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Joined: 21 Nov 2009 / Male ♂
Last Post: 12 Mar 2013
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9 Feb 2011
Love / Possibility of Marriage with a Polish lady [96]

Thanks for the advice :) , but please try to look at my argument instead of referring to my personal situation. I'm here to discuss this underestimated problem created by guys like topicstarter, i'm not here to talk about myself. Thank you.
9 Feb 2011
Love / Possibility of Marriage with a Polish lady [96]

And just like Pinocchio wants to be a little boy, Jarnowa can't get what he wants.

And like always, SeanBM wanders offtopic again, doesn't even give arguments and falls back to insulting. You brave hero never disappoint me!

For a change you should really give it a try, telling why you want non-European males to take away as many Polish and other European ladies as possible? You are very selfish to promote this just because you were lucky so far never having experienced them dating your dream women.
9 Feb 2011
Love / Possibility of Marriage with a Polish lady [96]

Glad your geography is not so bad but would you mind commenting on the point I actually quoted you for?

Already did, i'm only looking for my dream woman within my own territory, which is the EU.

As far as i know Iran doesn't lie within EU so he's looking for a woman in the wrong place.
9 Feb 2011
Love / Possibility of Marriage with a Polish lady [96]

To topicstarter:
I have nothing against Iranians, but you need to understand 1 thing:

Just like Iranians fishermen cannot fish in European waters, Iranian men cannot fish for European women except when these women visit Iran.

Same goes for all non-European males: stay away from European women! Find a woman in your own part of the world!
5 Feb 2011
Love / What do Asian boys think about Polish girls? :) (and vice versa) [150]

Jarnowa, when you wake up in the morning and go for a crap, do you manually push it out onto your hand then force it into your mouth before coming on these forums?

Does it hurt to hear the truth?

It's hard to believe you are not Asian or African yourself, you always sound like one of the them.
5 Feb 2011
Love / What do Asian boys think about Polish girls? :) (and vice versa) [150]

The reasons that some Asians and Africans get lucky with Polish girls is that many Polish girls believe that it is "racist" to reject coloured males straight away (in a bar or club for example) like they do with European guys that don't look good enough for them. So many of these guys, even though they are often more ugly, have better chances to approach them and pull their tricks to make her fall in love with them.

Another reason is of course because Polish girls are notorious for failing to see ugliness in men and even when they see it, they fail to see that for Polish beauties there's absolutely no need to stick with ugly guys. But a bit of smooth talking (something typical for non-European males who try to date white girls) and all these girls see are his "interesting" personality. After the usual tricks pulled by these guys, they fall in love very easy and then completely fail to see that they can choose between plenty of better looking guys.

For example, yesterday i saw another turk getting lucky with a Polish girl. The guy was short, he looked like a player and he had a lot of facial hair (the kind of guy that needs to shave at least 2 times a day). If he was European, he probably wouldn't have a chance because most girls of 1.70 don't want a guy who is only 1.71. And what girl really likes to kiss with a guy with moustache and beard? But because his skin was a bit darker he suddenly became "attractive" for this ignorant sl#t.
28 Jan 2011
News / Pubs in Poznan kick out Roma? [256]

or white men I suppose.

no problem ;)

pubs for gays, pubs for Roma, pubs for whites, pubs for blacks, i don't see the problem.
it's all about freedom. :)

why should all pubs be for everyone, without exception?

because people like Harry otherwise cry about discrimination?
28 Jan 2011
News / Pubs in Poznan kick out Roma? [256]

The problem is people being refused based entirely on their ethnicity, background - whatever - and not because of them as an individual.

Just as an employer can refuse to employ someone for a variety of reasons, it can't be because they are a woman, gay, roma etc.

They can refuse ugly people, they can refuse unhealthy looking people, working class people, people with the wrong clothes, guys with beards, people with tattoos, people with the wrong expression on their face, etc.

All because the owner wants the right people in his place. It's a personal preference or for business reasons or a mix of reasons.

Who are other people to say that such owner MUST allow Roma people, or people with tattoos etc. in HIS place?

That is discrimination. But I wouldn't expect you to understand.

I understand, but i don't agree with the State telling pub owners that they have to let in people against their will.
28 Jan 2011
News / Pubs in Poznan kick out Roma? [256]

What's the problem here? Pubs are privately owned and every owner has the right to refuse people he doesn't like. Discrimination is BS.

White guys also get refused sometimes, including myself.
Then why is it a problem if Roma, negroes or other nonwhites get refused?

It would be discrimination if only white people can be refused!
The racism cryers once again prove that their IQ is too low to take part in discussions.
26 Jan 2011
Real Estate / Where to live, where to avoid in Krakow [28]

don't forget Leeds and Birmingham. in comparison, Edinburgh felt very welcoming.

Fair enough, you failed in Wroclaw, time to move on, eh?

i just think Krakow has more to offer, the only bad thing is you and your 3rd world friends living there.
25 Jan 2011
Real Estate / Where to live, where to avoid in Krakow [28]

jarnowa, I think you are very brave moving to Krakow.
You might change your attitude because of all the 3rd worlders here that you will have to integrate with.

I've been there already a few times and i was surprised that it is not as bad as Prague.
25 Jan 2011
Real Estate / Where to live, where to avoid in Krakow [28]

It would be very beneficial to Wrocław.

Thanks in advance.

Wrocław needs someone like me, otherwise it will look like a 3rd world city in a few years because no one is warning against multicultural degradation.
25 Jan 2011
Real Estate / Where to live, where to avoid in Krakow [28]

I also want to move to Krakow because i found an interesting vacancy.

Oh please do Jarnowa, pleaaaaaaase do, I know many folk who would be interested in your opinions.

Great! I'm looking forward! :)

Most dangerous district in the city. High crime rates.

Yes i know it has a bad reputation, but i read the wiki page and it seems like a very big area so maybe it's only a few areas where most criminals live?

Though I loved living there when I first came to Poland. Though I lived in Glasgow most of my life;)

I don't believe that Scottish cities are extremely unsafe so if it can be compared to Glasgow i am not afraid to move to Nowa Huta. ;)
25 Jan 2011
Real Estate / Where to live, where to avoid in Krakow [28]

I also want to move to Krakow because i found an interesting vacancy.
Is Nowa Huta really bad? Because i saw a cheap flat!
23 Jan 2011

Actually it is very easy for them to do that: just black your face up and you'll find that you get rejected by women just as quickly as you do when you're your usual colour.

There's no denial, in both Western and Eastern Europe i've seen with my own eyes that a significant amount of white women has no problem to reject decent looking white guys without mercy but when a butt ugly turk or negroe wants to dance or talk with her, she suddenly cares about their feelings by not rejecting them and agreeing to dance/talk so as not to feel racist. It's a disgusting phenomen, but it definitely exists.

And what's even more annyoing, it gives many of these turks/negroes superiority feelings. Many of them, no matter how ugly, will think that they ARE more attractive than the average white guy and will feel more confident as a result.
23 Jan 2011

she made 3 bad choices in one.
1) dating a non-Caucasian guy despite all the warnings,
2) dating a b#tt ugly guy (just look at his picture for 3 seconds and try not to vomit)
3) dating a guy with a sick mind. if Polish women would be more critical towards 3rd world guys she would have known from the beginning that this guy is a sicko. but thanks to all the SeanBM's and Harry's of the world, it is very difficult for Polish women to reject unattractive guys if they have a brown skin. then they are expected to give them the benefit of the doubt or get labelled racist (something that most coloureds very well know and happily use to manipulate these girls into dating them).
20 Jan 2011

Yes you did. You were talking about fishing in the wrong water being unacceptable..

Of course this is unacceptable, but i don't think violence should be the answer. There are other ways to teach them a lesson.

Do you know how many Caucasian males are involved in women-trafficking world-wide? You think such criminals never hurt, rape or murder European women? How many news stories do we hear, read and see which involve women-trafficking? Zero? Once in every while? (It still happens every day!) Feel free to draw your own conclusions.

And non-Caucasians don't traffick women? :D
20 Jan 2011

Such a clown you are. Of course you're the one who has mentioned quite a few times that it's perfectly acceptable to beat up people with a different skintone, just because they are socializing, dating or befriending a woman. (And in most cases they're not even doing that, because they're probably just as insecure as you are!)

I've NEVER said that such things are acceptable. I've only said that it's not smart to provoke if you know that some guys will answer your provocations with physical violence.

So why are there so many news stories about Caucasian women hurt, raped, or even slaughtered by non-Caucasian males? The "racist" media i guess?
20 Jan 2011

If I was one of Weronika's family and read some of the bile that is being posted here by the usual suspects I would be disgusted and deeply upset.

I'm shocked to read this and i wish her family all the best, but i don't see what's wrong saying things about her character and her stupid choices.
19 Jan 2011
Life / I got beaten and kicks in my face just cuz i dont look polish [205]

How nice of you to give them so many chances to practise that procedure by speaking to them yourself.

Yes i'm used to rejection. Because white guys who don't look like their dream prince (even if they are not ugly) usually get rejected or ignored. Unlike many turks and negroes, who always seem to get the benefit of doubt, no matter how unattractive they are.
19 Jan 2011
Life / I got beaten and kicks in my face just cuz i dont look polish [205]

He said all negroes, turks, immigrants and dutch people only speak one sentence in Polish that is "suck my dick". Polish girls, after meeting with negroes and turks for 5 mintues in a club, will go to the toilet to have sex. He was bewildered and disgusted by what he had seen.

The only healthy reaction of Caucasian girls when approached by non-Caucasians is to feel disgust, followed by an ice-cold look and then walk away.

I think that radicalised him a bit in his view of women and non poles.

It's a very natural reaction to be disgusted by this.
14 Jan 2011
Life / I got beaten and kicks in my face just cuz i dont look polish [205]

I get tired of getting called a racist just because i show another coloured person's attempt to give Polish/white people a bad name.

I say it one more time: a coloured male who's walking with a Caucasian girl and then gets attacked on the street is NOT a victim of racism. He is victim of his own stupid choice to offend Caucasian guys.
13 Jan 2011
Love / POLISH GIRLS... wake up and prove you are respectable.... [135]

Ha! but they would still all refuse you!!!

No more and more Polish girls are learning that it's not cool to date 3rd world guys and that most of them are only looking for sex and a visa and have nothing to offer that Caucasian guys can't give them.

So next time i'm after a Polish chick and a 3rd world competitor tries the same, she will treat the 3rd worldler like dirt and will try to get me into her pants, i'm quite sure. :)
12 Jan 2011
Life / I got beaten and kicks in my face just cuz i dont look polish [205]

Just look at jarnowa and Southern, neither of them are Polish and yet they revel in a guy getting beaten up because they are scum.

I can't talk for Southern, but i'm very concerned for the safety of murzyns by telling them the most important reason why they get beaten up and what to do to prevent this.

So i don't see why you call me scum for helping the guy who started this topic.