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Posts by Stu  

Joined: 31 Mar 2010 / Male ♂
Last Post: 21 Jan 2012
Threads: Total: 12 / In This Archive: 11
Posts: Total: 515 / In This Archive: 416
From: Wroclaw
Speaks Polish?: no

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20 Apr 2011
News / British man accused of molesting teenagers in Poland [74]

Harry, wouldn't you agree that it would be better to always have 2 people in charge of a group. Wouldn't that make it less likely for someone to even try something?

And wouldn't you agree that it is incredibly difficult to vet foreigners anyhow? As you've probably heard or read, we have this case of a Latvian national who has confessed to abusing more than 80 children (bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-11981734). Before he came to the Netherlands, he worked in Germany where he was convicted of possessing child pûrnography. Yet there was no contact between the German and Dutch police. Maybe, if the Dutch police had known, all this could have been prevented.

The German police claim that they are not allowed to pass on information to other police forces (I don't know whether this is true or not).
19 Apr 2011
UK, Ireland / Do Poles and EU Citizens exploit the British welfare state [129]

Who held the Ottomans off at the gates of Vienna?

So since the Dutch gave the Russians all their nautical knowledge in the time of Peter The Great, we can cheat them as well (not that the Russians have such a great welfare system, but anyway). Come on ... rozumiemnic ... I do hope you are just joking cause otherwise you are making a complete nuthead of yourself.

And people defrauding the system withhold those who are really in need of the money they are entitled to. So your contention is not only ridiculous, but also short-sighted.

Well ... you guys can complain all you want, but the time that people from Central and Eastern Europe can defraud the Dutch system are nearly over. Three months out of a job and it is back to your own country, EU-citizen or not.. Hope a lot of people read it and heed the warning. And by the way ... in the Netherlands unfortunately it is NOT a drop in the ocean ... that's why the government decided to pass a law. And I am all for it.
19 Apr 2011
UK, Ireland / Do Poles and EU Citizens exploit the British welfare state [129]

I'm sorry ... I see it quite differently.

What we did then has nothing to do with what is happening now.

Post-colonial hangover ... yeah right!

And by the way ... the Polish motorways are built by cheap immigrant labour as well ... the Chinese.

If people abuse the English, Dutch, German welfare system or the welfare system of whatever country, they should be expelled. And that is exactly what the Netherlands will be doing as soon as this law is passed. No job for over three months and then it is bye bye, EU-citizen or not.

I for one applaud it.
19 Apr 2011
UK, Ireland / Do Poles and EU Citizens exploit the British welfare state [129]

Come on, z_darius ... what on earth has colonialism some 300 years ago to do with today?

Fact of the matter is that people from Central and Eastern Europe come to the west, work a couple of months and then go on and abuse the welfare system.

You'd hate it when people would abuse the welfare system of your country (if it has any) and so do we. Nowadays even more, since we all are facing the consequences of the economic crisis. The time of free handouts is over.
19 Apr 2011
UK, Ireland / Do Poles and EU Citizens exploit the British welfare state [129]

Unfortunately not only in the UK but in the Netherlands too. That's why the government wants to change the rules and only give benefits to those who speak the Dutch language. And if you don't have a job after three months, you are required to leave the country. Fair enough, I think.
19 Apr 2011
News / Polish people mocked and humiliated in Season 7 of House MD [60]

Merged thread on title :P

1) People from Barcelona are mocked and humiliated as far back as the seventies.
Stop whining - part 1

2) The elderly with a hearing aid are mocked and humiliated in Fawlty Towers back in the seventies
Stop whining - part 2

3) The Germans are mocked and humiliated in Fawlty Towers back in the seventies
Stop whining - part 3

4) Experienced nursing staff is mocked and humiliated in Fawlty Towers


Stop whining - part 4

5) Gays are mocked and humiliated in Are You Being Served


Stop whining - part 5

6) Elderly staff in a clothing store are mocked and humiliated in Are You Being Served


Stop whining - part 6

Shall I go on ... ?!

My God ... some people have such sensitive souls ... .

There we go again ... about someone's feeling humiliated by a TV-show.

Get a frickin' life!!
14 Apr 2011
UK, Ireland / Are you Poles proud of your country? Then why do you keep coming to Britain? [100]

Hey Advice, do you think we are all too daft to use the internet?!

Try Google and typ in "election results BNP". Guess what ... you get a lot of articles about ...

Yes, you've guessed right ... the election results of the BNP. Frickin' amazin', innit?!

And ... guess what ... ?! On the Election 2010 website of the Beeb, it says ...

The party increased its share of the overall vote by 1.83% to 514,819, but despite fielding more than 300 candidates, has failed to return an MP.

In Barking, east London, a key battle ground for the BNP, the party's leader Nick Griffin slumped to third place.

So you're claim that

BNP have been voted as a mp in a town

is false!

Ohh ... yes ... you can find it here.

My God, I guess you are pretty much the only one ever on PF whose brain has filed for divorce. Now crawl back under your stone. And if you wanna post something moronic again, have the courtesy and get registered on this site, yeah?

Now shooh ... .
14 Apr 2011
News / What are Poland's optimal both real and virtual neighbors? [81]

you wouldn't hear about it from the mainstream media

I always wonder why mainstream media don't write about it ... :D

you need to read RafaƂ Ziemkiewicz for example to find out

We are not talking about this one, are we ... ?
14 Apr 2011
News / What are Poland's optimal both real and virtual neighbors? [81]

It only means that Poland is place where you can make money, not that people and economy is in a good shape

Sorry, I dunno how else you can interprete the figures I gave you *but* to show the economy has grown, year after year after year. You are just acting as a spoiled little kid who wants his way. Well, sorry to disappoint you ... the stats speak for themselves. Accept it.
12 Apr 2011
Travel / Help! Want to take the train from Warsaw to Amsterdam! [7]

it's a total traveling time of 4 hours and 15 minutes

I'm sorry, make it 4 hours 35 minutes.

Nope, but I *did* take the train from Amsterdam to Warszawa once.

Very stiff legs.

I can imagine after 15,5 hours ... :(
12 Apr 2011
Travel / Help! Want to take the train from Warsaw to Amsterdam! [7]

I think if you look at the price, it would be better and safer to use of the low-cost carriers.

probably cheaper too...

And quicker ...

Train takes 15 hours 50 minutes (treinreiziger.nl/internationaal/nachttreinen/dienstregelin g_nachttreinen/dienstregeling_nachttrein_amsterdam_-_warschau_-_moskou ). If I go by car, it takes me 10 hours 45 minutes.

The cheap carrier I use (Wizzair) takes you in 1 hours 55 minutes from Warsaw to Eindhoven (between €33 and €45 if you book about 6 weeks in advance). Then 20 minutes in the bus to Eindhoven Central Station (€3) and then 1 hour 20 minutes in the train to Amsterdam Central Station (direct connection - €17,20). So, incl. being present at the airport one hour in advance, it's a total traveling time of 4 hours and 15 minutes.

Total saving in time of 11 hours 25 minutes for a single trip. Total cost between €53,20 and €65,20 for a single fare. I don't know exactly how much a train ticket between Warsaw and Amsterdam costs, but I would think at least 4 times that amount.
9 Apr 2011
Life / Which cities in Poland have the most expats, and why? [34]

So you want to call them idiots because they are trying to make life easier for themselves?

Maybe off-topic, but I'd rather have a fully qualified doctor who didn't make life easy for himself but who had a proper education.
3 Apr 2011
News / John Godson, born in Nigeria, might become Poland Sejm's first black deputy! [313]

just like China is for Chinese people, Japan is for Japanese people

So China is for Chinese? Japan for Japanese? Then it logically follows that Poland is for Poles, right?

So what the fvck are you doing here then?! Follow your own logic, walk the walk and not just talk the talk and go back to Belgium for God's sakes! Maybe Filip De Winter still has a vacancy for you.

You're trying to pick up a Polish girl which you will never get, cause you're a frustrated little git who keeps on nagging about how black people in Wroclaw steal them right from under your nose. And now you are accusing some hard-working politician who has been here longer than you are out of your nappies of being out of place.

You are worse than the sh1t in Swiebodzki I stepped in today.
3 Apr 2011
Life / Polish patriotism, what does it mean to you? [46]

Judging from the way you butcher English language often - you are not going to get an outstanding citizen of the year prize anytime soon.

And neither will you, looking at your sentence ... .

Living in America, you said? For how long?

People in glass houses should ............ (fill in the blanks) :D.
29 Mar 2011

Yeah....but I think also Dutchies would feel insulted if portrayed as drunk, dumb thieves only...

So we are portrayed as everlasting pot smokers, or dumb, cheese eating farmers walking around in clogs ... I can't really say I feel overly insulted by that.
29 Mar 2011

We have a stereotype of the Dutch all being sex crazed monsters who ride bikes and stick their thumbs in dikes while wearing clogs.

:D:D ... you forgot to mention we all smoke pot, Delph ... :D
29 Mar 2011

Come on guys. Take this all a little lighter.

No gay person felt offended by Mr. Humphries in Are You Being Served


No-one from the original Home Guard ever felt offended by the silly lot of Captain Mainwaring in Dad's Army


The Brits always had a good laugh about themselves in Allo Allo. I can't imagine the French, Germans or the Italians felt offended either


And the Germans didn't feel angry about Basil Fawlty either

Speaking of which, I don't think any Spanish from Barcelona feels offended by Fawlty.


And somehow I don't think the Swedes were all up in arms when they watched the Muppet Show


Don't feel yourself so damn important and think the whole world is out to get the Polish. What must all the above listed think.

Funny someone in this thread should mention political correctness; I thought you were all against it?!. There is nothing wrong with poking fun at other nations ... nothing at all.
29 Mar 2011

And of course there are never any jokes made about Germans in polish/american TV....sure...never!

Hear hear, BB! People shouldn't take themselves so seriously. Hell, nobody complains when Allo' Allo' is shown on TV, which takes the p1ss out of the Brits, the French, the Italians and especially the Germans. It was even a hit on German TV.
24 Mar 2011
UK, Ireland / Oxford Polish bride 'heartbroken' over arrest - accusations of sham marriage [126]

Just a couple of questions ...

The BBC-article is from March 24th.

The article from People is from April 2007, so that's four years ago.

Can anyone please eplain the relation between the two articles to me?

If you ask me, Southern is trying to fabricate some kind of story again.
23 Mar 2011
UK, Ireland / Polish women in the UK are having babies at a faster rate than those in Poland [13]

The damn English do not reveal this important fact in their statistics

Because there is no link between the two to reveal, ninkenpoop.

Why is there no link

There is no link because there is no connection between Pakistani men and the faster rate of Polish women having babies. THAT is why! There is NO important fact to reveal, cause it only exists in your mind, not in reality.

From the article:

One such mother is Anna Oszewska. She moved to Edinburgh seven years ago when the labour market was opened up to the Poles and worked in a law firm, dealing with its finances.

She had a baby, Nicodemus, with her partner, Martin,

Okay ... we can have a long discussion about calling your baby "Nicodemus", but her partner is called Martin ... . Not really a Pakistani name, now is it?!
18 Mar 2011
News / Poland needs a left wing govt. [111]

Ahaaaaaaaa ... yes, skysoulmate. Now it makes sense! I see ... Thank you very much for your explanation, cause I really truly didn't get it the first time.

But I thought that Ukraine and Belarus are west of Russia and Germany west of Poland, therefore ..... ehh ... nevermind ...
18 Mar 2011
News / Poland needs a left wing govt. [111]

Russians didn't know what the socialism is. If they knew, they could close their nuclear reactors those days.

Can ANYONE, please explain to me what the first sentence has to do with the second?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! If the Russians had known what socialism was, they could have closed down their nuclear reactors ... ?!?!

I mean, really! Even after a complete bottle of port I make more sense.
16 Mar 2011
Language / Polish word "Dom" and its similarities in different languages [46]

Well ... I have heard some scientists found out that people in the Stone Age knew that Ataturk would be a very influencial figure in Turkish politics. Unfortunately there are no sources, cause they didn't write anything down back then ... :-S.

But it is true, you know ... .

Give me a break.

Silly old bat.