. dollars? [299]

Well, let me put it this way... I doubt any serious historian or political scientists would agree with you on this one..

How was Poland supposed to resist a German or Russian occupation if they were fighting among themselves? In the 1930's Communism had not yet been discredited, people believed that communism was the future. Even up to this day there are still people in Poland who pine for communism, correct? Poland could have accepted the Marshall Plan and distanced themselves from Stalin but not if 20% or 30% of the Polish people believed that communism was the future.
20 Mar 2013
History / For what the Germans owe Poland one trillion U.S. dollars? [299]

That's fascinating. Please comment more on that.


This poor girl was executed by Poles not Russians which illustrates conflict of Polands AK and Polish Communists. After WWII Poland was not of one mind, if they were they could have resisted Russian occupation and accepted the Marshall Plan.

"I am no fan of Germany but...Poland was offered the Marshall Plan after the war. Poland refused because a sizable portion of the population preferred Communism. As for getting reparations from Germany, good luck. Poland will just end up like Spain, Italy, Greece, Ireland and now Cyprus. If Poland was smart they'd divorce their economy from Germany and do as much as possible on their own. Quit obsessing about the Past and get on with building a country."

The Netherlands isn't Poland. Two completely different countries. Poland historically hasn't done well in relations with Germany (Poland always gets the short end of the stick). Poland needs to import less and build up it's domestic industry. CIA factbook shows Poland imports Natural gas of 11.79 billion cu m (2011 est.). This can be mitigated by bio digesters, turning waste into methane. Poland can reduce it's gasoline imports by converting coal into methanol (Poland has plenty of coal but little oil). These two processes are low tech and wouldn't require massive amounts of capital and technology as a nuclear power plant. Instead of using Chinese construction crews rebuilding your roads, with 12% -13% unemployment draft the unemployed in Army reserve engineering units and rebuild your own roads. Poland needs to look after itself and quit looking to Germany and Russia for your future, they've ransacked your country enough. And Switzerland is not a politically important country, correct but they have their independence and probably the highest standard of living in Europe. Switzerland has kept it's eye on the ball throughout history and looked after itself. Poland needs to do the same.
19 Mar 2013
History / For what the Germans owe Poland one trillion U.S. dollars? [299]

I am no fan of Germany but...Poland was offered the Marshall Plan after the war. Poland refused because a sizable portion of the population preferred Communism. As for getting reparations from Germany, good luck. Quit obsessing about the Past and get on with building a country.
12 Mar 2013

I understand ones attachment to their roots but if Poles can relocate to the US or the UK, Poles in the Ukraine, Lithuania and Belarus can certainly move to Poland which is a lot closer. What's the point of maintaining their Polish cultural identity in Lithuania when they can live their culture in Poland? Doesn't make sense to me. Poland should have a policy of repatriation for Poles living in the former Soviet Bloc. They would be much better off and Poland can use the human resources.
12 Feb 2013
Love / My Polish Relationship Marriage ..story to be told. [USA/PL] [34]

These girls are brought up on American television. That is how most of them learn the language

From your posts the differences between you and the misses is cultural. This is One World but we all don't think alike. The only foreign women who will come close to American are English and Canadian, due to the fact that our institutions came from the same source but there will still be cultural differences (not as great). And they speak the same language (huge!). So if you want foreign that's the place to go anywhere else will be difficult.
12 Feb 2013
Love / My Polish Relationship Marriage ..story to be told. [USA/PL] [34]

It sounds like you wanted an immigrant wife that would be obedient and motherly but you went to the wrong place. Eastern Europe (Yes I know Poland is central now) is no longer like it was 10-15 years ago. For better and worse, the economical expectations are higher.

Well put. For the life of me I don't understand these guys chasing second or third world birds. Date an American, they're of the same culture, they're well educated and as good looking as any other. KISS (keep it simple stupid) life is difficult enough. No need to complicate further with foreign girlfriends who don't have the same values, ambitions, etc.
5 Feb 2013
News / Poland is the source of horsemeat in burgers? [169]

Second of all - what is wrong with the horse-meat?It is very healthy after all! :)

Not in the States. Horses are shot full of more drugs than cattle. Meat is unfit for human consumption.
2 Feb 2013
UK, Ireland / Why are Brits so left-wing? [60]

Right wingers in the American sense doesn't exist anywhere outside the USA. Deal with it.

Yes they do...the Vatican and the European elite.
2 Feb 2013

Liar ! Germans only bombed our infrastructure and have been robbing our country for years since 1772 -1918 , 1939-1945 . Can`t you understand that now it is the time to pay us for stolen goods and ruining our country . Germany wouldn`t be halfway where they are now without stealing from us - goods ,arts , gold , factory equipmant , employing slave wartime workers over 2 million of Polish men, women and cildren aged 14 - 60 .

The only way to deal with the Germans is to ignore them. You see what the German bankers are doing to Greece? You want that for Poland?
1 Feb 2013

Here it comes, sooner than I thought. EU will start squeezing Poland like they squeezed Greece:

Poland has hit out at an "incomprehensible" decision by the European Commission to freeze aid worth billions for Polish road building programs over a suspected price-fixing scandal.

The European Commission froze funds worth PLN 3.5 billion for three projects managed by Poland's highways agency, the GDDKiA, after Polish prosecutors charged 11 people with attempting to create a cartel.

warsawvoice - No more money for you, Poland.
10 Jan 2013
USA, Canada / Differences in How Polish People Raise a Child and How Americans Raise a Child [149]

Since I was raised by a couple of Polish-American parents (they still spoke Polish) here in America I think I can add a few items to the conversation.

Item No. 1, Polish parents are control freaks. Need proof? Just read this thread. I couldn't wait to move out, when I became of age (19). My folks just wanted me to stay in a closet for the rest of my life.

Family and especially children is #1 in Polish culture. Entertainment and wealth is #1 in American culture (Because Americans are drilled ''This is the freeist and greatest country in the world'' from a young age)

Item No. 2, I was raised in a Polish neighborhood (Polish-Americans and recent emigres from Poland). Poles are much more materialistic than Americans. Not even a contest. The most recent from Poland, the more materialistic.

It's true that Americans are drilled that this is the finest country in the world as opposed to Poles who are drilled that being Polish is worse and Poland is the worst place in the world. I've seen both and both are untrue, but I'd much rather be raised like the former.

I admit the family structure in Poland is many, many times better than in North America (excluding Mexico) but don't go riding on past glory. Polish society is teetering dangerously close to one that is "it all about me."

Mexico? Have you been witnessing the war that's been going on down there? Beheadings, shootings, corruption...where's the family's values? Mexican society is unbelievably brutal.
4 Jan 2013
News / The lottery of life: Where to be born in 2013. Poland ranks 33 out of 80. [23]

I know your intentions but we both know that your personal success is based mainly on your brains, hard work and persistence. Living in a successful country can be definately beneficial but it's no guarantee of success whatsoever.

Oh no? How can you explain Poles who don't amount to a hill of beans in Poland become successful in the United States or Mexicans who live in squalor in Mexico but maintain a living in the US. Of course it matters where you are born. Just read the posts on this forum. Luck matters.
27 Dec 2012
News / What should Poland do to solve the population crisis? [101]

How did they do it?

You do it by paying a livable wage. If people are not economically secure they won't have children. The Roman Catholic philosophy of "living in poverty leads to heaven" is pagan nonsense.
22 Dec 2012
Life / Why do people think that Poles are culturally isolated? [126]

Most people who write racist and xenophobic posts are American born or raised there. How come, despite such a multi-cultural environment they grew up to be racists?

He is expressing the views of devout Roman Catholics in the States. Roman Catholics do not believe in freedom of thought, so if one thinks differently they become angry.

Even though I'm Polish myself I tended to think the same at the beginning of my usage of this forum, but this site convinced me that Poles are not worse in those terms than so called "Western Europeans"... barring the fact that Western Europeans likes to think of themselves as being tolerant and culturally superior (as if there was no clash between those two terms, btw).

Poles are culturally "Western"

Yes, I'm defensive, this forum made me like that.

The forum made you do it? Poles are defensive by nature.
14 Dec 2012
Life / If you are Polish abroad or of Polish descent, do you celebrate St. Nicholas day? [33]

The example set by the real St Nick is ideal for today's selfish.greedy times.

Typical anti Santa Claus pap from the Roman Pagan Church. I attended a Christmas service a long time ago in Denver where one of the parish Nun's concocted a story-line in the middle of the Mass where they had Santa Claus literally assassinated (simulated violence). Typical American church goers thank God, I don't think anyone paid attention. You Roman pagans are just a bunch of sick puppies.
10 Dec 2012
Life / How a Pole can contribute to the homeland? [27]

Actually, that was a cornball comment on my part. I was trying to match wits but it fell flat.

How about shale gas? It's now a great discussion in Poland concerning extracting the shale gas.

Poland doesn't have the technology for this.

Myabe you could suggest something an average Kowalski have competence to do?

Bio digesters are low tech and within your reach. Here's how you do it:
1. Find feedstock, could be waste from factory, small village, farm, etc.
2. Locate appropriate size bio digester on internet. Find costs, etc.
3. Locate customer for product that your bio digester is going to produce.
4. Go to bank and get business loan.
5. A lot of legwork but...Simple!